System Msgs

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If you love {} so much, why don't you use ZINC?
as for ZINC, i have heard that jasshelper now supports it but i do not know where the instructions are for how to write ZINC.

Here is the ZINC Manual.

by the way, i removed the cJASS entirely from the post, except for that screenshot since i don't know how to remove attachments at
so can you please take it out of the graveyard, since it does not appear to be breaking any submission rules?
and while you're doing that, please fix the name of the thread.

I don't know what you want the name of the thread to be. You can remove the image by going to Edit Post -> Go Advanced -> Manage Attachments.

As far as moving it from the Graveyard, I'm going to hold off until you improve the code. Here's a quick review now:

    function GetPlayerTeamMSGS takes integer playerid returns integer//player number for team number.
        if playerid==0 then//my map has player red
            return 1// on team 1.
        elseif playerid==1 then//my map has player blue
            return 1// on team 1.
        elseif playerid==10 then//my map has player dark green
            return 1// on team 1.
        elseif playerid>11 then//neutrals would be on
            return 3// team 3.
        endif//the players 11, and 2-9 are all on 
        return 2// team 2.
        //customize returns as needed, and add/remove elseifs and/or edit elseifs as needed.

This function currently uses if-then checks to determine a player's team? Not only are teams map specific, but you're only using it to compare two players to see if they're on the same team. Why not use one of the built in natives to compare two specific players, instead of taking a player's Id and forcing the map maker to hard code the team? It would also make some of your other functions that rely on it a bit simpler.

Second, while I find comments to be helpful sometimes, your code is over the top. A lot of the comments are not helpful at all:

//let's skip fixing up this msggetcolor function for now, need to finish vjass
//the code, then i'll implement my new ideas for colors

This comment says that the function isn't even implemented yet, because the resource isn't finished. We're not going to keep an unfinished resource in the 'awaiting submission' area, so it'll either stay here, or it can be moved into the Members' Projects area.

Comments on the colors that tell which ones are player colors are nice (I'm not sure if they're the exact player colors), but it would be nicer if the name of the variable simply told you that it was a player color, e.g. player_color_red.

    function msggetcolor takes integer playerid, string text returns string
//colors text based on player color
        if playerid==0 then
            return gtc(c_red,text)
        elseif playerid==1 then
            return gtc(c_brightblue,text)
        elseif playerid==2 then
            return gtc(c_aqua,text)
        elseif playerid==3 then
            return gtc(c_purple,text)
        elseif playerid==4 then
            return gtc(c_yellow,text)
        elseif playerid==5 then
            return gtc(c_orange,text)
            return gtc(c_white,text)
        endif//of course customize as you wish, you can add
        return text

This could be made much simpler by making an array of colors, and then [ljass]return gtc(color[playerid], text)[/ljass], if you didn't make this synchronize with player's colors. I think you ought to know that it's possible to track down a player's color (since it is changeable in the game lobby). My P2HS function in the stringPlayer library does this.

function msgall takes real duration, string text returns nothing//benefits?
    local integer x=low//ignore the extra parameters in DTTTP
        loop//manipulate duration easily, as opposed to BJDM
            set x=x+1
        exitwhen x>high
            call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(Player(x),0,0,duration,text)

This function can be replaced with this: [ljass]call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, duration, text)[/ljass], which I don't think is worthy to put inside a system.
We need a quick description of what your system does, either at the top of the thread or the header section of the script.
You seem to be really lazy. When coding, don't be. It pays off to type out function/variable names.
Also, I think the whole cryptic-code thing you're doing with all the strange ways of indentation, newlines, etc. (An ugly C-style, as some may call it), is just to hide that you are not very good with coding, nor good with implementing your systems and/or libraries.
Sim, I have added that at the top of the original post.

Darthfett, i haven't been using GetLocalPlayer() because it seems to cause desyncs.
as for the actual recommendation to not use msgall, that's your preference to type a function call that's four times as long as mine. and the parameters are bothersome, as well.

the rest of your post is nonsense. a coder that wanted to do those things wouldn't need this system.
it is unrelated and off-topic.

furthermore, the code i left in there is still valid and useable. it's not "unfinished". it simply wasn't expanded appropriately. and ya, obviously the part about needing to finish vjass was obsolete.

does that look like cjass to you? because it looks like vjass to me. just, please. don't waste time posting such garbage reviews. you'll never finish your map projects wasting your time like that.

if you wanted to review it that badly, which is understandable, you could have posted something like i will review this 'when i have the time' or 'soon' or whatever phrase you wanted to use. then you could do some research. i'm not so impatient that i can't wait.

