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You'll be glad to hear that my exams are now over :thup: and I finally got NewGen to work with the new patch.

Here are some ideas for the warrior and rogue that you can hopefully use.


  • SpellIdeasForDVD.txt
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Make a wish
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Testing cam right now. For now, take a break in coding cause Im going to finih the interface. DGUI is a system that allows you to make buttons, pictures and text as interface.

Nice to see you back. A lot of those skills are great, might get their name changes a bit but those skills are really good. I'll post the ones we will use soon. I just woke up :D.


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A lot of those skills are great, might get their name changes a bit but those skills are really good.

Glad to be of service :thup: Yeah, some of the names were pretty lame, but it was only a draft. I'm up for coding some of them too.


Make a wish
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Here's the list I made. Added a few changes. Now the only problem with all these abilities is that the combat system doesn't use normal wc3 attacks, or wc3 damage. Damage is made based on stats and stamina. So if you want to add damage, add strength to the unit or code the damage when a unit casts the attack ability. Do not do the rouge abilites yet since I might consider making a combat system for the rouges thats just like the range system except melee range. Keep these things in mind.

Tauren Warrior:

1. Taunt
- Type: Instant
- Spell Description:
The Tauren Warrior taunt his surrounding enemies, causing them to attack him.
- Note: Not original, but more or less necessary.

2. Spirit Guidance
- Type: Instant
- Spell Description:
The Tauren Warrior asks his ancestors for guidance, healing him for <level> hit points
over x seconds. If the Tauren Warrior is attacked, the blessing is lost.
- Note: This should probably have a long cooldown.

3. Battle Charge
- Type: Point Target
- Spell Description:
The Tauren Warrior begins charging in the given direction, elegantly passing through his allies, and brutally colliding with the first enemies he
encounters. Damage depends on distance travelled.
- Note: None

5. Battle Rage
- Type: Instant
- Spell Description:
The Tauren Warrior goes in rage dealing extra damage to enemy units and also has a chance of pushing units away from him dealing extra damage to them.
- Note: Knockback is 300 range away, 10% chance

Troll Rogue:

1. Critical Strike
- Type: Passive
- Spell Description:
The rogue has trained for many years, up to a point where he can
easily pass through the defenses of even the most skilled swordsman,
cutting into their flesh.
Gives the rogue a x% chance to cut the target, opening a wound.
- Note: This affects the rogues other attacks.

2. Pinpoint weakness
- Type: Unit Target
- Spell Description:
Instantly seeing an opportunity to attack, the rogue strikes with deadly precision,
afflicting the target with <level> wounds. The unit loses life every second for 10 seconds.
- Note: Instantly adds the Wound debuff as in Elegant strikes.

3. Poison
- Type: Unit Target
- Spell Description:
The rogue's blades are dipped in toxic extracts, dealing <level> damage over
<level> time. The amount of damage dealt, depends on how many wounds the target has. Does not stack.
- Note: None

- Type:
- Spell Description:
- Note:


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Looks good. I already checked the combat systems that wellwish3r made, so I know more or less about how things are going to work.

To make sure I understand, say I had to code 'Battle Charge'. I would make the spell so that damage was dependant on both the unit's strength/stam and the distance travelled. Would that be ok then? If not, please elaborate a bit :)


wishes wells.
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To make sure I understand, say I had to code 'Battle Charge'. I would make the spell so that damage was dependant on both the unit's strength/stam and the distance travelled. Would that be ok then? If not, please elaborate a bit :)

i dont think those details have been decided yet anyways :p. Just make a function at the top of the trigger that determines the damage, so it can easily be edited :)

Oh and, the stamina is currently encapsulated in the scope, so if you want to do that, ill make a GetStamina function.

