Is there any way I can cast a Channel spell?

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I've used a lot the Channel ability for different spells in my map but when it comes to issuing an order the spell isn't casted. I think it has something to do with orders but when issuing the specific order I set in my Channel spell nothing happens...
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> Im just a modderat tigger user, but you might want to set the cast time to 0.01?
You didn't even get what I'm talking about.


You can change this now in User CP.
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First, Deathspade, why would that make any difference ??

Second, do you have several channel based spells on the same unit ?
Try change the Base Order ID of the spell in the Object Editor and then use that Order ID in the trigger and see if it works :D

Off Topic: You like Killswitch Engage ??? Nice !!! ;);)
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> Second, do you have several channel based spells on the same unit ?
Yes I do, and that is not a problem since Channel provides an option to change order strings and thus there won't be any conflicts.
The problems come when I try to cast the spell with triggers with the specific order - nothing happens.


wishes wells.
Reaction score
> Second, do you have several channel based spells on the same unit ?
Yes I do, and that is not a problem since Channel provides an option to change order strings and thus there won't be any conflicts.
The problems come when I try to cast the spell with triggers with the specific order - nothing happens.

can you show us one of the triggers that cause the problem? And i guess you checked if the unit has enough mana to actually cast the spell, or if the target is immune?
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Oh, my apologies - it was a mistake in my code (I was using a wrong spellid).
I thought it was a bug with Channel...


--- wraith it ! ---
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if you want your unit to cast Channel while it has several Channels, use OrderId.
this is a list of Order Id by Cohadar
//  OIDs -- OrderIDs by Cohadar -- v1.1
//       * Just a bounch of usefull constants
//       * I guess the most common use would be ordering a dummy caster
//  THANKS TO: ???
//       * I totally stole these constants from someones .xls file.
//       * Unfortunately I forgot whose file it was (probably PipeDream or PitzerMike)
//       * If someone finds an order not mentioned here please let me know so I can add it.
//       * Just create a trigger named OIDs
//       * then convert it to text and replace the whole trigger text with this one
library OID

