Recent content by Royal-Naga

  1. R

    Was it wrong with this trigger? [Dragon Knight-Dota]

    Dragon Blood? So you have a passive spell that gives both armor and regeneration to the hero. Anyway you use 2 triggers when you could use just one and the second trigger is really huge... Secondly you use a "ugrape" and not a secondary ability you could just make 2 skills one that gives...
  2. R

    Adding a passive ability for a duration?

    The trigger is not there anymore. I was like "This trigger is not useful anymore because I used another skill on that hero" and months later "I need to create XXX so I should use that thing in the old trigger...uh?" I thing that I have memory leak lol
  3. R

    Adding a passive ability for a duration?

    Well this is the thing every time when I want to turn a passive effect in to a active effect that will last a XX amount of time I used 2 triggers The first one starts a timer on the unit that cast the spell and add the ability The second one check when the timer ends and remove the ability...
  4. R

    Help me with Shockwave spell

    No, that' okay What I want to do is this: Hero cast X skill, then 3 shockwaves are casted with a delay of 0.33 between each shockwave. At the same time the hero PERFORM his attack animation 3 times with a delay of 0.33 to match the spell.
  5. R

    Help me with Shockwave spell

    Is not that, I wonder if making the spell channeling can lead in to the hero starting the casting animation, the effect is casted the hero stop the animation without losing the time. And I just ask how to "store the target point" you don't have to make the full trigger 4 me, just show me how to...
  6. R

    Help me with Shockwave spell

    Err.. Why channeling? I need it to make the hero perform the attack animation during the 3 shockwaves? since the spell is targering a point I sould use the Naga Sea Witch Tornado and cange the tornado for a dummy unit... Anyway can you show me a small example with a trigger I can't understand...
  7. R

    Help me with Shockwave spell

    Well I have two questions! I'll make this clear. 1) How does it works tha "max damage" in shockwave spells? Like Carrior Swarm or Shockwave? The max damage is way bigger than the normal damage it is actualy dealed? How des this damage have a effect in the spell? And more importantly how the...
  8. R

    Help with a trigger

    Thank you! The only thing different is that is targeteable in a Are (I make the dummy spell based on Flamestrike) but I know how to do it know that you explain it to me and just one question there says for each integer "Looooop" why all these "o" I miss something is custom? :/ And yes I gonna...
  9. R

    Help with a trigger

    Ok guys, first of all, thanks for your help I want to create a 2 AoE spells they do almost the same I only need from you to explain me one thing to be make these 2. Well let´s call the spell "Lord of Vermillion" For those who play dota, the spell Freezing Field from Crystal Maiden will...
  10. R

    Items set

    Great! Now I can make the five item set (DK, Dark Ranger/Ranger, Arcane, Warlock and Voodo) :3
  11. R

    Items set

    1- Thank this going to help in the another items sets. 2- I know the mechanic of item recipes I already think in this 3- The problem is ¿What happen is the DK ring have multiple lvls? I made the DK up to lvl 4 So every Lvl increase the "Raise dead" ability (Already doed) 4- If the...
  12. R

    Items set

    I want that X item have a extra bonus when the Hero also have Y item. For example: If Hero have DK Spear and DK ring (The Death Knight Ring can cast Raise dead returning to life a max of 4 corpses) Then the DK ring give 50% more mana regeneration and can´t raise up a maximum of 5 corpses...
  13. R

    Magic control

    Mana per Summoned Hitpoint - 0.00 I already change that, the Dummy that is created by the "Reversion" ability has 1000 mana pool and 90 per second mana regeneration.
  14. R

    Magic control

    Thanks, I know how to post Triggers, the problem is that the "Print Screen" button don´t work. I will make the Trigger from 0. Thanks for the help, now my Manaphague is complete.
  15. R

    Magic control

    I make an ability based on Cripple (Lisiar in Spanish) Then, make a trigger that checks If the target unit of ability being cast is a summoned unit (If is) then cast "Edited Magic control" (Mana cost 0, mana cost based on percentage life equal to 0) on the target unit. Thi is the trigger (I...