JASS - Timers and how to pass data to them


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Timers and how to pass data to them​

This little tutorial aims to teach you how to use timers and make MUI spells and systems with them.

You need to have a nice knowledge about structs and Jass in general. This tutorial contains lots of vJass stuff, so you must have NewGen and newest JassHelper

Basic Timer Knowledge​

Timer is a really usefull handle, because it gives us a control over the time itself. We can delay our actions or call some function in really fast periods, which is needed for stuff like moving units smoothly around.

List of useful timer functions:
native CreateTimer takes nothing returns timer

native DestroyTimer takes timer whichTimer returns nothing

In these days, we dont destroy timers anymore. They are usually recycled.
More about this later.
native TimerStart takes timer whichTimer, real timeout, boolean periodic, code handlerFunc returns nothing

This starts our timer. Function handlerFunction is the function which is called when timer expires. Boolean periodic determines whether timer is paused after it expires, or does it keep calling the handlerFunction.
native PauseTimer takes timer whichTimer returns nothing

native GetExpiredTimer takes nothing returns timer

You can use this in handlerFunction. It gives you the timer, which is calling the handlerFunction, so you can for example pause it using PauseTimer.

There is more timer related functions in Jass, and you can find them using NewGens Function List.

The MUI problem​

The problem with timers is that the actions are called in handlerFunction, which prevents us from using local variables. To make our spells and systems MUI, we need to somehow pass all needed data to the handlerFunction. There is several ways of doing this.

   timer time=CreateTimer()

function handler takes nothing returns nothing
     call KillUnit(u) // error, local unit u doesnt work here.
     // What should we do now?

function start takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u=GetTriggerUnit()
    call TimerStart(time,5.,false,function handler)


There is dozens cool timer and struct attachment -systems around there, which can do this job for you.
The purpose of this tutorial is not to teach you use those systems, but to learn few techniques you can use to do it by yourself.

I mention TimerUtils here as an example of a timer system.

Periodic Timers​

For fast periodic timers you can use one timer with struct arrays. This is pretty easy technique, and Im now going to tell how it works.

The idea is to have all spell instances in a struct array and then loop through that array and call actions for all instances no matter whether there is 1 or 100 of them.

You should already know something about structs and how they work.
struct Data

 // stuff you need, like:
    unit caster
    real damage
    integer count=0
    method action takes nothing returns nothing
        // some stuff


For this technique you need a timer, an integer and a Data array.
    private integer Total=0
    private Data array D
    private timer T=CreateTimer()

Adding Struct to array:

When you have created a new spell instance ( Data ), you need to add it to array D, so timer can start calling its actions.

Integer Total tells us how many active instances there is currently. Our first action is to check if Total is 0. This means that we need to start our timer.
        if Total==0 then
           call TimerStart(T,0.03,true,function TimerLoop)

You better not to forget adding your struct to array.
set D[Total]=this

After this we incerease Total, because there is now a new instance created.
set Total=Total+1

private function Start takes nothing returns nothing
        local Data this=Data.create()
        // store all needed data to struct and do actions you need
        if Total==0 then
           call TimerStart(T,0.03,true,function TimerLoop)
        set D[Total]=this
        set Total=Total+1

Periodic Actions:

Our handlerFunction is a function called TimerLoop. We need to loop through the array now.

private function TimerLoop takes nothing returns nothing
     local integer i=0 // integer i is our loopindex
        exitwhen i>=Total // We stop when we have done actions for all instances

            // actions

        set i=i+1


You also need to do all the actions. If you are making a damage over time spell, you do your damage here. If you are making a knockback, this is where the units are moved.

