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  1. D

    Quest adding

    Alex, I recommend that you actually just make a trigger and then look though all the events/conditions/actions and see what you can and can't do. It will help you out and you wont have to waste intraweb space with these topics.
  2. D

    Problem with arrow ability

    Here's a really basic sliding spell. I think it's basically what you are looking for except maybe you don't want the units that are hit to explode into giblets. That's easily edited though ;)
  3. D

    How to

    doable do⋅a⋅ble –adjective capable of being done. Origin: 1400–50; late ME;
  4. D

    How to

    Yes, it is as simple as that. Technically you don't need 8 separate triggers, but it would be more work to fit it all in one, however it would be completely doable.
  5. D

    How to

    It was the idea that counted, but I fixed my epic drawing so now it's my epicer drawing.
  6. D

    How to

    Well, when you order them to move from region to region they're going to take the shortest path which looks like the left side. You can make a few more regions so that you can guide their pathing better like the epic drawing I've uploaded.
  7. D

    How to

    right click in conditions --> new condition left click the spot that says boolean comparison look at the bottom of the list 2nd from the bottom
  8. D

    Making the spells in my map

    You lost me at: "it appears the map of the spell that i tried how do i stop this annoying thing from happening? " That doesn't make any sense you need to reword that better.
  9. D

    *Sigh* What's wrong with this trigger?

    You have a 20 second wait inside of the pick every unit and do group. 1. pick unit one 2. lower move speed 3. wait 20 seconds 4. unfreeze unit 1 5. pick unit 2 6. ect... ect... assuming the wait didn't screw the global variables in your loop up No need to trigger spells blizzard already gave...
  10. D

    Triggering problem need help

    If you haven't already finished I edited this one to mana burn all units in it's path. If you don't want the unit to get mana burned multiple times then disable unnamed trigger 002 and enable unnamed trigger 002 (copy). there is a unit group variable needed for mana burned only once...
  11. D

    Triggering problem need help

    This spell can easily be edited like I said to mana burn all units it comes across.
  12. D

    Triggering problem need help

    You trigger is so much more complex then it needs to be...... I've uploaded a really simple map with 2 small triggers. trigger 1: a) makes a chicken (whatever unit/model you want) facing where you targeted the spell. (I based it off healing ward because I couldn't think of a point...
  13. D

    How to

    This works for infinite units. No matter how many units you spawn in the region it will activate the trigger for each unit and order each unit to move.
  14. D

    How to

    You shouldn't use Unit - Group orders. It will order all of brown's units to attack move even if they are structures. Using regions is the best way. I've uploaded a very very basic map that moves a footman from a to b to c to d back to a. Just make sure to check what the event of the...
  15. D

    How to

    You don't have to, but it would be easier. If you want to use Neutral Hostile then you need to go to Advanced --> Gameplay Constants and then edit the Creeps - Whatever fields.
  16. D

    How to

    Don't spawn the units under the control of neutral hostile, and if you do then you have to take an additional step to disable their guard distance.
  17. D

    Strafing Spell

    You need to have some logic to add the unit event only once to InsanityStrafing2. What is happening is that each time you attack with the buff the attacked unit is added to the InsanityStrafing2. The trigger will only run once on the very first attack. After that InsanityStrafing2 is...
  18. D

    why wont this trigger work?

    Try putting a wait in between the order and the removal of the spell and see if it works. It might be removing the spell before the unit can cast it because trigger execution is reallyyyyyyyy fast. Also I like to put display message to all players in the trigger of what is happening and what...
  19. D

    Turning upgrades into hero abilities?

    Well I think my first post answers that. When they learn the hero spell it will increase the upgrade research level along with it.
  20. D

    Turning upgrades into hero abilities?

    Ah well in that case maybe you could do an integer comparison when the spell is cast and if the "research skill ability" is > 0 add some abilities to summoned unit. Freehand since I closed the world editor but.... event unit finishes casting a spell conditions ability being cast equal to...