

Life is made of the little things, live it well
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I believe the governments war on drugs is a waste of time and money. There will always be drugs and the people who farm and sale them. We waste too much money and room in the prison systems holding these so called criminals. I beleive if pot is legalized there should be laws in place as there is for cigarettes and liquor which both in my opinion are much worse than marijuana.


All Along the Watchtower
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What about kids, how are we to stop them from getting it?

This is probably the main counter-argument for me, growing brains are very vulnerable to drugs like marijuana.

However this is not a new problem, we have this already with cigarettes and alcohol, these substances fall into the hands of children often. It's already illegal for children to buy stuff like this, but something more should be introduced imo.

What about the health problems it may cause? How will you treats the addicts?

The drug isn't very harmful in moderate quantities. Only when abused does it become serious, but this is true for many things including alcohol, and cake.

As far as I know, marijuana is no more addictive than cigarettes or alcohol, so I think we already have the capabilities and capacity to treat addicts.


Oh Shi.. Don't wake the tiger!
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What are your opinions that lead you to think that?

Do you think alcohol and cigarettes should be outlawed aswell?

No NoxMortus, I like to take a drink my self occasionally,
And cigarettes well its bad stuff also, But bouth of them is legal now so..

So you think it is OK to keep this criminalized so that there is an underground created that sells drugs to kids and creates crime? Based on the ZERO marijuana deaths ever vs the legal alcohol and cigarette related deaths?
No I dont say that is ok. But I believe more kids start use marijuana if it was legal like it happends on cigarettes. Next time it be another drugs who all say that is not bad and want it legalized on that to . Not enough with cigarettes and alcohol? Even if marijuana was legal the criminals found another drug to sell to kids. No matter if marijuana stay illegal or not. It's bad either way. There have been death of using marijuana but sure with some mix of alcohol or with another drug. and Marijuana is not bad for you healt hmm.. Some facts about marijuana.

What is marijuana?
Marijuana (grass, pot, weed) is the common name for a crude drug made from the plant Cannabis sativa. The main mind-altering (psychoactive) ingredient in marijuana is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), but more than 400 other chemicals also are in the plant. A marijuana "joint" (cigarette) is made from the dried particles of the plant. The amount of THC in the marijuana determines how strong its effects will be. The type of plant, the weather, the soil, the time of harvest, and other factors determine the strength of marijuana. The strength of today's marijuana is as much as ten times greater than the marijuana used in the early 1970s. This more potent marijuana increases physical and mental effects and the possibility of health problems for the user. Hashish, or hash, is made by taking the resin from the leaves and flowers of the marijuana plant and pressing it into cakes or slabs. Hash is usually stronger than crude marijuana and may contain five to ten times as much THC. Pure THC is almost never available, except for research. Substances sold as THC on the street often turn out to be something else, such as PCP.

What are some of the immediate effects of smoking marijuana?
Some immediate physical effects of marijuana include a faster heartbeat and pulse rate, bloodshot eyes, and a dry mouth and throat. No scientific evidence indicates that marijuana improves hearing, eyesight, and skin sensitivity. Studies of marijuana's mental effects show that the drug can impair or reduce short-term memory, alter sense of time, and reduce ability to do things which require concentration, swift reactions, and coordination, such as driving a car or operating machinery.

Are there any other adverse reactions to marijuana?
A common bad reaction to marijuana is the "acute panic anxiety reaction." People describe this reaction as an extreme fear of "losing control," which causes panic. The symptoms usually disappear in a few hours.
What about psychological dependence on marijuana?
Long-term regular users of marijuana may become psychologically dependent. They may have a hard time limiting their use, they may need more of the drug to get the same effect, and they may develop problems with their jobs and personal relationships. The drug can become the most important aspect of their lives.

What are the dangers for young people?
One major concern about marijuana is its possible effects on young people as they grow up. Research shows that the earlier people start using drugs, the more likely they are to go on to experiment with other drugs. In addition, when young people start using marijuana regularly, they often lose interest and are not motivated to do their schoolwork. The effects of marijuana can interfere with learning by impairing thinking, reading comprehension, and verbal and mathematical skills. Research shows that students do not remember what they have learned when they are "high".

How does marijuana affect driving ability?
Driving experiments show that marijuana affects a wide range of skills needed for safe driving -- thinking and reflexes are slowed, making it hard for drivers to respond to sudden, unexpected events. Also, a driver's ability to "track" (stay in lane) through curves, to brake quickly, and to maintain speed and the proper distance between cars is affected. Research shows that these skills are impaired for at least 4-6 hours after smoking a single marijuana cigarette, long after the "high" is gone. If a person drinks alcohol, along with using marijuana, the risk of an accident greatly increases. Marijuana presents a definite danger on the road.

Does marijuana affect the human reproductive system?
Some research studies suggest that the use of marijuana during pregnancy may result in premature babies and in low birth weights. Studies of men and women may have a temporary loss of fertility. These findings suggest that marijuana may be especially harmful during adolescence, a period of rapid physical and sexual development.

How does marijuana affect the heart?
Marijuana use increases the heart rate as much as 50 percent, depending on the amount of THC. It can cause chest pain in people who have a poor blood supply to the heart - and it produces these effects more rapidly than tobacco smoke does.

