Snippet SetTrade


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library SetTrade initializer init uses DRES

    public constant integer ALL = 3
    public constant integer GIVE = 4
    public constant integer RECEIVE = 5

    private integer ResourceType
    private integer TradeType
    private boolean Enable
    private force GoldForbiddenReceivers
    private force GoldForbiddenDonors
    private force LumberForbiddenReceivers
    private force LumberForbiddenDonors

function SetPlayerTrade takes player p, integer resourceType, integer tradeType , boolean enable returns boolean
    if p == null then
        debug call BJDebugMsg("library " + SCOPE_PREFIX + " : the player p argument for the function SetPlayerTrade is null")
        return false
    if resourceType == DRES_GOLD then
        if tradeType == GIVE then
            if enable then
                call ForceRemovePlayer(GoldForbiddenDonors,p)
                call ForceAddPlayer(GoldForbiddenDonors,p)
        elseif tradeType == RECEIVE then
            if enable then
                call ForceRemovePlayer(GoldForbiddenReceivers,p)
                call ForceAddPlayer(GoldForbiddenReceivers,p)
        elseif tradeType == DRES_ALL then
            if enable then
                call ForceRemovePlayer(GoldForbiddenReceivers,p)
                call ForceRemovePlayer(GoldForbiddenDonors,p)
                call ForceAddPlayer(GoldForbiddenReceivers,p)
                call ForceAddPlayer(GoldForbiddenDonors,p)
            debug call BJDebugMsg("library " + SCOPE_PREFIX + " : the integer tradeType argument for the function SetPlayerTrade is invalid")
            return false
    elseif resourceType == DRES_LUMBER then
        if tradeType == GIVE then
            if enable then
                call ForceRemovePlayer(LumberForbiddenDonors,p)
                call ForceAddPlayer(LumberForbiddenDonors,p)
        elseif tradeType == RECEIVE then
            if enable then
                call ForceRemovePlayer(LumberForbiddenReceivers,p)
                call ForceAddPlayer(LumberForbiddenReceivers,p)
        elseif tradeType == DRES_ALL then
            if enable then
                call ForceRemovePlayer(LumberForbiddenReceivers,p)
                call ForceRemovePlayer(LumberForbiddenDonors,p)
                call ForceAddPlayer(LumberForbiddenReceivers,p)
                call ForceAddPlayer(LumberForbiddenDonors,p)
            debug call BJDebugMsg("library " + SCOPE_PREFIX + " : the integer tradeType argument for the function SetPlayerTrade is invalid")
            return false
    elseif resourceType == DRES_ALL then
        if tradeType == GIVE then
            if enable then
                call ForceRemovePlayer(LumberForbiddenDonors,p)
                call ForceRemovePlayer(GoldForbiddenDonors,p)
                call ForceAddPlayer(LumberForbiddenDonors,p)
                call ForceAddPlayer(GoldForbiddenDonors,p)
        elseif tradeType == RECEIVE then
            if enable then
                call ForceRemovePlayer(LumberForbiddenReceivers,p)
                call ForceRemovePlayer(GoldForbiddenReceivers,p)
                call ForceAddPlayer(LumberForbiddenReceivers,p)
                call ForceAddPlayer(GoldForbiddenReceivers,p)
        elseif tradeType == DRES_ALL then
            if enable then
                call ForceRemovePlayer(LumberForbiddenReceivers,p)
                call ForceRemovePlayer(LumberForbiddenDonors,p)
                call ForceRemovePlayer(GoldForbiddenReceivers,p)
                call ForceRemovePlayer(GoldForbiddenDonors,p)
                call ForceAddPlayer(LumberForbiddenReceivers,p)
                call ForceAddPlayer(LumberForbiddenDonors,p)
                call ForceAddPlayer(GoldForbiddenReceivers,p)
                call ForceAddPlayer(GoldForbiddenDonors,p)
            debug call BJDebugMsg("library " + SCOPE_PREFIX + " : the integer tradeType argument for the function SetPlayerTrade is invalid")
            return false
        debug call BJDebugMsg("library " + SCOPE_PREFIX + " : the integer resourceType argument for the function SetPlayerTrade is invalid")
        return false
    return true

private function SetPlayerTradeForceEnum takes nothing returns nothing
    call SetPlayerTrade(GetEnumPlayer(),ResourceType,TradeType,Enable)

