AoS ClockRing Open-Team AOS BETA.01


Ultra Cool Member
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Greetings! I am a long time member at, but have yet to post a Map! That changes now, hope you enjoy...

^ Download ClockRing Beta 13!!!

Earlier this year, I posed the following question:
Has an open-team AoS map ever been created?

The response was... No. (I think?) So, about a week ago, I began on this Map. I have tested with a friend or two, and this is the first Public release, which I am calling BETA 01.

A typical AoS consists of 2 locked teams. Each Player is assigned to 1 of 2 teams, and engages in a Linear battle against the opposing team.
ClockRing consists of no locked teams. It may be played: 6v6, 4v4, 3v9, 4v4v4, 3v3v3v3, 1v1, FFA, or any combination you can think of!
ClockRing is setup as though it were a standard melee game: Race Selection, Team Selection, Teams Together, Lock Teams, Visibility and other typical game modifiers are all relevant.
Don't have enough Players? - Just set any open slots to Computers, and the game performs just fine. (albeit, Computer Players will not utilize Heroes)

The AOS battle-path in ClockRing is not a Line, but rather a Ring. The 12 Start Locations are located at 30 degree angles - like the hands of a Clock.

- Yes, ClockRing is a hilariously awesome name. I am aware.
- The terrain is in no way complete - it is not particularly important/relevant to this testing. I'd rather save the completion of the terrain for the first official release.

^ A sketch of the BETA ClockRing battlefield.

SETUP/AI - A rough outline of how ClockRing works...
- Map Init: Loop through the Base (Start Location) Region Array. If Player/Computer occupation is detected: remove the Workers, and create the custom ClockRing Base and Tower layouts.
- Every 5 seconds: Loop through the Base Region Array, spawn 2 respective Tier 1 Racial Units (known as ClockUnits) for each active Player, and order the ClockUnits to Attack-Move to the respective Junction Region.
- When a ClockUnit arrives at a Junction for the first time, it is randomly assigned to 1 of 2 Unit Groups: Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise.
- Order each ClockUnit to Attack-Move to the next Junction in the Junction Region Array... (in it's assigned direction!)
- When a ClockUnit arrives at a Junction at any future time, Loop through the Base Region Array - if an Enemy is detected at the respective Base Region, order the ClockUnit to Attack-Move to the Base Region, else, order the ClockUnit to Attack-Move to the next Junction Region in it's assigned direction.
- Any surviving ClockUnits left at a conquered Base are ordered back to the respective Junction.
- Chaos ensues! Rinse, Wash, Repeat.
- Triggers attempt (succeed?) to prevent the Selection and Ordering of a ClockUnit by the Owning Player.

- Each Base contains a Fountain, Goblin Merchant, Marketplace, Tavern, and core Race-specific buildings (Hall, Altar, Shop, Researcher)
- A Player may buy/revive Heroes/Items from his own shops, or the shops of any Ally. (This makes Racial-diversity desirable for a Team!)
- All Base buildings are Invulnerable, and ownership is transferred to the conquerer of the respective Hall.
- Tower ownership is transferred to the conquerer of that Tower.
- Halls may be "denied" by an Allied Player - this causes permanent destruction of the Hall, not ownership transfer. (preferable to Enemy takeover)
- Towers may be "denied" by an Allied Player - this creates a Neutral Hostile Tower. (preferable to Enemy takeover)
- When a Hall is destroyed, *ALL* units within 360 distance of the center of the Hall are killed. All units within 720 receive scaled damage (Closer = More damage). This feature was adopted due to Hall re-spawning being botched by the dozens of melee units that just desroyed the previous Hall (they are standing in the way!). I like the feature as it is also an instant means of Game Balance (conquering a Hall will explode all your nearby ClockUnits, temporarily slowing your world domination).
- Workers may be purchased at a Hall. They may be used to Repair Towers of Halls. They have no combat abilities, although they benefit from Endurance Training.

