Recent content by spextro

  1. S

    item equipped = victory for allies, how?!

    multiple winning/loosing triggers I need to figure out how to make this work: When Force 1 brings an item back to base they win, which works allready (will the other force automatically be defeated?) . I also want to trigger that if their Town Hall is destroyed they loose and the other force...
  2. S

    item equipped = victory for allies, how?!

    blix make code? mreh, im a noob and dont undestand nothing buy visuals :P!
  3. S

    item equipped = victory for allies, how?!

    Multiple winning/defeat triggers: HALP! :( I need to figure out how to make this work: When Force 1 brings an item back to base they win, which works allready (will the other force automatically be defeated?) . I also want to trigger that if their Town Hall is destroyed they loose and the...
  4. S

    item equipped = victory for allies, how?!

    NVM I got it to work! :DD thanks!
  5. S

    item equipped = victory for allies, how?!

    uhm, I can't seem to find the conditions you posted.. Could you explain more precis what to choose? :PP
  6. S

    item equipped = victory for allies, how?!

    I want to achive victory when a item is equipped at the end of the map, I tried different triggers I found here but somehow it does not seem to work. Could someone post a working trigger, please? :)