function SetForceTrade takes force f, integer resourceType, integer tradeType , boolean enable returns boolean
    if f == null then
        debug call BJDebugMsg("library " + SCOPE_PREFIX + " : the force f argument for the function SetPlayerTradeForGroup is invalid")
        return false
    if resourceType != DRES_GOLD and resourceType != DRES_LUMBER and resourceType != DRES_ALL then
        debug call BJDebugMsg("library " + SCOPE_PREFIX + " : the integer resourceType argument for the function SetPlayerTradeForGroup is invalid")
        return false
    if tradeType != GIVE and tradeType != RECEIVE and tradeType != DRES_ALL then
        debug call BJDebugMsg("library " + SCOPE_PREFIX + " : the integer tradeType argument for the function SetPlayerTradeForGroup is invalid")
        return false
    set ResourceType = resourceType
    set TradeType = tradeType
    set Enable = enable
    call ForForce(f,function SetPlayerTradeForceEnum)
    return true

function SetTradeForAll takes integer resourceType, integer tradeType, boolean enable returns boolean
    local integer i = -1
    if resourceType != DRES_GOLD and resourceType != DRES_LUMBER and resourceType != DRES_ALL then
        debug call BJDebugMsg("library " + SCOPE_PREFIX + " : the integer resourceType argument for the function SetPlayerTradeForGroup is invalid")
        return false
    if tradeType != GIVE and tradeType != RECEIVE and tradeType != DRES_ALL then
        debug call BJDebugMsg("library " + SCOPE_PREFIX + " : the integer tradeType argument for the function SetPlayerTradeForGroup is invalid")
        return false
    exitwhen i == 11
    set i = i+1
        call SetPlayerTrade(Player(i),resourceType,tradeType,enable)
    return true

private function AvoidForbiddenTrades takes nothing returns nothing
    local eventid evd = GetTriggerEventId()
    local player donor
    local player receiver
    local integer deal
        set receiver = GetGoldReceiver()
        set donor = GetGoldDonor()
        set deal = GetGoldDeal()
        if IsPlayerInForce(receiver,GoldForbiddenReceivers) or IsPlayerInForce(donor,GoldForbiddenDonors) then
            call SetPlayerState(receiver,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD,GetPlayerState(receiver,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)-deal)
            call SetPlayerState(donor,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD,GetPlayerState(donor,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)+deal)
    elseif evd == PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER then
        set receiver = GetLumberReceiver()
        set donor = GetLumberDonor()
        set deal = GetLumberDeal()
        if IsPlayerInForce(receiver,LumberForbiddenReceivers) or IsPlayerInForce(donor,LumberForbiddenDonors) then
            call SetPlayerState(receiver,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD,GetPlayerState(receiver,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)-deal)
            call SetPlayerState(donor,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD,GetPlayerState(donor,PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)+deal)

private function init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger trig = CreateTrigger()
    local force f = CreateForce()
    call ForceEnumPlayers(f,null)
    call TriggerRegisterTrade(trig,f,DRES_ALL)
    call TriggerAddAction(trig,function AvoidForbiddenTrades)
    set GoldForbiddenReceivers = CreateForce()
    set GoldForbiddenDonors = CreateForce()
    set LumberForbiddenReceivers = CreateForce()
    set LumberForbiddenDonors = CreateForce()
    call DestroyForce(f)
    set f = null


I know i must make some comments, but first what you think about the functions and constants names ?
And should i add something else to the code ?

It is to handle gold and lumber trade between players (activate / deactivate).
For some reasons if you don't want to use a custom system for the gold/lumber trade between players, but the original warcraft one (menu ally F11), but you want disable/enable it for the player X during the game, for gold and/or lumber, that is for you.

function SetPlayerTrade takes player p, integer resourceType, integer tradeType , boolean enable returns boolean

function SetForceTrade takes force f, integer resourceType, integer tradeType , boolean enable returns boolean

function SetTradeForAll takes integer resourceType, integer tradeType, boolean enable returns boolean

The constants for the resourceType are :

The constants for the tradeType are :


Cuz I can
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    public constant integer ALL = 3
    public constant integer GIVE = 4
    public constant integer RECEIVE = 5

Should be...

    constant integer TRADE_TYPE_ALL = 3
    constant integer TRADE_TYPE_GIVE = 4
    constant integer TRADE_TYPE_RECEIVE = 5

and since you're not setting trades, but enabling/disabling trading, the function names should be



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That's seems fine, i will also probably add functions interfaces called when a forbidden trade is detected, what you think about that ?

EDIT : What do you suggest for the library name ?