- Halls provide (2/4/6) Food. Towers provide 1 Food. Each ClockUnit costs 1 Food. Heroes cost 0 Food. Workers cost 1 Food.
- Max Food is 55. Bases will not spawn ClockUnits above 50 Food. (or within 5 of your Current Max) (leaving room for Workers)
- Conquering additional Halls/Towers will raise your Food Max, increasing your power potential.

-give [playernumber]: Transfers ownership of a Selected Hall or Tower to an Ally. This can bring back an Ally that has been killed off, or strategically give control of a Hall to an Ally who has more powerful Upgrades for that Race.
-request [playernumber] (NEXT PATCH!): Gain ownership of a Selected Hall or Tower from an Ally Computer. Only works if the Selected building is of your Default Race, and *not* the Computer's default Race.

- Each Race spawns their respective ClockUnits to engage in battle.
- Each Race has a Research Building to Upgrade their ClockUnits.
- Each Race has a unique Tower with unique support.

- TOWERS // Active // Auto-Cast // Attack-Passive // Passive
- Alliance // Dispel // Inner Fire // Splash Damage // Feedback
- Horde // Purge // Bloodlust // Splitshot // Spiked Barricades
- Scourge // Cripple // Raise Dead // Frost Attack // Pestilence
- Sentinel // Roar // Abolish Magic // Vorpal // Evasion (need to come up with something better - perhaps a night-time only Aura)

- Each Race has its own default Attack/Armor Upgrades. (Currently 10 Levels)
- Halls Upgrade to Level 3 (default).
- Racial Tower Mastery - Increases Level of Tower Spells.
- Construction - Increases building HP by 10% and applies Armor Upgrade. (Currently 10 Levels)
- Endurance Training - Increases ClockUnit HP by 10%. (Currently 10 Levels)
- Hero Upgrades - Attack, Armor, HP/MP.

- Please report any bugs you find!

- Has a Map like this ever been made?
- Is "Open-Team AOS" a good description of this game? Is there a better or more appropriate phrase? ("Melee-Driven AOS"?) ("Dynamic AoS")
- Lumber is completely ignored in the game right now. Should it do something?
- Feedback on my ClockUnit Selection/Order denial.
- Feedback on Racial Minion / Racial Tower balance.
- Feedback on Hero balance.
- Feedback on Cost/Effectiveness of Upgrades.
- Should conquering a Tier 2+ Hall give you the Tier 2+ Hall? Or should you only be given a Tier 1 Hall?
- Should each racial Worker have a special ability? Ideas?

BETA.02 - 20091204
- -give command works 100%.
- Most Shop Items were customized/re-worked. Irrelevant Neutral/Racial Items removed. No recipes yet.
- Each Base contains unmovable & representative ClockUnits that are selectable so a Player may *see* his Upgrades.
- Fixed Lumber-needed-for-Repair issues on some Halls & Towers.
- Heroes cost much less to revive/awaken.
- Towers: doubled Mana regen rate. Added in Racial Active spells. (Dispel Magic, Purge, Cripple, Roar)
- Sentinel: fixed visual problems with Root/Unroot/Animation so all Ancients actually *appear* to be Rooted.
- Construction: gives Armor Upgrade now.
- Bounty: ClockUnits (1d20). Towers (100 + 1d100).
- ClockUnits - the *ranged* unit now only spawns 50% of the time. Implemented due to melee units often becoming cannon fodder, leaving a dis-proportionate amount of ranged units. Spawn frequency sped up to every 4 seconds.
- Fixed Food Capped/Maxed - Max at 100.

