The fall of Warcraft III - Opinions

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Cocktails anyone?
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It seems like Warcraft III has been falling, due to the fact that is becoming more and more outdated. Though the amount of players on is pretty big, it's beginning to fall under the ash like Diablo II.

-Wc3Campaigns is buckling in under itself, most of the good modders are being banned. is a ghost of it's former glory, Vexorian, Cookie, Mc !, and many others have left. Darky, it's sole owner, has left the community in whole. You can't say that Wc3Sear'ch is as good as it used to be.

-Mos tof the big hsoted projects have fallena d won't be released due to WoW and RL, such as CC's 'secret' project, Blades & Billiets, etc.

-WcII ToB is starting to fall, Cassiel said he's moving onto bigger games like HL2 and is contemplating making a ToB HL2 mod. Kaz is the only one left working on it. (GO Kaz!)

-WoW is engulfing everyone's world, it's evil, I swear. Something about it... o_O

Though I do think it will stay for a good while, it's falling like D2. D@ has a big fanbase, but look at the servers. Hackers out the wazoo, people botting like crazy, cheating like crazy, etc.

Now look at Warcraft III. Nothing very interesting is coming up, none of the big fan projects are being released, jsut being thrown away, othing to wait for. Everyone ahs ripped off one of the big maps like a million times. DotA's the only thing left, though it isn't ToB: It doesn't look like much effort was put into little things.

Any thoughts?

Also, has anyone heard about another Warcraft RTS coming out anytime soon as moddable as Warcraft III?

If there is, it'll msot likely be shown at next year's E3.


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Are you saying that in a few years maybe months, only about 2 or 3 people in each gateway will be playing warcraft III?

If so, i think it's about time the whole community did something big for wc3, make everyone get back into it, or else people will create an addiction to wow (as you said, it is evil)

This has made my day (not :()


rated 5/5 for mapping


My thoughts are NOT the same as yours...

Saying such words saddens me completely. Its not true (or perhaps im just completely not ready to accept it).
Age of Mythology is archaic now and ppl are still on multiplayer. WC3 is a completely superior strategy game so I (as more than an educated guess) can tell you that there will be more than 5 people on Bnet in a Years time.

Dont lose sleep over it Jindo... ;)

I'll still be on BNET, ill have a game with you if this prophecy becomes a reality (which I doubt will happen for a 2 years at least). :)


P.S: sorry bout my...reaction to this post but Im not ready to accept such words just yet. hehe just giving my opinion as asked.



Cocktails anyone?
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Warcraft III won't completely die out, look at Diablo II. The fanbase is huge, but there's nothing but corrupt and broken servers, no good mods, and cheating out the wazoo.

Warcraft II is turning into that, with nothing but copy maps and nothing big coming out soon. All the big, long awaited projects are dead due to WoW and RL.

But, it can't return to it's former glory when TFT was released, it'll slowly eat itself alive.

Expect Warcraft III to still be played for many, many more years, but with no big excitement or projects.


Its hard to Shut me up...

I just have 1 more thing to point out. D2 had no map editor!!! this constrained what people could do significantly. WC3 can be manipulated in 1000s of ways unlike D2, so i do not agree with using D2 as an example.

BTW, jindo your totally and 100% correct. We need to do something big for WC3. something nearly as good as dota...if thats possible.

~metallic boy


Cocktails anyone?
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Yes, but your forgetting the external editors. Open has tons of modifications, and some are total conversions of D2.

Though, the moddability of Warcraft III is big, is still overrun with millions upon millions of the original maps.


Ex TH Member
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This reality will not happen for several years, that's all I can say.

Isn't Darky alive? I keep seeing him turn his face up every now and then. Needless to say, and wc3campaigns are going in the garbage bin sooner or later, because it is slowly rotting into garbage.

We must keep the warcraft III community here alive--it's a lot better than the bunch down at hogging the place so they can find a simple model they're too lazy to go ahead and make in gmax.


Cocktails anyone?
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Darky has only appeared in mIRC at the Wc3S server every few months for a minute. Other than that, he has done nothing for Wc3S in several months, and Wc3S is eroding away becuase of it.