It will stay Graveyarded.

If you can't take criticism, we can't take your resource.
that's rather foolish.

you don't accept even my vJASS? i will take it back. it's officially useless in the graveyard.
You seem to be really lazy. When coding, don't be. It pays off to type out function/variable names.
Also, I think the whole cryptic-code thing you're doing with all the strange ways of indentation, newlines, etc. (An ugly C-style, as some may call it), is just to hide that you are not very good with coding, nor good with implementing your systems and/or libraries.

i never said the coder wasn't allowed to rename functions and variables. it's an easy thing to do and takes practically no effort. another thing that takes practically no effort is to actually confirm that the system is useful and is being used.
It'd almost be nice to have something like a SpellStruct for a message. Interface would need work, but:
library StringExample initializer onInit requires MessageStruct
    struct StringExample
        // Fired after the message is displayed.
        // Could be used to do something like respond to another message.
        method onDisplay takes nothing returns nothing
            if (this.string=="Hello, world!") then
                thistype.Display("Hello, individual!") // I smell recursion!
        // If this method returns true, the string will be displayed, if false
        // it will not display.  This can be used to "catch" bad strings for example.
        method preDisplay takes nothing returns boolean
            if (this.string=="Hello, no one!") then
                return false
            return true
        implement MessageStruct // add it in
    private function onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        StringExample.Display("Hello, world!")
i never said the coder wasn't allowed to rename functions and variables. it's an easy thing to do and takes practically no effort. another thing that takes practically no effort is to actually confirm that the system is useful and is being used.

I was referring to you, not the non-existant users of this [del]system[/del]piece of crap.
It'd almost be nice to have something like a SpellStruct for a message. Interface would need work, but:
library StringExample initializer onInit requires MessageStruct
    struct StringExample
        // Fired after the message is displayed.
        // Could be used to do something like respond to another message.
        method onDisplay takes nothing returns nothing
            if (this.string=="Hello, world!") then
                thistype.Display("Hello, individual!") // I smell recursion!
        // If this method returns true, the string will be displayed, if false
        // it will not display.  This can be used to "catch" bad strings for example.
        method preDisplay takes nothing returns boolean
            if (this.string=="Hello, no one!") then
                return false
            return true
        implement MessageStruct // add it in
    private function onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        StringExample.Display("Hello, world!")

well, at least someone is trying to be fun and creative.(unless you're just testing me with pretense, which would be understandable considering the situation)
btw this is completely off-topic but it is an interesting idea.

i understand what you're thinking of by your comments but i don't know how to use structs and methods so i could only guess at how to make a struct that you would "implement". i've never used that sort of code before. but, like i said, it looks interesting. of course it's still off-topic. but i guess what i just said is irrelevant now.

anyway i haven't examined it in my detail, but my guess is darthfett already has a system for what you would be trying to do...although of course i don't have all the details perhaps of your intentions that's my guess at the moment.

the system is called stringfilter.
i actually dislike the name, if i understand the system correctly, it should be called stringreplace.
I have to go, but take this.

//      __  __                          ___ _               _   
//     |  \/  |___ ______ __ _ __ _ ___/ __| |_ _ _ _  _ __| |_ 
//     | |\/| / -_|_-<_-</ _` / _` / -_)__ \  _| '_| || / _|  _|
//     |_|  |_\___/__/__/\__,_\__, \___|___/\__|_|  \_,_\__|\__|              tooltiperror
//                            |___/                
//  What is MessageStruct?
//    - MessageStruct is an expiremental snippet.
//    - It provides an interface for dealing with updates and players, and
//      doing it all in a clean interface.
//  MessageStructs
//    - To make a struct a MessageStruct, put "implement MessageStruct" at 
//      the very bottom of your struct.
//    - A MessageStruct must extend array
//    - You have several (optional) methods to chose from:
//        - method onDisplay takes nothing returns nothing
//            - Fires after displaying a message.
//        - method preDisplay takes nothing returns boolean
//            - Fires right before displaying a message.
//            - If false, does not display the string.
//        - method playerFilter takes player p returns boolean
//            - Same as preDisplay, but you can use the player p
//              argument.
//            - If false, player p does not see the message.
//  Variables
//      - this.string
//      - this.duration
//~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
library MessageStruct requires Alloc
        private integer index=0
        private player Who
    // Make a delegate for defaults
    private struct Default extends array
        method onDisplay takes nothing returns nothing
        method preDisplay takes nothing returns boolean
            return true
        method playerFilter takes player who returns boolean
            return true
        private Default DEFAULT = Default(0)
    // The MessageStruct module
    module MessageStruct
        delegate Default DEFAULT
        readonly string string
        readonly real duration
        static real DefaultDuration
        static method Display takes string str returns nothing
            local thistype this=thistype.allocate()
            set this.string=str
            set this.duration=thistype.DefaultDuration
            if (this.preDisplay()) then
                    set Who=Player(index)
                    if (this.playerFilter(Who)) then
                        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(Who,0,0,60,this.string)
                    set index=index+1
                    exitwhen index==15
                call this.onDisplay()
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            set thistype.DefaultDuration=60.00
        implement Alloc

