Math Questions


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I think I'm just gonna create a thread for all of my math questions I ever have in the future. I should pay more attention in math class. :p

So here's my problem:

I'm trying to launch a projectile in a random direction from the point of origin:

local projectile p  = 0
local real       ux = GetUnitX(d.orb)
local real       uy = GetUnitY(d.orb)
local real       tx = GetRandomReal(0, 360)
local real       ty = GetRandomReal(0, 360)
set p = projectile.create(ux,uy,50.00,Atan2((ty - uy),(tx - ux)))

(I'm using Kenny's Projectile system)

I thought the angle here:

Atan2((ty - uy),(tx - ux))

should be random, but its not. The projectile is always going in the same direction. :confused:

Thanks for help.
[ljass]projectile.create(ux, uy, 50.00, GetRandomReal(0, 2 * bj_PI)) // You may want to pre-calculate 2 * bj_PI though.[/ljass]
[ljass]Atan2(a,b)[/ljass] takes radians, not angles.
[ljass]bj_PI/2[/ljass]=90 degrees
[ljass]bj_PI[/ljass]=180 degrees
Okay, sorry I should have specified more. I need a random X/Y coordinate, to get the angle for

 projectile.create(ux,uy,50.00,Atan2((ty - uy),(tx - ux)))

and I need the same random X/Y coordinate for this:

call p.projectArcing(tx, ty, p.posZ + 25.00, SHARD_SPEED, 0.08)
And Pi is equal to:


:p Wikipedia FTW
Let's not post useless things, NoobImbaPro.

Realistically, in vJASS, Pi only needs to be accurate to the 4th decimal place. And actually, going up to the 2nd decimal place would be more than enough precision for anything vJASS related.
Why useless mate, I gave you the first 1100+ decimals of pi exactly
vJass can read a number with 6 decimals, but 3.1415 is accurate enough, even 3.14.

give us another questions guy, we hope we help you understand many things that don't make sense to you
vjass can read a number with 20 decimals too.. they are stored in floats after all. However, to add/subtract things that are like 20 decimals, you have to do a trick because vjass value reading is weird (for numbers, not variables).
Okay it didn't take me long to get lost in math again. :p Sorry for the double post.

I'm working on a "leap" spell. The unit jumps 600 distance toward his facing angle. I based it off a spell written by Dinowc, so I don't completely understand all of the math functions.

Problem: instead of jumping 600, he jumps like 3000.


scope Leap initializer init

// Requirements:
//      NewGen
//      Timer Utils (TU)
//      Math Functions

// configurables:

    private constant integer SPELL_ID = 'A01C' // raw code of Leap spell
    private constant integer CROW_FORM = 'Amrf' // raw code of Crow Form
    private constant boolean INVULNERABLE = false // make unit invulnerable while in the air?
    private constant real INTERVAL = 0.03125
    private constant real MOVESPEED  = 800.
    private constant real MAX_HEIGHT = 250.
    private constant real JUMP_SPEED = 800. // wont affect much, but keep it at 800.
    private constant real DAMAGE_BASE = 20.
    private constant real DAMAGE_LVL  = 10.
    private constant real STR_BASE    = 2.
    private constant real STR_LVL     = 0.25
    private constant real INITIAL_AOE = 200.
    private constant real AOE_PER_LVL = 0.
    private constant attacktype ATTACK_TYPE = ATTACK_TYPE_HERO
    private constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE = DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL
    // don't touch anything bellow:
    private constant real MS = MOVESPEED * INTERVAL

// Math functions:

    private constant real RADIANS = 0.0174
    private real MaxX
    private real MaxY
    private real MinX
    private real MinY

private function PolarX takes real x, real dist, real angle returns real
    return x + (dist * Cos(angle * RADIANS))

private function PolarY takes real y, real dist, real angle returns real
    return y + (dist * Sin(angle * RADIANS))

private function GetParabolaZ takes real x, real d, real h returns real
    return 4 * h * x * (d - x) / (d * d)

private function distance takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
    local real dx = x2 - x1
    local real dy = y2 - y1
    return SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy)

private function AngleBetween takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
    return Rad2Deg(Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1))

private function SafeX takes real x returns real
    if x < MaxX then
        return x
        return MaxX
    if x > MinX then
        return x
        return MinX

private function SafeY takes real y returns real
    if y < MaxY then
        return y
        return MaxY
    if y > MinY then
        return y
        return MinY


private function AOE takes integer level returns real
    return INITIAL_AOE + ((level - 1) * AOE_PER_LVL)

private function DAMAGE takes unit u, integer level returns real
    return (DAMAGE_BASE + DAMAGE_LVL * (level - 1)) + ((STR_BASE + STR_LVL * (level - 1)) * GetHeroStr(u, true))