One option is to have your actions in a method.

private function TimerLoop takes nothing returns nothing
     local integer i=0
        exitwhen i>=Total

            call D<i>.action() 

        set i=i+1

Removing instances from array:

When your spell is done, you need to remove that instance from array.
We also need to keep our array whole. When an instance is removed from array it leaves an empty spot. The best way to fix this spot, is to move our last array member to there..

set D<i>=D[Total]</i>

We also need to decerease Total, because we are just removing an instance.


             call D<i>.destroy() // dont forget to destroy your struct
             set Total=Total-1 // decerease total by one
             // If Total is greater than 0 we need to reorganize our array a bit 
             if Total &gt; 0 then
                 set D<i>=D[Total] // Here we fill that empty spot.
                 set i=i-1 // Loop index must also be decereased
             else // Total is 0 so there is no active instances
                 call PauseTimer(T) // We can pause our timer

Complete TimerLoop function:
private function TimerLoop takes nothing returns nothing
     local integer i=0
        exitwhen i&gt;=Total
        if D<i>.end then // end is a boolean which tells us when to stop calling actions
             call D<i>.destroy()
             set Total=Total-1
             if Total &gt; 0 then
                 set D<i>=D[Total]
                 set i=i-1
                 call PauseTimer(T)
            call D<i>.action()
        set i=i+1

Using a struct array is a fast and safe method. It is an easy and good solution for periodic timers and you should use it whenever you can.

Attaching Data to Timers

There is still many situations where above mehod is not an option.
You might need a non periodic timer for waiting few seconds, or 0.0 timer for damage blocking.

In these situations, you need to attach your data to timer. There is many ways to do this, yet all of them are somehow based on famous H2I function.

function H2I takes handle h returns integer
    return h
    return 0

This function uses wc3´s return bug and allows us to use any handles unique handle index.


      local location loc=Location(0.,0.)
      local integer handleID=H2I(loc)

The problem of hanlde indexes is that they are too big integers to be used as array indexes. LocArray[ H2I(loc) ] doesnt really work, but there is few solutions for that.
You can use some hashing algorithm or decerease handle id by wc3´s initial handle amount, which is 0x100000. ( Actutally BJ creates some extra handles too, but this should work )

You can search these timer systems from different wc3 forums and check what kind of methods they use for timer attaching.

Timer System​

This Timer System does pretty much the same thing TimerUtils (Red) does. This part aims to explain how a system like it works.

Some Basic stuff:
library TimerSystem
    // wc3´s initial handle count. If your map has lots of preplaced stuff,   
   //  which incereases handle count, you should incerease this.
    private constant integer MIN_HANDLE_COUNT = 0x100000
    // How many timers you are gonna need?
   // You should use one timer &amp; struct array in most of cases, so you 
   // should not need too many timers
    private constant integer TIMER_COUNT = 100
   // These are needed for timer recycling.
    private timer array Timers
    private integer Index

// H2I is one of the coolest functions ever.
private function H2I takes handle h returns integer
    return h
    return 0


Recycling Timers:

In our initializer function, we fill our array with timers. Note that the amount of timers this system can support is limited. You need to know how many timers your need for your map.

private function InitTrig takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i=1
        exitwhen i &gt; TIMER_COUNT // we stop when we have all the 100 timers have been created
        set Stack<i>=CreateTimer()
        set i = i + 1
    set Index=TIMER_COUNT+1

This system requires you to use NewTimer and ReleaseTimer functions.
These functions handle the recycling.

function NewTimer takes nothing returns timer
    if Index==0 then  // if index is 0 , all our 100 timers are in use.
        call BJDebugMsg(&quot;no more timers left&quot;)
        return null
    set Index=Index-1 // We use a same kind of array handling here than we
    return Timers[Index]  // used with struct arrays

function ReleaseTimer takes timer t returns nothing
    if t != null then
        call PauseTimer(t) // Pausing the timer is a good idea.
        set Timers[Index]=t // We return our timer back to array
        set Index=Index+1 // and incerease Index

