Taking Spell Requests


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I'm currently taking requests for spells because I'm bored and can't think what i want to do since I'm not working on any projects.

I can do Jass quite well and will make MUI spells if i can, if not then I will at least make them MPI.

Current Spells I'm working on:

Glacier Armor
Sword Impale
Static Shield

Finished Spells:
Hammertime - don't know if it works, can't test it now - post 3 for code
DotA spell OverPower - GUI

Failed Spells:
Shock Arrows - Sorry Dr4gonL0rd - I couldn't find a way to get it to work - I made it to getting the units there but I don't have any idea how to get each unit to cast ONLY inside the hexagon, and the stasis barrier will be very very complicated from what I can imagine.

Sorry if your spell has taken awhile and you still don't have it because I'm currently working on my spell for the channel spell contest as well as possibly the race contest.


  • overpower.w3x
    19 KB · Views: 143


I'm so lonesome I could cry...
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Spell name:


Sends multiple hammers down from sky, one by one they will be sent towards the enemy unit, chasing the targets tale for either a life time or until it hits.
Level 1 - 25 damage per hammer, 3 hammers
Level 2 - 50 damager per hammer, 4 hammers

More specific;
When the caster targets a unit with this ability, he will stand still, channeling the spell for 1 second, then the effects starts. First, one by one hammer comes down from sky, at the position of the caster, when they "reach" the casters head (more or less), the hammer starts to move forward, chasing the target, for a life time, until the hammer hits the target.


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I'm working on it

edit: just finished jass for it
editedit: couldn't test it for some reason i still have the jass though
function movehammer takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer k = GetExpiredTimer()
    local unit caster = GetHandleUnit(k,"caster")
    local unit targ = GetHandleUnit(k,"targ")
    local unit hammer = GetHandleUnit(k,"hammer")
    local integer level = GetHandleInt(k,"level")
    call ProjectileLaunchToUnitDamage(GetOwningPlayer(caster),"Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\StormBolt\\StormBoltMissile.mdl",500,0.00,GetUnitX(hammer),GetUnitY(hammer),80,targ,25,level*25)
    call RemoveUnit(hammer)
    call FlushHandleLocals(k)
    call DestroyTimer(k)
    set k = null
    set caster = null
    set targ = null
    set hammer = null
function hammers takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
    local integer level = GetHandleInt(t,"level")
    local integer i = GetHandleInt(t,"i")
    local unit targ = GetHandleUnit(t,"targ")
    local unit caster = GetHandleUnit(t,"caster")
    local integer ie = level + 2
    local unit hammer
    local location castloc = GetUnitLoc(caster)
    local timer k = CreateTimer()
    if i < ie then
        set hammer = CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(caster),UnitId("u000"),castloc,GetUnitFacing(caster))
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(hammer,80,720)
        call SetHandleHandle(k,"hammer",hammer)
        call SetHandleHandle(k,"caster",caster)
        call SetHandleInt(k,"level",level)
        call SetHandleHandle(k,"targ",targ)
        call TimerStart(k,1,false,function movehammer)
        call SetHandleInt(t,"i",i+1)
        call TimerStart(t,0.5,false,function hammers)
        call RemoveLocation(castloc)
        set castloc = null
        set hammer = null
        set k = null
        set t = null
        call FlushHandleLocals(t)
        call DestroyTimer(t)
        set castloc = null
        set k = null
        set t = null
        set hammer = null

function HammerTime takes unit targ, unit caster, integer level returns nothing
    local timer t = CreateTimer()
    call SetHandleHandle(t,"targ",targ)
    call SetHandleHandle(t,"caster",caster)
    call SetHandleInt(t,"level",level)
    call SetHandleInt(t,"i",0)
    call TimerStart(t,0.5,false,function hammers)
    set targ = null
    set caster = null
    set t = null
You just need a dummy unit with code "u000" and a call it with:
call HammerTime(<your caster>,<your target>,<level of ability>)
- it needs Handle Vars


Alright, I got one for ya.

Shock Arrows- The ranger fires 6 special arrows into the air, which land in a "circle" (more like a hexagon :p) in the target area. The arrows stick into the ground, and create a stasis barrier between them, keeping the units trapped inside. Then the arrows unleash forked lightning on the units trapped inside the barrier.

My thoughts:
For the base spell I'm thinking you could use Cluster Rockets, since I'm guessing that the 6 projectiles would land in a perfect hexagon anyways. Then you create dummy units with locust ability that look like arrows at the locations the projectiles hit. I think you'd have to edit the unit so that the arrows point down, and not to the side. Then you just add forked lightning o the units, and tell them to cast it on random units in the targeted area.

