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  1. C

    Visual Shields, Terran or Zerg with Shields

    some models points are completely bogus, I made a walker unit complitely with actors, and attached everything to everything, its a goliath with marine sholder shields that has protos shields aswell, lol. However, try target01, origin or center and tweak the scale of shields. TRust me it works...
  2. C

    Showing Transmission Text On-Screen?

    explore the conversation module in Data editor, create a conversation, add line...
  3. C

    Visual Shields, Terran or Zerg with Shields

    ok I just did another test, interesting result>> all shield stats: 0 +Ability: Defence Matrix +Ability: Psi Shield No visual protoss shield effect BUT, the missles stop at the point where the shield should of been, just as a heads up, this opens a whole new unit control thing. Now you can...
  4. C

    Visual Shields, Terran or Zerg with Shields

    ALERT ALERT I did it, Fully legit, Work just like the real deal, you need to do 2 things... all is done in Data; Step 1.) Unit>"your unit"> Adjust your shield values: Stats - Shield Armor Stats - Shield Armor Level yadayada, when ure done, UI - Shield Armor Name > double click and input in...
  5. C

    Visual Shields, Terran or Zerg with Shields

    I'm having trouble making actors and stuff to add visual shield effect on impact to terrain or zerg type units. I can't mak a validator "Is Shield Capable" or it doesn't want to work for some reason, someone HALP ME please :) I can make unit have shields, upgrade shields, but nothing on a...
  6. C

    transmissions with talking portraits ? (Facial animation)

    ouh yes, well, Technicly, it's still impossible to do it like blizz did, with the development of extra tools, I will make a new post explaining this thing...
  7. C

    transmissions with talking portraits ? (Facial animation)

    !!! ALERT ALERT !!! I HAVE DONE IT !!! BUUJAAAH, First in Staredit comunity !!! YU YUUU Complicated as hell ! Needs more reaserch but I'm getting there... Making a custom campaign transmission with your own voice acting and custom facial animations will be difficult as hell, but it...
  8. C

    Fun with nukes

    ...could never figure out why the time bomb, artanis thing, doesn't actually slows missiles, it slows weapons, actors, movement etc... but doesn't do do anything to missiles, I even changed it to search missle and it didn't work, also doesn't affect air units even when I changed the search and...
  9. C

    Fun with nukes

    just edit the nuke mover to be guided... I made alot of fun with matrix style maraduer firing his default "guided" missle, just changed a fiew bits in the "mover" options under data and it kinda goes left and right like a snake and then lands on target... produced, wieeerd stuff when I messed...
  10. C

    Fun with nukes

    Triger>Action>Create effect on Unit from Player or: Triger>Action>Create effect on Point from Player Effect name; Spectre nuke detonate (under: create persistent) Target: obviusly your choice Player: (Any active player) Basicly drops a nuke on place or unit, if the unit is moving, and...
  11. C

    transmissions with talking portraits ? (Facial animation)

    I just can't figure this out...I discovered that all sounds and transmissions ingame are fairly complex, every transmission sound is attached to conversation holders, apparently every sound has a pre-animated facial animation from a portrait. That is kewl, nice detail, BUT when I make the same...