Spell Blade Fury


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Blade Fury

Requires AIDS, Damage, Event, GTrigger, Key Timers 2; all included in the map.

Spell Description: Baraka repeatedly swings his arms in an up-and-down motion 10 times, slashing his opponent.
Levels 1-10, damage is (50+(10*n))+str [n is the level of the spell]

Screen shot:

// Blade Fury by BRUTAL.
// Requires AIDS, Damage, Event, GTrigger, and KT2.
// Credits are welcome but not necessary.
// November 4th 2009.

scope bladefury initializer init

    private constant integer ID='A000' // ID of the blade fury spell.
    private constant integer ID2='A002' // ID of the stun spell to stun the hero.
    private constant integer BUFF='B001' // ID of the stun spell buff.
    private constant integer DUMMY_ID='h000' // ID of the transparent dummy units.
    private constant integer DUMMY_ID2='h001' // ID of DUMMY to cast stun.
    private constant integer MAX_HITS=20 // Maximum number of hits.
    private constant real PERIOD=.02 // Period of the KT2 timer.
    private constant real ALPHA_PERCENT=79. // How transparent the dummies will be.
    private constant real AOE=250. // Area of effect of possible targets.
    private constant string SFX="Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Stampede\\StampedeMissileDeath.mdl" 
    // Path of the sfx created on slashed enemies.
    private constant attacktype ATK_TYPE=ATTACK_TYPE_HERO // Attack type.
    private unit DUMMY // The global dummy unit.
    // Setting the values for the below strings can be found in the init function.
    private string array HIT_SOUND // The slice sounds played when an enemy is hit.
    private string array MISS_SOUND // The miss sounds played when there are no enemies.
    private group BFgroup=CreateGroup()
    private integer filter

private function DAMAGE takes integer level, unit u returns real
    return 50.+10.*level+I2R(GetHeroStr(u,true))

private function Sound takes unit u, string s returns nothing
    if u!=null then
        set bj_lastPlayedSound=CreateSound(s,false,false,false,10,10,"")
        call StartSound(bj_lastPlayedSound)
        call SetSoundVolume(bj_lastPlayedSound,50)
        call AttachSoundToUnit(bj_lastPlayedSound,u)
        call KillSoundWhenDone(bj_lastPlayedSound)

private function Text takes unit u, real damage returns nothing 
    local texttag tt=CreateTextTag() // This creates floating text.
    if u!=null then
        call SetTextTagText(tt,I2S(R2I(damage)),.023)
        call SetTextTagPosUnit(tt,u,-125)
        call SetTextTagColor(tt,255,0,0,255)
        call SetTextTagPermanent(tt,false)
        call SetTextTagVelocity(tt,0,.044)
        call SetTextTagLifespan(tt,3)
        call SetTextTagFadepoint(tt,2)
        call DestroyTextTag(tt)
    set tt=null

