Spell & Hero Idea Section


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Hello everybody out there always in the need of hero & spell ideas, your prayers have been answered now im creating a thread dedicated to give all you who are hungry for ideas lots of them:thup:. Here users can share their spells and hero ideas and have discussions about them.

The main idea is that users post their spell & hero ideas here and people in the need of ideas look here and get inspiration, instead of having thehelper.net overfloded with threads like "need spell ideas". I will try to look here everyday and try to answer questions that might appear. If you like this thread please spread it around a little so that more people see it and we get more ideas posted here. You can also post a finishmade spell or hero (with or without spells). I will give some links to good guides which i learned from and you can post links to guides that you like me to post.

Hmm rules... well the only thing I can think of is if you post your ideas here you know that people will hopefully use them and so on. If you like credits in map if you have uploaded a spell or hero then write that. And of course you need to follow thehelper.net rules

Good Guides:
- http://www.thehelper.net/forums/showthread.php?t=111694 (A good mui guide which i learned very much from)
- http://world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.net/cat_usersubmit.php?view=24502 (good to help you know what different spells can be used for)

Jass :
- http://www.thehelper.net/forums/showthread.php?t=62193 (A good Jass guide for people that want to start with Jass)
(recommended by jonadrian619):
- http://world-editor-tutorials.thehel...php?view=28292 (JASS Basics, where I learned how to code JASS)
- http://world-editor-tutorials.thehel...php?view=28217 (For those who have a good grasp on JASS already, you can improve further by reading this guide)
- http://world-editor-tutorials.thehel...php?view=57653 (For JASSers who want to move on to vJASS, here's a basic guide)
- http://world-editor-tutorials.thehel...php?view=63595 (A concise introduction to Structs and its functions and code)


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good idea. here are some idea donations:

I my maps I only use the best, here I`m puting the screw.



ALLAHGOERD - the bane of ethernity
agility : low
strength : regular
Intelligence: high
movement speed: regular


Living autopsy:
open the soul of the target puting all it`s inside fellings out. Deals damage and spawns evil spirits from the target which are going to attack nearby enemies.
level - 50 damage, 2 spirits. (+50 damage, +1 spirit)per level

sends target non-hero unit to a nether dimension removing it from the game.
everytime the Bane of ethernity cast this spell the last removed unit comes back to the game swaping positions with the new banished unit. Units which returns from the banishment joins the ALLAHGOERD side as summons.
level - cooldown 120 seconds. (-20 seconds)per level

aura of doom:
nearby enemies will lose MP and HP every second.
level - 300 AOE, 5 HP and 2MP per second. (+100 AOE, +5 HP, +2 MP)per level.

causes the target to become very depressed reducing it`s attack damage and life regeneration during 10 seconds.
level - -30% damage, -2 regen. (-10% damage, -1regen)per level

The last hellgate
Suicides himself dealing greater area damage and summoning doombringers. 2 seconds after the Bane is revived on the same spot.
level - 200 damage, 2 doombringers, cooldown: 360 (+100 damage, +1 doombringer, -30 seconds cooldown) per level



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Cool now we got one idea!! Great:thup:. This can be an example of how to show your ideas. Maby add model file(if u got hero idea), and every levels effect (takes long time but if you want do it, it looks great) along with cooldown and mana cost.

Great first post with very cool skills:D:D

E: lol noticed that you wrote for every level :/ made this idea even greater good job :D


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Moon Elf

Hero: Moon Elf - Mystical Hero, adept at all types of abillities. Can learn Moon Shield, Moon Dash, Moon Blade and Moon Strike
Model: Demon Hunter (Or any night elf)
Primary Attribute:Agility

Moon Shield (Passive)
Barkskin <Buff Icon>

The Moon Elf has 15/30/45% chance to reflect a spell or attack back to the enemy
-----The word "Reflect!" appears on the Moon Elf, same as "Miss" appear on Pandaren with Drunken Brawler/Haze. Cannot reflect more than 1 attack and 1 spell per second. When reflects spell damage and negative buffs, the enemy spell targets the caster instead of target him. Work with hero spells

This spell idea was based on "Spell Mirror", created by no0by

Level 1 - 15% Chance to Reflect
Level 2 - 30% Chance to Reflect
Level 3 - 45% Chance to Reflect