If you can think of a better/ more efficient way to do it, by all means, go ahead. That's just how I was running it through in my mind, I just don't know how to do all of it.


What is this i dont even
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Spell name:


Sends multiple hammers down from sky, one by one they will be sent towards the enemy unit, chasing the targets tale for either a life time or until it hits.
Level 1 - 25 damage per hammer, 3 hammers
Level 2 - 50 damager per hammer, 4 hammers

More specific;
When the caster targets a unit with this ability, he will stand still, channeling the spell for 1 second, then the effects starts. First, one by one hammer comes down from sky, at the position of the caster, when they "reach" the casters head (more or less), the hammer starts to move forward, chasing the target, for a life time, until the hammer hits the target.

I'm working on it

edit: just finished jass for it
editedit: couldn't test it for some reason i still have the jass though
function movehammer takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer k = GetExpiredTimer()
    local unit caster = GetHandleUnit(k,&quot;caster&quot;)
    local unit targ = GetHandleUnit(k,&quot;targ&quot;)
    local unit hammer = GetHandleUnit(k,&quot;hammer&quot;)
    local integer level = GetHandleInt(k,&quot;level&quot;)
    call ProjectileLaunchToUnitDamage(GetOwningPlayer(caster),&quot;Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\StormBolt\\StormBoltMissile.mdl&quot;,500,0.00,GetUnitX(hammer),GetUnitY(hammer),80,targ,25,level*25)
    call RemoveUnit(hammer)
    call FlushHandleLocals(k)
    call DestroyTimer(k)
    set k = null
    set caster = null
    set targ = null
    set hammer = null
function hammers takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
    local integer level = GetHandleInt(t,&quot;level&quot;)
    local integer i = GetHandleInt(t,&quot;i&quot;)
    local unit targ = GetHandleUnit(t,&quot;targ&quot;)
    local unit caster = GetHandleUnit(t,&quot;caster&quot;)
    local integer ie = level + 2
    local unit hammer
    local location castloc = GetUnitLoc(caster)
    local timer k = CreateTimer()
    if i &lt; ie then
        set hammer = CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(caster),UnitId(&quot;u000&quot;),castloc,GetUnitFacing(caster))
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(hammer,80,720)
        call SetHandleHandle(k,&quot;hammer&quot;,hammer)
        call SetHandleHandle(k,&quot;caster&quot;,caster)
        call SetHandleInt(k,&quot;level&quot;,level)
        call SetHandleHandle(k,&quot;targ&quot;,targ)
        call TimerStart(k,1,false,function movehammer)
        call SetHandleInt(t,&quot;i&quot;,i+1)
        call TimerStart(t,0.5,false,function hammers)
        call RemoveLocation(castloc)
        set castloc = null
        set hammer = null
        set k = null
        set t = null
        call FlushHandleLocals(t)
        call DestroyTimer(t)
        set castloc = null
        set k = null
        set t = null
        set hammer = null

function HammerTime takes unit targ, unit caster, integer level returns nothing
    local timer t = CreateTimer()
    call SetHandleHandle(t,&quot;targ&quot;,targ)
    call SetHandleHandle(t,&quot;caster&quot;,caster)
    call SetHandleInt(t,&quot;level&quot;,level)
    call SetHandleInt(t,&quot;i&quot;,0)
    call TimerStart(t,0.5,false,function hammers)
    set targ = null
    set caster = null
    set t = null
You just need a dummy unit with code "u000" and a call it with:
call HammerTime(<your caster>,<your target>,<level of ability>)
- it needs Handle Vars

Wait...3 minutes?!?!?

You did that in 3 minutes?


Ok, how about this:
If you can't make the stasis barrier thing, that's fine. The only thing I really need is that the arrows cast only on units in the hexagon. Couldn't you make a unit group variable and add all the units inside the hexagon to it, then order the arrows to cast forked lightning on a random unit in the unit group?


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read what I posted, I can't find a way unless I create multiple dummies for the same arrow and the cast but then it if one unit comes in the hexagon and it triggers, then it will Insta kill it.


Hard in the Paint.
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There have been many spell requests threads... take a look in the search and configure some. :)


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Yea, but none to date. IKilledKenny doesn't come on much anymore and Tinki3 can't do them all alone.


New Member
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I have a spell request , its a spell from dota.


increases attack speed by 100% for 5 hits OR 15 seconds.

can you do it i GUI , i have heard that JASS is simplier and shorter , i just know GUI , could you take the time and please please make it in GUI .

thx on advance.


