The John McCain Thread


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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You do know, most of the soldiers feel as if forgotten by their government. I am sorry but I don't believe anyone has completely lost the fear of dieing. Solider or not.

I don't give a shit. They signed a contract and they're job is, in all honesty, to die if necessary to complete what they're told to do. I know what it says, I've read it and I've signed it and I've been forgotten by the government just like everyone else. The only difference is, I don't bitch about it because that's what it's like. When you finish you're term, you're out. It isn't the government's responsibility to protect the soldiers and Marines and sailors and flyboys; everyone that walked into that room at the processing station and raised their hand and took the oath, it's their job to defend the government and do what they are told, as they agreed to do.

I am fucking tired of this country being ran by old, wealthy, white men.
Just because old age brings with it experience and wisdom doesn't mean thier views are not fundamentally flawed.

So... we should have a young, inexperienced black man run it instead? Good idea, very impressive and very logical.

Old age brings with it a degree of stubborness. They use thier lifelong experience as an argument to justify thier postions, although many of thier decisions were entirely illogical.

Young age brings a degree if stupidity then. Which has been exemplified in Obama's term as a Senator.

Oil. There is not one argument that I have heard from any Republican in the history of politics that I would agree with.

That makes you an extremist, and extremists are generally pretty ignorant and headstrong. So whatever, it's because of idiots that are like this that a civil war is such a possibility.

Republicans would rather spend our money and efforts on body kevlar, and Bradley fighting vehicles.

And Democrats would rather cut our military way the fuck down, fucking everyone over when we get into a war, and try to help all the third world nations in a civil war, which isn't our problem and is taking sides in a civil dispute which is really fucking stupid and, unless I'm mistaken, frowned upon by pretty much everyone... except pretty much every recent president that's been a democrat.

Obama may not be your president of choice. You may disagree with his church, or his policy, or the fact that he doesnt wear his fucking flag pin every 9 seconds, or your just a straight up racist, but I have no doubt that he is the only individual with the vision, and charisma, that could lead this country even 1 step closer to the society that I dream of.

I don't like him because he's a bad person, an idiot, inexpereinced, surrounds himself with bad people, and thinks he's better than everyone else. So he can go away and it'll make the world and society that you've GOT that much better. Because even with all his dreams and hopes, he's not going to get any of that accomplished because he's going to go sit at the Resolute Desk, and he's going to get a folder, and in that folder is going to be a summary of what intelligence our nation's agencies have gathered, and he's going to realize he has no idea what the fuck he's doing.


Hippopotomonstrosesquiped aliophobia
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I don't give a shit. They signed a contract and they're job is, in all honesty, to die if necessary to complete what they're told to do. I know what it says, I've read it and I've signed it and I've been forgotten by the government just like everyone else. The only difference is, I don't bitch about it because that's what it's like. When you finish you're term, you're out. It isn't the government's responsibility to protect the soldiers and Marines and sailors and flyboys; everyone that walked into that room at the processing station and raised their hand and took the oath, it's their job to defend the government and do what they are told, as they agreed to do.
That's pretty unfeeling and uncaring. I think that people would rather have their chances of death lessened sooner than later.
So... we should have a young, inexperienced black man run it instead? Good idea, very impressive and very logical.
Obama isn't inexperienced.
Young age brings a degree if stupidity then. Which has been exemplified in Obama's term as a Senator.
Do you have any examples of this so-called stupidity?
That makes you an extremist, and extremists are generally pretty ignorant and headstrong. So whatever, it's because of idiots that are like this that a civil war is such a possibility.
You're sounding a lot like an extremist right now.
And Democrats would rather cut our military way the fuck down, fucking everyone over when we get into a war, and try to help all the third world nations in a civil war, which isn't our problem and is taking sides in a civil dispute which is really fucking stupid and, unless I'm mistaken, frowned upon by pretty much everyone... except pretty much every recent president that's been a democrat.
You are mistaken.
I don't like him because he's a bad person, an idiot, inexpereinced, surrounds himself with bad people, and thinks he's better than everyone else. So he can go away and it'll make the world and society that you've GOT that much better. Because even with all his dreams and hopes, he's not going to get any of that accomplished because he's going to go sit at the Resolute Desk, and he's going to get a folder, and in that folder is going to be a summary of what intelligence our nation's agencies have gathered, and he's going to realize he has no idea what the fuck he's doing.
He definitely isn't as bad as McCain. Also, most of that is not true.