There's one fact you can't change, is overrun with crap copies of the original maps, and there's no 'excitement' - None of the awaited projects are coming out (The GOOD projects) - Blades & Billiets (My favorite), TH, CC's Secret project, etc. The only one alive anhd popular is RD's DoC and TGS but those are still very premature.

This community is only but a tiny part of Wc3, nothing here could be large enough scale, and I'd rather move on than work for an outdated game. (Not meaning I'm leaving)

I really shuldn't have said fall, since Warcraft III isn't falling anytime soon, though Blizzard is increasingly giving up on Warcraft III and the custom maps are getting out of control.

DM Cross

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...Wow, Conan, you really got all worked up over this?! HA!

Video games, just like anything else, are FADS, people! Maybe one will get big enough to be considered a trend, but usually they're just fads. They have their pops, and then people find something new to do, and it's bye bye old game! :p But there's another thing. Fads ALL recycle. My Freshman year in High School (2? years ago) we all played a game called Runescape. I'm sure most of you have heard of it. Now, the game was big for about...3 months :p Then I found games like Tibia (don't ask if you don't know what this is about, it's fairly old, as far as graphically speaking) and, of course, WC2, at the time :p Then I got WC3 and it was bye bye Tibia AND Runescape :p Then, last year, Runescape got big again, for about a month or two. It came back, and died away again. This year, I've heard the Freshmen talking about Runescape again!

So, you see, regardless of if WC3 ever has a "fallen time", it'll get back up. It's just one biig cycle :) So I really don't worry. Projects will be finished when people have the motivation. That's one reason I stopped doing the NAoW map :p Everyone sort of forgot about it, and it was only fun to do when people liked it...Not to say you should make a map for every one, no! Make it for your own sake, and if people like it, all the better. But modding, to me, is already boring :p When no one knows or cares about what you're doing, and there's stuff you'd rather be doing anyway (writing, in my instance) it gets real old, real fast :p

So yeah. WC3 might go down a bit. But it'll come back up. IF the players who stay true to the game WANT it to...

Shadowy Fear

I have returned
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Yes, there are a lot of cheap versions of DotA (who unprotected it anyway!?) and a couple other games, although nobody really bothers to hack into any game but DotA it seems :/.

Rofl, good thing I didn't get WoW the other day ROFLMFAO :p :p :p

Hopefully, AWA will be a knockout, and perhaps lure some people back into warcraft. TH project seems to have been put on hold; then again, I haven't checked our threads for it in weeks ..

DotA just sort of bcame so popular that everyone wanted to put their name on it; consequently, a lot less original games came out and a LOT more DotAC (Defense of the Ancients COPIES) came out :(.

Hopefully, my new map that I'm working on will bring back the fun of games such as Parasite (the first version was so AWESOME, but now its pretty complicated and buggy, with tons of exploits, and can last for many boring hours if it gets into late game) and Murder in the Mansion (again, it seems like there are way to many cheap games like this, with almost no work in; the doodads aren't placed right, there are exploits and super-cheats, not very high-quality stuff, etc.), but with a whole new spooky spin :D (Murder in the Sleeping Town was ok; it was the same as Murder in the Mansion, but a tad spookier because it was an empty town at night :D).

Warcraft III TFT WILL eventually fall, like all games must. Perhaps even WoW will eventually die ...

If you hate WoW so much, why don't you just hack into it and 'temporarily disable' their servers <_>_< :>) L(oser) O(n) L(ine)!

This site will remain up for quite a while longer, or it should; at the least, because it deals with so many topics, like business and ... what, four games?

Don't use so mny acrnms i don't know lol!

The Helper

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This site will be up forever. It was up before Warcraft III even came out and it will be up long after Warcraft III is just a fleeting memory.


Your Friendly Neighborhood Admin
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Damn... so I totally missed the perfect time to ever bring out a map that
1. totally rocks
2. is a new genre all by itself
3. will be played
4. will determine the course of action of the gaming industry in general

all because there's new "stuff" out...

I can live with that ;)

> will be up long after Warcraft III is just a fleeting memory

Hm... you know, by then, you'll probably look like your current avatar ;)


Ultra Cool Member
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Things be fine.

I remember, it was all about AOE. I got more stories about that than you'd realize. I played it for like four years.

Then it sucked. Then I played diablo 2. Then I played WC3.