Well here is the cam system with the WASD addition. I also added a command (-reset cam) which resets the cam to the original position.

scope Camera initializer Init
    struct cam
        unit locked
        real distance
        real angle
        location loc
        real lr

        private integer Total = 11
        private cam array D
        private timer T = CreateTimer()

    private function TimerLoop takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 0
        local real z
            exitwhen i&gt;=Total
            if D<i>.locked != null then
                set D<i>.loc = GetUnitLoc(D<i>.locked)
                set z = GetLocationZ(D<i>.loc)
                if (GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i)) then
                    call PanCameraToTimed(GetLocationX(D<i>.loc), GetLocationY(D<i>.loc), 2)
                if (GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i)) then
                    call SetCameraTargetController(D<i>.locked, 0, 0, false)
                if (GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i)) then
                    call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE, D<i>.distance, .75)
                if (GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i)) then
                    call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK, D<i>.angle, .75)
                if (GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i)) then
                    call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION, GetUnitFacing(D<i>.locked)+D<i>.lr, .75)
                if (GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i)) then
                    call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET, 100+(z/3), .75)
                call RemoveLocation(D<i>.loc)
            set i = i+1
    private function RotateUpAct takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()))
        set D<i>.angle = D<i>.angle - 30
        if D<i>.angle &lt; -360 then
            set D<i>.angle = D<i>.angle + 360
    private function RotateUpCond takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetSpellAbilityId() == &#039;A003&#039;
    private function RotateUp takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
        call TriggerAddCondition(t,Condition(function RotateUpCond))
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function RotateUpAct)
    private function RotateRightAct takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()))
        set D<i>.lr = D<i>.lr+30
        if D<i>.lr &gt; 360 then
            set D<i>.lr = D<i>.lr - 360
    private function RotateRightCond takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetSpellAbilityId() == &#039;A002&#039;
    private function RotateRight takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
        call TriggerAddCondition(t,Condition(function RotateRightCond))
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function RotateRightAct)
    private function RotateLeftAct takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()))
        set D<i>.lr = D<i>.lr-30
        if D<i>.lr &lt; -360 then
            set D<i>.lr = D<i>.lr + 360
    private function RotateLeftCond takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetSpellAbilityId() == &#039;A000&#039;
    private function RotateLeft takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
        call TriggerAddCondition(t,Condition(function RotateLeftCond))
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function RotateLeftAct)
    private function RotateDownAct takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()))
        set D<i>.angle = D<i>.angle + 30
        if D<i>.angle &gt; 360 then
            set D<i>.angle = D<i>.angle - 360
    private function RotateDownCond takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetSpellAbilityId() == &#039;A001&#039;
    private function RotateDown takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
        call TriggerAddCondition(t,Condition(function RotateDownCond))
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function RotateDownAct)

    private function ResetCamAct takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())
        set D<i>.angle = -20
        set D<i>.lr = 0
    private function ResetCam takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        local integer i = 0
            exitwhen i&gt;11
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( t, Player(i), &quot;-reset cam&quot;, true )
            set i = i+1
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function ResetCamAct)
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        call ResetCam()
        call RotateDown()
        call RotateLeft()
        call RotateRight()
        call RotateUp()
        call TimerStart(T,0.03,true,function TimerLoop)
    function SetCamTarget takes unit u, real dist,real angle, integer i returns nothing
        set D<i>.locked = u
        set D<i>.distance = dist
        set D<i>.angle = angle
        set D<i>.lr = 0

EDIT: Okay i updated the combat system (attatched) you can now get the current stamina via
GetStaminaMelee(unit u) and GetStaminaRange(unit u)
. To reset the stamina, you can use
ResetStaminaRange(u) and ResetStaminaMelee(unit u)


  • 3rdPersonCam.w3x
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  • Combat System v3.w3x
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Make a wish
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Actually, playing around with the stats, I think that the formula we have right now for damage works good for all levels but just in case, use the functions wel made.


wishes wells.
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Actually, playing around with the stats, I think that the formula we have right now for damage works good for all levels but just in case, use the functions wel made.

he will have to use them anyways, otherwise he cant access the stamina of the unit that casts the spell. (then he cant get the current stamina, and he cant set it to zero once the cast is done)


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Thanks a alot! :) I'll do a test version of 'Battle Charge' then, to see what will work best.

