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  1. S

    Learning abilities cost money

    Hi! I was wondering if anyone could help me making an ability cost money? Every time you level up, you also need some cash for "buying" an available ability. Thanks in advance! :thup:
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    Making an orb have a chance to hit

    Hi! Does anyone know how to get an orb, (like orb of venom) not pop every time, but giving it a CHANCE to pop? Thanks in Advance :thup:
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    Help with cheap shot spell

    Hi. I want to create a spell which is like Cheap Shot in WoW. It's like wind walk with bonus damage when you attack someone to break the stealth, but I want replace the bonus damage with a 2 second stun. Any help? Thanks.
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    My map auto-kicks other players

    Well... I have a problem with that my map is kicking other players when they try to join it. I was trying to play my map with 2 computers to check if everything worked as it should, but when i tried to join with my other computer, he gets kicked. Anyone got a clue of how to fix this? Thanks.
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    Quest log

    Hello. Anyone know how to put notes in the quest log? Thanks.
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    Automatic hero ressurection after time

    Hi. I have a problem with triggering a ressurect for dead heroes. I want a trigger which does the same as in DotA: When you die, a timer appears. When the timer reaches 0, your hero is ressurected. How to do this? Thanks
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    Lightning shockwave

    Hey! I wanna create a spell that is a "Lightning Wave". It's gonna be a shockwave just with lightning, so is just the spell model i need help with here. Thank you!
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    Random hero

    Ok, I have an altar with 11 heroes. Sometimes its hard to choose, so (as many other games has) I want to have the last slot in the altar to pick a Random hero of the 11 heroes there are. Can someone please help me with this? Thank you!
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    gold for killing players

    hey, I have made a great map, but there is one thing I need to fix, and which I never find... how to get gold for killing player units? When I kill other players units, I don't get gold, neither when I kill their heroes. please help me