The fall of Warcraft III - Opinions

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Ultra Cool Member
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Well yes theres differences.

Compare D1 and D2. Differences in items, quests, leveling, and gamplay also. How bout the differences of WC2 and WC3? WC1?

But would you say D2 is not a sequal of D1 because things don't 'work' the same way?

IMHO, WoW is just a re-packaging of Diablo and Warcraft into one system. Regardless of items are 'different' and quests are 'different', the concept remains the same: characters, items, monsters and quests.

Easy leveling? Um, everyone I know around here who plays it has a level 60... which is max.

You can just play it now with a bunch of people instead of a LAN or something.

// We do have it. I don't play it.

XXconanXXX said:
Never said that, WoW is nothing like Diablo II. Leveling was insanely easy in D2, while in WoW leveling is a bit harder and takes longer. F' the item system, you forgot the whole point. The point is, that D2 and WoW might be similar, saying they're alike is insane just becuase they follow the same guideline. Shall I go on about how D2 and WOW are different?



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True, I guess I misunderstood you.

SD_Ryoko said:
Easy leveling? Um, everyone I know around here who plays it has a level 60... which is max.

In D2, everyone I knew would always hop a ride with someone else, there was no challenge, no leveling by yourself, it was always with someone else. I still cqan't figure out why I stuck with it for so long.

WoW is a bit different. If there is some "secret" to raids or grops, then I'm not seeing it> I could pair up with a guy only 2 levels above me, go kill monsters I usually kill and get 10% of the normal EXP I get. And raids are even wors, though you may be able to kill them, it cuts almost everything by 75%.


I come from the net ... My format, Vector.
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omg this stared out as is warcraft3 dyeing didnt it? i forgot my head is spining becuase i read this whole thing in 10 miniututes... and about runescape and fad.s your right it was a huge thing at my school this year
if any of you still play it plz say something to me in game im UnknowVector (big surpirse there i use it for all acounts warcraft starcraft runescape e-mail this forum)


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The fall of Warcraft III - Opinions


It seems like Warcraft III has been falling, due to the fact that is becoming more and more outdated. Though the amount of players on is pretty big, it's beginning to fall under the ash like Diablo II.

The other day I played diablo II? it didn't really fell under the ash.

-Wc3Campaigns is buckling in under itself, most of the good modders are being banned.

Most of the good modders are being banned? I heard whitehorn was banned, just a person, and the main thing to worry about would be whitehorn getting retarded and becoming an advertising machine, I was really dissappointed at that used to be friends is a ghost of it's former glory, Vexorian, Cookie, Mc !, and many others have left. Darky, it's sole owner, has left the community in whole. You can't say that Wc3Sear'ch is as good as it used to be.
Although I left it, there is no way wc3s will have problems, there are always more people there, Daelin is on spells and good models actually appear there, it is unbelievable, and Mc! didn't leave it btw.

-Mos tof the big hsoted projects have fallena d won't be released due to WoW and RL, such as CC's 'secret' project, Blades & Billiets, etc.

-WcII ToB is starting to fall, Cassiel said he's moving onto bigger games like HL2 and is contemplating making a ToB HL2 mod. Kaz is the only one left working on it. (GO Kaz!)

-WoW is engulfing everyone's world, it's evil, I swear. Something about it... o_O
Wow sucks, people would get bored much faster than wc3

Though I do think it will stay for a good while, it's falling like D2. D@ has a big fanbase, but look at the servers. Hackers out the wazoo, people botting like crazy, cheating like crazy, etc.

Now look at Warcraft III. Nothing very interesting is coming up, none of the big fan projects are being released, jsut being thrown away, othing to wait for. Everyone ahs ripped off one of the big maps like a million times. DotA's the only thing left, though it isn't ToB: It doesn't look like much effort was put into little things.

PR is advancing actuallly.and project enigma is doing well

Any thoughts?

Also, has anyone heard about another Warcraft RTS coming out anytime soon as moddable as Warcraft III?

If there is, it'll msot likely be shown at next year's E3.

They all suck, seriously.


You can't expect warcraft III to survive as a game, blizzard did a terrible job at tft, with changes to upkeep and hero experience, they never made any effort into balancing heroes or adding much more items.

Blizzard failed on wc3, it is not up to the modding conmunity to be blamed for blizzard's mistakes.

But read this: Warcraft III is still the best modable rts - rps , and there aren't hopes to get a replacement for it in at least 2 years.

It will stay alive because it is actually fun to mod it.

If you got tired of it go and play other game, no one is forcing you, but I plan to stay at it, and just starting my own mod with the help of Mc

DM Cross

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Vexorian brings a good point up...Warcraft isn't just one game, it's a multitude of games, because of the World Editor. You can make AoS games, RPGs, TD's, etc. etc., all with this one tool. So you really have a lot of variety the second you pay for it and start playing.