if (OP.statement == false) postCount++;
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I don't give a shit. They signed a contract and they're job is, in all honesty, to die if necessary to complete what they're told to do. I know what it says, I've read it and I've signed it and I've been forgotten by the government just like everyone else. The only difference is, I don't bitch about it because that's what it's like. When you finish you're term, you're out. It isn't the government's responsibility to protect the soldiers and Marines and sailors and flyboys; everyone that walked into that room at the processing station and raised their hand and took the oath, it's their job to defend the government and do what they are told, as they agreed to do.

Defend the government from what? Itself?
Oh wait... you mean the "terrists" (as Bush likes to pronounce it) that we should all be afraid of in such a degree that everyone with a beard now gets to face "the glove of love" at the airport?

So... we should have a young, inexperienced black man run it instead? Good idea, very impressive and very logical.

Dixit Mr. Perfect Logic

Young age brings a degree if stupidity then. Which has been exemplified in Obama's term as a Senator.

And McCain is an angel who hasn't made a single mistake yet?

That makes you an extremist, and extremists are generally pretty ignorant and headstrong. So whatever, it's because of idiots that are like this that a civil war is such a possibility.

Coming from a person who's an extremely narrow-minded Republican, somehow that doesn't mean much to me...

And Democrats would rather cut our military way the fuck down, fucking everyone over when we get into a war, and try to help all the third world nations in a civil war, which isn't our problem and is taking sides in a civil dispute which is really fucking stupid and, unless I'm mistaken, frowned upon by pretty much everyone... except pretty much every recent president that's been a democrat.

If it weren't for the Republicans fucking up and constantly interfering in other countries, you wouldn't have to worry about getting into a war.

I don't like him because he's a bad person, an idiot, inexpereinced, surrounds himself with bad people, and thinks he's better than everyone else. So he can go away and it'll make the world and society that you've GOT that much better. Because even with all his dreams and hopes, he's not going to get any of that accomplished because he's going to go sit at the Resolute Desk, and he's going to get a folder, and in that folder is going to be a summary of what intelligence our nation's agencies have gathered, and he's going to realize he has no idea what the fuck he's doing.

The world doesn't like Bush because he's dangerously retarded, a complete fuck-up who has a very low sense for what America's -real- priorities are and is surrounded by even bigger idiots. (Oh hai thar Cheney)

Similarities anyone?

P.S.: For someone who's such a spelling nazi:
they're job
you finish you're term


Hippopotomonstrosesquiped aliophobia
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Varine, since you bring Obama's middle name into the argument (which you shouldn't), I'll bring in McCain's. Do you know what 'Cain' means? It's various definitions are all associated with murder. That's the kind of president I'd want to have in office, a murderous one, or one with a murderous lineage. People don't get these last names for no reason, you know.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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I would rather have a President with a name that means murder than an Islamic one.

That's pretty unfeeling and uncaring. I think that people would rather have their chances of death lessened sooner than later.

It doesn't matter. That's what their job is.

Obama isn't inexperienced.

Yes he is.

Do you have any examples of this so-called stupidity?


You're sounding a lot like an extremist right now.

Not really, no. I don't think calling extremists stupid would make me an extremist.

You are mistaken.

Mmm... no I'm not.

He definitely isn't as bad as McCain. Also, most of that is not true.

No, most all of it is true. I think I posted a list a while ago about it, actually.

Defend the government from what? Itself?
Oh wait... you mean the "terrists" (as Bush likes to pronounce it) that we should all be afraid of in such a degree that everyone with a beard now gets to face "the glove of love" at the airport?

I have a beard and I've never had issues at the airport. That was a pretty shitty example.....
"...I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice...."
Their job is to do what they're told.

And McCain is an angel who hasn't made a single mistake yet?

Not to the extent Obama has.