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dunno about GUI but if i can't do it in GUI I'll do it in jass and tell you how to get it to work


read what I posted, I can't find a way unless I create multiple dummies for the same arrow and the cast but then it if one unit comes in the hexagon and it triggers, then it will Insta kill it.

For the map I'm making, a unit will not move into the area before the arrows would cast the lightning. And I did read what you posted. From what I saw, you said you got it to "get the units", but you just couldn't figure out the stasis barrier part, which I said was okay to exclude. Plus, I gave a solution for getting the arrows to only cast on units in the area. Is my solution not good? Also, even if the player used this ability on a single unit, it doesn't really matter to me if it would instantly kill that unit. For the type of map I'm making, it doesn't matter at all. It's a single player map. Eye candy/gameplay > balance


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finished overpower spell

@Dr4gon L0rd
I tried again but I can't get some things right.


Just casually observing atm ;)
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I have a few thoughts about an ability.
Shouldn't be too difficult for you I think.
I can't access the editor before tuesday in eight days (I'm on vacation :shades:) so I can't download it and test it before that.
(so I dunno when I can check back in on this thread either, but be patient. I will ;))

Static Shield
The spell is a shield spell for a tauren hero "Thunder Bull"
It's an activated ability that, when active, converts the first spell (deleting the effects of that spell!) cast upon the hero to a bolt of lightning (or something like that) that heals the thunder bull a little hp.
It should have fairly short cooldown but not heal very much.
What should increase with ability level is amount of hp healed, maybe like 80/140/200 or something..

I would very much prefer if you could do it with regular triggers and base abilities,
since I've never tried JASS before.
I've tried poking around with it a little before but never got it any good,
so I was thinking maybe you can help :eek:

Thanks in advance mate :)


Back from the dead...
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I have an ability idea:

The Hero channels his/her power and bashes an unit, dealing ## damage and knocking it back.
This should be done with a trigger that fires when an unit starts the effect of this ability. This trigger purpose is to set the variables and turn on and off a second trigger. This 2nd trigger is a periodic event trigger where you push the unit, and set a new variable. This can't be MUI in GUI (because it has 2 triggers), but can in JASS. Good luck!


Ok, if you had trouble with my other ability, how about this one. I see only one problem with it that I couldn't figure out. It's for a Blade Master hero:

Sword Impale
The Blade Master plunges his sword into a target unit, causing 200 damage. He then raises his sword with the unit still on it into the air, causing excruciating pain and 600 more damage.

My thoughts:
I was thinking you would make the animation name for the actual spell his Second Attack (I think), which is the one where he stabs with his sword. Then, is the part I can't figure out. This spell could be cast on practically any unit (by the way, there will only be one unit able to cast this spell in my map, if that helps), so I don't know how you would attack the unit to his sword. I thought about the 'Weapon' attachment point, but I don't know how it could be done. But after you figure that out, you could just play the Blade Master's animation where he raises his sword and arm into the air. I forget what the name of that animation is.

Is that any easier to do? :eek:


New Member
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I have an ability idea:

The Hero channels his/her power and bashes an unit, dealing ## damage and knocking it back.
This should be done with a trigger that fires when an unit starts the effect of this ability. This trigger purpose is to set the variables and turn on and off a second trigger. This 2nd trigger is a periodic event trigger where you push the unit, and set a new variable. This can't be MUI in GUI (because it has 2 triggers), but can in JASS. Good luck!

This thread is for requests, NOT ideas.


Since I cant figure out an easier way to do this

Here a request ^ ^;;

Skill Name: Glacier Armor
Levels: 15

Level 1 - Level 5, Armor increases by 2 as level increase. (So 2,4,6,8,10)
Level 6 - Level 10, Armor Increases by 5 now. (15,20,25,30,35)
Level 11 - Level 15, Armor Increaes by 10 now. (45,55,65,75,85)

Level 1 - Level 5, 2% when struck to "freeze" attacking unit. % Increases by 2 per level. (2,4,6,8,10)
Level 6 - Level 15, same effect but incriments of 3% now. (13,16,19,22,25,28,31,34,37,40).

What I can get around is...
Having the system check that "level X frost armor" is ON the unit. (It was casted on the unit, it doesnt have the "skill", I can get it to do a skill check.)
Apply X% of "freeze" to the unit equivlent to X level.

Either post or PM me for any "extra" details you'd like on the spell. =\
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