Moon Dash
Healing Wave
Mana Cost: 300/150/50
Cooldown: 11/6/1 second(s)

The Moon Elf dashes and attack enemy units, giving low/moderate/high damage and stunning them for 5/8/11 seconds (2/4/6 heroes)
-----The damage is 20/40/60% of the distance dashed. Just stun if 500 or more distance.Push the enemies to the point where the dash ends. ( Max. Range 800 ) ( Can be used without target, just to come quickly to some place )

Level 1 - Low damage, 5 seconds stun
Level 2 - Medium damage, 7 seconds stun
Level 3 - High damage, 9 seconds stun

Moon Blade
Staff of Negation (Activate) Scepter of the Mastery (Turn off)

Energize Werneck's blades, causing his attacks to steal life (40/50/60%). Also gives Werneck attacks a 7/14/21% chance to deal 2/4/6 times the normal damage. Drain 4/3/2 mana per second.
-----Theres any way to create an effect just on the Blades(The Demon Hunter Model's Blades)?
Level 1 - 40% life steal, 7% chance to deal 2 times the normal damage. Drain 4 mana per second
Level 2 - 50% life steal, 14% chance to deal 4 times the normal damage. Drain 3 mana per second
Level 3 - 60% life steal, 21% chance to deal 6 times the normal damage. Drain 2 mana per second

Moon Strike (Ultimate)
The Moon Elf jumps to a targeted enemy unit and attack it, dealing damage and stunning nearby units on lasts 10 seconds ( 6 seconds on Hero)
-----The damage is 750 to the targeted unit and 400 to nearby units, damage type is chaos. Maximum Range is 1800. This abillity is similar to DOTA's Toss, but target self, deal more damage and stun nearby units. Use a Jump Trigger that uses a Thunder Clap when reaches the ground, and gives more damage to the targeted unit. 450 AoE
Icon: I didn't found nothing, import something ^^
Mana Cost: 400
Cooldown: 80 seconds
Feel free to create better descriptions - my english isn't very good - or use imported model or icons, edit the Hero, Abillities, Names or whatever you want.

You don't need to put credits if you use this hero in your map, just pm me with the map download link


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Great:thup:, hmm another thing that you can add to your spell ideas is how you make the spells, (if you have created it yourself) and if you have also load up an map with just the hero and his spells. Would be nice:D

Im very pleased with these posts, follow these as a template if you add an idea here.:)


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Yatta!! Well I found a thread where I can post as much ideas as I want to. Great :thup:

I'll post a Hero idea here, and more to come.

Zul'raman the Troll Soldier

Model: Click Here
Primary Attribute: Agility
Movement Speed: 320
Attack Speed: Fast

Merciless (Active, Self-buff)
- When activated, the Troll's attacks deal AoE damage and will have an increase in attack range and attack speed. Merciless also grants the Troll an attack which deals more damage when attacking an enemy from behind.

  • Level 1 - 80 Range increase, 45% Atk. Speed increase, 1.2 times Backstab damage. Lasts 20 seconds.
  • Level 2 - 110 Range increase, 75% Atk. Speed increase, 1.5 times Backstab damage. Lasts 30 seconds.
  • Level 3 - 175 Range increase, 110% Atk. Speed increase, 2 times Backstab damage. Lasts 40 seconds.

Cutwave (Active, Point Target)
- Creates a wave of concentrated energy in a line. The unit it first hits will take damage and will get knocked back and take damage per second in a few seconds, and the wave will disappear.

  • Level 1 - 210 damage, 15 DPS in 3 seconds.
  • Level 2 - 310 damage, 25 DPS in 4 seconds.
  • Level 3 - 400 damage, 25 DPS in 8 seconds.

Blinkslash (Passive)
- Gives a XX percent chance for the Troll to attack an enemy X times in rapid succession while running in circles around the target.

  • Level 1 - 15% chance, 3 Times.
  • Level 2 - 20% chance, 5 Times.
  • Level 3 - 25% chance, 7 Times.

