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  1. xromania™

    video problem

    My nokia6120 take videos qvga 320x240 and are mpeg-4 I have too a spy pen who take avi. video with 1280x960 but the videos i think dont look better, why? i can check the avi. files in proprieties and there is "1280x960" but in mpeg-4 files on proprieties i cant see any details about resolution...
  2. xromania™

    strange - graphic card

    i just updated with latest drivers my video card GEFORCE 7950GT and now when im accesing video card options (from icon next to clock etc) my display go black 1 second. Is that normal? In rest things are fine i think
  3. xromania™

    installation advice

    Just bought the game, a big box with burning crusade cd too in it. Because cant install the game from the dvd (error..) i used blizzard downloader and finally i installed the game, i created a account and now i download a update. I should first dl all updates and then install burning crusade...
  4. xromania™

    w3 westfallen?

    *sry is westfall no westfallen, cant edit the title After months i tried to refresh my w3 accounts in usa-east and europe, but i saw a new gateway, Westfall (beta). What is that and why after i tried to log in my game is bugged now, i mean it try every time to dowload same update again and...
  5. xromania™

    warcraft 2?

    is w2 alive? im to lazy to search lol and prolly ill find nothing about i want to know. I want to know if w2 exist and if is played online and if are many players online, like in sc or w3 i saw it here also a exotic question. Why in...
  6. xromania™

    simple question

    hey guys, girls, druids and dryads... (new here) ok i just want to know please how can i create a simple game where i want to put, for example, 10 grunts controlled by computer to fight with like 20 ghouls controlled too by computer - and the game to have humans observers. i have done the...