Recent content by Hadezown

  1. Hadezown

    Getting Unit ID

    Figured it out. If anyone is wondering, just convert the load/save GUI functions to JASS and place the variable name as the paremeter for the GetHandleIdBj: set udg_Crystalis_TempCount = LoadIntegerBJ(1, GetHandleIdBJ(udg_GDD_DamageSource), udg_Crystalis_Table)
  2. Hadezown

    Getting Unit ID

    I'm using a damage detection system that stores unit variables for the dmg source and dmged target. I need to load data from a hashtable using the dmg source as a Handle ID but obviously it can't take a unit variable. Is there anyway to convert the unit into a unit ID?
  3. Hadezown

    Need help with vjass code

    nvm problem solved
  4. Hadezown

    Making unit continue last order when interrupted

    In a tower defense for example, if you have units moving through a maze and you stun one of them, it will continue to carry out its previous order which was moving to a target location. If you polymorph a unit however, it stands still afterwards. Is there anyway you can restore the unit's...
  5. Hadezown

    Importing a script, Can't find included file

    Edit: nvm problem solved. I'm just using Galaxy++ instead now, so much simpler. So I'm trying to import an Andromeda external script. I imported it through the import manager. Then I created a custom script in the trigger to include it: include "scripts/tbscript" The script and its...
  6. Hadezown

    Problem with area effect targeting source unit

    Yeah I tried exclude but I don't really get how it works. What do I put for effect? Here's some pics so it's more clear what I'm doin. So I think you're right, it's being generated by the item not the unit. But the item belongs to the same player as the unit walking over it, so I don't...
  7. Hadezown

    Problem with area effect targeting source unit

    When a unit walks over an item, I basically have this effect that searches for enemies in the area and stuns them. In the Search Filters, only Enemy is checked and I set Self to excluded. But the source unit of the effect still gets stunned. Anyone know how I can solve this?
  8. Hadezown

    Changing text duration

    Anyone know how to change duration of UI - Text Message? There's no field to change it...
  9. Hadezown

    Impact Model

    Thanks!!! +rep
  10. Hadezown

    Impact Model

    Hey, I duplicated the reaper's D-8 Charge actor/effects/model and set it to a duplicate of HunterSeekerMissle ability. It works fine, kinda like a grenade ability, however the explosion effect (impact model) happens as soon as I cast the ability instead of waiting until the missle hits the...
  11. Hadezown

    UI Weapon display problem.

    Figured it out. If anyone else wants to know, some units have "dummy weapons" that are used just for the UI display. In the Unit field section, there's a field called "UI - Equipment Array +". You have to remember to replace the existing field with a duplicate of the dummy weapon that refers to...
  12. Hadezown

    UI Weapon display problem.

    I made a new baneling unit based off the original. I gave it new weapon/actors and everything. Changed exploding damage. Everything works perfectly and the damage done is what I set it to. The only problem is the UI weapon display still displays the original baneling's damage and not the new...
  13. Hadezown

    Global Suicide

    I'll give it a lookthrough, thanks.
  14. Hadezown

    Global Suicide

    Has anyone had any luck getting this function to actually do anything? If so tell me what I'm doing wrong because enemies simply remain where they are. And yes, I've tried putting wait times. Like anything else in this editor, nothing's ever straight forward. Events Game -...
  15. Hadezown

    Level Up question

    You can also have 2 triggers, one to activate the ability and another to turn it off and restore experience gain. You just need a unit variable to store the unit, I personally would prefer this over a wait time if the unit can cancel channeling: Casting Events Unit - A unit...