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  1. W!†A_cRaft

    rally question

    If my unit has ability "Rally" and i set it's rally point to a certain point. then it will have it's data stored so that when i use GetUnitRallyPoint(unit u) i will get the point it has as a rally point. Now, if i use a a trigger to remove the ability Rally, and I use the same command...
  2. W!†A_cRaft

    aquire unit order

    Is there a way to see what order did the unit have before "Acquiring a target"?
  3. W!†A_cRaft

    AIDS structre question

    If i make a structure and make it an AIDS struct like this: struct random_name extends array //! runtextmacro AIDS() public integer number static method AIDS_filter takes unit u returns boolean if (u == udg_myhero)then return true...
  4. W!†A_cRaft

    hashtable memory usage

    If i was to for example create a hashtable with parameters like this: local integer i = 0 local integer j = 0 local unit u = <some unit> loop exitwhen i == 100 loop exitwhen j == 20 SaveUnit (udg_hash, i,j,u) set j = j + 1 endloop...
  5. W!†A_cRaft

    Leak or overlap

    Would this leak or overlap the data? Since i did not remove the 1st temp_point before setting another, though it should have just replaced the one used before yes? Untitled Trigger 001 Events Conditions Actions Set Temp_Point = (Center of (Playable map area)) Unit -...
  6. W!†A_cRaft

    hashtable limits?

    Okay since im making sort of a weird map i will try to clue you guys in on what I need: a unit to unit relation that stores certain data: unit 1 towards unit 2 has data value of lets say 10 unit 1 towards unit 3 has data value of lets say 15 unit 2 towards unit 3 has data value of lets say 30...
  7. W!†A_cRaft

    attachign data to units

    I was wondering if anyone could give a suggestion on what system to use for the next thing: I need to attach data to a every unit in my map. not some complicated data, a simple adding of bools, reals, integers and such. Things like: Boolean Is_unit_in_combat Integer Stamina Real...
  8. W!†A_cRaft

    detecting mouse position

    Is it possible to detect mouse position on the screen as a point?? And if it is, is who would it react if you mouseover the interface such as abilities, inventory, status effects, damage, armor, portrait... you get what I mean.
  9. W!†A_cRaft

    Increasing unit MAX HP

    Is there a way to increase unit's maximum HP with triggers in either JASS or GUI, without actually adding the ability that increases his health? Other than with upgrades i really do not see a way? anyone? EDIT: found a solution
  10. W!†A_cRaft

    Why does this only work for player units?

    GetEventDamage not working for enemies? wtf ffunction hgdamagecheck takes nothing returns boolean local unit u = LoadUnitHandle(udg_hash, GetHandleId(GetTriggerUnit()), StringHash("hgattacker")) local unit target = LoadUnitHandle(udg_hash, GetHandleId(GetTriggerUnit())...
  11. W!†A_cRaft

    Toggleable ability events?

    How to make an event that fires of when someone uses an ability such as Immolation? it is a toggleable ability so I need to know when did he activate it and when did he deactivate it.
  12. W!†A_cRaft

    Destroying trigger after use

    I am trying to make an ON-attack triggered spell. When a unit attacks it stores the attacker and attacked unit to hash Creates a trigger that registers an even Unit (target) takes damage than check if the attacker is the on who damaged it check if the target has Poison arrow buff (in order to...
  13. W!†A_cRaft

    How to create a trigger?

    How do i create a trigger and register an event and conditions to it?
  14. W!†A_cRaft

    Ability/buff level detection

    Is it possible to detect which level is the ability that produced the buff?
  15. W!†A_cRaft

    adding units to empty groups?

    Is it possible to add units to empty unit groups like this? local unit u = GetSpellAbilityUnit() local group grp call GroupAddUnit(grp, u) When my loop reaches GroupAddUnit line it doesnt doesnt do anythign for all i can manage to see.
  16. W!†A_cRaft

    Arrays and MUI

    How do they actually function, i mean i know what an array is i know what they represent i know all that kind of stuff but i do not know how should i use them to make things happen the way i want them. I am currently using Hashtables binding things to timers through JASS and that allows me to...
  17. W!†A_cRaft

    adding units that match conditions into group

    I am roughly new to JASS and i wandered into this problem. I need to pick every enemy, alive, non-building, non-dummy unit within 200 range around the caster (or dummy to be precise) The function GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching doesnt allow me to put parameters into the matching function and...
  18. W!†A_cRaft

    AAAAA wtf? problem with marking text :S

    I dont know what gotten wrong, i have a huge problem, yesterday i was working on some code, and today i wanted to print it, i tried to mark the text with a cursor (holding the left mouse button and going over the text) and instead of text becoming white with a dark blue back ground like it...
  19. W!†A_cRaft

    about custom text triggers and printing

    is there a program i nwhich i can paste the text from world editor custom script triggers (using NewGen 1.5) so that the pasted text retains color and bolding and everythign of the sort? function bla_bla takes string s returns string local string before = s local string after =...
  20. W!†A_cRaft

    how does world editor differ these 2 thigns

    Apparently when you want to get a level of an ability unit has you use a native GetUnitAbilityLevel(unit u, integer ability_rawcode) but when you want to detect if a unit has a buff you use: UnitHasBuffBJ(unit u, integer buff_rawcode) and that function does nothing else than call the...