private struct data
    unit caster
    real damage
    real x
    real d
    real cos
    real sin
    integer level
    timer t
    static method create takes unit whichUnit, real tx, real ty returns data
        local data d = data.allocate()
        local real ux = GetUnitX(whichUnit)
        local real uy = GetUnitY(whichUnit)
        local real angle = GetUnitFacing(whichUnit)
        set d.caster = whichUnit
        set d.x = MS
        set d.d = distance(ux, uy, tx, ty)
        set d.cos = PolarX(0., MS, angle)
        set d.sin = PolarY(0., MS, angle)
        set d.level = GetUnitAbilityLevel(d.caster, SPELL_ID)
        set d.damage = DAMAGE(d.caster, GetUnitAbilityLevel(d.caster, SPELL_ID))
        set d.t = NewTimer()
        call UnitAddAbility(d.caster, CROW_FORM)
        call UnitRemoveAbility(d.caster, CROW_FORM)
        call SetUnitInvulnerable(d.caster, INVULNERABLE)
        if d.d < 100. then
            set d.d = 100.

        call SetUnitAnimation(d.caster, "attack slam")
        call SetUnitTimeScale(d.caster, 0.4)
        return d
    method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call ReleaseTimer(.t)

    private group G = CreateGroup()
    private player P
    private data D


private function filterFunc takes nothing returns boolean
    local unit picked = GetFilterUnit()
    if IsUnitEnemy(picked, P) and UnitAlive(picked) then
        call UnitDamageTargetEx(D.caster, picked, D.damage, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE, DAMAGE_TYPE, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
    set picked = null
    return false


private function callback takes nothing returns nothing
    local data d = GetTimerData(GetExpiredTimer())
    local real xc = GetUnitX(d.caster)
    local real yc = GetUnitY(d.caster)
    local real angle = GetUnitFacing(d.caster)
    if d.x <= d.d then
        if d.x == MS then
            call PauseUnit(d.caster, true)
        call SetUnitX(d.caster, SafeX(xc + d.cos))
        call SetUnitY(d.caster, SafeY(yc + d.sin))
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(d.caster, GetParabolaZ(d.x, d.d, MAX_HEIGHT), JUMP_SPEED)
        set d.x = d.x + MS
        if GetUnitAbilityLevel(d.caster, 'BSTN') == 0 and GetUnitAbilityLevel(d.caster, 'BPSE') == 0 then
            set D = d
            set P = GetOwningPlayer(d.caster)

            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(G, xc, yc, AOE(d.level), Filter(function filterFunc))
            call PauseTimer(d.t)
            call d.destroy()

        call PauseUnit(d.caster, false)
        call SetUnitTimeScale(d.caster, 1.)
        call QueueUnitAnimation(d.caster, "stand")
        call SetUnitInvulnerable(d.caster, false)
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(d.caster, 0., JUMP_SPEED)

private function actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit caster = GetTriggerUnit()
    local real angle = GetUnitFacing(caster)
    local real ux = GetUnitX(caster)
    local real uy = GetUnitX(caster)
    local real tx    = ux + 600 * Cos(angle)
    local real ty    = uy + 600 * Sin(angle)
    local data d = data.create(caster, tx, ty)
    call SetTimerData(d.t, d)
    call TimerStart(d.t, INTERVAL, true, function callback)
    set caster = null


private function conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetSpellAbilityId() == SPELL_ID

private function init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    local integer i = 0
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, null)
        set i = i + 1
        exitwhen i == MAX_PLAYERS - 1 
    call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function conditions))
    call TriggerAddAction(t, function actions)
    set MaxX = GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)-50.
    set MaxY = GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)-50.
    set MinX = GetRectMinX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)+50.
    set MinY = GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)+50.
    set t = null

Are you sure [ljass]GetUnitFacing[/ljass] returns the angle in radians? I'm 99.99% sure that it returns it in degrees.

If that's the case, in your actions, do [ljass]local real angle = GetUnitFacing(caster) * bj_DEGTORAD[/ljass].

I haven't done vJASS in a while, but IIRC that is what you have to do with Cos/Sin. They take radians and GetUnitFacing returns degrees.
Well the caster always moved in the correct direction, but always too far.

I changed the angle to:

local real angle = GetUnitFacing(caster) * bj_DEGTORAD

and the caster now never moves in the correct direction, always to the right, the distance is still way too far.

I simplified the above code to cut down on space to make it easier to read through. Below should be just the necessary math functions/data that would screw this up:

scope Leap initializer init

// Requirements:
//      NewGen
//      Timer Utils (TU)
//      Math Functions

// configurables:

    private constant real INTERVAL = 0.03125
    private constant real MOVESPEED  = 800.
    private constant real MAX_HEIGHT = 250.
    private constant real JUMP_SPEED = 800. // wont affect much, but keep it at 800.