Spear Whirlspin (Ultimate Active, No Target)
- The Troll rotates rapidly (like Bladestorm), unleashing the full force of his strength accompanied by a raging whirlwind. As he rotates, 12 successive waves of spears spiral outward, dealing 175 damage to any enemies a spear hits.

  • I don't provide a background/story for my heroes. If you need a Hero story that bad, then PM me, and please include your map's info and lore (optional). I'm busy doing lots of stuff nowadays.
  • You can give credits to me for the ideas or not at all.

-- Umaku iku yō ni -|- jonadrian619 --​


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What was that? (though it seemed hilarious:D)

I just gave out an idea so that people can use it for their maps. I didn't indicate how to make the spells or gave out a map with the Hero. My apologies, but I am bad at making complex spells. Plus the latter post had to do something with the thread, a set of ideas for a Hero. Strange, and crappy...well nvm.

Oh and one more, some useful guides:
http://world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.net/cat_usersubmit.php?view=28292 (JASS Basics, where I learned how to code JASS)
http://world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.net/cat_usersubmit.php?view=28217 (For those who have a good grasp on JASS already, you can improve further by reading this guide)
http://world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.net/cat_usersubmit.php?view=57653 (For JASSers who want to move on to vJASS, here's a basic guide)
http://world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.net/cat_usersubmit.php?view=63595 (A concise introduction to Structs and its functions and code)

Well, I better leave now before there's more fuel added to the fire. Hope my ideas can be useful to you guys. See ya around!


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the last dragionshifter
agi: regular
str: more than regular
int: less than regular
range: 500
model: pick the windrunner model and add a dragon tail to it, red skin, dragon eyes and small wings.

Dragon tail:
spins knockingback all nearby enemies and dealing damage.
level: 75 damage, knocks 400 range (+100 range, 60 damage) per level
cooldown: 10 seconds
fire lunge:
strikes all units in a cone with a fire wave. the power of the blast is soo strong that the dragonshifter throws herself some meter back.
level: 120 damage, 200 backmove (+75 damage, +50 range)per level
cooldown: 25 seconds
dragon skin:
increases life regeneration and provides bonus armor
level: 1HP/s, 1arm (+1 of each)per level
Dragon instinct:
gains bonus AS and MS during 5 seconds, when the effect ends the dragonshifter releases an inner power dealing area damage and stunning nearby enemies during a few seconds.
level: 20%AS, 3%MD, 25 damage, 1 sec stun (+10%AS, +1%MS, +25 damage, +o.25 stun)per level
cooldown: 30 seconds
100% dragon
morphs into a dragon gaining the ability to fly, 1000 bonus hitpoints, 50 movement speed, 2 armor, 45 damage and 5 life regeneration during a few seconds (all spells deals 25% increased damage when on dragon form)
level: lasts 60 seconds (+10 duration_per level
cooldown: 120 seconds.


give credits

  • even:
    • unit - an unit lies in the ground
    • condition:
    • unit - triggering unit is a gay equal to true
    • action:
    • unit - order random unit from (units withing 100 range of triggering unit) to eat triggering unit ass.


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Would you like to have spells inspired from D2lLOD?

Hybrid Trap
Plants a trap on the ground that can hit units in certain range. The traps last 30 seconds or 12 shot. It explodes corps and cast lightnings.
Level - 1 ~ 20 damage lightning 60 damage corpes (2X each level)


Super Moderator
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There are a surprisingly large amount of Idea Threads. I even had one myself a while ago.
Do a quick search, and you'll find a huge amount of them.


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Make potion- Creates a potion for the heros use

Enchant- Gives 10+ attack and Attack speed

Create Bank- Makes bank unit for item storage

Make Reincarnation Aunket(Ultimate)- Makes one

Ill probobly put more later


Cookie Be Awesome!
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Damn, the guy above me is a genius. I'l never be as rad as him.
Name: Frost Wyrm
Proper Name: Nax'amar
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Range: 450

Hailed as the mother of all Frost Wyrms, Nax'amar is seen as one of the most significant contributors to the Lich Kings mighty army. Long before the currently known Frost Wyrms roamed the Azerothian skies, Nax'amar ruled the skies above many battlefields. Spewing her chilling breath over enemy forces, she does not only freezes the unfortunate crusaders on the spot, but also reanimates fallen heroes in the form of small but vicious Frost Broods. Fear strikes into the hearts of even the bravest of the Alliance warlords when they cross the path of the icy monstrousity known as Nax'amar. She's a one-wyrm force to be reckoned with, not to be underestimated.

