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  1. D

    Another crash problem

    Is there anything in here that could potentially cause a crash? static method display takes unit subject returns nothing local object o = .Objects[GetUnitIndex(subject)] // GetUnitIndex() is working fine. Objects is a normal, static struct array. local string final = "" loop...
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    Handle Stack Question

    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing local timer t set t = CreateTimer() call BJDebugMsg(I2S(H2I(t))) call DestroyTimer(t) set t = CreateTimer() call BJDebugMsg(I2S(H2I(t))) endfunction When I do this, I get two different handle indices...
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    System Movement Instances

    Movement Instances v1.0 Note: this system is far from done, so it's a little lightweight at the moment - I plan to add lots more functionality in future, including stuff like collisions, parabolic paths, etc. I'm submitting this now because I intend to use the system in a public map, so...
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    Snippet The coordinates type

    function Trig_Sonic_Wave_Actions takes nothing returns nothing local unit caster = GetTriggerUnit() local location targetloc = GetSpellTargetLoc() local real targetx = GetLocationX(targetloc) local real targety = GetLocationY(targetloc) local real casterx = GetUnitX(caster)...
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    System Wait System

    Wait System v1.3 Wait System v1.3 My first actual vJass system. Any suggestions for improvement are appreciated, be they to do with functionality or coding. Next: I know this system bears some resemblance to Cohadar's TT, but know that I didn't blatantly copy or anything. I started on...
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    Couple of random questions

    1. Say I want to create a function that takes another function as an argument and executes it. function A takes string funcname returns nothing call ExecuteFunc(funcname) endfunction function B takes code funcname returns nothing local trigger t = CreateTrigger() call...
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    Channel base spell interrupting animations

    I trigger spells quite a bit, and most of the time I base them off Channel. I noticed something weird: sometimes, units don't play their full cast animations when casting Channel-based spells. The animation gets interrupted halfway. Questions are, why does this happen, and anything be done about...
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    Newbie questions about HAIL usage

    1. Can handles and non-handles be attached to handles without the usage of a struct to reference them collectively (say, if you only have one variable to attach to a periodic timer)? Is there a difference between attaching a variable directly and attaching a struct instead with a reference to...
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    Lightning effects causing crashes

    Under what circumstances exactly do lightning effects cause crashes? Destroying them twice over, referencing them after destroyed/nulled, etc.? This would help me a lot with debugging this extra-large trigger I'm working on (at least, it would give me some direction). Thanks.
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    Newbie vJass Questions

    So I just began learning vJass today, about a couple of hours ago. All I had before today was Handle Vars knowledge, for the record. For practice, I was trying to convert this Game-Cache-heavy set of functions (just the projectile one in particular, the others are included because they're...
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    [NewGen] Various questions, and a problem testing maps

    Okay. I started using the NewGen WE quite a while ago (mostly just for TESH functions - not into vJass just yet), and only just recently did this problem with map-testing surface. For some reason, when I save maps with the NewGen WE, tab into WC and play them, WC always loads this same, weirdly...
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    Weird execution problem

    I'm having this really weird problem with a trigger. I've debugged extensively and yet I can't find a solution. For some reason, the execution of a particular bit of code in that trigger stops at one point. Stops, just like that. I'm using a local trigger with a periodic event, and after that...
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    Groups and gamecaches

    I'm making a triggered Shockwave spell in JASS right now, and am using Kattana's Local Handle Vars. With a timer to move a dummy projectile, a method I used often in GUI for such a spell was to group units within range of the projectile every tick of the timer, then add them to an 'already...
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    A few misc. questions

    I've heard that item abilities react differently on units as opposed to heroes. What are some of these differences, and are there workarounds? How can a non-hero unit gain, for instance, the additional movement speed from Boots of Speed? Transport spaces. Say I want to limit the number of units...
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    Fixed teams and team colours

    Finally, I got down to making my map into a multiplayer one and I got stuck. Here's my problem. When editing forces, I added a total of 10 players into 2 forces, meaning 5 to each. I checked the 'fixed teams' checkboxes for every one. When I started the map over a LAN connection with a...
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    Map deprotection

    I checked the forum rules and didn't find any specific one that banned the discussion of this topic. Is it allowed? I want to open a protected map for learning purposes. If it isn't, well, I'm sorry. You guys can close the topic, mods. If it is allowed, I'll edit this post (or bump) with my...
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    Bugged event trigger

    function Trig_Spirit_Call_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean return GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A003' endfunction function SpiritCallEnd takes nothing returns nothing local trigger t = GetTriggeringTrigger() local unit caster = GetHandleUnit(t,"caster") local unit...
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    Some random questions

    Here are a few random questions I always wondered about, but never placed into any particular topic. 1) Suppose a unit gets damage under the Unit Takes Damage event, and as soon as that happens, a subsequent action heals the unit by GetEventDamage() via life manipulation. Will this reduce...
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    Split Shot Help

    OKay, for those of you who don't know, Split Shot is an ability from DotA which reduces your attack damage by 25% but allows you to attack 3 targets instead of 1. I was planning to make something like this, so I referred to the open DotA to find out how. Split Shot is based off Defend, which...
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    Changing a unit's sight radius

    Is it possible to do this? The unit should not be able to see his own units. I tried Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) emitting Black mask from (Position of (Triggering unit)) to a radius of 300.00. Didn't work. Would use upgrades, but...