    public constant integer absorb       =      852529
    public constant integer acolyteharvest       =      852185
    public constant integer AImove       =      851988
    public constant integer ambush       =      852131
    public constant integer ancestralspirit      =      852490
    public constant integer ancestralspirittarget        =      852491
    public constant integer animatedead  =      852217
    public constant integer antimagicshell       =      852186
    public constant integer attack       =      851983
    public constant integer attackground         =      851984
    public constant integer attackonce   =      851985
    public constant integer attributemodskill    =      852576
    public constant integer auraunholy   =      852215
    public constant integer auravampiric         =      852216
    public constant integer autodispel   =      852132
    public constant integer autodispeloff        =      852134
    public constant integer autodispelon         =      852133
    public constant integer autoentangle         =      852505
    public constant integer autoentangleinstant  =      852506
    public constant integer autoharvestgold      =      852021
    public constant integer autoharvestlumber    =      852022
    public constant integer avatar       =      852086
    public constant integer avengerform  =      852531
    public constant integer awaken       =      852466
    public constant integer banish       =      852486
    public constant integer barkskin     =      852135
    public constant integer barkskinoff  =      852137
    public constant integer barkskinon   =      852136
    public constant integer battleroar   =      852599
    public constant integer battlestations       =      852099
    public constant integer bearform     =      852138
    public constant integer berserk      =      852100
    public constant integer blackarrow   =      852577
    public constant integer blackarrowoff        =      852579
    public constant integer blackarrowon         =      852578
    public constant integer blight       =      852187
    public constant integer blink        =      852525
    public constant integer blizzard     =      852089
    public constant integer bloodlust    =      852101
    public constant integer bloodlustoff         =      852103
    public constant integer bloodluston  =      852102
    public constant integer board        =      852043
    public constant integer breathoffire         =      852580
    public constant integer breathoffrost        =      852560
    public constant integer build        =      851994
    public constant integer burrow       =      852533
    public constant integer cannibalize  =      852188
    public constant integer carrionscarabs       =      852551
    public constant integer carrionscarabsinstant        =      852554
    public constant integer carrionscarabsoff    =      852553
    public constant integer carrionscarabson     =      852552
    public constant integer carrionswarm         =      852218
    public constant integer chainlightning       =      852119
    public constant integer channel      =      852600
    public constant integer charm        =      852581
    public constant integer cloudoffog   =      852473
    public constant integer clusterrockets       =      852652
    public constant integer coldarrows   =      852244
    public constant integer coldarrowstarg       =      852243
    public constant integer controlmagic         =      852474
    public constant integer corporealform        =      852493
    public constant integer corrosivebreath      =      852140
    public constant integer coupleinstant        =      852508
    public constant integer coupletarget         =      852507
    public constant integer creepanimatedead     =      852246
    public constant integer creepdevour  =      852247
    public constant integer creepheal    =      852248
    public constant integer creephealoff         =      852250
    public constant integer creephealon  =      852249
    public constant integer creepthunderbolt     =      852252
    public constant integer creepthunderclap     =      852253
    public constant integer cripple      =      852189
    public constant integer curse        =      852190
    public constant integer curseoff     =      852192
    public constant integer curseon      =      852191
    public constant integer cyclone      =      852144
    public constant integer darkconversion       =      852228
    public constant integer darkportal   =      852229
    public constant integer darkritual   =      852219
    public constant integer darksummoning        =      852220
    public constant integer deathanddecay        =      852221
    public constant integer deathcoil    =      852222
    public constant integer deathpact    =      852223
    public constant integer decouple     =      852509
    public constant integer defend       =      852055
    public constant integer detectaoe    =      852015
    public constant integer detonate     =      852145
    public constant integer devour       =      852104
    public constant integer devourmagic  =      852536
    public constant integer disassociate         =      852240
    public constant integer disenchant   =      852495
    public constant integer dismount     =      852470
    public constant integer dispel       =      852057
    public constant integer divineshield         =      852090
    public constant integer doom         =      852583
    public constant integer drain        =      852487
    public constant integer dreadlordinferno     =      852224
    public constant integer dropitem     =      852001
    public constant integer drunkenhaze  =      852585
    public constant integer earthquake   =      852121
    public constant integer eattree      =      852146
    public constant integer elementalfury        =      852586
    public constant integer ensnare      =      852106
    public constant integer ensnareoff   =      852108
    public constant integer ensnareon    =      852107
    public constant integer entangle     =      852147
    public constant integer entangleinstant      =      852148
    public constant integer entanglingroots      =      852171
    public constant integer etherealform         =      852496
    public constant integer evileye      =      852105
    public constant integer faeriefire   =      852149
    public constant integer faeriefireoff        =      852151
    public constant integer faeriefireon         =      852150
    public constant integer fanofknives  =      852526
    public constant integer farsight     =      852122
    public constant integer fingerofdeath        =      852230
    public constant integer firebolt     =      852231
    public constant integer flamestrike  =      852488
    public constant integer flamingarrows        =      852174
    public constant integer flamingarrowstarg    =      852173
    public constant integer flamingattack        =      852540
    public constant integer flamingattacktarg    =      852539
    public constant integer flare        =      852060
    public constant integer forceboard   =      852044
    public constant integer forceofnature        =      852176