Cuz I can
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    constant integer TRADE_TYPE_ALL = 0
    constant integer TRADE_TYPE_GIVE = 1
    constant integer TRADE_TYPE_RECEIVE = 2
    //... other globals
    private constant integer RESOURCE_TYPES = 5 // just a guess, I don't know the DRES constants...
    private constant integer TRADE_TYPES = 3
    private force array TradeForbiddenForce[TRADE_TYPES][RESOURCE_TYPES]

I guess this one is much shorter than what you are currently using then:


function PlayerTradeEnable takes player p, integer resourceType, integer tradeType , boolean enable returns boolean
    local integer i = tradeType
    local integer minJ = resourceType
    local integer j
    local integer maxI
    local integer maxJ

    // Manage Data Consistensy HERE... not all over the function : )
    // and most importantly, not multiple times.

    if tradeType == TRADE_TYPE_ALL then
        set maxI = TRADE_TYPES - 1
        set i = i + 1
        set maxI = tradeType

    if resourceType == DRES_ALL then
        set maxJ = RESOURCE_TYPES - 1
        set minJ = minJ + 1
        set maxJ = resourceType

        exitwhen i > maxI
        set j = minJ
            exitwhen j > maxJ
            if enable then
                call ForceRemovePlayer( TradeForbiddenForce[ i ][ j ], p )
                call ForceAddPlayer( TradeForbiddenForce[ i ][ j ], p )
            set j = j + 1
        set i = i + 1


function SetTradeForAll takes integer resourceType, integer tradeType, boolean enable returns boolean
    // since you allready have a function for forces, either leave this out or make it use forces instead.
    return ForceTradeEnable( bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS, resourceType, tradeType, enable )

And how does this work:


    local eventid evd = GetTriggerEventId()


For the function interfaces... I'm sorry but I guess I don't really get what you want to achieve with these ... =?
You mean that the disable/enable functions take an additional parameter (a function that extends some interface) to determine what shall happen if a player does trade who actually shouldn't?
I think function interfaces are too much overkill for that...
Perhaps just use a function at the top of the library that is called whenever a trade is detected...

The library name should be somewhat that represents its function in the map... like TradeDisabler or TradeDeactivator


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Sure your code is shorter, but honestly it doesn't make sense for me, i really prefer the if(s)/elseif(s).
And it doesn't matter anyway.

And how does this work:
You have to read the code here :

If you are still confused about how it works i will be happy to explain you how it does the job.

For the function interfaces... I'm sorry but I guess I don't really get what you want to achieve with these ... =?
You mean that the disable/enable functions take an additional parameter (a function that extends some interface) to determine what shall happen if a player does trade who actually shouldn't?

Honestly i'm just trying to add (more) usefulness xD

I think function interfaces are too much overkill for that...
Perhaps just use a function at the top of the library that is called whenever a trade is detected...
I don't really like the idea that the user must modify functions in the system itself, and i love the flexibility and usage of function interfaces.
But maybe you're right, i dunno.
The library name should be somewhat that represents its function in the map... like TradeDisabler or TradeDeactivator
I will apply all your suggestions about the names soon.

Thx for the comments, it deserves a rep at least, if only you weren't a guy you could have more :p


Cuz I can
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Sure your code is shorter, but honestly it doesn't make sense for me
you're basically looping through all the necessary trade types and for each of the trade types you loop through all the necessary resource types.
That way, you don't have unnecessary if then elses and a much shorter code ; )

Yeah, I read that yesterday. I wasn't familiar with the use of PlayerState events : )

Honestly i'm just trying to add (more) usefulness xD

I don't really like the idea that the user must modify functions in the system itself, and i love the flexibility and usage of function interfaces.
But maybe you're right, i dunno.
Just test it out and see how it increases / decreases useability.


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you're basically looping through all the necessary trade types and for each of the trade types you loop through all the necessary resource types.
That way, you don't have unnecessary if then elses and a much shorter code ; )

It's not like the code is about hundreds of lines, and it's not a loop just a if/elseif.
And i also don't like the fact you use more variables than me.
The last point, even if this code shouldn't be edited, it still makes the eventual debug harder, i mean the code is less obvious.

But i'm not such arrogant, if someone else enough competent, like you, think it should be edited like this way, be sure i will do it.

Just test it out and see how it increases / decreases useability.
I will.


Cuz I can
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It's not like the code is about hundreds of lines, and it's not a loop just a if/elseif.
What you use is a hardcoded loop.
I just made the loop more obvious and optimized it (from iterative search to array indicies)

But since this doesn't need extension (there only are 2 tradeable resources), you might just as well leave it the way it is. It is just much easier to add 2-3 lines of code for a new group and change 1 constant than adding 2 additional constants, a couple of additional (equal) "if then else" blocks (which isn't permitted by my DRY principle) and some lines in the consistency management. +it is much more efficient ;D
And i also don't like the fact you use more variables than me.
16 bytes of stack size ;)

be sure i will do it.
Never do anything because someone else told you that it would be better/faster/cleaner.
Just try it out and then decide for yourself.
Competence is no reason, anyone may err. Even the master did two or three times ( ;) )
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    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
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    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
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    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
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