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  1. G

    Is this possible in GUI?

    I'm working on an ORPG right now, and I want an expanded inventory system. The ideas got bigger and bigger, and I finally came up with the idea to make a player menu, like those you would see in console RPG's. When activated by pressing Esc/using an item/using a spell, it will lock camera to...
  2. G

    RPG SpellSword RPG

    I'm currently making an RPG called SpellSword RPG. I might change it into an ORPG; I'm considering it. This is my first map EVER, so don't criticize it just because it can't match the standards of other RPG's. Features: -Equipment System -Visual Equipment -Manual attack system, with a...
  3. G

    Can't connect to Battle.Net?

    Whenever I try to connect to Battle.Net, theres a message that says: There was an error writing to your hard drive while trying to download a file from You may need to clear some space. Please try again or check your hard drive. I have 212GB left of memory. I'm using Windows...
  4. G

    InitTrig problem

    I'm trying to make a map using a few systems. When I save, though, it says Trigger X missing Function InitTrig_X. I'm hardly any good at JASS, so, can anyone help?
  5. G

    Any Advice?

    I'm kinda new to editing with WorldEditor, but I want to attempt an RPG using some of the systems found on the forums. Do you guys have any specific maps I should look at or any programs I should use to help make it? Thanks