Minigame Ice Tag

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Ice Tag
By Infinitegde​

Players: 1 -12 (Better with more!)
The aim of the game is to kill the creep in the game. Now, you can do this, currently, with only one way. You have to make them touch the dark colored terrain at the edge of the arena. Simple? Indeed, but the trick is that you cannot touch it yourself! However, the reason it's called Ice Tag is because it implements simple Ice Physics. But a long with this, you are able to cause your opponent to slide into the dark zone by approaching it as the enemies tail you! Voila, if they hit it they die, if you mess up and hit it you lose a life! You have 10 lives. If you hit the edge or die, (the enemies attack), then you lose another life. More fun with a lot of people.

Overall: 5%
System: 10%
Multiboard: 80%
Heroes: 2/???
Abilties: 9/???
Levels: 10/???
Testing Phase: 2% tested.

(Please host the demo and report any bugs :D)
Progress Update Log:
12/20/08: Progress Log Created!-
-Fixed Movement System.
-Revamped Boss Level. Much more efficient.
-Tested somewhat. (I need to test it online -.-')
-Collision System working.
-Physics System Revamped? -More efficient, more realistic, SOOOOOOOOO unbalanced.
12/20/08 - 12/30/08:Highlight: TERRAIN DIFFERENCES!!
-Hills and Craters =D Gravity system is somewhat working.
-Fixed abilities!
-Increased Efficiency!
-Tested a bit more!
-Kill detection!-Imperfect.
-Kill Detection System-Fixed
-Started New Hero- Warper
-Added New Abilities- Force Repel, Phase Out, Switch Places
-Added Functionality - Air Speed, Collision Dampeners
-Added Functionality - More Exp to Killer, Gold
1/1/09:First post of year =D
-Added one more ability - Chain Warp
To Do List:
-Revamp Collision System + Detection Status:Complete
-Fix Creep targeting system Status: Complete
-New Physics System. Status: Stable - Z Velocities Added
-Add more levels. Status: Stable - Level 10
-New Game Mode: Terrain Status: Stable - Ready to go.
-Test Multiboard, Multiplayer Capabilities. Status: Stable - So far, so good.
-Kill Detection System Status: Stable - Fixed.
-Ability Vs. Technique System. Status: Stable - No problems thus far.
-Balance the levels Status: In Progress
-Balance skills for hero. Status: In Progress
-Add MORE heroes. Status: In Progress - Warper
-Introduce concept of items into map. Status: In Progress - 4 Items
-Alert System. Status: Not Begun
-Map System Status: Not Begun
-Trees and Obstacles Status: Not Begun
Somewhat Newer Video:
Many changes since then =D
[YOUTUBE]<object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
Attached, please host and report bugs. This is the second demo! It contains the completed footman hero, unfortunately the second hero is still not completed. It also contains the FOUR items (yay), and the option to put hills and craters in.


  • Ice Tag Demo3.w3x
    69.6 KB · Views: 241


Reaction score
The sliding trigger seems cool and smooth :). It'd be better if you could implement something which could bounce when 2 units meet. Momentum. Because the units stop immediately when collide. And the map is still too simple for now. Not sure if anyone would be interested to test it online :p.

Anyway, how does the enemy units detect their target? Just random or you have a periodic trigger running to make them detect nearby units?


New Member
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Oh man, I could have a field day with this thing! The sliding is tons of fun, and it would be sweet to try to trick the creeps into the dark edges! Bravo!

However, I'm just curious why there's so much extra ice?
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Thanks for the replies :D

<< skullkidd

Thanks! Although, I think I already found a bug, but I'm not sure if it's because I was playing in single player or not. The multiboard was messed up when I changed my slot, but I think that's because it was single player... If you host it I was wondering if you could confirm this :D


Their is a collision system, but it doesn't work all the time yet. I think I've found the reason why, need to test it out though. Also, if your speeds are very low, you won't bounce :D And, yes, the game is quite simple. I was wondering what kind of features people think I should add? I'm open to suggestions!

Hehe, there is no attack trigger. I might have to make one eventually, but for now, all I did was changed the constants so the creeps move don't return to camp, AND made there Aquisition range really high so they just go after the closest enemy :D

<< WrathMonkey

Hehe, that's what inspired the map :D The sliding! I made a tutorial on it if you want to take a look at the source... It's somewhere in the tutorial & Resource section. Called Ice Mechanics in vJass.