Default Skill
Icy Breath (Passive)
Nax'amar is loaded with frost energies that have a chance of escaping her undead belly with every breath she fires towards her victims. Once the effect occurs however, she needs time to recharge this energy, rendering her unable to trigger the same effect again for 10 seconds.

Effect - Grants a 15% chance to belch a cloud of frost at the opponent, dealing 30% bonus damage and freezing him on the spot for 2 seconds. Cannot occur more than once every 10 seconds however.

Regular Skills
Morbid Prison (Active, Single Target)
Nax'amar, being the mother of all Frost Wyrms, is capable of raising the bones of the dead to imprison a target enemy. In addition, every unit dying in a 400 radius of this prison has his corpse absorbed and has his bones used to strengthen the cage, lengthening its duration.

Level 1 - Immobilizes the target for 2 seconds. Every unit dying in a 400 radius increases the duration by 0.3 second.
Level 2 - Immobilizes the target for 2.5 seconds. Every unit dying in a 400 radius increases the duration by 0.3 second.
Level 3 - Immobilizes the target for 3 seconds. Every unit dying in a 400 radius increases the duration by 0.4 second.
Level 4 - Immobilizes the target for 3.5 seconds. Every unit dying in a 400 radius increases the duration by 0.4 second.

Breath of Life (Active, Target AOE)
Nax'amar has an exeptional breath that both freezes opponents as well as it raises the dead in the form of Frost Broods. With her Breath of Life, Nax'amar targets a 450 AOE and spews large amounts of chilling energies over this earth. This freezes the living and raises the dead. Risen Frost Broods last untill killed or untill new ones are raised.

Level 1 - Every enemy in the area is slowed by 10% for 3 seconds and takes 90 damage. Up to 2 corpses are risen in the form of a weak Frost Brood.
Level 2 - Every enemy in the area is slowed by 15% for 3.5 seconds and takes 130 damage. Up to 3 corpses are risen in the form of a moderate Frost Brood.
Level 3 - Every enemy in the area is slowed by 20% for 4 seconds and takes 170 damage. Up to 4 corpses are risen in the form of a strong Frost Brood that knows "Detonate".
Level 4 - Every enemy in the area is slowed by 25% for 4.5 seconds and takes 210 damage. Up to 5 corpses are risen in the form of a very strong Frost Brood that knows "Detonate".

Detonate (Active, No Target)
Frost Broods have the ability to detonate themselves. They unleash the frozen energy stored within them, violently shattering their bony bodies. This kills the Brood itself on the spot, but deals minor damage to enemies around it.

Effect - Kills the Brood itself, but deals 65 damage to all enemies within a 250 radius.

Permafrost (Passive)
Nax'amar constantly emits a cold aura. Over time, this freezing power turns the ground around her into permafrost. This strengthens the icy fiend herself, yet startles the enemies around her.

Level 1 - When Nax'amar moves less than 400 distance in 6 seconds, ground in a 500 radius around her turns into Permafrost. While on permafrost, enemies speed and damage is reduced by 5%, while Nax'amars is increased by 5%.
Level 2 - When Nax'amar moves less than 400 distance in 6 seconds, ground in a 550 radius around her turns into Permafrost. While on permafrost, enemies speed and damage is reduced by 7%, while Nax'amars is increased by 7%.
Level 3 - When Nax'amar moves less than 400 distance in 6 seconds, ground in a 600 radius around her turns into Permafrost. While on permafrost, enemies speed and damage is reduced by 9%, while Nax'amars is increased by 9%.
Level 4 - When Nax'amar moves less than 400 distance in 6 seconds, ground in a 650 radius around her turns into Permafrost. While on permafrost, enemies speed and damage is reduced by 11%, while Nax'amars is increased by 11%.

Glacial Barrage (Active, Target AOE, Channeling)
The ultimate, icy, offensive ability of the Frost Wyrms is known as the Glacial Barrage. By continously breathing intensely cold air over the target 600 AOE, they cause chunks of ice to form and hail down on those grounds. Every second, every enemy in the massive hail has a 30% chance to be stunned for a second.