I never noticed a lack of balance with the heroes. But then again, maybe I'm just not paying attention.

Wait, I lied. I notied it with ONE hero: Blade master. Seems like he's just TOO damn good. But that's not the point.

The World Editor basically lets people create their own worlds, so they can balance it better then Blizzard (if in fact Blizzard fouled it up)

So, in short (after that long entry) I think the only way you're going to get a better game is if you add a better Editor with more capabilities. But if Blizzard is content to add more to the current one, then hell, I'm all for it too! :p Less expensive ;)


Cocktails anyone?
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The thing about Diablo II is that the servers are seriously in need of repairs, since they're so old. EVERYONE that I know on there either has a bot or maphack, and the whole aspect of the game is gone. Diab lO II will always be a legend in my eyes, since it's the only RPG that I played for as long as I did every day. LKast time I played, was a looong time ago, then I recently picked it up to talk to some old friends and realized that they had done nothing to the servers or patched it.

Warcraft III will always be around, but the golden days are gone. The name of the title is rather bad, since it won't 'fall', but it seems every project is falling due to WOW and RL. There are exceptions, such as Project Revolution, Realm Designs projects, Enigma, and others.

Wc3C and Wc3S are the same, they are passed their glory days. They will both always be around, but more drama ensues and they churn out less innovative things.

Your right about WoW though, it's basically a fad. It won't ever be like D2 or WcIII. Though they probably know that, are sucking it dry for every penny they can get. I don't see myself playing WoW for more than a year, though I do see myself still modding for Wc3III for a long while.

And Vex - Isn't Mc ! your brother?

Alex - There will most likely be one that's even more moddable than WcIII, but there's something about WcIII that keeps the community together.

The Helper

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I have seen a bunch of my Warcrack friends break away after a few month absence. The WOW apparently loses some of its appeal once you top out - I don't play those types of games since Evercrack when I spent like a whole month playing every day like 18 hours a day and was seriously thinking how I was going to pay my rent in Platinum.


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Actually the huge and grave hero balance problem is between the heroes of the same race, you are most of the times forced to always start with the same one limiting your chances to one strategy making the game horribly boring

Warcraft III will always be around, but the golden days are gone. The name of the title is rather bad, since it won't 'fall', but it seems every project is falling due to WOW and RL. There are exceptions, such as Project Revolution, Realm Designs projects, Enigma, and others.

Wc3C and Wc3S are the same, they are passed their glory days. They will both always be around, but more drama ensues and they churn out less innovative things.

which confirms what I said, it is blizzard's fault no need to worry about that in the side of the modding conmunity.

But there is a hope for wc3 and it is PR , remember Half Life which totally sucks and then appeared Counter Strike?

Anyways passed glory days are stupid, worthless illusions. The community never needed the blizz fan boy that only plays the game because it is blizzard's nor the usual guy that plays a game only because it is the latest. There is no need for them and I think that the game is better without those guys like the "MAKE WC3 into SC clone" ones on the bnet forum.

DM Cross

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XXconanXXX said:
Alex - There will most likely be one that's even more moddable than WcIII, but there's something about WcIII that keeps the community together.

Sorry man, but I can only agree on ONE point.

The WARCRAFT community will always be there. But I think if WC4 came out with a much bigger Editor, I myself would get the money and dump WC3.

Well, not dump :p But you get what I meant ;)

TH - ROFL! Warcrack...

Vex - So what you're trying to say is that the problem is with being limited with your heroes? ... Erm, wouldn't it be more unbalanced if you could have 3 at tier 1? Or are you referring to the lack of multiple strategies you can make with a certain hero?

Embelish a bit, please :)


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LEt me explain, A human player can't play a game if he doesn't start with archmage or mountain king, even so archmage has a huge advantage as first hero than mountain king.

Instead of being 4 options at the start the heroes are just things you always handle the same way.

Neutral heroes ruined it instead of fixing that, because they are either too powerful (so always use them) or too weak (never use them).

Blizzard admited that they never intended to really balance heroes and make every hero choice a viable option with its own disadvantages and advantages. They Actually said that they intended you to always use archmage first.

Also they didn't really work well on heroes, and ended making just an attempt to clone starcraft with heroes thanks to tft, instead of adding more RPS and tactic elements to TFT they just ruined it removing any fun element it had.

TFT was supposed to balance and extend ROC , instead of converting it on the thing it is now.
And Vex - Isn't Mc ! your brother?
Yes , but that doesn't directly mean he would leave wc3s when I leave wc3s


Ultra Cool Member
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A human player can't play a game if he doesn't start with archmage or mountain king, even so archmage has a huge advantage as first hero than mountain king.
I dont understand.

