Recent content by Opa

  1. Opa


    * Spawn o Events o Conditions o Actions + For each (Integer A) from 1 to 8, do (Actions) # Loop - Actions * For each (Integer A) from 1 to Round, do (Actions)...
  2. Opa

    Terraining Contest | Theme: Movies | Voting Thread

    For the sake of Contestor 1, I voted for him. At least he participated and took some time. I liked the film Startroopers a lot. The other ones are also nice.
  3. Opa

    Adding +1 damage for each attack

    Add Item Abilities?
  4. Opa

    Trigger doesn't seem to be working

    You have to add an item ability.
  5. Opa

    Display Damage of Spells with GDD

    Nono, When I cast Frost Nova the Numbers overlap, how to prevent that? Edit: kk Edit2: the numbers are still overlapping
  6. Opa

    Display Damage of Spells with GDD

    Hello, I want to display the damage dealt by units on other units using the GDD System. Here is my trigger: Damage System Events Game - GDD_Event becomes Equal to 0.00 Conditions Actions Floating Text - Create floating text that reads (String(GDD_Damage))...
  7. Opa

    Terraining Contest | Theme: Movies | Deadline 12.08.10 - 27.08.10

    Andrewgosu, are your HP Bars enabled?
  8. Opa

    Shoot Around Frozen Orb Per 0.10 Second

    Jazz is a music genre.
  9. Opa

    Vuen's D&D trigger question

    Depends wether you are English or French.
  10. Opa

    Vuen's D&D trigger question

    Since you are using Textstrings, it will not work for multiple Units since "Footman" is not equal to "Ghoul".
  11. Opa

    Vuen's D&D trigger question

    A Footman is not a Ghoul...
  12. Opa

    Is it possible to check to whom Item X belongs?

    Simple, but effective. I thank you, sir.
  13. Opa

    Cannot Open File

    Well to stay on-topic: "Object:WERandomGroupSet (?AUWERandomGroupSet@@)" The Message shows you that there is an error in war3map.w3i or that the file is corrupted. Off-Topic: Glenphir is taking requests of Spells, you might give it a shot.
  14. Opa

    Is it possible to check to whom Item X belongs?

    Hello, Is it possible to check to whom Item "Claws of Attack +6" belong to? For example; If Player 1 tries to give the Item to a Unit controlled by Player 2, Player 2's Unit drops the Item. He is not able to pick it up either.