The reason why there's so much ice? Because I want to add many more features like individual arenas, and Player against player :D

If anyone has any suggestions, the map is still in early development, I'm open to your suggestions :D
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o_O... Tried to play against a computer and it crashed Warcraft. Um... Can some one test and see if this works with 2 people o_O... I can't host...


New Member
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The multiboard is fine with other players.

huh it crashed? does this map even support playing with computer players? or are you talking about the ingame computers? (like the creep)
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o_O it is? Well, I added a fix to the multiboard, but it isn't in that ver... Anyway, I mean adding an extra computer will cause it to crash I guess o_O? I fixed that too. (computers do nothing now)

Also, how were the responses of the people you were playing with?
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mmmm... So, I am going to get back to work on this map as soon as I get War3 installed on my new comp =) Hopefully, progress will pick up because now it wont take 5 minutes to open up JNGP o_O... Anyway, here's a list of what I currently need to fix/do:

-Revamp Collision System + Detection-I learned some physics =D. Er... But really, I need to get that done, and I found another bug with this. The collision system I was using relied on the units being of size 0, so that it would detect collisions properly rather than just hitting the unit and stopping, however, now, if you approach slow enough you can get stuck, in the unit o_O (that is whats been happening with the creepers as well =( )

-Test Multiboard, Multiplayer Capabilities, and ensure everything works correctly o_O... Last time I hosted the people got really annoyed because the map didn't *work* properly hehe...

-Balance the levels!~ Very important... Last time I was playing, ppl were getting absolutely OWNED because the 1st level apparently was very unbalanced...

-Fix Creep targeting system!~ Another large mistake on my part =( Tried to cut corners... That didn't work out as I intended o_O... lol yes, if u play multiplayer, one person will get attacked by ALL the creep. Not a very fun thing to watch one person run away while the rest just sit by and relax lol.

-Add more levels!~ Yes very few levels o_O... Also, must fix the 1st boss level o_O... Very inefficient ability o_O.... erm right. lol.

-Balance skills for hero!~ The current balance seems a bit off but I dunno, just speculation.

-Add MORE heroes!~ and along with that comes more skills, and more balancing =D

-Introduce concept of items into map. Pretty umm... vague concept of that for now =D lol

-New Game Mode~! Terrain =P What does that mean? Hills, trees, snow, less sliding places, more holes, randomly placed holes, cliffs(maybe), erm... rocks? ummm i spose thats it =P

-New Physics System!~ Yes I mentioned above, cliffs and hills and mountains and stuff... hmm... What could that mean ;D? Im fairly certain you will be able to soar like a bird in this new physics system =D So~ Jumping off a hill, major new feature. Will you be able to collide in the air? It might be a bit of a retarded collision but w/e, will see if I feel the need to revamp the collision system another round to include the jumping aspect.

-And... Another system added ALERT SYSTEM! I might make this into an ability, maybe it will be for all players. But I will basically make a system that will act as a radar. For example, every 5 seconds or so, around every player, show obstacles that are around you in some sort of radius. Say, a tree lies in front of you. What will most likely happen is a transparent tree, probably smaller(as it gets closer, it gets larger) than the actual one, will appear next to u in the direction of the tree. It will probably fade out and eventually kill itself... erm. Yes, this probably will include CPU enemies, but probably not include cliffs and jumps. Partly because it will be a headache to determine if the player is eligible to actually get onto the ramp jump or if they will crash into the cliff of the hill o_O.

-Later Future Versions-
-A slew of new game modes:
-Comp Stomp
-Survive the enclosing terrain (Basically the entire terrain starts to become *out of bounds* portions of the map and continues until only one person is left. (Many rounds))
-Actual Freeze tag =P That sounds like fun lol
-Hmm can't really think of any more...

Yes well these are features that are *on my mind* atm. We will see which one's will sneak into the next version release =P Although a few of them are definite; for example, more levels, balancing, ensuring it works, collision fix, targeting fix, efficiency fix, and anything else that is *fixing* rather then doing. So we'll see what else I *do* lol.
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lol not back yet =P I still need to get war3 installed b4 I can start working... also have to find my copies of the map o_O... Its somewhere in my old comp
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Bump~ I have been making progress =P I am also looking for ppl to help me test my map. I need feedback =( I can't tell if a certain level is too difficult or too easy or whatever, so I need some people to help me balance and test it.