    public constant integer forkedlightning      =      852587
    public constant integer freezingbreath       =      852195
    public constant integer frenzy       =      852561
    public constant integer frenzyoff    =      852563
    public constant integer frenzyon     =      852562
    public constant integer frostarmor   =      852225
    public constant integer frostarmoroff        =      852459
    public constant integer frostarmoron         =      852458
    public constant integer frostnova    =      852226
    public constant integer getitem      =      851981
    public constant integer gold2lumber  =      852233
    public constant integer grabtree     =      852511
    public constant integer harvest      =      852018
    public constant integer heal         =      852063
    public constant integer healingward  =      852109
    public constant integer healingwave  =      852501
    public constant integer healoff      =      852065
    public constant integer healon       =      852064
    public constant integer hex  =      852502
    public constant integer holdposition         =      851993
    public constant integer holybolt     =      852092
    public constant integer howlofterror         =      852588
    public constant integer humanbuild   =      851995
    public constant integer immolation   =      852177
    public constant integer impale       =      852555
    public constant integer inferno      =      852232
    public constant integer innerfire    =      852066
    public constant integer innerfireoff         =      852068
    public constant integer innerfireon  =      852067
    public constant integer instant      =      852200
    public constant integer invisibility         =      852069
    public constant integer lightningshield      =      852110
    public constant integer load         =      852046
    public constant integer loadarcher   =      852142
    public constant integer loadcorpse   =      852050
    public constant integer loadcorpseinstant    =      852053
    public constant integer locustswarm  =      852556
    public constant integer lumber2gold  =      852234
    public constant integer magicdefense         =      852478
    public constant integer magicleash   =      852480
    public constant integer magicundefense       =      852479
    public constant integer manaburn     =      852179
    public constant integer manaflareoff         =      852513
    public constant integer manaflareon  =      852512
    public constant integer manashieldoff        =      852590
    public constant integer manashieldon         =      852589
    public constant integer massteleport         =      852093
    public constant integer mechanicalcritter    =      852564
    public constant integer metamorphosis        =      852180
    public constant integer militia      =      852072
    public constant integer militiaconvert       =      852071
    public constant integer militiaoff   =      852073
    public constant integer militiaunconvert     =      852651
    public constant integer mindrot      =      852565
    public constant integer mirrorimage  =      852123
    public constant integer monsoon      =      852591
    public constant integer mount        =      852469
    public constant integer mounthippogryph      =      852143
    public constant integer move         =      851986
    public constant integer nagabuild    =      852467
    public constant integer neutraldetectaoe     =      852023
    public constant integer neutralinteract      =      852566
    public constant integer neutralspell         =      852630
    public constant integer nightelfbuild        =      851997
    public constant integer orcbuild     =      851996
    public constant integer parasite     =      852601
    public constant integer parasiteoff  =      852603
    public constant integer parasiteon   =      852602
    public constant integer patrol       =      851990
    public constant integer phaseshift   =      852514
    public constant integer phaseshiftinstant    =      852517
    public constant integer phaseshiftoff        =      852516
    public constant integer phaseshifton         =      852515
    public constant integer phoenixfire  =      852481
    public constant integer phoenixmorph         =      852482
    public constant integer poisonarrows         =      852255
    public constant integer poisonarrowstarg     =      852254
    public constant integer polymorph    =      852074
    public constant integer possession   =      852196
    public constant integer preservation         =      852568
    public constant integer purge        =      852111
    public constant integer rainofchaos  =      852237
    public constant integer rainoffire   =      852238
    public constant integer raisedead    =      852197
    public constant integer raisedeadoff         =      852199
    public constant integer raisedeadon  =      852198
    public constant integer ravenform    =      852155
    public constant integer recharge     =      852157
    public constant integer rechargeoff  =      852159
    public constant integer rechargeon   =      852158
    public constant integer rejuvenation         =      852160
    public constant integer renew        =      852161
    public constant integer renewoff     =      852163
    public constant integer renewon      =      852162
    public constant integer repair       =      852024
    public constant integer repairoff    =      852026
    public constant integer repairon     =      852025
    public constant integer replenish    =      852542
    public constant integer replenishlife        =      852545
    public constant integer replenishlifeoff     =      852547
    public constant integer replenishlifeon      =      852546
    public constant integer replenishmana        =      852548
    public constant integer replenishmanaoff     =      852550
    public constant integer replenishmanaon      =      852549
    public constant integer replenishoff         =      852544
    public constant integer replenishon  =      852543
    public constant integer request_hero         =      852239
    public constant integer requestsacrifice     =      852201
    public constant integer restoration  =      852202
    public constant integer restorationoff       =      852204
    public constant integer restorationon        =      852203
    public constant integer resumebuild  =      851999
    public constant integer resumeharvesting     =      852017
    public constant integer resurrection         =      852283 // was 852094
    public constant integer returnresources      =      852020
    public constant integer revenge      =      852241
    public constant integer revive       =      852039
    public constant integer roar         =      852164
    public constant integer robogoblin   =      852656
    public constant integer root         =      852165
    public constant integer sacrifice    =      852205
    public constant integer sanctuary    =      852569
    public constant integer scout        =      852181
    // mine custom
    public constant integer scrollofspeed        =      852285
    public constant integer selfdestruct         =      852040