EDIT: @ wellwish3r - I read your post about your camera system. The DGUI library that D.V.D is using has a 3rd person camera as well. I tested it on some steep slopes and there was no problem. It does use a 3D math library however, but you might be able to solve your problem. You can check it out if you like: http://www.wc3c.net/showthread.php?t=102351


wishes wells.
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EDIT: @ wellwish3r - I read your post about your camera system. The DGUI library that D.V.D is using has a 3rd person camera as well. I tested it on some steep slopes and there was no problem. It does use a 3D math library however, but you might be able to solve your problem. You can check it out if you like: http://www.wc3c.net/showthread.php?t=102351

i checked that out as well, and its horribly laggy. Anyway since i guess that there wont be any of those slopes (steep im talking 80degrees and up) that you can walk up. and if there are, you can easily adjust the angle of your camera with WASD.


Make a wish
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No, hills like that won't exist at all. At least ones that are walkable. Yea, I thought that the camera library won't be really needed to be used in the DGUI but it is. You can't show buttons without giving a camera and I don't think they have a call that gets your current camera. I think this is the code for 3rd person:

    constant real GamePeriod = 0.04
    trigger GameTimer = null
    CAMERA GameCamera = NULL
    unit GameUnit = null
    player GamePlayer = null

function Approximately takes real v1, real v2, real s returns boolean
    return v2-s &lt; v1 and v1 &lt; v2+s

function GameUpdate takes nothing returns nothing
    local real ang = GetUnitFacing(GameUnit)*bj_DEGTORAD
    local real tx = GetUnitX(GameUnit)
    local real ty = GetUnitY(GameUnit)
    local real tz = GetTerrainZ(tx, ty)+GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(GameUnit)+150
    local real dex = (tx-550*Cos(ang))-GameCamera.Eye.x
    local real dey = (ty-550*Sin(ang))-GameCamera.Eye.y
    local real dez = (tz+100)-GameCamera.Eye.z
    local real X = GameCamera.Eye.x+dex*0.07
    local real Y = GameCamera.Eye.y+dey*0.07
    local real Z = GameCamera.Eye.z+dez*0.07
    set ang = GetTerrainZ(X, Y)+170
    if Z &lt; ang then
        set Z = ang
    if not(Approximately(X, GameCamera.Eye.x, 1) and Approximately(Y, GameCamera.Eye.y, 1) and Approximately(Z, GameCamera.Eye.z, 1) and Approximately(tx, GameCamera.At.x, 1) and Approximately(ty, GameCamera.At.y, 1) and Approximately(tz, GameCamera.At.z, 1)) then
        call GameCamera.SetEyeAndAt(X, Y, Z, tx, ty, tz)

function GamePostUpdate takes nothing returns nothing
    if GameCamera.ApplyCameraForPlayer(GamePlayer, false) then
        call DGUIUpdate(true, true, true)
    call UpdateFigure(GameCamera)

function StartGame takes nothing returns nothing
    set GameUnit = CreateUnit(GamePlayer, &#039;Hpal&#039;, 0, 0, 0)
    set GameCamera = CAMERA.New()
    call CreateInterface(GameCamera)
    set GameTimer = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(GameTimer, GamePeriod, true)
    call TriggerAddAction(GameTimer, function GameUpdate)
    call TriggerAddAction(GameTimer, function GamePostUpdate)
    call DestroyTimer(GetExpiredTimer())


wishes wells.
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I like how wonderfully flexible the whole system was made :rolleyes:. The third person camera is basically the entire camera trigger. The one that you showed just sets it up accordingly.

EDIT: Looking at the whole camera code, i think the reason why the camera isn't smooth, is because it is allways set instantly. This could rather easily be fixed, but the the DGUI icon thingies also lag behind, which is really weird, and might be anoying, since you would have to stand still to actually use them.


Make a wish
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I like yours much better. Im going to try to set the camera to a CAMERA variable from that library.