Level 1 - Deals 80 damage per second, channels for up to 4 seconds.
Level 2 - Deals 100 damage per second, channels for up to 5 seconds.
Level 3 - Deals 120 damage, channels for up to 6 seconds.


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Her'zul the Stormcaller (Ner'zul model lol)

Static Charge:

Strikes your target with concentrated lightning energy, filling him with a static aura that sucks all nearby enemies to the target and continues to shock them until the static wears off, deals 20/40/60 damage per seconds for 6 seconds.

Lightning ball:

creates a ball of lightning at the targeted area which floats around and casts chain lightning repeatedly to all nearby enemies. lasts 15 seconds and each chain lightning does 60/85/100 with 10% damage loss per jump, jumping 3/4/5 times each.

Lightning aura:

an aura that shocks all enemies within range of the stormcaller, dealing 2/4/6 damage every 2 seconds within 320.

Call of thunder (ultimate)

Calls down a bolt of lightning upon the caster, energising him by restoring his health and mana to full and knocks all enemies withing 800 at least 800 distance from the caster and dealing 425 damage to them aswell aspurging all units, reducing movement speed to 0 which is regained over time and, lastly removes all buffs.

ultimate is a mouthful, should be fun though =D


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I have a question why do people not put non-hero units and abilities?


Summon Attack Spirit
---------True sight
-------Attack Speed- 0.10
-------Defense-Ethereal, 0
-------Acquisition Range- 2000
-------Movement Speed-220
-----Mana Cost- 50

Summon Healing Spirit
---------Healing Aura
--------------Like Life Regeneration Aura but it only effects player units
------Attack Speed-None
------Defense-Ethereal, 0
------Acquisition Range- 1500
------Movement Speed- 150
----Mana Cost-100
----Cooldown- 100

Restoration Aura
Plus 1 Mp Regeneration

Summon Delthos(Ultimate)
--------Spell Imunity
--------Black Arrow
--------Animate Dead
------Attack-89 Chaos
------Attack Speed-1.10
------Defense-Ethereal, 0
------Acquisition Range- 1500
------Movement Speed- 330
----Mana Cost-125
----Cooldown- 100

Hows this?


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Doomed Hero

- Str
- Melee
- 315 MS
- Fast AS
- Name : Gladius

Story :

Gladius is a mighty hero of the BloodElves, but .. 1 day he fought Arthas the death knight in order to save his homeland, But he failed Arthas destroyed the homeland of Gladius and killed him.. But Arthas thought that he could use a Brave,Mighty Warrior like him.. Cause Arthas' arm was cut off , fighting with Gladius
then Arthas Revived Gladius with a new Objective . . . To Serve King ARTHAS!!

- Hero Slash
Slashes the enemies around him dealing 3.5x STR..

- Doomed Aura (Passive)
Makes Gladius' Surroundings Decay .. Dealing 50 DPS and 200 AoE

- Doomed Army
summons 4-6 Doom Bringer .. Deals 75-90 damage and 9 armor

- Wave of Doom
Creates a Fire Wave deals 220 damage.. And 50 DPS lasts 5 Secs. And Silents them for 5 secs.

- Doomed Hero ( ULTIMATE )
Sacrifices Himself to Explode in the whole MAP Dealing 10x Current Life .. And then recreates himself for 20 secs.. 250-120 CD

.. LoL DOOM!


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Mind if I share another one. You may modify it at your own wish, give credit to me or not. Just use this and have fun!

Name: Raszhes the Tiger Shaman
Primary Attribute: Agility
Range: Melee
Skin: Here

Story: While Raszhes was hunting down the Razormanes with his tiger companion, Kogara, he saw a band of Durotar-based Shamans that were in danger from the Centaur beasts. Impulsively, Raszhes went on slaying the centaur tribe and their leader singlehandedly. In 'exchange', the orc Shamans taught Raszhes the shamanistic techniques, and kept it a secret. Soon after, Raszhes became a most adept and feared Shaman with an unknown goal, with his beast companion Kogara, and a leader of a new band of orcs known only as the Tiger Shamans. With his lycantrophic abilities, he is not to be trifled with...

