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  1. Hegemuffin

    Micro Wars Artic Domination

    You misspelled "arctic".
  2. Hegemuffin

    Challenging but creative (and hopefully fun) icon requests

    Hi all, I have in mind an idea for a set of icons, mostly conceptual at this point, that was inspired by a lot of the advanced UI inventory systems that are coming out (you see them in RPG maps and there are some generic systems uploaded to the Hive etc., basically they're an interactive full...
  3. Hegemuffin

    RPG Relapse

    Have you considered element abilities working similarly to talent trees? In other words, it already seems like there's a drawback to choosing more than two abilities in one element as you sacrifice diversity, but perhaps you could make it so that having two abilities in one element gave you...
  4. Hegemuffin

    Spell WTF Bomb

    Uh, I think it's just supposed to be a demonstration. Anyway, funny stuff.
  5. Hegemuffin

    AoS Flashk's DotA (haven't found a tittle yet)

    I agree with Hatebreeder that you should probably get your own terrain, or at least get somebody to do it for you if you hate terraining. Definitely make new items; if you can make new heroes (which it seems you have), then new items should be a piece of cake. Some random comments I have...
  6. Hegemuffin

    Defense > Defend the Tower <

    This was fun - a lot of potential. Some ideas, though: 1) Beyond the obvious fun of creep customization, you might also come up with creep abilities that either work to bring down your tower or benefit other creeps. That way, you would need to prioritize which creeps to take down first (such...
  7. Hegemuffin

    Alien ZZ46G1

    No, sorry to be so negative. I do like the arrow key movement; it's just that for some reason, and this may only be on my computer, the movement lagged such that I would press right and the alien wouldn't move right until a full second had elapsed. This is actually really easy to do. You...
  8. Hegemuffin

    Alien ZZ46G1

    Nice job - a couple comments: Increase game speed in general. I think this would make the game more engaging, particularly on a map of that size, in addition to increasing the challenge level. Ideally, the alien could move at the Shimmerweed speed normally, and it could move really quickly when...
  9. Hegemuffin

    Hulk3 Unholy Arena beta4

    Hey, I just tried this a bit in single player and it looks really fun. I'll probably try hosting it tonight and see how it plays out. I'll wait until then before giving feedback, but so far it all looks good. Cheers!
  10. Hegemuffin

    Reign Of The Dead

    Would you prefer living zombies? I wasn't aware that distinction existed.
  11. Hegemuffin

    [Campaign] The Lost Island

    Mm, okay. Thanks for the volcano suggestions: I'm definitely struggling with it a bit (actually, terraining is the least enjoyable aspect of mapping for me, and whatever I have learned about it over the years has been painstaking and far from intuitive). Let me post another screenshot from a...
  12. Hegemuffin

    Disabled, Passive, Enabled Buttons?

    So, regular buttons tend to start with: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTN Disabled is: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTN Passive is: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\PASBTN I forget passive disabled off the top of my head, but I think it might be the same as regular...
  13. Hegemuffin

    [Campaign] The Lost Island

    Definitely :) I plan to have most bosses damageable with normal attacks and spells (though some may be immune to a certain type of attack); this is to preserve some of the Warcraft III combat feel so that it doesn't seem as if the fights are just additional puzzles. However, in almost all...
  14. Hegemuffin

    [Campaign] The Lost Island

    Well, yea, just to clarify and not to give anyone the wrong impression, but when I likened it to the Zelda games, I wasn't referring so much to the gameplay controls as to the gameplay combination of puzzles and action, so don't expect anything by way of first-person controls or z-targeting. It...
  15. Hegemuffin

    [System][GUI] Extended Inventory System (With Stacking Bonuses)

    Ugh, yea, I had thought that the GUI would register "Count Items Carried" as all the Items in all the Inventories, but, unfortunately, it only counts the front page. That's my problem at the moment. edit: Yea, I definitely underestimated the problem. Anyway, I'm going to implement the idea I...
  16. Hegemuffin

    [System][GUI] Extended Inventory System (With Stacking Bonuses)

    I see what you mean now that I try to implement it, but I think I've found a way around it that's simpler and more effective. While it's difficult to have arrays of item arrays and thus more than two pages of items, what if you treat the multiple pages as still being one inventory? You then use...
  17. Hegemuffin

    [Cinematic] Chaos Rising

    Nice, man, I liked it. The terrain could have used more variation in the village and possibly some more detail on the hill path. I liked the hill path a lot but I don't think there would be NO trees growing near it. And just a minor thing: I think you did a really good job condensing the...
  18. Hegemuffin

    Neverwinter Nights RPG v2.2b

    Let me say this: I don't really enjoy these types of RPG as a rule, or often play them, nor do I usually have much faith in Warcraft III adaptations of other games, but... This looks so fucking badass!!! I'll give it a try today. edit: Err, well, I just tried it and, the good news is it looks...
  19. Hegemuffin

    [Campaign] The Lost Island

    Hehe, thanks for your support, both of you. I'm glad it's going over so well. It was actually my biggest qualm about this that people wouldn't like the idea. I guess I better get back to work or maybe get some screenshots up next :)
  20. Hegemuffin

    [4 Spell Pack] Hero: Pyroblade

    Oh, shit, never mind. No, it's not protected. My World Editor just crashed when I opened it, probably because I was working on a campaign and sometimes that does funky stuff. Sorry. (Ironically, I'm also working on a Mac).