Attaching Data

Because all timers are created in map init, their handle id´s should be low enough to be converted to suitable array index´s. However, if you are creating a lot of other handles in map init, you might need a bigger number for MIN_HANDLE_COUNT. Suitable MIN_HANDLE_COUNT can be easily found by adding a simple debug msg to init function:
    set Timers[0]=CreateTimer() // System doesnt use Timers[0], so we can use it to see how
    //  many handles are created before our Timers.
    debug call BJDebugMsg(&quot;MIN_HANDLE_COUNT: &quot;+I2S(H2I(Timers[0])))

A function like this can be used to get timers index:
function GetTimerId takes timer t returns integer
    return H2I(t)-MIN_HANDLE_COUNT

You can use this index as an array index. An easy way to make spells MUI.
    private Data array D

function Expire takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t=GetExpiredTimer()
    local Data d = D[  GetTimerId(t)  ]
    call ReleaseTimer(t)

function Start takes nothing returns nothing
    local Data d=Data.create()
    local timer t=NewTimer()
    set D[ GetTimerId(t) ] = d

You can also have a one integer array for storing all struct types, and some nice GetTimerData and SetTimerData -functions.
Vexorian´s TimerUtils ( Red flavor ) uses this method. Studying that system is a good idea.

This kind of timer attaching system is really fast, because it only takes an array lookup, substraction and H2I call, but it is not very practical because of limited number of timers.
And still, it is really usefull when you cant use struct arrays for some reason.

library TimerSystem initializer Init
    private constant integer MIN_HANDLE_COUNT = 0x100000
    private constant integer TIMER_COUNT = 100
    private timer array Timers
    private integer Index

private function H2I takes handle h returns integer
    return h
    return 0

function GetTimerId takes timer t returns integer
    return H2I(t)-MIN_HANDLE_COUNT

function NewTimer takes nothing returns timer
    if Index==0 then
        call BJDebugMsg(&quot;no more timers left&quot;)
        return null
    set Index=Index-1
    return Timers[Index]

function ReleaseTimer takes timer t returns nothing
    if t != null then
        call PauseTimer(t)
        set Timers[Index]=t
        set Index=Index+1

private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i=1
    set Timers[0]=CreateTimer()
    debug call BJDebugMsg(&quot;MIN_HANDLE_COUNT: &quot;+I2S(H2I(Timers[0])))
        exitwhen i &gt; TIMER_COUNT
        set Timers<i>=CreateTimer()
        set i = i + 1
    set Index=TIMER_COUNT+1


This is my first tutorial, and I know that it will need a lot of editing before its complete. Comments and criticism are welcome.

I hope this helps those guys who want to learn about the use of timers.
Reaction score
I don't know why, it's just a feeling, but I think this tutorial lacks more explanation. You could extend some parts of it since it might be quite confusing for people that have just understood the basic uses of timers and structs. Good job anyway, +rep.


No Marlo no game.
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I got the same feeling. I think Im gonna write some more examples and instructions.


Probably not around
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My "jass education" took a long brake since i couldn't wrap my head around timers (I couldn't find a tutorial and i was to lazy to ask someone) hopefully this will force me to get back to my "studies".

Unfortunately I wont have time to go through this tutorial anytime soon (because of my real education), but i will eventually, Thanks.


You can change this now in User CP.
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You should talk more about the pros and cons.

Attaching Structs to Timers possibly is the easiest of use way to do it, whereas your struct array solution has the advantage of not using a lot of extra functions to work, etc.

Also, you should talk more about expected memory usage, runtime, etc. ...
For example, If i really need to make a timer trigger that is run very often, which way is the best to do it?

Also, you should point out probabilities of leaking and how to avoid them.

I also suggest giving an example on your struct array solution.

Anyways, nice tutorial.


Diversity enchants
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Tutorial teaches best way to create MUI triggers. I don't know much about H2I safety. Is there no way to mess up handle count?

> You might need a non periodic timer for waiting few seconds, or 0.0 timer for damage blocking.