Default Ability:
Roar of the Berserker (Active, AoE Buff)
Raszhes unleashes his primal instincts and to let loose a roar which vibrates around him, invigorating him and his allies. Raszhes gains 100% Attack Speed, 60% Movement Speed and 50% more attack damage. The rest of his allies gain 50% attack speed, 30% movement speed and 25% more damage.

Hero Abilities:
Primal Slash (Active, Target Unit)
Raszhes violently slashes a target unit using his claw into chunks of meat, dealing massive damage to the initial target and stunning that target. Because of the length of his claws and the amount of strength exerted, this skill can deal subtle damage to nearby units as well, preferably 300 ranges away.

If used with a charge-up with Wrath of the Beast, Primal Slash will unleash a destructive wave of energy in a line, dealing damage. Damage is dependent on the number of charge-ups.

If used with a full charge-up with Wrath of the Beast, the wave unleashed can travel at a longer distance, and now has the power to knock back enemies and deal damage the same as that of the initial damage dealt to the target enemy unit.

  • Level 1 - 250 initial damage, 2 sec. stun.
  • Level 2 - 400 initial damage, 4 sec. stun.
  • Level 3 - 550 initial damage, 6 sec. stun.

Summon Kogara (Active, No Target)
Summons Raszhes tiger companion, Kogara, to fight by his side. Kogara has default 280 Movement Speed and Fast attack speed. You can only summon up to 1 Kogara, besides it has no timed life.

  • Level 1 - 750 HP, 300 Mana, Low HP and Mana Regen, 7 Armor, 34-50 Damage
  • Level 2 - 1050 HP, 400 Mana, Medium HP and Mana Regen, 10 Armor, 48-71 Damage, has Critical Strike.
  • Level 3 - 1400 HP, 500 Mana, High HP and Mana Regen, 15 Armor. 89-103 Damage, has Deadly Strike (Crit. strike ability w/ stun duration)

Kogara Tiger Model - DL Here

Pain String (Active, Target Point)
Creates a temporary green lightning bolt between Raszhes and the target point which acts as a tripwire, but this bolt is invisible to all other players except Raszhes and his allies, making it a lethal trap. Any enemy unit passing through this wire will be instantly shocked with electricity, taking severe damage and slowing the unit for a period of time while slowly regaining his movement speed (Purge w/ damage).

  • Level 1 - 175 damage, 6 second Purge. Trap lasts for 10 seconds.
  • Level 2 - 250 damage, 9 second Purge. Trap lasts for 15 seconds.
  • Level 3 - 325 damage, 13 second Purge. Trap lasts for 20 seconds.

Wrath of the Beast (Passive)
Every time Raszhes attacks, he becomes stronger, increasing his attack damage and attack speed gradually. When it's charged up, his Primal Slash will become more powerful. Wrath of the Beast can contain up to 30 charge-ups.

However, the attack speed, attack damage and charge-ups will gradually diminish when the Hero doesn't attack after 10 seconds.

  • Level 1 - 1 damage gained per attack, 3 attacks required for one charge-up.
  • Level 2 - 2 damage gained per attack, 2 attacks required for one charge-up.
  • Level 3 - 3 damage gained per attack, 1 attack required for one charge-up.

Black Panther Form (Ultimate)
Raszhes transforms into a Black Panther with bolstered Strength, Agility and attack damage, attack speed and movement speed as well. In this Panther form, Raszhes cannot use Pain String and instead substituted with a Bloody Pounce ability which makes him jump to a target from afar, tear him down to pieces and eating up the remainder of the victim, adding up HP for the Panther. Bloody Pounce is based on hero level.

Raszhes is drained of mana as he stays long becoming a Black Panther. When his mana finally reaches 0, he is morphed back to his true form.

This ability can be deactivated anytime.

Black Panther Model Here

Offtopic: I don't know what idea made you say my previous idea is wow-esque sort of thing, though WoW isn't the only game with Trolls on it:D. Don't make the same post again (though it was deleted), I'm here to give ideas and concepts and that's what I'm here for, not some 'fuel' for an emotional outburst. Let's be in peace.

-- Umaku iku yō ni -|- jonadrian619 --​
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