    // don't touch anything bellow:
    private constant real MS = MOVESPEED * INTERVAL

// Math functions:

    private constant real RADIANS = 0.0174
    private real MaxX
    private real MaxY
    private real MinX
    private real MinY

private function PolarX takes real x, real dist, real angle returns real
    return x + (dist * Cos(angle * RADIANS))

private function PolarY takes real y, real dist, real angle returns real
    return y + (dist * Sin(angle * RADIANS))

private function GetParabolaZ takes real x, real d, real h returns real
    return 4 * h * x * (d - x) / (d * d)

private function distance takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
    local real dx = x2 - x1
    local real dy = y2 - y1
    return SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy)

private function AngleBetween takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
    return Rad2Deg(Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1))

private function SafeX takes real x returns real
    if x < MaxX then
        return x
        return MaxX
    if x > MinX then
        return x
        return MinX

private function SafeY takes real y returns real
    if y < MaxY then
        return y
        return MaxY
    if y > MinY then
        return y
        return MinY

private struct data
    unit caster
    real damage
    real x
    real d
    real cos
    real sin
    integer level
    timer t
    static method create takes unit whichUnit, real tx, real ty returns data
        local data d = data.allocate()
        local real ux = GetUnitX(whichUnit)
        local real uy = GetUnitY(whichUnit)
        local real angle = GetUnitFacing(whichUnit)
        set d.caster = whichUnit
        set d.x = MS
        set d.d = distance(ux, uy, tx, ty)
        set d.cos = PolarX(0., MS, angle)
        set d.sin = PolarY(0., MS, angle)
        set d.t = NewTimer()
        call UnitAddAbility(d.caster, CROW_FORM)
        call UnitRemoveAbility(d.caster, CROW_FORM)
        if d.d < 100. then
            set d.d = 100.
        return d
    method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call ReleaseTimer(.t)

    private group G = CreateGroup()
    private player P
    private data D

private function callback takes nothing returns nothing
    local data d = GetTimerData(GetExpiredTimer())
    local real xc = GetUnitX(d.caster)
    local real yc = GetUnitY(d.caster)
    local real angle = GetUnitFacing(d.caster)
    if d.x <= d.d then
        if d.x == MS then
            call PauseUnit(d.caster, true)
        call SetUnitX(d.caster, SafeX(xc + d.cos))
        call SetUnitY(d.caster, SafeY(yc + d.sin))
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(d.caster, GetParabolaZ(d.x, d.d, MAX_HEIGHT), JUMP_SPEED)
        set d.x = d.x + MS
        if GetUnitAbilityLevel(d.caster, 'BSTN') == 0 and GetUnitAbilityLevel(d.caster, 'BPSE') == 0 then
            set D = d
            call PauseTimer(d.t)
            call d.destroy()
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(d.caster, 0., JUMP_SPEED)

private function actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit caster = GetTriggerUnit()
    local real angle = GetUnitFacing(caster)
    local real ux = GetUnitX(caster)
    local real uy = GetUnitX(caster)
    local real tx    = ux + 600. * Cos(angle)
    local real ty    = uy + 600. * Sin(angle)
    local data d = data.create(caster, tx, ty)
    call SetTimerData(d.t, d)
    call TimerStart(d.t, INTERVAL, true, function callback)
    set caster = null

function init takes nothing returns nothing
    set MaxX = GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)-50.
    set MaxY = GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)-50.
    set MinX = GetRectMinX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)+50.
    set MinY = GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)+50.

why don't you use my system?? AUMS

and see how I am doing all the stuff??

PS: You confuse radians with degrees, witch one will you use?? I prefer radians as emjlr3 does
IMO leaps are quite easy, you can write one yourself if you have basic sliding knowledge and AceHart's jump parabola or even this crazy equation i have here

y = [(2a-4c)/(b^2)]*x^2 + [(4c-3a)/b]*x + a

a = Initial height of the proyectile
c = Max height of the proyectile
x = distance traveled
y = returns the height of the proyectile
b = input the distance between the start point and the end point here
I haven't meant to use it, just see how it does the whole thing.
Because it isn't approved does not mean that it is a crappy one.
It is the half system, that's why it isn't approved. When I mean the half I mean like Timer32 without T32x module

yeah it may seem as a crazy equation, but a simpler one may be better, like my equation:

with b = 4*height/distance[SUP]2[/SUP]
a = b*distance

and it's a normal physics parabola.

Where height is the max height of the projectile, where distance the distance the projectile/unit will do, x is the current distance from start point and y the requested height at that point. Oh and c the initial height. Is same with aceheart's but with less arithmetics
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    Easily done
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    Need to try something
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  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
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    See how we like that.
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    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
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    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
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    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
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    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
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    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
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    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example:
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  • The Helper The Helper:
    What do you think Tom?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    I will have to get used to this.
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    The latest news feed looks good
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I would like to see it again like Ghan had it the first time with pagination though - without the pagination that view will not work but with pagination it just might...
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    This drink recipe I have had more than a few times back in the day! Mind Eraser

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