How does marijuana affect the lungs?
Scientists believe that marijuana can be especially harmful to the lungs because users often inhale the unfiltered smoke deeply and hold it in their lungs as long as possible. Therefore, the smoke is in contact with lung tissues for long periods of time, which irritates the lungs and damages the way they work. Marijuana smoke contains some of the same ingredients in tobacco smoke that can cause emphysema and cancer. In addition, many marijuana users also smoke cigarettes; the combined effects of smoking these two substances creates an increased health risk.
Can marijuana cause cancer?

Marijuana smoke has been found to contain more cancer-causing agents than is found in tobacco smoke. Examination of human lung tissue that had been exposed to marijuana smoke over a long period of time in a laboratory showed cellular changes called metaplasia that are considered precancerous. In laboratory test, the tars from marijuana smoke have produced tumors when applied to animal skin. These studies suggest that it is likely that marijuana may cause cancer if used for a number of years.

How are people usually introduced to marijuana?
Many young people are introduced to marijuana by their peers - usually acquaintances, friends, sisters, and brothers. People often try drugs such as marijuana because they feel pressured by peers to be part of the group. Children must be taught how to say no to peer pressure to try drugs. Parents can get involved by becoming informed about marijuana and by talking to their children about drug use.

What is marijuana "burnout"?
"Burnout" is a term first used by marijuana smokers themselves to describe the effect of prolonged use. Young people who smoke marijuana heavily over long periods of time can become dull, slow moving, and inattentive. These "burned-out" users are sometimes so unaware of their surroundings that they do not respond when friends speak to them, and they do not realize they have a problem.

How long do chemicals from marijuana stay in the body after the drug is smoked?
When marijuana is smoked, THC, its active ingredient, is absorbed by most tissues and organs in the body; however, it is primarily found in fat tissues. The body, in its attempt to rid itself of the foreign chemical, chemically transforms the THC into metabolites. Urine tests can detect THC metabolites for up to a week after people have smoked marijuana. Tests involving radioactively labeled THC have traced these metabolites in animals for up to a month.


Dogs are fuzzy
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I am quite certain that there are people who grow marijuana within the country.

Marijuana is actually pretty easy to grow as far as I know... Some college students freely grow Marijuana in their rooms.

Yes, let's legalize a drug that impairs your ability to perform normally within society and that has a huge ability to affect others so that we can create jobs.

We already do that with Alcohol. If we tried to ban them (since they are both very common place in the US) there would be riots and so on, like when we banned alcohol last time. The more drugs we legalize the more likely there would be other pressure to legalize other, more dangerous drugs. Remember that Pot is an introductory drug.

A point that no one has brought up is that the legalization of pot will make it more available. The reason why there have been no accidents or deaths (at least directly related) from pot is because it is illegal, so people will use it less and not as publicly as other drugs. If it became legalized, it will be much more available and much more prone to abuse, which in turn will cause more accidents.

Also, since it is easier to grow than tobacco (at least as far as I know, if some one has evidence against this please send me a link) it is much more likely that people will just have their own private stash rather than get it commercially.


New Member
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It impairs your reactions and directly affects those around you who are inhaling the smoke.

It's bad enough that I walk around people smoking cigarettes. I don't want to be inhaling marijuana as well. I can understand for medicinal purposes, but I don't think it should be legalized.

Alcohol is legal but it is illegal to drive on it. Marijuana should be the same way.

Nobody in the world has ever overdosed on Marijuana. If it were legal it could be regulated like alcohol and cigarettes - right now there is no distinction between kids and adults buying it as it is all illegal.

The War on Drugs is Nixon era holdover that has no basis in scientific fact at least when it comes to marijuana. The problem is there are billions of dollars tied up in Law Enforcement, the influence of the Drug Cartels, the power drugs have to the CIA in messing with local governments and the huge black market.

The fact that marijuana is illegal just shows how much power government can have over people - where the leaders of the battle spout misinformation and are many times backward hicks. How many people are in jail in the world for drugs? Abuse of drugs is a health issue not a crime issue?

The world just won't wake up. They blame the demand for drugs for the crimes and hurt of drugs but it is the criminalization of drugs and the creation of this huge money flow next to destitute and desperate people that is the problem. The War on Drugs is a fallacy because no matter how many people they arrest there will always be someone to replace them because of the huge amount of money to be made.

Pot is not Meth Amphetamine or Crack. I think those should be legal as well even though I am sure they are damaging to your health unlike pot. What someone does to there body as long as it does not hurt anyone else should be there choice, imho.

>Meth Amphetamine or Crack.

Should not be legal.. however the rest of what you wrote, I agree on.


Mega Super Ultra Cool Member
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>>What about kids, how are we to stop them from getting it?

Trust me, you already don't. :thup:

Actually, it's probably easier to get weed than it is a pack of cigarettes.

The Helper

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Make it against the law to provide it for children and have stiff penalties for violation. I do not advocate legalizing marijuana for kids, I think it should be treated and regulated the same as alcohol and cigarettes.