Coming from a person who's an extremely narrow-minded Republican, somehow that doesn't mean much to me...

And a narrow minded Democrat extremist telling me this should mean much to me why?

If it weren't for the Republicans fucking up and constantly interfering in other countries, you wouldn't have to worry about getting into a war.

Vietnam... Bosnia... Korea....

The world doesn't like Bush because he's dangerously retarded, a complete fuck-up who has a very low sense for what America's -real- priorities are and is surrounded by even bigger idiots. (Oh hai thar Cheney)

And Obama would fuck it up even more, surrounds himself with even worse people (Tony Rezko maybe?), and has an even worse sense of what American priorities are. And he doesn't put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem and isn't going to be capable of solving anything because he really doesn't know what he's doing. He just talks good.


if (OP.statement == false) postCount++;
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Because obviously, any presidential candidate who doesn't put his hand over his heart during the national anthem is bound to be a complete failure as a president...

Note the sarcasm?
That's me pointing out how retarded most of your arguments sound...


No Marlo no game.
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I would rather have a President with a name that means murder than an Islamic one.

Islam is a peacefull religion, just like Christianity. There is allways some retards like Bin Laden and George W. Bush who pretend being a man of faith, when they realy are not. If they really were, they would follow God´s commands. (Thou shall not kill. )

Humanity has killed way more people in the name of Christianity, than in the name of Islam, but that doesnt make Christianity a bad religion, right?

Islam is the fastest groving religion in world, so live with it.
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Islam is a peacefull religion, just like Christianity.

There is a little more to it than this. Both religions are internally self-contradictory; the bible, for instance, contains many messages of hate but also many messages of peace. It doesn't really matter though - religious teachings do not have a direct effect on a persons disposition, but culture does.

It's really quite ignorant to dismiss someone on the basis of their name or heritage.

There is allways some retards like Bin Laden and George W. Bush who pretend being a man of faith, when they realy are not. If they really were, they would follow God´s commands. (Thou shall not kill. )

Religious extremists obviously interpret religious teachings differently, but that doesn't mean they are not believers. Where does "thou shalt not kill" apply, anyway? To humans, animals, plants? Is it also fundamentally wrong to kill someone if you save many more lives in the process? Is it still wrong to kill a person through inaction?

It is just as easy to rationalize murder and war on religious grounds as it is to do so on non-religious grounds.

Islam is the fastest groving religion in world, so live with it.

Bound to be overtaken by irreligion in the next century or so.


No Marlo no game.
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Religious extremists obviously interpret religious teachings differently, but that doesn't mean they are not believers. Where does "thou shalt not kill" apply, anyway? To humans, animals, plants? Is it also fundamentally wrong to kill someone if you save many more lives in the process? Is it still wrong to kill a person through inaction?

It is just as easy to rationalize murder and war on religious grounds as it is to do so on non-religious grounds.

Ok, I got pwned.. But there is still a lot of those guys, who just use religions as their key to power.

Bound to be overtaken by irreligion in the next century or so

This is not going to happen. Maybe it could happen in western world, but there is allways those neo religion things and pseudo science stuff.
But in whole world, its not going to happen. Islam is groving rapiddly. If we look those statistics and other things, we can see it. (That does not mean it can not change tought, maybe people start to become Buddhists or something..)
I dont think that irreligion will have so great effect, but time will tell..


New Member
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Wow varine, I've never seen such arrogant narrow minded posts. But this shouldnt matter, for a comebacl you will most likely say..

"No, I'm not, but you are." Sense thats exactly what you have been doing. You make this topic more of a eventual flame war because not only are you not keeping your cool, you continue to think very highley if yourself, that your never wrong. You deny the facts and have been racist. Who gives a ratsass whether hes young or old? As long as hes above 30 he won't have any of your "stupidity" issues, or be too old and stubborn.
Repiblicans have fucked us over many times, Democrats may have but not as much, but who cares? If a civil war happens, maybe thats a good thing. If a civil war happens, maybe they will stop thinking about themselves and we will be free again. Not like now where we have more damn laws and shit then most. The only difference is they dont kill for breaking the law.

