Wow, Blizzard has ruined WoW more than I thought..

Black Hawk

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I know, but i was talking about possibilities. Anyways, there is Backup Memory, External Hardrives and Internal Hardrives.


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You barely noticed? WoW has been ruined since the beginning since it doesent go with the lore. Arthas bieng killable or almost killable. He's the Lich King and is supposed to be undefeated. You would think that if he would be killable/almost killable, then Kil'jaeden would have destroyed him earlier.

Wait Arthas is the Lich King?
I thougth Arthas was a Paildien that went crazy. :confused:

Or was he a pally then turned into a deathknight?


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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I'm going to be the one to come out and say it:

Just play the game, it's an MMORPG, storylines are hard to follow in them. Forget the WC3 storyline, and just play it as a cool game. Just because it doesn't follow the WC3 storyline, doesn't mean it can't be cool. Also, just because it has a Warcraft base, doesn't mean it has to be warcraft 3 storyline, either.

Just my 2 cents.


Gone but not forgotten
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> I thougth Arthas was a Paildien that went crazy.
Yes, turned into a death knight, commanded the undead, summoned by Lich King to Northrend, entered the Icecrown Citadel, freed the LK from Ice, picked up his armor and said the "Now we are one" line.
That's pretty much the TFT plot in one sentence.

Oh right, spoiler alert! :p


Formerly Smith_S9
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> I thougth Arthas was a Paildien that went crazy.
Yes, turned into a death knight, commanded the undead, summoned by Lich King to Northrend, entered the Icecrown Citadel, freed the LK from Ice, picked up his armor and said the "Now we are one" line.
That's pretty much the TFT plot in one sentence.

Oh right, spoiler alert! :p

OMG, you ruined the surprise :p.

Anyway, I quit following WoW lore long ago, because it's simply a mess. If I want warcraft lore I go review the Warcrafts and their lore. A valid lore continuation would be Warcraft IV. But that not coming any soon :rolleyes:.


Just tought i had to add the simple truth here.....

WoW is a MMORPG!!!!
Wc3(x) is a STRATEGY GAME!!!!

Notice the difference anyone?


Liberty, Simply said; a lie.
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I am not trying to say that wow is a strategy game, that's beside the point, that has nothing to do with what we are talking about, I am just saying that the Warcraft story line was only ruined when wow came out,


New Member
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It's not "ruined" but modified so it works in an mmo instead of an rts. How hard can that be to understand?


Mostly known as Zomby Jezuz
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It's not "ruined" but modified so it works in an mmo instead of an rts. How hard can that be to understand?

agreed, if you take time away from just accepting any quest and reading the description of what you have to do, you'll actually notice that there is a lot of story to this game, the only reason you don't notice this storyline is because it's not obviously thrown into your face like it was in the other warcraft games, and in the other WC games there was one main storyline going on, in WoW the quests and cities all have separate stories to them, so in essence there's like thousands of different stories all of them shortened down thou....


We are all noobs! in different states of Noobism!
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> I thougth Arthas was a Paildien that went crazy.
Yes, turned into a death knight, commanded the undead, summoned by Lich King to Northrend, entered the Icecrown Citadel, freed the LK from Ice, picked up his armor and said the "Now we are one" line.
That's pretty much the TFT plot in one sentence.

Oh right, spoiler alert! :p

Lol. thanks for that. I uh... look forward to hearing those words. :p :( ;)


Liberty, Simply said; a lie.
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agreed, if you take time away from just accepting any quest and reading the description of what you have to do, you'll actually notice that there is a lot of story to this game, the only reason you don't notice this storyline is because it's not obviously thrown into your face like it was in the other warcraft games, and in the other WC games there was one main storyline going on, in WoW the quests and cities all have separate stories to them, so in essence there's like thousands of different stories all of them shortened down thou....
Maybe I am varying games too much, but that isn't the fact for the other million WoW players.
Blizzard could have at least explained why the story "They Made" is now ruined "By Them" and why they keep walking farther from the story that they "Based" the WoW game on, and defeating the point of the adventure. WoW wouldnt be there if all it was, was a big MMORP leading to nothing. Not only did they release apporoved books, they realeased games explaining in "Detail" what the story was.

It is like making a game of the 1900's to 2000's and putting the WW2 to 1999, and making the great depression like never happen. As well as moving America somewere off the coast of London, and saying that The Charlie and the Chocolate factory never happened..

