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  1. B

    Custom resources

    can some1 point me towards a tut that explains how to change the resource name and picture over to something else, like the star craft conversion mod? for example changing lumber to food or stone....
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    Disable animation

    ive downloaded this stealth bomber model and i want to use it as a sort of upgraded predator drone, so ive scaled it to 1/4 its original size but the smoky engine trail animation thing remains the same size as it would for the full size jet and it sort of engulfs the entire model how would i...
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    Ranged aiming

    so i have these tanks and when u tell them to attack a unit behind them (within firing range) they immediately fire without acutally aiming at the target first. then they aim at the target for the second shot, its not that important but it looks alittle silly when it happens. can sum1 tell me...
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    -zoom trigger variable

    ok so ive got everything up to Camera - Set (Triggering player)'s camera Distance to target to --->(Real((Substring((Entered chat string), 7, 10)))) over 0.00 seconds but i dont get how to add this... can sum1 explain? or point me to a tutorial type thing
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    Model Test

    can sum1 try the attached model out? its not mine. All the models I downloaded with it are working, and I cant get it to work. its nothing but the model file, and is supposed to run off in game textures i think also many people got this download to work, with not 1 person complaining it...
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    proper crediting

    haha im using like 15 models that all have creators that want credit... i dont think my map will ever go far enough to catch any1s attention but wat is the proper place to put credits incase?
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    Draw Bridge(well sorta)

    1)so i was wondering if it was possible to make it so when this starcraft bridge is retracted(pic) could units pass under where it was? EDIT: OMG sum 1 could have said u make natural ramps with the terrain pallet lolz........................... XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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    Max Collision

    Downloaded a BFT (Big Tank) but it collides with everything, i tried changing the pathing-collision size but it seems to have a small maximum... is there a way to stop them from colliding with everything? cause it looks really bad in my map when u send 2 of them sumwhere and they intersect...
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    Importing Models (no weapon)

    EDIT: ~You can start reading at like the 5th post after skiming the 1st one~ Ive downloaded a few models, but when I add them in the editor they have no weapons, sounds, or icons. now i see the places where you would link these things to the model in the unit editor but where are the models...
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    My Starcraft Map

    ~~~ANY and ALL ideas u guys have, that u think would make the map better... POST PLZ~~~ k so here is my star craft map so far (for better help with my problems) 1st - Its 2 player... nm y. (tho i may change that later if i like my map enough to spend that much more time on it) 2nd -...
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    Doodads gone wild!

    sooo..... im makin this map and i kept zooming out to get a good look at it so i started adding units and doodads and such and then i came back to the map 1 time, zoomed out and when i zoom a certain distance away the editor goes insane and starts stretching doodads across the map and each...
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    Custom load screen

    ~~~ JUMP TO POST #20 ~~~ ok... i was making a custom load screen for my map using this tut first it told me Your loading screen should be either 1024x768, or 800x600. i used 1024x768 then it told me to resize it to a 512x512...
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    Hero Tavern - out of stock

    so i made a hero tavern that builds some custom heroes i created out of the paladin when i start the game it all works xept that i have to wait like 2 min for the hero not to be out of stock wheres is the option to change this?? ive been looking everywhere... :banghead: props to peepz that...
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    ally triger

    srry noob question but.... is there a triger for making 2 forces ally??? if there is i cant find it. if there isnt a trigger for that, how do u make 2 forces be allies??? help plz ima noobie and asking here because itz so much better than searching for hours through tuts that dont cover...
  15. B

    Boat ---> tavern

    ima noob and i cant figure this out i built an rpg map wth a town wth a big river through it... i put some docks and it looks really awesome... i wanted to make a boat that functioned as a hero tavern so i made a custom tavern and changed model, icon and every other art value that i could so...
  16. B

    Setting variables HELP

    ok well im not wasting a single second more searching an answer for this question only to get "a variable is a number u can use in triggers X0" srry ive wasted like 2 hours looking ok im trying to get the camera to focus onto a structure at the beginning of the map im using Camera - pan...