When we rush and I'm human, I get footies, the paladin, and learn devotion. Then research level 1 armor upgrade before we go.

So I have six footies with +x armor, and my teamates units get devotion as well.

Anyway, my point is, I dont start with archmage.

So how did nuetral heroes ruin it? Firelords okay, with his spans hes a good rusher too - free units.

DM Cross

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Erm, yeah that one confused me as well...

I'm an Orc player when I play at all, and I always get the Seer first, and then the Troll... But I have a few friends who prefer the Chief (like Ryoko) and others who prefer the Blademaster. So how are the heroes made so you can only start with one?

And I don't remember a time when I've ever started with the Archmage. I either use the Paladin or the Blood Mage.


Ultra Cool Member
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I was just wondering if I'm missing something.

I do noticed a LOT of people pick the archmage. But then, I'm only like 55% in 3v3 RT so maybe I do something wrong.

I get too pissed off in WC3. Its always something. Teamates that attack you. Teamates that have never played before. Never build their alter. Have 3 peons on a mine.

It just never ends.

Plus I have this error. almost half the time I click 'Play Game', and it finds one, it says 'An error occured handling the request'. Sometimes it says 'Could not join because a player failed to show' or something.


When it does this? Its an automatic loss. Its nailed be about 15 times / 100 games now.

I asked open tech WHY on earth i'd get a loss for that, no one seems to know why.


I come from the net ... My format, Vector.
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that realy sucks lest spam open tech with 2nd acounts untill someone finaly comnes out who knows lol :shades:
jk :p

"LEt me explain, A human player can't play a game if he doesn't start with archmage or mountain king, even so archmage has a huge advantage as first hero than mountain king." (quotes take time copy/paste is fast)

what? i start with arch mage sometimes alot of the time i use plaiden or blood mage and i realy hate mountain king i cant use him worth a bit

they take different startgys if your getting riflemen and casters (my favortie group) then i get blood and archmage if i get knights i get paliden and archmage i get the mage becuase i find getting a second meale hero is only asking for him to feed enemys and i personly like archamge but i dont think any hero is unbalenced. and the blade master? to good? he is the only hero i realy hate (even mountain king ... well i exergated i dont hate the mountain king but im not realy good with him) all you have to do is get arcane towers around your base and that takes about 2 minutets then rescher magic sentry later on and his wind walk is alomst pointless. bladestorm? move. critical stirke? ..its passive you dont counter passive. mirrior image? annoying but the images die fast and you can whach and see which ones real just hold down alt. to amke hp bars show and whach which one does no damage.

sorry for long post but its nothing compared to soem ive seen


I thought the same a few months ago when WoW came out, but after people realize that you're paying to play a game that produces a result that everyone eventually reaches and that it takes more time than it does skill, many of my friends returned to warcraft 3. D2 isn't as popular because blizzard released WoW, a newer kind of rpg, even if it is a mmorpg. Starcraft took a huge hit when WC3 came out, but in the end, people are still playing SC en masse. The fluxuation with the realease of WoW was to be expected, but not the dissapointment I experienced upon playing that game =/.


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As soon as more people host conan and group's AWA, then there will be many people back on here just to play that :p.

That's what i think of AWA, it could stop the fall from actually happening (only for an extra year or two :p)


PS: this is reffering to earlier on this thread.


XXconanXXX said:
Warcraft III won't completely die out, look at Diablo II. The fanbase is huge, but there's nothing but corrupt and broken servers, no good mods, and cheating out the wazoo.

Warcraft II is turning into that, with nothing but copy maps and nothing big coming out soon. All the big, long awaited projects are dead due to WoW and RL.

But, it can't return to it's former glory when TFT was released, it'll slowly eat itself alive.

Expect Warcraft III to still be played for many, many more years, but with no big excitement or projects.

d2 is probably the most corrupt game i have evr played. wc3 will nvr become as bad as that. WoW will die too, because guildwars was released and made alot of ppl that were frustrated by cookie-cutter builds switch. guildwars is also good for people that suk at getting to a game's max lvl


and i forgot, i have always been hoping that sc2 will come out bfor wc completeley falls


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I have plenty of ideas that are origonal to B.Net (I think...) here goes (maybe you can pick them up if your into making maps but other wise im making them... I probably won't finish ^_^

1. an aquatic life game. You start as a small fishy and eat small fishies to become a big fishie and such.

2. kill Dota, WoW and Footmen Wars. (PLEASE)

3. a fully custom hero map... MUCH more custom than Custom Hero Arena (blah) ...

4. A sniping game, where u change the camera view when you click "snipe" and you click on the person you want to shoot. * Kill a certain person in a croud *

5. Custom Mini Game (if Escape Maker GOLD mated with Uther Party)

6. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: Im all out of ideas.
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