library Camera initializer Init requires Math

    private constant integer TypeUnit = &#039;dgui&#039;
    private location GL4Cam = Location(0,0)
    private unit AtUnit = null
    private real DeltaZ = 0

    constant real WidthScreen = 0.544
    constant real HeightScreen = 0.302
    constant real AspectRatio = WidthScreen/HeightScreen

private function Matrix4Perspective1 takes MATRIX4 Output, real fovy, real Aspect, real zn, real zf returns MATRIX4
    return Output.SetValues(2*zn/fovy,0,0,0,0,2*zn/Aspect,0,0,0,0,zf/(zf-zn),1,0,0,zn*zf/(zn-zf),0)

private function Matrix4Perspective2 takes MATRIX4 Output, real n, real f, real r, real l, real t, real b returns MATRIX4
    return Output.SetValues(2*n/(r-l), 0, (r+l)/(r-l), 0, 0, 2*n/(t-b), (t+b)/(t-b), 0, 0, 0, -(f+n)/(f-n), -2*f*n/(f-n), 0, 0, -1, 0)

private function Matrix4Look takes MATRIX4 Output, VECTOR3 PosCamera, VECTOR3 AxisX, VECTOR3 AxisY, VECTOR3 AxisZ returns MATRIX4
    return Output.SetValues(AxisX.x,AxisY.x,AxisZ.x,0,AxisX.y,AxisY.y,AxisZ.y,0,AxisX.z,AxisY.z,AxisZ.z,0,-Vec3Dot(AxisX, PosCamera),-Vec3Dot(AxisY, PosCamera),-Vec3Dot(AxisZ, PosCamera),1)

struct CAMERA
    VECTOR3 Eye
    VECTOR3 At
    real Distance
    real Yaw
    real Pitch
    real Roll
    VECTOR3 AxisX
    VECTOR3 AxisY
    VECTOR3 AxisZ
    private MATRIX4 View
    private MATRIX4 Projection
    private boolean change
    integer CostumValue
    method Win2World takes real X, real Y, real Range returns VECTOR3
        local VECTOR3 Output = VECTOR3.create()
        set Output.x = .Eye.x+.AxisZ.x*Range+X*.AxisX.x*WidthScreen*Range+Y*.AxisY.x*HeightScreen*Range
        set Output.y = .Eye.y+.AxisZ.y*Range+X*.AxisX.y*WidthScreen*Range+Y*.AxisY.y*HeightScreen*Range
        set Output.z = .Eye.z+.AxisZ.z*Range+X*.AxisX.z*WidthScreen*Range+Y*.AxisY.z*HeightScreen*Range
        return Output

    method World2Win takes real X, real Y, real Z returns VECTOR3
        local VECTOR3 Pos = VECTOR3.New_1(X, Y, Z)
        local boolean b
        call Vec3Transform_2(Pos, Pos, .View)
        set b = Pos.z &lt; 0
        call Vec3Transform_2(Pos, Pos, .Projection)
        if b then
            set Pos.z = -Pos.z
        return Pos
    private method UpdateDistanceYawPitch takes nothing returns nothing
        local real dx = .At.x-.Eye.x
        local real dy = .At.y-.Eye.y
        local real dz = .At.z-.Eye.z
        local real len2d
        set .Distance = SquareRoot(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)
        set .Yaw = Atan2(dy, dx)
        set len2d = SquareRoot(dx*dx+dy*dy)
        set .Pitch = Atan2(dz, len2d)
    private method UpdateAxisMatrix takes nothing returns nothing
        local MATRIX3 mat
        call Vec3Normalize(.AxisZ, Vec3Subtract(.AxisZ, .At, .Eye))
        set mat = Matrix3RotationAxis(MATRIX3.create(), .AxisZ, -.Roll)
        call Vec3Normalize(.AxisX, Vec3Cross(.AxisX, .AxisZ, VECTOR3.oneZ))
        call Vec3Transform_1(.AxisY, Vec3Cross(.AxisY, .AxisX, .AxisZ), mat)
        call Vec3Transform_1(.AxisX, .AxisX, mat)
        call Matrix4Look(.View, .Eye, .AxisX, .AxisY, .AxisZ)
        call mat.destroy()

    method ApplyCameraForPlayer takes player p, boolean IgnorChange returns boolean
        if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
            call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION, .Yaw*bj_RADTODEG, 0)
            call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK, .Pitch*bj_RADTODEG, 0)
            call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ROLL, .Roll*bj_RADTODEG, 0)
            call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE, .Distance, 0)
            call SetCameraTargetController(AtUnit, .At.x, .At.y, false)
            call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET, .At.z-DeltaZ, 0)
        if .change or IgnorChange then
            set .change = false
            return true
        return false