BETA.03 - 20091208
- Computer Players now have Randomly generated names. All Players have their Player# appended onto their name, making it much easier to -give.
- Fixed HallDestruction/GameEnding notifications.
- Armor strength reduced from 0.06 to 0.04. Reduced Armor on every ClockUnit and Tower and Hall.
- Computer Research AI. (Easy/Normal/Insane Computers will randomly get their Upgrades at ascending, respective, speeds.)
- Added most Campaign Heroes. Shuffled some Hero locations. Shuffled a couple Hero Skills.
- Totally re-worked the Food Max/Cost system. Lowered Food Cap to 55. Each Player has an innate 10 Food Max... Halls add (2/4/6). Towers add 1. (100 was too big of a cap)
- Conquered Halls and Towers respawn at 50% health. This makes freshly conquered territory less secure, and makes Workers more relevant.
- Alliance/Sentinel Towers no longer hurt Allies with Splash. Increased range of Auto-Cast spells to 800 from 600. Added Purge to Horde Tower (mistakenly missing). All Towers have increased damage.
- Added Invulnerable Tower behind Fountains to dissuade backdooring. Fountain regen range and speed increased.
- Fixed "Idle" ClockUnits at conquered Bases. You should never see an Idle Unit. ClockUnits can now never be Ordered by a Player. (inspired by Furby)
- Increased ClockUnit Attack/Armor Upgrades up to 10 from 5. Ranged units have -25 HP, Melee units have +25 HP. Other minor adjustments to most ClockUnits.

BETA.04 - 20100101
- Changed sub-title to "Melee-Driven" instead of "Open-Team".
- Added minor Terrain detail.
- Seriously (seriously?) fixed the -give command and selection denial. Now uses local variables. Giving a Hall now gives away the entire base (previous logical oversight).
- Upgrades: New Unique Racial Tower Upgrades. New Universal Upgrade Building. New Universal Hero Upgrades (Damage, Armor, HP/MP). Magic Sentry. Upgrades are now independent of Tiers. Tiers are only used to gain additional Heroes, gain a Food Max bonus, and Racial Shop Availability. Various Upgrade cost adjustments.
- Towers: Added Upgradeable Spells: Feedback, Spiked Barricades, Pestilence, Evasion. Added Vorpal Blades to Sentinel Tower. Various Tower balance tweaks. Tower Range increased. Damage increased.
- Heroes: Reduced Hero Max Level to 12. Increased Hero Spells to Level 5. Ultimates to Level 2. This requireds Heroes to choose which skills they want (17 Skill Levels, only 12 Levels). Heroes now have appropriate Attacks/Armor (Normal/Piercing/Unarmorerd/Large/etc). Customized all Hero Stats/Growth/Damage etc. Shuffled many Spells around. Many new original Spells.
- Fixed an oversight - half of the Neutral Tavern Heroes were unlimited.
- Fixed a bug where the Circle of Power did not always match the Owner of the respective Hall once conquered.
- The Death of a Hall now damages/kills only non-Heroes.
- Modified Creep-drop Items. Removed all Aura Creep-drops. Will re-add and balance these Items next patch.

BETA.04B - 20100103
- removed some accidental left-in debug messages.
- A Level 2 Unit (Ultimate Summons) are now 3x as strong as a Level 1 Unit, instead of 2x. Observatory is now 3x as strong as a lower-tier Creep Tower.
- Slightly buffed Large armor, as many melee Heroes are not able to tank enough damage. Decreased cost of Hero "Constitution" Upgrade.

BETA.05 - 20100725
- I have been playing lots of League of Legends this year - adding lots of features/inspiration from it.
- Re-buffed armor effect up to .05.
- Races: combined ClockUnit Uprades so each Race has 1 Attack and 1 Armor.
- Ultimate Summons are now considered Level 3 and are 6x as strong as a Level 1 Unit.
- Each Hall now has the ability to Sell a Level 2 ClockUnit (Knight/Tauren/Abom/Giant) to enter the AoS battle (not controllable).
- Heroes: swapped more Hero skills around. More new Spells. New Heroes. Remapped all Spells to Q-W-E-R instead of Z-X-C-V.
- Heroes: All Heroes have a Passive Spellbook with all basic Spells (Critical Strike, Bash, Evasion, Spell Resistance, etc)
- Heroes require 1 Food now. All Units requires 1 Food.
- Replaced the Goblin Merchant with 6 Item-Type Pedastals. (Offense, Defense, Movement, etc)
- Lots of new Items.
- Changed ClockUnit/Tower bounty so that rewards are increased for killing with a Hero, and decreased for killing with a Tower.
- Buffed fountain regenerations from .03 to .04.