If we stayed isolated and only interferred when nessessary, we would do fine. But No, whenever a country is having there own kind of civil war or something we but in and piss people off. I wouldn't be surprised in the future of some country nukes the hell out of us.

We need a new president, republican or democrat, whichever brings us success and not the bullshit bush did or worse, I'm fine with, and I'm sure everyone else is fine with.

Now varine, why continue the argument on this? Your a republican you constantly defend them and act like there angels and have never done anything but good for this country.

We need change. Republicans had there shot, and ruin it, its the democrats turn to help this country


Cocktails anyone?
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If anyone's to blame for ruining America, it's the democrats! What with their fancy hybrid cars, extreme leftist views, and conversationist agenda!

And they call us right-wing. Nothing's more right-wing than a fancy hybrid car!


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I think that Bush is the most corrupted guy someone have ever "trusted". He can do nothing more than power abuse.

The democrats, however, are more trustworthy (not saying that they all are), and actually give a damn(!) about Earth's future. The republicans only want money. More want more.

IMO the USA should try something new. They never had a black president. Try something new. I'm sure he's gonna do good.

Oh yeah, and thing about the kondoms were pretty funny lol. "Old but not expired." Hehe.


Element Tower Defense
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Americans tend to be what you call stupid, which is why so many support people like Ron Paul and Barrack Obama and why either of the Clintons ever managed to get into office and Carter wasn't killed, and why Bush's ratings are so low.

I sincerely hope I just missed the sarcasm in your post. Otherwise, please castrate yourself so you cannot have kids.


New Member
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I can't believe so many people will not vote for Obama because he's black. I just don't get it.

McCain seems to also want to destroy the nation. He lies more than Bush - worse than Bush I bet by 10 times.

Another really stupid thing is people who "vote (insert party here)." about decide by what you think they will do in office than just the fact they're running for your party?

And people like Varine literally make me feel physically sick. Magentix knows what he's talking about.

If no one volunteered for the military, there would be a draft anyways. I'd rather have volunteers. Plus you get...I think 12 grand a year in retirement funds while you are in the military. Not to mention free or near-free college.

Those young people out there are far more braver, courageous, and level-headed than you ever will be, Varine. Why don't you enlist and find out for yourself before you judge with the most closed, absolute mind I think I've ever seen. I bet Al-Qaeda leaders are more open minded than you.

It just disgusts me to see the American people and Government ignoring and not supporting the soldiers they send out to war. A soldier has never started a war. Maybe we should draft and send out the very people who are unsupportive to show them the face of reality in their ignorant lives and bring home the true Americans who can make a difference towards the better.


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If you can't vote for the 2, vote for Nader. I mean give the man credit hes only ran since like the 1972 election and hasn't gotten close to winning :(

Varine said:
I would rather have a President with a name that means murder than an Islamic one.

A little racist now are we?
That is like the same if the entire world hated Germans or English people for a group of German or English going around terrorizing some part of the world.
Really would that be fair, if you were treated differently because of someone else for something you can't choose

Last name, Just because my Last name is Anderson doesn't mean I am a sibling to or the same person as Pamela Anderson.

Varine said:
Vietnam... Bosnia... Korea....

Vietnam = Because South Vietnam was fleeing Communism and asked for our help.

Bosnia & Korea = The United Nations asked us to come in and restore peace.

Same with Afghanistan, now with Iraq, we were lied to unless you can show me there is a Weapon of Mass Destruction.

What people are fighting over in Iraq involves the holy teachings, and land. They have been fighting over for 2,000 years. I don't think the United States can just go in there and expect for everyone just to get along. One because that's not human nature and Two, Its a different world over there, in till you or any of us can understand their culture. I don't think any of us should judge it nor insult their culture and beliefs

Varine said:
And Obama would fuck it up even more, surrounds himself with even worse people (Tony Rezko maybe?), and has an even worse sense of what American priorities are. And he doesn't put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem and isn't going to be capable of solving anything because he really doesn't know what he's doing. He just talks good.

The (new) law states you only have to stand and be quiet (or sing along) when the National Anthem is played. It is a choice to put your hand over your heart.
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