    method SetPosition takes real x, real y, real z returns nothing
        local real dx = x-.At.x
        local real dy = y-.At.y
        local real dz = z-.At.z
        set .Eye.x = .Eye.x+dx
        set .Eye.y = .Eye.y+dy
        set .Eye.z = .Eye.z+dz
        set .At.x = x
        set .At.y = y
        set .At.z = z
        set .change = true
    method SetEyeAndAt takes real ex, real ey, real ez, real tx, real ty, real tz returns nothing
        set .Eye.x = ex
        set .Eye.y = ey
        set .Eye.z = ez
        set .At.x = tx
        set .At.y = ty
        set .At.z = tz
        call .UpdateDistanceYawPitch()
        call .UpdateAxisMatrix()
        set .change = true
    method SetYawPitchRoll takes real yaw, real pitch, real roll, boolean EyeLock returns nothing
        local real Z = .Distance*Sin(pitch)
        local real XY = .Distance*Cos(pitch)
        local real X = XY*Cos(yaw)
        local real Y = XY*Sin(yaw)
        set .Yaw = yaw
        set .Pitch = pitch
        set .Roll = roll
        if EyeLock then
            set .At.x = .Eye.x+X
            set .At.y = .Eye.y+Y
            set .At.z = .Eye.z+Z
            set .Eye.x = .At.x-X
            set .Eye.y = .At.y-Y
            set .Eye.z = .At.z-Z
        call .UpdateAxisMatrix()
        set .change = true
    static method New takes nothing returns CAMERA
        local CAMERA this = CAMERA.create()
        set .CostumValue = 0
        set .change = true
        set .Eye = VECTOR3.New_1(0.0,-922.668,DeltaZ+1367.912)
        set .At = VECTOR3.New_1(0, 0, DeltaZ)
        set .Distance = 0
        set .Yaw = 0
        set .Pitch = 0
        set .Roll = 0
        set .AxisX = VECTOR3.create()
        set .AxisY = VECTOR3.create()
        set .AxisZ = VECTOR3.create()
        set .View  = MATRIX4.create()
        set .Projection = Matrix4Perspective2(MATRIX4.create(), 0.5, 10000, -WidthScreen/2, WidthScreen/2, -HeightScreen/2, HeightScreen/2)
        call .UpdateDistanceYawPitch()
        call .UpdateAxisMatrix()
        return this
    method Delete takes nothing returns nothing
        call .Eye.destroy()
        call .At.destroy()
        call .AxisX.destroy()
        call .AxisY.destroy()
        call .AxisZ.destroy()
        call .View.destroy()
        call .Projection.destroy()
        call this.destroy()

    private real TempX = 0
    private real TempY = 0
private function InitDeltaZ_Timer takes nothing returns nothing
    set DeltaZ = GetCameraTargetPositionZ()
    call SetCameraPosition(TempX, TempY)
    call DestroyTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
function InitDeltaZ takes nothing returns nothing
    set TempX = GetCameraTargetPositionX()
    set TempY = GetCameraTargetPositionY()
    call SetCameraPosition(0, 0)
    call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0.04, false, function InitDeltaZ_Timer)

private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    set AtUnit = CreateUnit(Player(15), TypeUnit, 0, 0, 0)
    call ShowUnit(AtUnit, false)
    call InitDeltaZ()



wishes wells.
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i have tweaked the camera a bit, and fixes the z offset thing on steep hills.

lol :p

EDIT: Made another minor fix that made the camera even smoother and nicer :D


  • 3rdPersonCam v2.w3x
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Make a wish
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You could delete all the other versions that you have replaced of the combat systems and camera to save memory. Testing your system now. I plan on making the DGUI work with your camera instead of its camera library.


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Im almost finished with the test version of "Battle Charge", so I will post it here tomorrow. I also took the liberty of adding my SpellText (for floating text) and Knockback libraries to the map.

Btw, wellwish3r is the devil =D


wishes wells.
Reaction score
You could delete all the other versions that you have replaced of the combat systems and camera to save memory. Testing your system now. I plan on making the DGUI work with your camera instead of its camera library.

the lol was referring to the number intself^^ (666.6)
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