BETA.06 - 20100726 (Rush Release)
- Fixed several passive Hero Traits tooltips.
- Added New Items.
- Added 1 Passive/Neutral-buff. ClockRing Aura: upon killing a ClockTower, you gain 2 Levels (20 damage). You lose 1 Level of ClockRing each minute.
- Increased all Bounties. All Bounties are now doubled for killing with a Hero, and halfed for killing with a Tower.

BETA.07 - 20100727 (Rush Release)
- Fixed a couple dozen Leaks (Point, Unit Group).
- Upgrades: fixed/synched/changed CPU Upgrade times. Construction Cost/Time reduced to 200/20.

BETA.08 - 20100809 (Rush Release)
- Fixed 50+ Leaks (Point, Unit Group).
- Fully functional -r and -give command. Multiple buildings can be -given at once.
- AOS: Reduced Spawn time from every 4 to 2 seconds. Now, every 20 seconds, Spawning stops for 10 seconds.
- Towers: Increased damage by about 25%. All Towers do Piercing Damage now.
- Heroes: Base Mana (before-Int) halved to 5 per Int.
- Heroes/Spells: Spells now increase at mana cost as they level.. Level 5 is 2x mana of Level 1.
- Doubled the effect of Spell Prowess to +20 damage per level.

BETA.09 - 20100816 (Rush Release)
- ???

BETA.10 - 20100901 (Rush Release)
- Expanded the map to 160x160.
- Selection Denial fully functional in Multi-Player mode.
- Upgrades: completely reworked the Cost/Time to allow players to actually focus. Upgrades/Halls take much longer.
- New Upgrade: Summoner Mastery.
- Bases: Have a new Statue for the Tier 3 Minion (Knight, Tauren, etc). Tier 3 Minions are now Level 3.
- Heroes: Heroes are now Unique (only 1 allowed per game). Neutral Tavern has modern tool tips, inspired by LoL.
- Towers: Increased damage again, and attack speed.
- Items: Many new Items, 2 Unique Items. More to come.

BETA.11 - 20101207
- Heroes: First Imported Hero model. Updated helpful tooltips.
- Hero Upgrades now cost the same as Minion Upgrades.
- Changed Hero damages, and Hero damage upgrades.
- Towers: Increased damage again, and attack speed.
- Items: MANY new Items. Improved tooltips.

BETA.12 - 20101210
- Items: Fixed Banshee Shield bug. Banshee Shield now has visual on/off effect, as per LoL.
- Fixed a couple errant Item Costs. Changed some Coloring/Language in tool tips. New Item.

BETA.13 - 20110219
- Re-worked all Spells. Implemented Spell Power (Ability Power in League of Legends). Spells now scale in strength as a heroes Spell Power increases/decreases.
- Pimped out Hero Spell tool tips.
- Removed most Heroes, temporarily, enabling only those with completed Spell Power usage.
- Purchased Heroes are now announced in Quest message to all players.
- Re-worked All Upgrades. Pimped out Upgrade tool tips. Upgrades now go up to Level 12. Re-worked the Cost/Time of Upgrades. They are generally faster (30 seconds) and more expensive now.
- Purchaser of an Artifact is now properly identified in Quest message. (instead of the Seller)
- The Center unit is now an Epic shop, not an Uber tower.
- Clock Towers no longer provide Food.
- All Worker-units can now repair All structures.