And here I am. And if it dies, I find something else to play. There will always be the next best thing. I don't map nearly as much as I used to. Time, interest. I 'meddle' with concepts, then get bored of em :) I have like 3 started maps I never got half way on.

But I'm still here. Its the community that counts.

DM Cross

You want to see a magic trick?
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Acehart said:
> will be up long after Warcraft III is just a fleeting memory

Hm... you know, by then, you'll probably look like your current avatar ;)

You mean he doesn't yet? :D (JUST KIDDING!)


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metallic_boy said:
Saying such words saddens me completely. Its not true (or perhaps im just completely not ready to accept it).
Age of Mythology is archaic now and ppl are still on multiplayer. WC3 is a completely superior strategy game so I (as more than an educated guess) can tell you that there will be more than 5 people on Bnet in a Years time.

Dont lose sleep over it Jindo... ;)

I'll still be on BNET, ill have a game with you if this prophecy becomes a reality (which I doubt will happen for a 2 years at least). :)


P.S: sorry bout my...reaction to this post but Im not ready to accept such words just yet. hehe just giving my opinion as asked.


I'm not just going to sit back and watch warcraft fade into the trash can! I'm going to (attempt to) try and show people why warcraft is so good, i won't let 10000 people leave for good!

I must send out a message and a few games which no-one could think of making if their life depended on it!

I would like to have a game.. if you are in northrend :)

Also, if it is a fad then that cant be good... fads are a waste of money, they are also hard to sell to others when they have had their moment...


rated 5/5 for mapping


Cocktails anyone?
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Well, one of my statements: is I never see one of the TH projects on, and we have no 'long awaited projects' - projects people go crazy for. The majority of Warcraft III mappers came from Wc3C or Wc3S. You have to admit, the REAL mappers (People who have been with it for awhile, etc.) are only a handful here, and that consists of the 'special' members.

As for Warcraft III being a 'fad' - Look at Diablo II, Warcraft III might not fall like D2 did, but it will NEVER be returned to it's glory days. The days of 2002, Wc3C and Wc3S were thriving, very good time. Warcraft III is almost legendary, it will be played for a good long time, like Starcraft. Starcraft fell below the dust, and the Warcraft III forums will eventually turn into the Starcraft forums.

I do have a question for you Alexander:

Is Warcraft III that much different than Starcraft and that more revolutionary that it is immune to Starcraft's fate? Hardcore Starcraft fans stay true to the game, as do Warcraft III fans, but the MAJORITY of people leave it and move on. Once the next Warcraft RTS comes out, we'll move on.

I wqasn't talking about this site, I have no idea what will happen to this site, but like all, it will eventually fall. (That'll be in a good 10 - 20 years, if TH is even alive at that time)

DM Cross

You want to see a magic trick?
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In my opinion, Warcraft is a better game. I hate futurisitic games. Most of my friends do too. If that ratio follows for most, or even a THIRD of the world around, then Warcraft as a MUCH bigger fanbase then Starcraft will ever dream of.

Plus, futuristic ideas are harder to think up. You have nothing to go by, because none of it exists, even in MYTHS! With older aged games, like Warcraft, you have MYTHS of Shamen, Witch Doctors, you have MYTHS of Elves and Dwarves...It's just different. So much more to base it off.

Now it's my turn to question you:

What was the point to bringing this up? We've all agreed that if WC3 is to fall, it's a long time off! Why get everyone so worked up?


Cocktails anyone?
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Becuase there's nothing to get 'pumped' about. I guess it has to deal with RL, but it's the same crap every day. No new exciting projects, no new exciting topics at Wc3C or Wc3S, no new nothin'. All the big projects I awaited are gone, such as the O version of ToB, B&B, my greatest dream, and CC's secret project.

Oh wait, this is great. ToB was just hacked by KRALKAYRA. Hilarious.

DM Cross

You want to see a magic trick?
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So make a project. After AWA, make something else. Don't just sit and wait for someone else's big project, do one yourself.

I hate it when people sit back and complain about how a community is sitting back :p


Cocktails anyone?
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I'm not 'complaining' - Merely using an example to collate the fact that Warcraft III will never return to it's golden days.

The community isn't 'sitting back' - Rather moving onto bigger things.
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