They should have some pride in what they did to build this beautiful storyline, and it all ending up to them just ripping it apart.. perhaps if the story was still in creation, maybe they should have just started from scrach on a new Warcraft Storyline.. o_O


Because none of us are as cruel as all of us.
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You know... besides WoW, the lore will shatter into a million pieces with the new movie :D...maybe....hopefully not.


Liberty, Simply said; a lie.
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Well, the movie, of anything, unless the movie started it out, will shatter it no matter what you do, Harry potter Shatters - Book, Lord of the Rings Shatters.. - Book, Final Fantasy Shatters - Game... The movie will be great no doubt, but the story will be shattered to a certain lvl no matter what.


Dogs are fuzzy
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1) Lich king should be able to perma mind control anyone who's 100 feet of him. He's the lich king, he can dominate the minds of all the nerubs, he can dominate puny level 80s!

2) Last boss in WoW: Orc Blademaster!

bladestorm, does 1,000,000,000 damage per second in a 1000 yeard radius.

Crit Strike- has a 100% chance to do 3000x damage

Mirror Image, conjures 30 other BMs that do 100% dmg.

Wind Walk, turns invisible, removing all debuffs, dots, tracking, etc. When he breaks, it instantly kills the enemy.


I agree that WoW has ruined the Warcraft series. I know that killing Illidan and other characters is for it to fit a mmorpg.

But stupid things like blood elves and forsaken joining horde (though i think this is just to make the two factions more balanced.) The reasoning behind it is stupid.

Do you really think Thrall would ally with some undead and some elves that are on a whole other continent? and why does the blood elves care more to destroy humans rather than the scourge?

Yeah sure Garithos was gonna execute them, but they have no quarrel with Stormwind, Theramore, Khaz Modan, etc.

And dont the Draenei in WoW look like Archimonde and Kil'jaden even though they are eredar. And in Wc3 TfT the Draenei were old and had big mouths. (And i would love to se them drive a spaceship? What is this Starcraft?)

In WC 3 TfT, you go to Draenor as Blood elves, naga, and illidan and kill Magtheridon, and the Draenei aided you, so they would be free because the fel orcs were driving them to the brink of extinxion. Why didn't they flee on their spaceship then? Why flee after it is in control of Illidan?

Those are just some of the complaints I have of WoW. I know some of you will say it's just to fit WoW. But the thing is, it will be like that in Warcraft 4 (if there even will be one)


Working As Intended
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I don't have time to read all the posts... I read a bunch though.

But can't you just accept WoW may use the Warcraft name, but it's not Warcraft? You should think of it as a totally different game, that just happens to have a somewhat similar storyline to the Warcraft games, to save pointless arguments. :p

Think of WoW as WoW, a name. Not what the name means, but a name. If you start relating it to the Warcraft Storyline, then piffle to you.

And Sfilip, I was actually interested in how the storyline would end. :( :p

Bah humbug. (I don't really play WoW much - For the record... Haven't leveled in months. Brother plays way too much :p)


Liberty, Simply said; a lie.
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Actually, The "Warcraft series" isnt want told of the correct story line, it was the books, which most, happen to have, World of Warcraft Written on them, therefore, them being the starters of the story, and them being the books we get all our info off of.


Mostly known as Zomby Jezuz
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I agree that WoW has ruined the Warcraft series. I know that killing Illidan and other characters is for it to fit a mmorpg.

But stupid things like blood elves and forsaken joining horde (though i think this is just to make the two factions more balanced.) The reasoning behind it is stupid.

Do you really think Thrall would ally with some undead and some elves that are on a whole other continent? and why does the blood elves care more to destroy humans rather than the scourge?

Yeah sure Garithos was gonna execute them, but they have no quarrel with Stormwind, Theramore, Khaz Modan, etc.

And dont the Draenei in WoW look like Archimonde and Kil'jaden even though they are eredar. And in Wc3 TfT the Draenei were old and had big mouths. (And i would love to se them drive a spaceship? What is this Starcraft?)

In WC 3 TfT, you go to Draenor as Blood elves, naga, and illidan and kill Magtheridon, and the Draenei aided you, so they would be free because the fel orcs were driving them to the brink of extinxion. Why didn't they flee on their spaceship then? Why flee after it is in control of Illidan?

