Rate your teachers!


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It seems that every school has started a new year(Wow exiting...)!!

Anyway I want to know how your teachers are(In your eyes of course)!!

Math: I wouldn't say perky, but overall she's really a nice lady. She makes me laugh cause she's kind of disgusting.

Science: Well, she doesn't stand out that much, but she's funny and makes fun of this kid named Tim in our class.

ELA: Very sarcastic. She's the director of the musical. I know her since i started Middle School (Yes, I'm in the musical).

Social Studies: Awwwww man. Mr. F. Hahahaha he sticks out of all my teachers. He's fat, a guy and old.

Spanish: Ugh. She's fun at times, she drives me crazy because she writes down homework and doesn't even explain it.

So, enough about me tell me about your teachers!!:banghead::banghead:

Aqua Dragon

I'm made of water. Remember that now.
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Well lets see...

Geometry: Mainly she makes us do textbook work and workbook pages. Nothing really sticks out here.

Staff Aid AP's: They know my name since I'm the staff aid and help out. At times they can make jokes but most of the time I just work with my friend and do jobs aroudn the place. I typically do the most delivery jobs (since I tend to run in the hallway, don't tell anyone (suspiciously looks around)

History: Nothing really sticks out here because she explains stuff and gives us work, like any teacher. But the one thing that is fun is watching a kid named Christopher get picked on all the time for doing crazy things. HE even placed the teachers stool on his lap when he wasn't allowed to sit on it :rolleyes:

Literature: Her voice has almost no emotion in it. Nothing really sticks out here.

PE: Coach is a good coach. He typically lets us play around by playing Basketball and Soccer on free days and on work days he gives on some textbook page assignments. But we ussually finish early and then we can start talking about thing with everyone since our class is small. Pretty good teacher, he treats us like a friend treats a friend.

Literature: Nothing really sticks out here.

Science: She was my computer keyboarding teacher last year. But besides that nothing really sticks out here.

Orchestra: He is funny at times. When things aren't serious or we'lre just relaxing, he tends to make these weird whistle sounds or use his laser gun (which he uses sound effects for and his fingers) on us to get us to work. Or his "Shotgun". He's great at making noises but when he gets serious, you don't wanna play around. He can be seriously strict when serious but during relaxation is fun to joke around with and fun to be near.

Thats what I got :D


Just Smile.
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English: He is funny, new to the school, doesn't give out lots of homework. He ranks as chill.

Introduction to Social Science: He is meh, he tries to be funny, and he can be at times, lots of work, but an interesting course. He ranks as could be worse

Ancient History: I had him last year for canadian history. He is hillarious, always has something to say (like a story) will often go off on thing that don't ever relate to what we are talking about. Ranked as funny, but could improve

Cisco Networking: He has been around 20 years, He was teaching when my history rteacher was at my school! He is completely nuts! He is crazy, but in a funny way! He knows so much about computers, which is scary becuase he is old. Ranked as Crazy Funny and Knows what he is talknig about

Yea, I got 4 courses a semester.


What is this i dont even
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Algebra: Nice, but distugstion at times, which is kinda funny; pregnant.

Bio: Tall. Again can be disgustion in a way like math tacher, and like gman said she makes fun of Tim, like every other teacher on our team

ELA: Sarcastic, and nice. Makes things fun, and loves food.

Social: Older, and Fat. Can be my Math Teachers Dad. But he can be funny at times.

Spanish: Sometimes Fun, but she gives homework without any wording on wth to do. Although i maintain a 102 average.

Chorus: He's old, can be fun, never yells, jsut deducts points off your average.

Home Ec: Old, not fun at all, and acts stupidly sometimes.

Gym: Haven't really had him much, so i dont know yet.

And yes, me and Gman have almost every single class together(Only home Ec/Tech we dont have)


Because none of us are as cruel as all of us.
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Maybe it may be odd, but ALL my high school teachers are have been cool.

Here are this year's (2007-08)

Biology: She's really cool. She isn't boring, let's us discuss a lot, she brought us squid to dissect and in about two weeks small shark. She doesn't leave us homework, if she does, just to sign papers. She does "magic tricks" and are funny to watch.

Geometry: She teaches with style. She gets you to learn stuff, write notes, but not in a boring way. Although it's a bit wierd how when she talks, ONLY her mouth moves... like if she was numb or had no wrinkles >_<

History: He is so funny, he curses with us, makes fun of history, but teaches at the same time. Shows us some bloody videos of revolutions etc.

English: OMG She is HILARIOUS. In there it's a mix with drama. She tells us her life stories and are so funny. The way she tells them is extremely entertaining too!

College Readiness (Elective): She's ok I guess :p She laughs randomly out of nowhere, but not to hard. I have a good time because I can talk with my friends and she pretends to not notice lol.

Spanish: She's cool too. We talk mostly in mexican (Not racist, just specific) slang. She makes us write stories as funny as we can, with slang or not. Really fun to hear what others wrote.


