Search results

  1. KeresPup

    search all structs of the same type?

    Is there a way to search between all structs of the same type? For example struct myStruct integer id integer a string b endstruct myStruct array z myStruct y myStruct x I would want to search all existing myStruct objects and return the...
  2. KeresPup

    Is it possible to detect when an attack projectile is fired?

    Is it possible to detect when an attack projectile is fired? (after the attack animation is played and before it hits the target)
  3. KeresPup

    Other Custom Hero Survival II

    Hey there everyone, I've just gotten back to WC3 Map Creating scene, and for a few years now, CDRbaby and hoihoi8 had both abandoned their creations: "Custom Hero Survival" originally made by CDRbaby and improved upon by hoihoi8. I wasn't able to contact hoihoi8 for his permission to use his...
  4. KeresPup

    Teleportation Problem

    I made an item that had the ability of Factory and gave it to a unit (Think reasons of Battleship) But when I give it a Teleport Scroll, and try to teleport to an allied building, the teleport cancels just as soon as it was about to resolve itself. Can anyone help me find a way to...
  5. KeresPup

    Need help with Damaging Slide

    function Trig_Seraphic_Charge_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean if ( not ( GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A01A' ) ) then return false endif return true endfunction function Slide takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() local spellData...
  6. KeresPup

    WIP War of the Ancients (WotA)

    Yes, I know what you're all thinking: "Not another DotA ripoff". But please read at least what I have in mind. { War of The Ancients } A map combining the elements of AoS, Arena and Progressive RPG with a system that allows players to create their own custom Hero/Unit. Set with the timeline and...
  7. KeresPup

    WIP Death Note

    Hey All, I'm giving Map Making a shot, and I'm thinking about a some sort of Puzzle Game. I need your feedback and suggestions :) Death Note Players: Maximum Number of Human Players: 12 => Humans Units: At Most 12 Human-Controlled Units => Playing Humans 1 Neutral...
  8. KeresPup

    Need help with this skill

    Ummm, hello, I kinda made this trigger for one of my custom hero's skills: Paracide Bomb Initialize Events Unit - A unit Spawns a summoned unit Conditions (Unit-type of (Summoned unit)) Equal to Paracide Bomb Actions Unit - Set the custom value of...
  9. KeresPup

    Need Help With This Skill I'm making

    Paracide Bomb "Oh' look shorty' fireflies!" -Al Description: With their expertise in technology and explosives, Al and Qaeda were able to attach microscopic explosives into small insects, locusts which were minions of Anub’arak. The insects would then set out to find a host body, preferably...
  10. KeresPup

    How to decrease/increase sight radius?

    How to decrease/increase sight radius through a skill or even a buff? I'm trying to make a skill where in the target who gets hit will loose sight of his enemies and allies... or just decrease the sight radius to 100 for a while.
  11. KeresPup

    Model Request: Priestess of Light

    =/ I've been having trouble looking for a model that fits the name... Even a model of just a priestess would do... I prefer Human or Blood Elf... Night elves are too dark... Thanks.
  12. KeresPup

    Help! Spell: Chain Drain!

    =/ Just as the title says... how can I do so?
  13. KeresPup

    A Hero Idea

    I just had this idea which came into my head... A hero that has skills... but you cannot directly use by pressing the button... but you can only use if you "Chant" and by chant I mean "chat" by speaking the magic words, the skills would be used. <_< and for the ultimate, the magic words are...
  14. KeresPup

    Help! Spell: Pyramid of Light

    =/ I'm really confused now on how to make spells now, ever since I heard of JASS.... Can someone help me out with this kind of spell? An Ultimate Spell: Pyramid of Light. In this spell, the caster would be in a channelling animation as he tries to complete the Pyramid of Light. The...
  15. KeresPup

    I need some help with skills

    I'm really sorry if I may bother, I'm still a newbie at WorldMap... I'm trying to make skills like these: 1. Shadow Flight => It's like wind walk, but it would change the animation of the hero. 2. Ninja Mastery => Enhances the movespeed and attack speed of the hero. 3. (An Ultimate) Death...