Those are just some of the complaints I have of WoW. I know some of you will say it's just to fit WoW. But the thing is, it will be like that in Warcraft 4 (if there even will be one)

in the defense on the draenei question, or comment... or whatever... they were the Broken (the ones that allied themselves with the people in tft) Akama was there leader. He sided with Illidan because he thought it would free his people, after several years he cam to realise this was in fact the wrong decision, if you played Far enough into WoW you actually come across Akama and he's leading a secret rebellion against Illidan.

but like i was saying the Broken are basically a de-eveloution of the Draenei's former self the draenei that you can now control.

as for the undead and BE allying with Thrall, ever heard "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"? that's basically what is going on with the horde alliance. i tihnk they even mentioned that somewhere in the game, how the Forsaken were brough into the Horde due to them hating the alliance. i assume that the BE were the same, and it was somewhat aided by the fact that Sylvanas (leader of th eundead) was once (in her former life) a leader of the BE.


Liberty, Simply said; a lie.
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To add to this...
Akama was there leader. He sided with Illidan because he thought it would free his people, after several years he cam to realise this was in fact the wrong decision, if you played Far enough into WoW you actually come across Akama and he's leading a secret rebellion against Illidan.

The eredar's three most prominent leaders, Kil'jaeden, Archimonde, and Velen, were approached by Sargeras, the Fallen Titan. Sargeras claimed he was impressed by the work of the eredar, he wanted to supply them with even more power and knowledge, in exchange for their loyalty. But while Kil'jaeden and Archimonde readily accepted the deal, Velen had a vision of the future that filled him with sick dread. He saw the dark future his people were heading towards: siding with the dark titan Sargeras and transformed into demons. Velen saw the Legion in all its terrible might and witnessed the destruction it would wreak upon all of creation. He hastened to warn Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, but they dismissed his concerns and proceeded to profess loyalty to the Destroyer of Worlds.

That's when they became corrupt..

Velen nearly despaired, but his prayer for help was overheard. A being came to Velen and explained that it was one of the naaru, a race of sapient energy beings bent on stopping the Burning Legion. The naaru offered to take Velen and any other like-minded eredar to safety. Deeply relieved, Velen gathered the other eredar loyal to him. Naming themselves the 'draenei', or "exiled ones" in the Eredun language, the renegades barely escaped from Argus in the naaru ship Oshu'gun.

Oshu'gun is the big mountain in the Outlands in Nagrand.

So next all the demons came searching for the draenei, in which you can see from the war in the outlands, and in the War3 storyline, you could realize that Kil'Jaeden approaches Illidan and allows him to aid and ally Akama, a broken Draenei warchief.

In WC 3 TfT, you go to Draenor as Blood elves, naga, and illidan and kill Magtheridon, and the Draenei aided you, so they would be free because the fel orcs were driving them to the brink of extinction. Why didn't they flee on their spaceship then?

They first didn't flee because they needed the spaceship to remain hidden, this did become their home now, they had a pretty safe home, the ship was encircled by orcs and the tribes, and it was only for last resorts, for they needed to waste Oshu'gun's energy ^.^.
And also, the book was written after WC3 TFT.

Do you really think Thrall would ally with some undead and some elves that are on a whole other continent? and why does the blood elves care more to destroy humans rather than the scourge?

Unfortunately, the decisions of Kael'thas to continually accept the aid of the naga and willingness to use fel magic has caused blood elves to be shunned by the Alliance. Thus, the remaining blood elves on Azeroth looked to the Horde to help them reach Outland. Addiction to fel magics and the desperate search for a cure are things the orcs are very familiar with, and many older orcs who've experienced similar addictions feel great kinship with the blood elves. The trolls who have been the ancient enemy of all quel'dorei since antiquity accepted them warily.

The Forsaken have been working closely with the blood elves to purge the greater Plaguelands of Scourge presence since their induction. Lor'themar Theron was Sylvanas Windrunner's second in command during the Second Battle of Quel'Thalas, and many Forsaken were high elves culled from the same battle. The aid provided by the Forsaken has included reinforcements, a number of outposts in and around the reclaimed blood elf territories, and a teleportation device between the Undercity and Silvermoon.


as for the undead and BE allying with Thrall, ever heard "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"?

Yeah but in the blood elves case, the enemy of their enemy is the horde who is also their enemy for destroying their homeland back in war2.
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