The Ulitimate TheHelper.net Lurker
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Spanish: Ugh. She's fun at times, she drives me crazy because she writes down homework and doesn't even explain it.

Just like my math(geometry) teacher. He is hated by almost everyone for that.

ok ill go through the hours.

1st(study hall):She is fun. She was my old math teacher and we always get along. She is always in this upbeat mood and always cheers everyone up.

2nd(spanish): hmmm. she is alright i guess. She is a bitch at times but most of the time we get along. Best part about this hour is Fun Fridays(review games all hour). She is also pregnant.

3rd(world history): ....He is an arrogant slob with a weird mind. Worst part about this teacher... HE IS MY GREAT UNCLE! Best part. Nap time!(not really, i just make it look like im reading while i sleep.) and alot of movies.

4th(geometry): We get along and I am one of his trusted students. Although he does tend to piss people off(example: half way through the quarter he tells us that we needed notes from the beginning of the year and no one had taken any notes)

5th(biology): He is my favorite male teacher. We get along like clockwork and enjoy chatting. I look forward to this class the most(basicly cause its right before lunch) and he is always upbeat. He has some good jokes too when he gets to 'em.

6th(english): He is probably the most hated teacher of our school. Even my family hates him. But then again, me being the odd one, I get along with him well. He is alright.

7th(computer applications): Her and I get along as well. She does get on my nerves as she keeps telling us to stay on task all hour.

8th(health one day, Phy Ed the next.)
health: She is alright. My family like her the most. I enjoy her class because of the time consuming stories we all get told.
Phy Ed: He is also alright. Him and I don't talk directly much.

Basicly, I get along with all my teachers. I am NOT a teachers pet. But I don't hate going to school.


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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I'm homeschooled, and I have a teacher that comes 3 times a week for about 30 minutes a day and gives me work.

Hes at least 21, I would say no older than 23. Lol, really close to my age. :p
Hes pretty cool, we do some interested science project things, easy work. But he's an odd "teacher", as he will sometimes play Halo 3 or Some Wii game for a bit while I do my work, or after we're done we'll play a round or two.



Formerly Smith_S9
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Wow... DDR's teacher pwns everyone's else o_O.

Mine :p.

Math - The guy is huge @_@. Also, when he talks, he moves his lips as less as possible. Overall, he seems a big, calm guy, but when he looks at you, even if he doesn't wants to do that, he frightens you xD.

Computer Class - I have no problems with this teacher, I can do whatever I want because I'm the best in my class in programming and everything else. My favourite class :p.

Romanian (mother tongue) - Very excited when teaches. Talks a lot, but overall a really nice lady. She asks the same thing a few time, at random moments, to see if you got it xD.

Biology - teaches a lot -.-... She is nice, but takes school really serious.

Chemistry - I think this lady will explode some day with all that energy o_O When she talks she moves her hand and explains everything with a lot of motion :p. And she is really boring xD.

Physics - REALLY nice lady. But when she gets pissed of (you don't the homework day after day, you don't learn, etc) se can be really bitchy. Overall I like her.

English - BEST TEACHER EVA'! She is really cool and I like her the most. She is also the teacher that takes care of our class (I don't know if this system is in other countries :confused:)... She is joking with us and she teaches really well. Everyone says she's the coolest teacher in our high scool.

French - not her fault, but the french class is the most boring one xP. She is a nice lady, but I hat french, so, yea...

History - Teaches the most :(. We write like mad at her class... except that, she is kinda nice, jokes with us and stuff :p.

Geography - I think this lady is stupid or something xD. Nuff' said :D.

And I have a few other courses, but I'm too lazy to post about them too xP. They're about 17 per total.


Just Smile.
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All of your guys teachers are girls, and all of mine are guys. I have only had, 3 felmale teachers sinice grade 9.


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Ok. I need to add more to my list so here it goes.

Chorus: Can't say enough about him. Lol. He's really a nice guy again, old, but hilarious.

Technology: A potentially good teacher, my class always acts crazy so he has to be strict.

Gym: He's alright. I've had him last year too. He's fun, but I don't really "bond" with your gym teacher unless he's your coach.


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Lang Arts. (Honors) : Hes ok its just hes somewhat mean but hes like funny mean

Social Studies (Honors) (well I'm going to have 3 teachers around the year:
1st: Shes old....
2nd: IDK
3rd: She very loud and yelly

Algebra 1 (Honors): Funny and nice

Health/PE: I swear he checks out guys in the locker room

Spanish 2 (Honors): Nice and lets us go and party (Also lets us tell her about other teachers)

Science (Honors): Nice but she forgets alot


ITS OVER 9000!
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These are all honors....

