Recent content by Chocobo

  1. Chocobo

    Warcraft Text Issue

    Item descriptions have a character limit after which the text is cut, I think it's somewhere around 1000, requires to be checked.
  2. Chocobo

    Map boundry issues

    There is a setting to change the map boundary (instead of the camera boundary while clicking the buttons - there is a box to check in order to modify the map boundary instead of the camera boundary). The map boundary must be a multiple of 32 on each side.
  3. Chocobo

    Save/Load Code, Yet Another

    set Save[SaveCount] = (Level of <ability> for <unit>)....
  4. Chocobo

    Critical, Hardened Skin, Orb of Lightning/Slow high proc rate bugged?

    >Oh and if you wanna do more, check stuff like, strings of crits (IE how many crits you can get before not criting), largest clusters of crits, triggered crits, etc. I was already working on it and it seemed a 25% chance would cluster around exactly after 4 hits, seems to be pseudo random...
  5. Chocobo

    Critical, Hardened Skin, Orb of Lightning/Slow high proc rate bugged?

    post triggers you use then else : files : imgs :
  6. Chocobo

    Critical, Hardened Skin, Orb of Lightning/Slow high proc rate bugged?

    The error returned was: Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken. You are not logged in, you may log in below >My critical strike works at any % level 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95 and 100% all work for me. post proof
  7. Chocobo

    Terrain Level Detection

    set <real variable> = GetLocationZ(<some location>) real variable = name of your real variable in which you want to store Z location some location = location of the point you want the Z
  8. Chocobo

    How do you edit sound effects from MDX using WC3 model editor?

    SNDXAHTC -> Remove (or change if you want to)
  9. Chocobo

    Incinerate Spell

    If you make a new spell based on incinerate, it doesn't work (bug) and will stack only once. ex: +7 dmg/hit would result in : +7, +0, +7, +0..
  10. Chocobo

    Critical, Hardened Skin, Orb of Lightning/Slow high proc rate bugged?

    to kileratz : " link: " doesn't work ("Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken.")
  11. Chocobo

    Incinerate Spell

    Did you use the "innate" Incinerate spell (means you are not making a new spell from it) or not (means your unit has the basic Incinerate spell (can be modified) instead of a "custom" ability)?
  12. Chocobo

    How do you edit sound effects from MDX using WC3 model editor?

    war3 model editor -> Node Manager -> SND/FPT/......<any> find the thing you want to change through the Event Track ex: stand (0-1999), you would search things about Event Tracks between 0 and 1999 then find the right one to change.
  13. Chocobo

    Critical, Hardened Skin, Orb of Lightning/Slow high proc rate bugged?

    >The first time the footman hits I always get a 0 on my check no matter how I try to correct it. I wonder if that is just me or if it is the test. note : The unit actually takes damage "after" all your actions there (a timer of 0.00 is needed to actually apply the damage then do something with...
  14. Chocobo

    Critical, Hardened Skin, Orb of Lightning/Slow high proc rate bugged?

    well it seems evasion is a linear ability to it's % proc (0.01 for 1%) but others seem not (looks for instance for tester 50%). >i dunno y but iv got alot of units using crit and the text still comes up after 30 mins into the game are u sure that it stops apearing? 100 texttags at...
  15. Chocobo

    Critical, Hardened Skin, Orb of Lightning/Slow high proc rate bugged?

    "note 2 : weird that Evasion is not affected by that bug. Perhaps because it does not tend to avoid 1 hit every x attacks, while the other abilities do..."