Mkay so back to progress: FINALLY made the Hills and Craters and Gravity work together =P After many failed attemps =( But now I got it somewhat working =D
Completely revamping Ability System. Now you can learn skills OR you can upgrade your technique =D Yay! So basically I added a spellbook that contains the level ups for your techniques. Created a kill counter that works ALMOST flawlessly =D The only way it wont be counted as your kill is if you collide into the unit, are flying back as the other unit is careening to its death, and another hero happens to be standing by the edge. So the dying unit targets opposing hero but dies due to the effect of ur collision. Predicament? not for long =D I think I just came up with a somewhat solution. Yay =D Anyway, I have gotten all the old abilities up and running somewhat. And I went back and replaced a shiz load of my crappy coding inefficiencies. So basically, efficiency increase =D Hmm... Nothing else to report I suppose. Next on my list is more abilities, then more levels, then more heroes... Or maybe ill scrap all of that and do the radar system, meaning TREES and other DESTRUCTIBLES!!!
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Bump~ Happy New Years!
Unfortunately, I am super sick and couldn't go out anywhere, so I spent New Year's with my Family! I also got quite a bit of work in!

-So I fixed Kill Detection System. I added 4 new abilities, Footman's armor, Force Repel, Phase Out, and Switch Places. With that many new abilities I've begun work on another character! Yay!! His type is Warper. As you can tell from the name, he warps space in odd ways. How does he do it? We will never know! Anyway, he has Phase Out and Switch Places. Basically Phase out just gives some percent chance to prevent negative effects of a collision and causes unit to come to nearly a complete stop. Switch Places basically just switches places with a unit in front of you =D Whats good about it is, For example, your standing in a corner facing an incoming unit, you activate this spell as the unit enters ur range, you swap places, but the unit continues on at his same speed, inevitably dying.
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-More Progress Yay!! Mmkay. Like I said, a gold system was added, with the intention of having items, so, without further ado, ITEMS!!! Yayy!! 4 Items so far? More to come =D, I'm also changing up the multiboard. Going to display certain stats that are somewhat important =D

Also, I colorized the enemy units. Why? Because I could =D To add a bit more color to the map!

Also, new system to come. A map system with premade maps. For example, you can preload maps that I created for your enjoyment of course =D Or you can stay with the random terrain field.


New Member
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Very nice idea.

The attachment there seems really out of date, though - doesn't seem to have any of the stuff in the progress log. I won't say everything that's wrong with the out-of-date(?) version.

Also, as an idea for a class, maybe a mage? Could learn several spells that wouldn't deal damage, of course, but would knock enemies around. Would have to be slow and have small amounts of hp to make up for having spells, though...

Hmm... now I come to think of it, that does seem somewhat Warlock-ish.
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Mmmm. I know that the ver posted is very out of date. It was mean't as a demo. Mmmm... I will post a newer version ASAP. I don't want to give up all of the secrets =D So I will have to edit out a few features. But I will post a newer version.

About the mage, yeah. I will have a variety of mages in my map. I already have added one, the Warper. So far, it's been looking good. I intend to add a lot more =D Thanks for the reply~


New Member
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Ahhhh, much better :)

Obviously, at this early stage, the terrain is somewhat meh. If you have time/inclination, a bit more variety in hill types would be nice.

Minor suggestion: Give every hero a 'jump' ability. This would simply make them go up a little, and wouldn't be targeted. That could be used to great effect in some levels with chasms, twists and turns.

Maybe reduce the gravity a bit? I dunno how difficult or otherwise that would be, but atm, there's little difference between going down a hill or a hole, and going horizontally.

Also, it might be nice if you added separate points for skills and for attributes.

Really looking forward to seeing more of this, one of the most interesting and unique maps I've seen in a long time. Keep it up.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot one thing: I really hate the casting times. Although low, most of the skills are (at least for me) emergency safeguards. So no casting times on most/all of the abilities would be nice, but you may not want to do that for whatever reason.
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