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  1. LearningCode

    Just started on a spell, need help (Uncompleted spell, duh)

    Okay, I'm getting this error message when trying to save: Bad types for Binary operator scope ZeppelinBomber initializer ZBCast globals private constant integer MAXPlayers = 1 //This is the number of players in the map that have access to your hero private constant integer ZBID...
  2. LearningCode

    What do you guys do when..

    When you suddenly lose the drive to work on a map =/ O sat down on this computer wanting to finish at least half of my hero's spells (One hero). But damn, I just opened NewGen, stared at the screen, and closed it =( I don't wanna' be a lazy freak xD So, any tips on getting back on my feet? o.0...
  3. LearningCode

    Looking for guidance on one spell

    Okay, I'm trying to make a spell, but there are parts that I don't really know how to accomplish. Part 1 of spell: 1) Hero casts spell (Some spirit ball spell) 2) Spell creates dummy (shrunken down wisp) 3) Dummy has a random aura (Anything from Speed to damage to healing aura) 4) Dummy...
  4. LearningCode

    Projectile randomly being screwy

    Yea, there's this spell where the hero creates a projectile and fires it forward. Kinda' like shockwave, just that it deals damage based on how much "Rage" the caster has. So, I made it in JASS. The problem is that the spell frequently travels in the wrong direction or spawn wrongly...
  5. LearningCode

    Adding sound to a unit.

    How would I do this? o.0 Like, I want to play the sound StampedeHit1.wav on a unit when he is hit by the spell. I looked through the natives and I don't know how to do it xD
  6. LearningCode

    How to detect if a unit has hit/touched a wall/tree/building

    I was thinking of making a spell that creates a giant ball xD The 'summoned' ball cannot be controlled. The giant ball rolls over enemy units and damages them. The ball bounces off walls, trees and buildings (Doodads, structures and cliffs basically) The ball continues that until its...
  7. LearningCode

    Is this spell MUI/MPI/Leakless? (Death-Grip)

    Yea, I normally wouldn't be so fussy about this.. (Unless the spell does not work at all =x) But this spell is not for me, it's for a User named Bananarama1 The spell basically goes like this: 1) Hero casts Death Grip 2) Red Lightning chains hero and targeted unit 3) Targeted unit is dragged...
  8. LearningCode

    Making a trigger run on initialization

    I want to make a trigger run once on map initialization, then destroy and null that trigger. Problem is, when I make a scope that initializes the function that runs the trigger, nothing happens. I have to use call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(t, 0.01, false) It kinda' annoys me. Would...
  9. LearningCode

    Setting Player Alliance

    Umm.. call SetPlayerAlliance(sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, ALLIANCE_PASSIVE, flag) call SetPlayerAlliance(sourcePlayer, otherPlayer, ALLIANCE_SHARED_SPELLS, flag) What do those 2 do? As in, these 2: ALLIANCE_PASSIVE, ALLIANCE_SHARED_SPELLS
  10. LearningCode

    Do regions leak?

    I so need to make a "LearningCode's questions!" thread Do regions leak? o.0 Like, local region blah = bj_mapInitialPlayableArea Must I null this?
  11. LearningCode


    native SelectUnit takes unit whichUnit, boolean flag returns nothing Is there some other native for selecting a unit for a Player? o.0 Because I don't see how this will select a unit for a player. I only see unit and boolean, nothing about player =/
  12. LearningCode

    AI for boss creeps?

    Yea.. I've grown out of the Wintermaul-Terrain for my map -___- I made my own terrain that suits this Hero Survival game I am making, lol. I am making every round a boss round. As in, The creeps come in groups with units supporting each other. Like, a bunch of shackle-casters surrounded by...
  13. LearningCode

    Does this leak?

    This: call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect("Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\DeathCoil\\DeathCoilSpecialArt.mdl", r.x, r.y)) Can I do that and it won't leak? Or must I do something else to ensure the effects won't leak?
  14. LearningCode

    That AoE Astral Imprisonment (Again) (Re-made, hope it's cleaner and less leaky now.)

    Yea.. I re-made it. But this time, it's a new problem, hence, the new thread. This time, When I enable the trigger, All my other triggers get disabled. JASSHelper doesn't complain, but something is disabling every one of my triggers. When I disable the AoE Astral Imprisonment trigger...
  15. LearningCode

    AoE "Astral Imprisonment" hides units, but doesn't unhide them >.<

    I made a trigger where the spell goes like this: 1)Unit casts spell at point 2)All units within a certain AoE of the point are paused and hidden 3)Casting unit is healed based on some formula 4)After some time, enemy units are un-paused and un-hidden 5)Enemy units receive damage based on some...
  16. LearningCode

    Astral Imprisonment (Just looking for guidelines)

    For those of you who've played DotA, you'd know that there's one spell called 'Astral Imprisonment' I want to replicate these parts of the spell: 1)Spell is cast on unit 2)Unit is "hidden" (Not invisible, like, locust + no model file) 3)A few seconds later.. 4)Unit re-appears How...
  17. LearningCode

    AoE Shackle trap (Requires channeling) help

    Yea, Here is my problem: I want to store each created dummy in a unit array. But for some reason, the dummy units keep on getting stored in array '0' instead of this: 1st created dummy stored in array 0 2nd created dummy stored in array 1 etc. etc. I want to do this, so that when...
  18. LearningCode

    channel and buffs

    The base ability "channel" has a field "buffs" I modified the "buffs" field to something Unfortunately, when I cast "channel", I do not receive the buff, even with the targets allowed set to self. How would I go about this?
  19. LearningCode

    How to check if a unit is still channeling

    Question is topic. How would the trigger know if the unit is still channeling the spell? Like, while the unit is channeling, if it moves or gets stunned or silenced or dies.. How would I make the trigger know that the unit has stopped channeling? o.0
  20. LearningCode

    Idiotic shackle ward

    This is the last attempt, if I can't get it, I give up -___- globals unit lcaster unit lshackleTarget unit ldummy unit lward real lx real ly group lg = CreateGroup() real lrange endglobals function ShackleGroup takes...