Setting sail for fail in the sea of lame.
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I think it also needs renewable licenses to sell and taxation.


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
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When you guys say that it should be the same as alcohol and cigarettes, take a look at what's happening with the two drugs that are already legal.

You hear all the time about drunk drivers hitting other people, even though drinking and driving is illegal.

You say that marijuana is "not as harmful in its pure form", and yet look at how many chemicals are in cigarettes. "Over 4,000 chemicals compounds are created when burning a cigarette" ( And yet look at how many people are addicted to smoking, no matter how much it is diminishing their health.

Kids get their hands on alcohol all the time, what's to stop them from growing their own marijuana, when we can't even control it when it's illegal. This would create "legal" ways for people to grow it, and thus more ways for a person to deny illegal activity. ("It's not my marijuana, it's my mom's!")

Smoking was banned in public places simply because people didn't like the secondhand smoke. You don't even get a "high" from secondhand smoke. How do you think it's going to be treated when the secondhand smoke actually impairs other people?

The Helper

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You can put the THC from marijuana on a breath strip or in a candy. It does not have to be smoked like a cigarette to get its effect.

Also, if its legal it can be taxed and those taxes could pay for alot of stuff. For example, they could pay for mandatory drug testing in schools - the new hair tests. Serious stuff that could really make a difference could be done while right now serious stupid stuff is being done and its being handled all wrong - imho.


Certified Badfish
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Well, it looks like just about every argument has been made here.

I agree with the legalization of it. It's not like if we legalize it, potheads everywhere will be lighting up in the streets, in bars, in restaurants, etc. Drinking is legal, but drinking in an outdoor public place is not.

Places where it is legal allow it in the home, and in designated cannabis cafe's, so that the people who do not choose to smoke it, or be around it don't have to. So the whole secondhand issue seems pretty moot to me.

I know people who at 18-19 years of age have recieved up to 4 years in jail for being caught with it. That is absolutely rediculous, and bs like that needs to stop.

I love mary jane :D


Mega Super Ultra Cool Member
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>>mandatory drug testing in schools - the new hair tests.

Mandatory drug tests in school are illegal afaik unless you signed up for it. And the hair tests come up positive even if you were just around people who were smoking.


Heavy is credit to team!
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In Switzerland it is a joke. Smoking cannabis is illegal, however you can have two plants at home.
Or in my city there used to be a cannabis shop. It sold tea, pads and other stuff made with the drug. Everybody knew you could smoke the tea, but it was only tea, not illegal :nuts:

I personally don't know whether to legalize it or not. I'd need numbers about it and to study them so you see how much money you get by fines, how much the health costs are caused by the drug, etc.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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I agree with the legalization of it. It's not like if we legalize it, potheads everywhere will be lighting up in the streets, in bars, in restaurants, etc. Drinking is legal, but drinking in an outdoor public place is not.

But smoking is. And seriously, if we legalize it no one's going to try and hide it anymore. They could also be smoking in their car... on my freeway... and it wouldn't look much different from a normal cigarette.

I vote we legalize it, the government takes over, taxes it like crazy, then we lace it all with cyanide. No more drug problem and a nice little amount of money.

I know people who at 18-19 years of age have recieved up to 4 years in jail for being caught with it. That is absolutely rediculous, and bs like that needs to stop.

Yes, but legalizing it isn't the way to go.


Forum Administrator
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Alcohol is worse as far as its effects on the body are concerned. So, why is it legal and marijuana isn't?

Maybe because of the smoke. But there are other means possible to take it.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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Alcohol is worse as far as its effects on the body are concerned. So, why is it legal and marijuana isn't?

Maybe because of the smoke. But there are other means possible to take it.

Alcohol doesn't have smoke that other people have to inhale and usually people don't drive when they are drunk. Obviously they do sometimes. But when you're high, do you really feel like you're incompetent to drive? Probably not. I never was. When I'm drunk? Yes because I fall over.


Dogs are fuzzy
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Alcohol is worse as far as its effects on the body are concerned. So, why is it legal and marijuana isn't?

Maybe because of the smoke. But there are other means possible to take it.

We tried banning alcohol once, and remember how that turned out?


You can change this now in User CP.
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Alcohol doesn't have smoke that other people have to inhale and usually people don't drive when they are drunk. Obviously they do sometimes. But when you're high, do you really feel like you're incompetent to drive? Probably not. I never was. When I'm drunk? Yes because I fall over.

People will always drive drunk and high, legal or illegal.

Lord_Phoenix said:
We tried banning alcohol once, and remember how that turned out?

Yeah, and we still have marijuana banned and look how its turning out.


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
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People will always drive drunk and high, legal or illegal.

As the law is right now, there will always be more people driving drunk, than there will be people driving high. You'd rather increase the amount of people driving high than keep it low?

Yeah, and we still have marijuana banned and look how its turning out.

The reason alcohol was so bad, was because it was a privilege given to Americans, and then taken away.

There will always be people who break the law. However, legalizing it will INCREASE the people that use it, not decrease it. The reason it is being abused is not because it is against the law. That does not make any sense; who would break the law for the sake of breaking the law? It is because of the addictiveness of Marijuana.
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