- Possibly remove all custom models, and just use normal unit models with Hero Glow attached.
- More complete Terrain/Trees.
- Original Item Recipes. Attempt Dynamic Item Recipes?? (League of Legends)
- The 4 Corners will consist of Cliffs that contain big Creeps. Perhaps Teleporters from the center take you there?
- Income system.


Working on a Map
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Quite a cool idea.

Anyway, the Clock Towers at the center can attack-ground to damage other Clock Towers.

Also, I do hope that there are some custom heroes soon.

Please make the Towers auto-cast Innerfire, it would be so much simpler xD Just need to change the ability at the Default Active Abilities field.

Well, good luck. And please don't perform a kick on those who ordered the unit. Won't they be issued a order again?
Also, why not just give all the Creep units an ability and you can check if the unit selected has the ability and deselect it if it does.
Hint: Check if the level of ability Greater Than 0

Alternative, give them the wards classification. This makes it easy to check if the unit is a creep plus it disables the command card.


Ultra Cool Member
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Dang, I wake up to only 1 Player!!

Anyway, the Clock Towers at the center can attack-ground to damage other Clock Towers.

Please make the Towers auto-cast Innerfire, it would be so much simpler
Mana is semi-limited on Towers, so I did not make the Auto-Cast "on" by default... you realize you can *make* it Auto-Cast by just right clicking on it? What if you ran to your tower to get Inner Fire (with your Hero) but your Tower had already wasted all Mana on Footman? You would be annoyed. The Computer Players use it fine?

And please don't perform a kick on those who ordered the unit. Won't they be issued a order again?
Also, why not just give all the Creep units an ability and you can check if the unit selected has the ability and deselect it if it does.
Not following you here :)

Alternative, give them the wards classification. This makes it easy to check if the unit is a creep plus it disables the command card.
I would presume that if a Player can't see the Command options, that the Unit also can't be Ordered (via trigger) to perform those same Orders?

Thx for testing!!


Super Moderator
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I lol'd so much at the name. It's so close to being "something else" :p


Working on a Map
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I would presume that if a Player can't see the Command options, that the Unit also can't be Ordered (via trigger) to perform those same Orders?
That's true. Forgot about that point.

Didn't realise the mana. Thanks for pointing it out.

Anyway, good luck :D


Is known to say things. That is all.
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You presume wrong. Removing the command card with the ward classification still allows orders to be issued via triggers and via the right-click order. Give your clockunits the ward classification then setup a trigger to detect when an order is issued, if the ordered unit has the ward classification and the order is "smart" then reorder it. Simple.

As far as autocast goes, maybe you should trigger a cast of positive buffs when a hero unit approaches the tower. That will avoid mana getting wasted on the clockunits while still allowing it to be automated if the player desires.


Current occupation: News poster
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Ok, that message "Player is attemping to cheat" is really odd, you can make better "system" on moving those creeps.

Try something like this:

  • Untitled Trigger 001
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Is issued an order targeting an object
      • Unit - A unit Is issued an order targeting a point
      • Unit - A unit Is issued an order with no target
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
      • Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Attack-Move To (Center of (Playable map area))
      • Trigger - Turn on (This trigger)

Hope that helps! :thup:


Ultra Cool Member
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As far as autocast goes, maybe you should trigger a
Really this is a non-issue. Zack1996 wanted Tower Auto-Cast (Inner Fire, Bloodlust, etc) to be on by default. It wasn't. It could be on by default. Anyone can turn it on by Default, just as they can on a Priest.

Ok, that message "Player is attemping to cheat" is really odd
It is just a placeholder. The real result (of detecting someone cheating) would be more like.. destroy the Units(s) and penalize the Player Gold. Or maybe just penalize Gold. (because purposely destroying a ClockUnit could be a method of Experience Denial)

So yes.. I think I have decided on... Remove Player Selection... Order the Unit to the nearest Junction... and penalize the Player some Gold.. and/or Hero Exp if he does not have the Gold.

ward classification still allows orders to be issued via triggers
Will test this in a moment...


