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  1. M

    Custom Campain Screen

    Is it possible to have a custom 3D campain screen? I am good with milkshape, can I convert something to mdx and use it?
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    Upgrades Not Working Properly...

    I am trying to make an upgrade to work on all heroes in my map, I have successfully created an upgrade that adds 25% more health but it is only working on some heroes even though I added the upgrades used to all of them... When I look in the upgrade properties I see Stats - Class and a list...
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    WIP Invasion Ice

    Well after years of tutorials and little testing maps I am finally doing something cool. A neat new game type I been working on the past few days, and recently been doing some BNet tests and people are having a blast with it. Although still a WIP it is fun enough to play, 8 waves created so...
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    Poll: How Do You Want Your Coop?

    I am planning to make an online coop and I have been in deep discussion with my friends, none of us cant agree on a method so I'm putting up a poll :P If you guys wanted to play online coop in warcraft 3 how do you want the teams set up? 1. Free For All - Players control each others...
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    Help: Hero Sharing

    Hello, Im back from inactivity to work on a new project, but I am having a couple issues. I am working on an online coop campain and I want the players to be able to share the units but not the heroes, I have found 2 functions "Share Vision" and "Full Share Unit Control" but full share unit...
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    Morphing Not Working

    alright, I know there are already hundreds of posts and I have spent all last night and this morning going through them all, non of them seem to help and all those solutions are not working for me. I copied metamorphosis, I edited the proper alternet form and normal form units and i added the...
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    Dota Tutorial?

    Ok, before you flame me for not searching, I did and I found this here But the tutorial links are broken and the template map has a gay anime thing going on... Basiclly I am working on a Lake Wintergrasp map...
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    Map Preview Image Types?

    Alright I know the tutorial about making a preview image, but does it have to be an uncompressed tga? cause that uses a bit of space :S can I do it in blp? can I use a compressed tga? will those work? I already tried blp but it doesnt work, do i have to use a different custom path other...
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    NewGen Map Wont Work On BNET

    well i totally ruined my rpg i been working on for the last month, i imported to newgen editor and made it 480x480, but now when i try to test it on bnet it says game cannot be found. i also tried this with a fresh map same thing, am i not allowed to use newgen maps online?
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    Custom Music

    I been thinking about custom music and triggers and came across a few problems like if the game is paused the music still plays but the timer stops so looping music triggers get off time. I was also thinking about the importer and how it replaces default files, is it possible to import 1 file...
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    Help With AceHart's Save/Load System

    Well I waited 24 hours and I didnt get a reply or a PM back from aceheart so I am making this thread in the genera area this time instead of in AceHeart's thread. I cant get this to work. I copied the category over to my map and I had auto create variables on. I added all my things to the...
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    Why are all save/load codes the same

    I am just wondering why all those save/load triggers are so complicated, making the player write down a code that they cant even copy and paste. Cant someone make a save/load system that binds to the player name? I am no expert but I have seen lots of player and hero name comperisons in the...
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    Change Timer Bar?

    I made my own summon based of water elemental. I replaced all the data to my custom pet called legion ghoul. The spell works but when you click on the ghoul its timer bar that shows how much time it has left still says water elemental. I looked at the entire data field and all the linked...
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    Auto Cast Not Working

    Well I been up and down these forums, read lots of posts about auto casting but none of them directly relating to my problem. I copied frenzy and gave it to a ghoul and right clicked the auto cast on but it doesnt auto cast, I got the correct range and target types set up but still not...
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    How To Edit Data Fields in Abilities?

    I notice all spells have different data fields, like evasion has chance to evade % and devotion aura has increase armor by number, so how do I create and remove these frields? How do I make custom spells, say I want to make a spell that has both evasion and armor, how to I add those data fields?
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    Help: minmap image in "WORLDEDIT"

    I seen many tutorials on how to get images in the in game minimap but I was wondering if it was possible to have it show up in the editor itself, im trying to take a sketch of northrend and map it out from the minimap image, problem is i need to see it in the editors minimap preview to work out...
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    Help: Hero Select Not Working Right

    Solved: Hero Select Not Working Right I followed AceHart's A three parts dialog tutorial here: The only difference is I have 10 heroes instead of 8 so I made my array variable 12 instead of 10. The rest I copied exactly as it was...