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  1. S

    AI Unit won't attack after using Wind Walk

    I'm working on a map where a player has a computer-controlled ally who gains control of their units during combat (think Legion TD.) One of these units has Wind Walk, which it will cast, but then it completely stops attacking and refuses to attack at this point. I even made two triggers...
  2. S

    Array of Unit Arrays?

    Disclaimer: I'm reading through pages of threads for the search query "unit array" as you read this trying to find an answer to this, so yes I know how to use search. On to my question: * In my map, two players face off across a tactical map with squads led by leaders (think SNES OgreBattle if...
  3. S

    To other icon artists, your advanced tips?

    This is about the art aspect of icon-making, NOT the technical stuff. I had no problems figuring out how to use BTN, DISBTN, etc. My icons work in-game just fine! :D I recently dove into making icons and I'm getting a bit addicted to it, but I've got some general questions I was hoping more...
  4. S

    Effects not being Destroyed from Array, what am I missing?

    This is my 2nd attempt at a JASS spell and up to this point I've been doing ok, slowly plowing my way through it. However, I'm finally stumped and I'm not seeing it. Explanation: This is a simple custom spell that creates a "castable" immolation that gives the hero a buff that lasts for 10...
  5. S

    Can you find my error? Custom Ability causing unit to "lock-up" on rare occasions

    This is my first attempt at a Custom Ability, and aside from this error, it works beautifully. Phoenix Storm Level 1 Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions ((Ability being cast) Equal to Phoenix Storm ) and ((Level of Phoenix Storm for...
  6. S

    First project, Gaia TD

    This also happens to be my first post. I've been playing custom maps since the Starcraft days and created a couple Starcraft RPGs, but have never attempted a WC3 custom map. I'm a huge TD addict, but I'm having a hard time finding new TDs I haven't tried that are balanced, innovative, and...