Current occupation: News poster
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It is just a placeholder. The real result (of detecting someone cheating) would be more like.. destroy the Units(s) and penalize the Player Gold. Or maybe just penalize Gold. (because purposely destroying a ClockUnit could be a method of Experience Denial)

So yes.. I think I have decided on... Remove Player Selection... Order the Unit to the nearest Junction... and penalize the Player some Gold.. and/or Hero Exp if he does not have the Gold.
O___o" you don't have to do that..
Will test this in a moment...
Of course you have to edit little, otherwise players are able to send units to middle of the map. =X


Ultra Cool Member
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Furby, have you played the Map? I'm not sure if you understand what those Scripts are doing...?

OrderStopper1 Attempts to not allow Players to select their ClockUnits. But this not fail-safe, as Players can (if they are very quick!) Select and move a ClockUnit before the game de-Selects the ClockUnit.

OrderStopper2 Detects when a Player has a ClockUnit Selected *when* it receives an Order - hence, detecting when a Player is trying to cheat. Hence I display the Message "So-and-so is attempting to Cheat!" This Script is simply letting Players know that I have possibly detected them trying to steer a ClockUnit. I would ultimately *also* tag on punishments in here - IE, penalizing the Player Gold, for attempting to Cheat. There has to be some form of punishment here... or else an evil Player can sneak in an Order every once in awhile on a ClockUnit without any fear.

This whole discussion is also somewhat of a non-issue, as... why would anyone sit there repeatedly attempting to control a ClockUnit when they know they are not supposed to? Do you sit in a game of Dota and repeatedly attempt to control a Ghoul? No.

Of course you have to edit little, otherwise players are able to send units to middle of the map. =X
I meant I was going to Test making the ClockUnits classified as 'Wards'. I did. The game ran fine, but it doesn't solve anything concerning ClockUnit Orders. A Player may still Select a ClockUnit and Order it to Move somewhere.


Is known to say things. That is all.
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I meant I was going to Test making the ClockUnits classified as 'Wards'. I did. The game ran fine, but it doesn't solve anything concerning ClockUnit Orders. A Player may still Select a ClockUnit and Order it to Move somewhere.

You're solution to players ordering units is bad. Players don't want to be penalised for doing something that is possible in the game, that detracts from the game experience. Just trigger it properly with the ward classification:
  • Untitled Trigger 001
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Is issued an order targeting an object
      • Unit - A unit Is issued an order targeting a point
    • Conditions
      • (Issued order) Equal to (==) (Order(smart))
    • Actions
      • <Create dummy unit, order to cast spell on triggering unit that can only target wards, if it succeeds unit is a ward. Reorder unit if true.>


Current occupation: News poster
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Enough, I say! Your way of thinking is weird.. and complicated.. :rolleyes:

I made demo map for you. Try to move those units, you will never be able to. No need for any "THAT MUTHERFUCKA CHEATS!". :thup:


  • NoMoveNoSelect.w3x
    17.5 KB · Views: 336


Ultra Cool Member
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Players don't want to be penalised for doing something that is possible in the game
OK, you won me over. Good point.

Good call Furby, I will simply re-order the Unit to return to the nearest Junction.

+rep guys


Ultra Cool Member
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Played Beta2 last night on BNet and got a lot of positive feedback... posted it here today.

Beta3 already provides a lot of improvements... will post on Sunday perhaps. (Beta2 was semi-rushed as I had 4 friends online ready to play)


Ultra Cool Member
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Beta 3 is up - the greatest map this side of the Mississippi. IMO.

Now how do I change the title of this thread...


Working on a Map
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Beta 3 is very much more refined. The single Observatory at the middle is pretty nice.

Just some random things to note though:
Akama has permanent invisility and 2 invisible wolves that he can summon. Not to mention his tooltip is missing :p

PM a Moderator and get them to change the title. Otherwise, I don't think its possible.
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