It is done by adding as first thing item ability which gives huge amount of bonus health. Then storing that health value to variable and using 'If/ Then/ Else' action to check anything (for example unit current health) and then getting again unit new health value. Unit gets damaged when condition is checked so timer can be skipped.

> // wc3´s initial handle count. If your map has lots of preplaced stuff,
// which incereases handle count, you should incerease this.

How do I calculate new handle count?


No Marlo no game.
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Is there no way to mess up handle count?

Yes, there is. H2I alone is safe, but if you somehow manage to mess handle count ( Using I2H to dead handle, or destroying a trigger when it triggers, for example ) it can make H2I fail, and cause some other random bugs too.

It is done by adding as first thing item ability which gives huge amount of bonus health. Then storing that health value to variable and using 'If/ Then/ Else' action to check anything (for example unit current health) and then getting again unit new health value. Unit gets damaged when condition is checked so timer can be skipped.

Nice, I didnt know that. Still, 0.0 timer is useful in some ( rare ) cases.

How do I calculate new handle count?

You can just create some random handle and call BJDebugMsg(I2S(H2I( yourhandle ))) to see its handle index.


Diversity enchants
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Was too vague first time, I meant this part:
    // wc3´s initial handle count. If your map has lots of preplaced stuff,   
   //  which incereases handle count, you should incerease this.
    private constant integer MIN_HANDLE_COUNT = 0x100000

How do I calculate new value?


New Member
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For the struct method and arrays. How do i go about running the function Start? What i mean is how should i trigger this function efficiently? Thanks.


Back for now.
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Im pretty sure the Start function you are talking about, is just the same as what is generally named the Actions function. So you would add the function to a trigger on map initialization, just like you would for most spells.

function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger trig = CreateTrigger()

    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trig,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER)
    call TriggerAddCondition(trig,Condition(function Conditions))
    call TriggerAddAction(trig,function Actions) // &lt;---- That is what calls the &quot;Start&quot; function.
    // call TriggerAddAction(trig,function Start) &lt;---- That is what you should right if you actually named the function &quot;Start&quot;.


New Member
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makes sense :) Not sure why i couldnt figure that out >.< probably is due to lack of sleep. thanks, this helped me understand how to use timers in a mui approach. Espec the idea of reusing a timer.


No Marlo no game.
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I should probably improve this with some proper examples, but Im pretty busy with one spell contest and one Hero contest, so this will have to wait.

Anyways, Im glad if this helped some of you. :)

edit. Start is just some function you use to 'start' your periodic actions. As kenny! said, it is usually your triggeraction too.


New Member
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Well I have a spell like:
  • Then - Actions
    • Set temp_group = (Units in (Playable map area) matching (((Matching unit) is owned by Player 1 (Red)) Equal to (==) True))
    • Unit Group - Pick every unit in temp_group and do (Actions)
      • Loop - Actions
        • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the overhead of (Picked unit) using Abilities\Spells\Human\Resurrect\ResurrectCaster.mdl
        • Unit - Add Enchantment (Damage) to (Picked unit)
        • Unit - Add Enchantment (Armor) to (Picked unit)
    • Wait 3.00 seconds
    • Unit Group - Pick every unit in temp_group and do (Actions)
      • Loop - Actions
        • Unit - Remove Enchantment (Damage) from (Picked unit)
        • Unit - Remove Enchantment (Armor) from (Picked unit)
        • Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
    • Custom script: call DestroyGroup (udg_temp_group)

And I need a JASS timer for it I think to work, since it doesn't remove the abilities. So was wondering how/what would I implement..? My friend helped me with the code in vJASS as well, so I have that in case I can't just throw it in the raw script.


New Member
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whats the point of MIN_HANDLE_COUNT and hexidecimals? never really understand why


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H2I(someTimer) is way too high too fit 8192, so taking away 0x100000 or MIN_HANDLE_COUNT will make it fit.
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    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
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    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
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