Bio- boring class, but he almost never gives homework so yay
Debate- impossible to get an A if ur not theater or you dont suck up. Easily gives the most homework
Gym- yay for gym!
Geometry- Easy class, I own all 2 column proofs :p
Lunch- Eat, flirt, and do hw I didnt do the night before =D
History- teacher is mean, but I like the subject so its still easy
Spanish- cool teacher that doesnt teach xD

Current Grades (in order) A,B(I hope),S,A,A(99% WOO!),A


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Math - I love my math teacher...she is kind...brilliant and very understanding
Global History AP - Oh god I she is f***** beautiful....anyways It's fun..she is funny..hot..and yeah...you get it
English - She is nice to me...and is mean to everyone else :p
Health - Hmhmh.. my gym and health teacher are the same...he is awesome..he tells interesting stories.
Science - HE IS AWESOME!!! He is hilarious...he dances for no reason at all...teaches us Karate..while teaching us Science.. he acts like he is psycho on purpose which makes him even greater!
Spanish - I love my current spanish teacher, she is understanding, nice, and brilliant.


____ ___ ____ __
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-Programming Class(8am - 10am): The teacher is new and doesn't know jack shit, he is way to strict about the stupidest things but I'm an admin in that class so I help him out. This class is 2 hours long.

-Calculus(10am - 10:50am): I'm only in that class for 50 mins 4 days a week and he is a really good teacher, I've learned well from him. 50 mins long.

-Psychology(11:15am - Noon): Lol, my psych teacher is also my football coach and he is awesome. My 2nd fav teacher. 45 mins long.

-World Lit(12:35pm - 1:25): Woot, my fav teacher, she is always funny and I won't ever get into trouble in that class bc Bonnie Driver (My teacher) thinks I'm too cute to do anythin wrong xD. 50 mins long.

-Study Hall(1:30pm - 2:15pm): Well, I actually work for the secretaries in the main office during my study hall so I have fun during that. 45 mins long.

My school day starts at 8am and ends at 2:15pm.


SC2 Forum MVP - TheSkunk #386
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Grammar - AMAZING!
Sience - GREAT!
Reading - COOL! (allthough I hardly have to do it.)
Typing - SOO GREAT!

Im homeshooled too, so I do them all by myself witch means....All the teachers are me. (hence all the good ratings)


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Math (Geo H) - Nice guy. Interesting. Nothing too special.
Graphics Design - All right. Kinda weird. All she seems to do is rate art.
Lit (Eng H) - I don't like him much. He's too enthusiastic.
Spanish (Spa 2) - Don't like her at all. She is way too strict, but she does let us play a lot of games. I just don't like spanish at all.
Social Studies (World History) - He's ok. Most of what we do is easy and from the textbook.
Science (Bio H) - She's awesome. Very understanding and seemingly knows everything. Always prepared for anything and really hard to get mad at.


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French Litterature - Boring, old lady. Gives way too much credits to the details. I give her a 6/10

English Litterature - Normal teacher. Not boring, not fun, not interesting but we do learn :p 7/10

Analytical Chemistry - She doesn't explain well although she's interesting. We do have some difficulties learning correctly though ;) 7/10

Physics (Classical mechanics) - This guy is just too nice. Jokes a lot, we understand what's he's explaining and it's overall the best class I have at the moment. We thought about filming him one day :p 10/10

Philosophy and Rationality - Fun guy, although a bit lost in his thoughts. He doesn't give a lot of work though his exams are on the same level as the other teachers, which makes them hard. He is interesting though. 8/10

Calculus - She explains very well especially considering the fact Calculus is not that easy and the class has a lot of things to teach :) Not having a good result on an exam is solely your fault! She could use a bit of humour though. 9/10

That sums up my teachers for this session, which lasts until December.


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I am a freshman (9th grade)

Science 5/10 - She hates kids and makes fun of us if we ask questions about the work

French ?/10 - Erm, i dunno, gives homework everyday even before holidays, and well i dunno im too tired in 2ed period

Health 8/10 - One word : Bipolar. Srsly one minutes he is giving us a test because we are bad, the next minute he tells us to throw away the test and go outside to relax. It is funny how we can get in trouble then he does something good. My favorite teacher

Geography 6.5/10 - States and capitols are my worst subject. Otherwise fun class we do group work and stuff

Geometry 9/10 BEFORE 3/10 AFTER - Well she WAS nice, no homework and if we had any it was a grade on if you did it or not. Same thing now but now he have to write 25 3 line definitions, twice. Thats 50 sentences. 150 lines of writing EVERY DAY. Even on weekends and holidays too. Sure i dont do it at home (screw that its a waste of a hour) i do it in science! I am fast and have like a 94% in there.

English 2.5/10 - Well she doesnt talk much, she has work on the board and once we get in class we do it. She yells at us alot.

EDIT - Added ratings


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But anyway...

Maths: Okay, nice guy when he's not blowing his head off at the idiots in my class. Alright teacher.
English: She's a bitch out side the class, being a year coordinator. But in class she's okay.
Biology: Good! Makes jokes sometimes, rarely gets angry and is a good teacher.
Drama: Sub-par, nice at times but can be a real bitch.
Graphics: In swear to fucking god I wanna kill this faggot. Worse teacher i've ever had. Two years in a row now >.>
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