private struct Data
    unit caster
    unit target
    unit randomu
    real x
    real y
    real attacktimer
    integer i
    integer hitcount=0
    integer ticks=17*MAX_HITS
    group dummy=CreateGroup()
    static method create takes unit u, unit t returns Data
        local Data data=Data.allocate()
        local integer i=0
        local unit d 
        set data.caster=u
        set data.x=GetUnitX(u)
        set data.y=GetUnitY(u)
        set data.target=t
        call SetUnitTimeScale(u,3)
        call IssueTargetOrder(DUMMY,"thunderbolt",u)
        exitwhen i==2
            set d=CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(u),DUMMY_ID,data.x,data.y,GetUnitFacing(u))
            call SetUnitTimeScale(d,1.5)
            call SetUnitVertexColor(d,255,255,255,R2I(2.55*(100.-ALPHA_PERCENT)))
            call GroupAddUnit(data.dummy,d)
            set i=i+1
        set d=null
        return data
    static method check takes nothing returns boolean
        local Data d=Data(filter)
        if IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(),GetOwningPlayer(d.caster)) and GetWidgetLife(GetFilterUnit())>.405 then
            set d.i=d.i+1
            if(GetRandomInt(0,d.i)==1) then
                set d.randomu=GetFilterUnit()
        return false
    static method group takes nothing returns nothing
        local real x=GetUnitX(Data(filter).caster)
        local real y=GetUnitY(Data(filter).caster)
        call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(GetEnumUnit(),GetRandomInt(4,6))
        call SetUnitX(GetEnumUnit(),x)
        call SetUnitY(GetEnumUnit(),y)
        // The x/y parts are only necessary if there is a possibility that the hero could be 
        // knocked back or pushed while in effect. You can get rid of them if this will not 
        // happen, but leave the animation part.
    method attack takes nothing returns nothing
        local real dmg=DAMAGE(GetUnitAbilityLevel(.caster,ID),.caster)
        local real x=GetUnitX(.caster)
        local real y=GetUnitY(.caster)
        local real tx=GetUnitX(.target)
        local real ty=GetUnitY(.target)
        set filter=this
        if GetWidgetLife(.caster)>.405 and .hitcount<=MAX_HITS then
            if .attacktimer==.32 then
                set .hitcount=.hitcount+1
                call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(.caster,GetRandomInt(4,6))
                call ForGroup(.dummy,function Data.group)
                if GetWidgetLife(.target)>.405 and tx-x*tx-x+ty-y*ty-y<=AOE*AOE then
                    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(SFX,.target,"origin"))
                    call Damage_Physical(.caster,.target,dmg,ATK_TYPE,true,false)
                    call Text(.target,dmg)
                    call Sound(.target,HIT_SOUND[GetRandomInt(0,2)])
                    set .i=0
                    set .randomu=null
                    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(BFgroup,x,y,AOE,Condition(function Data.check))
                    if .randomu==null then
                        call Sound(.caster,MISS_SOUND[GetRandomInt(0,1)])
                        call Sound(.randomu,HIT_SOUND[GetRandomInt(0,2)])
                        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(SFX,.randomu,"origin"))
                        call Damage_Physical(.caster,.randomu,dmg,ATK_TYPE,true,false)
                        call Text(.randomu,dmg)
                set .attacktimer=0
            set .attacktimer=.attacktimer+PERIOD
            set .ticks=0
    method end takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit u
        call SetUnitTimeScale(.caster,1)
        if GetWidgetLife(.caster)<.405 then
            call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(.caster,3)
            call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(.caster,0)
        call UnitRemoveAbility(.caster,BUFF)
            set u=FirstOfGroup(.dummy)
        exitwhen u==null
            call GroupRemoveUnit(.dummy,u)
            call RemoveUnit(u)
        call DestroyGroup(.dummy)
        set u=null

private function PeriodicFunc takes nothing returns boolean
    local Data data=KT_GetData()
    set data.ticks=data.ticks-1
    if data.ticks<=0 then  
        call data.end()
        return true
        call data.attack()
        return false

private function actions takes nothing returns nothing
    call KT_Add(function PeriodicFunc,Data.create(GetTriggerUnit(),GetSpellTargetUnit()) ,PERIOD)

private function init takes nothing returns nothing
    call TriggerAddAction(GT_RegisterStartsEffectEvent(CreateTrigger(),ID),function actions)
    set DUMMY=CreateUnit(Player(13),DUMMY_ID2,0,0,0)
    call UnitAddAbility(DUMMY,ID2)
    set HIT_SOUND[0]="Sound\\Units\\Combat\\MetalMediumSliceFlesh1.wav"
    set HIT_SOUND[1]="Sound\\Units\\Combat\\MetalMediumSliceFlesh2.wav"
    set HIT_SOUND[2]="Sound\\Units\\Combat\\MetalMediumSliceFlesh3.wav"
    set MISS_SOUND[0]="Units\\Orc\\HeroBladeMaster\\HeroBladeMasterAttack1.wav"
    set MISS_SOUND[1]="Units\\Orc\\HeroBladeMaster\\HeroBladeMasterAttack2.wav"


Nothing too special really, its mostly eye-candy, but im sure someone would find this useful in a map like footmen frenzy or something like that
Feedback is welcomed, if you see any bugs or mistakes let me know.
DL the map.