library Test requires MessageStruct
    struct MessageStructTest extends array
        static boolean array Secret[3] // let's assume there's only 3 players
        method onDisplay takes nothing returns nothing
            if (not thistype.Secret[GetPlayerId(GetLocalPlayer())]) then
                call BJDebugMsg("You saw the secret message!")
                call BJDebugMsg("Normal hello world!")
        method preDisplay takes nothing returns boolean
            return true
        method playerFilter takes player p returns boolean
            if (p==Player(1)) then
                return true
            set thistype.Secret[GetPlayerId(p)]=true
            return false
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            call thistype.Display("Test")
        implement MessageStruct
I'm completely baffled as to why you decided to upload a screenshot of your code to the first post. Now not only is it cJass, but anybody who actually wants to use your code can no longer copy it into their map. :rolleyes:

romek if you even tried coding in cjass it's not like you're able to make a lot of errors and it be easily forgiven. even if you squish the code you still have to deal with being very precise and handle your ; keys properly. i was just struggling with the cjass loops since i'm still a little newb with them and realized i had missed a couple of ;.
I've used cJass before. In fact, I was very interested in it back in its early development stages (I'm sure I have a few comments on the first page or so of the cJass website). I then realised it wasn't anywhere near as good as it was being made out to be, and it just encouraged bad coding practices with no real benefits whatsoever. I wouldn't have made a decision such as the one to disallow cJass in the T&R forum without knowing what cJass was in the first place. As for semicolons? Welcome to real programming. I often have to make a concious effort not to type semicolons because I'm too used to it. :p

my stand is that thehelper's stance against not indenting code is like saying it's messy to stack cards in a deck. it's like you're saying further that i'm not allowed to stack the cards in my hand, or if i show my hand to you, a fellow card player, i must first lay the cards on the table and unstack them, so that each card is not touching any other card, all in a neat line. i think you can actually see the cards in my hand much quicker if you just glance over my shoulder. that's my point,'re posting trashtalk about cjass and lack of indentation in vjass coding and i don't like that one bit. but this is off-topic, and i came back to mention that i finished fixing up the msgally function, including adding the encapsulated functions that j4l requested. i'm going to continue to make some more updates though, meaningi i'm going to optimize control over the coloring of the messages. but before i get into that i'll convert my code into vjass. please stand by.
I think a better comparison would be to an encyclopaedia without a contents page or titles/headers. You have to read through every page regardless of what you're looking for, as there's no system that allows you to systematically skip through irrelevant parts of the book.

Also, in the future, don't edit every post in the thread when you decide to quit. It prevents people from looking back to the thread for reference purposes. I'll close this thread now for that reason (it's turned into quite a mess anyway). If you wish to discuss anything, feel free to PM me.
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    News portal has been retired. Main page of site goes to Headline News forum now
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    I am working on getting access to the old news portal under a different URL for those that would rather use that for news before we get a different news view.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Easily done
  • The Helper The Helper: is a link to the old news portal - i will integrate it into the interface somewhere when i figure it out
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Need to try something
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Hopefully this won't cause problems.
  • Ghan Ghan:
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    See how we like that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
  • Ghan Ghan:
    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example:
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What do you think Tom?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    I will have to get used to this.
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    The latest news feed looks good
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I would like to see it again like Ghan had it the first time with pagination though - without the pagination that view will not work but with pagination it just might...
  • The Helper The Helper:
    This drink recipe I have had more than a few times back in the day! Mind Eraser

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