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  1. X

    Terrian Check

    On my map I found a problem with people being able to blink onto cliffs. I am trying to resolve this by doing terrain checks with all blink abilities. This is what I have but does not work. Terrian Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions...
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    Help with an Ability

    I'm working on this ability but have come across a problem. Heres the tooltip: Firestorm The Torch throws his own embers causing a firestorm at the target. As long as the firestorm still brews the effected target will spit out fire to its closest allies, dealing 75 damage. Lasts 10 seconds...
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    Channel Abilitys in a Spellbook

    All my channel based abilitys do not seem to show up in my spellbooks. Im guessing that you cannot use channel spells in spellbooks? If you can id love to know how. lol. Thanks in advance.
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    Trigger Problems

    To get right to the point; I had used IKilledKEnny's and Chocobo's tutorials to make this and altered it slightly. Everything works perfectly fine except for a slight thing I had added. I want this certain unit to get mana for doing damage which works fine but the mana doesnt stack. Meaning...
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    Portable World Editor?

    Is there anyway to run WE without FULLY installing warcraft3? I want to carry warcraft3 and WE files in my portable drive so I can work on it at school while I have my spares. Anything?
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    Variables To Players

    This is kinda hard to explain.. Alright so what I have right now is.. variable1[player number of (owner of (casting unit))] = variable1[player number of (owner of (casting unit))] + 1 Now would this mean that each player will have a seperate number? Lets say that player 1 casts the...
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    Trigger lags map

    Can someone help me find leaks in this code, I thought I had everything, but it doesn't look like it (new at cleaning leaks). When the trigger runs about 9 or 10th time it will start to cause noticable delays (1-2s). Normal Events Unit - A unit Dies Conditions...
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    Help with my Trigger

    Alright, I have tested my tigger with no WAIT commands and it works perfectly fine, but when I have the WAIT command in, it never passes that. I have been messing around with it for a good 30m and decided to get some help here. Furbog Shaman Neutral Events Unit - A unit...
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    1 Loop Into another Loop

    I don't have weditor with me but what I want to do is have a loop in 1 trigger and able to use the same loop interger in another trigger. (If this is confusing, reply that it is, and i will try to explain it better.
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    Orpg Quest Help

    Alright. I have been having a mind block lately and I can not figure this one out. What I would like is.. If any player selects unit it will start the trigger. It will check what unit they had selected and will then check if ALL the players has done the quest yet. Basicly I tryed an array...