    public constant integer selfdestructoff      =      852042
    public constant integer selfdestructon       =      852041
    public constant integer sentinel     =      852182
    public constant integer setrally     =      851980
    public constant integer shadowsight  =      852570
    public constant integer shadowstrike         =      852527
    public constant integer shockwave    =      852125
    public constant integer silence      =      852592
    public constant integer sleep        =      852227
    public constant integer slow         =      852075
    public constant integer slowoff      =      852077
    public constant integer slowon       =      852076
    public constant integer soulpreservation     =      852242
    public constant integer spellshield  =      852571
    public constant integer spellshieldaoe       =      852572
    public constant integer spellsteal   =      852483
    public constant integer spellstealoff        =      852485
    public constant integer spellstealon         =      852484
    public constant integer spies        =      852235
    public constant integer spiritlink   =      852499
    public constant integer spiritofvengeance    =      852528
    public constant integer spirittroll  =      852573
    public constant integer spiritwolf   =      852126
    public constant integer stampede     =      852593
    public constant integer standdown    =      852113
    public constant integer starfall     =      852183
    public constant integer stasistrap   =      852114
    public constant integer steal        =      852574
    public constant integer stomp        =      852127
    public constant integer stoneform    =      852206
    public constant integer stop         =      851972
    public constant integer submerge     =      852604
    public constant integer summonfactory        =      852658
    public constant integer summongrizzly        =      852594
    public constant integer summonphoenix        =      852489
    public constant integer summonquillbeast     =      852595
    public constant integer summonwareagle       =      852596
    public constant integer tankdroppilot        =      852079
    public constant integer tankloadpilot        =      852080
    public constant integer tankpilot    =      852081
    public constant integer taunt        =      852520
    public constant integer thunderbolt  =      852095
    public constant integer thunderclap  =      852096
    public constant integer tornado      =      852597
    public constant integer townbelloff  =      852083
    public constant integer townbellon   =      852082
    public constant integer tranquility  =      852184
    public constant integer unavatar     =      852087
    public constant integer unavengerform        =      852532
    public constant integer unbearform   =      852139
    public constant integer unburrow     =      852534
    public constant integer uncoldarrows         =      852245
    public constant integer uncorporealform      =      852494
    public constant integer undeadbuild  =      851998
    public constant integer undefend     =      852056
    public constant integer undivineshield       =      852091
    public constant integer unetherealform       =      852497
    public constant integer unflamingarrows      =      852175
    public constant integer unflamingattack      =      852541
    public constant integer unholyfrenzy         =      852209
    public constant integer unimmolation         =      852178
    public constant integer unload       =      852047
    public constant integer unloadall    =      852048
    public constant integer unloadallcorpses     =      852054
    public constant integer unloadallinstant     =      852049
    public constant integer unpoisonarrows       =      852256
    public constant integer unravenform  =      852156
    public constant integer unrobogoblin         =      852657
    public constant integer unroot       =      852166
    public constant integer unstableconcoction   =      852500
    public constant integer unstoneform  =      852207
    public constant integer unsubmerge   =      852605
    public constant integer unsummon     =      852210
    public constant integer unwindwalk   =      852130
    public constant integer vengeance    =      852521
    public constant integer vengeanceinstant     =      852524
    public constant integer vengeanceoff         =      852523
    public constant integer vengeanceon  =      852522
    public constant integer voodoo       =      852503
    public constant integer ward         =      852504
    public constant integer wardofshadowsight    =      852570
    public constant integer waterelemental       =      852097
    public constant integer wateryminion         =      852598
    public constant integer web  =      852211
    public constant integer weboff       =      852213
    public constant integer webon        =      852212
    public constant integer whirlwind    =      852128
    public constant integer windwalk     =      852129
    public constant integer wispharvest  =      852214
    public constant integer acidbomb     =      852662
    public constant integer chemicalrage         =      852663
    public constant integer healingspray         =      852664
    public constant integer transmute    =      852665
    public constant integer lavamonster  =      852667
    public constant integer soulburn     =      852668
    public constant integer volcano      =      852669
    public constant integer cancel       =      851976
    public constant integer moveslot1    =      852002
    public constant integer moveslot2    =      852003
    public constant integer moveslot3    =      852004
    public constant integer moveslot4    =      852005
    public constant integer moveslot5    =      852006
    public constant integer moveslot6    =      852007
    public constant integer useslot1     =      852008
    public constant integer useslot2     =      852009
    public constant integer useslot3     =      852010
    public constant integer useslot4     =      852011
    public constant integer useslot5     =      852012
    public constant integer useslot6     =      852013
    public constant integer smart        =      851971
    public constant integer skillmenu    =      852000
    //public constant integer instant?   =      851991
    //public constant integer instant?   =      851987
    //public constant integer instant?   =      851973
    //public constant integer instant?   =      851975
    //public constant integer instant?   =      852019


the id depends on the Data - Base Order ID of your Channel, for example, it's blizzard so you will have to use order id: 852089 (or OID_blizzard if you have OID library :) ) like this:
call IssueImmediateOrderById( <your unit>, OID_blizzard )
call IssueTargetOrderById( <your unit>, OID_blizzard, <your target> )
call IssuePointOrderById( <your unit>, OID_blizzard, <your target X>, <your target Y> )


EDIT: Channel is my favorite "fake" spell :D, but anyone know what is the option Unique Cast ?
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  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
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