  • Blade Fury.w3x
    86.2 KB · Views: 276


Forum User
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// Blade Fury by BRUTAL
// Requires TT, and the texttag library for the floating text
// - copy and past the units 'Baraka/Blade Fury' and 'Dummy'
// make sure to change the variables DUMMY_ID and DUMMY_ID2
// to the raw data of the pasted units
// - copy and paste the buff 'Baraka/Blade Fury' make sure to
// change BUFF to the raw data of the buff
// - copy and paste the spells 'Baraka/Blade Fury' and
// 'Baraka/Blade Fury stun' make sure to change the
// variables ID and ID2 to the raw data of the spells
// - copy and paste the triggers 'Blade Fury', 'Texttag Library'
// and the TT
// Credits are okay, but i dont care if you say you made it cause you didnt ><
// 17/05/09

Just some ' needed, god, no capitals for starting sentence :)

Nice, does it damage AoE if the target dies right? Though maybe you should add a sound for the weapon being striked, not just that blood effect, like light metal armor or something.

        if GetUnitState(.caster, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &gt; 0 then
            if .hitcount &lt;= MAX_HITS then
                if .attacktimer == 0 then

Um.... and


I'm working
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yes, well spelling isnt that important, you could at least understand what im saying.
if the target dies, or if the target is farther then the aoe from the caster, it will damage random enemy units within the aoe, i did add sounds in my map version, i suppose i'll update that too

i dont get what your trying to say there about the bit of if's


I'm working
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i put the getuintstate and hitcount part together, but i think it would glitch if i added the attacktimer part
updated, sounds added


WEHZ Helper
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I believe it is.
It's what everyone uses ;) .
Looking over the rest of the code now...

Your naming and spacing is weird, but good job otherwise :p .


I'm working
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Updated again with the getwidgetlife.

yes i know, but its easy for me.
does anyone know where the sound of a missed attack is in the sound editor? i cant find it

ops, i forgot to change the naming of the functions and such again because i copy and pasted the trigger from my map, i'll fix it when i find the sound im looking for


WEHZ Helper
Reaction score
IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(Data(filter).caster)) == true

In "check" could be:
IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(Data(filter).caster))

if GetUnitState(.target, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &gt; 0 then

In "move" could be:
if GetWidgetLife(.target) &gt; 0.405 then

if SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy) &lt;= AOE * AOE then

Again in "move".
SquareRoot(a) = b is the same as a = b ^ 2.
I don't know what that equals out to in your equation but it can save you a "SquareRoot()" call.
if GetUnitState(.caster, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &lt;= 0.4125 then

In "onDestroy", again, could be:
if GetWidgetLife(.caster) &lt;= 0.405 then


I'm working
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not IsUnitType(whichUnit, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD)

is that really better? i have no idea if it is lol

ah, the parts where i should have put GetWidgetLife are all because i forgot to :p thanks for pointing it out anyways
SquareRoot(a) = b is the same as a = b ^ 2.
i dont get what you mean there, instead of the SquareRoot call, should i make a local real and do b ^ 2?

I'll update soon, still havent found a miss-swing sound T_T


WEHZ Helper
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It was Romek who helped me with the SquareRoot thing.
I personally have no idea :p .

And using "not [...]" is better then "[...] == false".


I'm working
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well im clueless about that too lol, but i'll see if i can figure it out ><

and howso? is it faster and/or more efficient ;o


WEHZ Helper
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I think it might be more efficient but I'm not sure about that part.
I know it's less code/typing though ;) !

And the SquareRoot thing was like this for me:
SqaureRoot(x * x + y * y) &gt;= 10
//Turns into:
(x * x + y * y) &gt;= 100


I'm working
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i see, i'll start doing that from now on :rolleyes:

hm; i think i get it. you just multiply the end number by itself i suppose

ou you just made me realize an error;
if SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy) &lt;= AOE * AOE then

should have just been '<= AOE'
but now, the way you suggested will be
dx * dx + dy * dy &lt;= AOE * AOE


I'm working
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its all good ;o
i think i should make the damage configurable, i still dont understand the purpose of putting it in its own function
anyone care to explain lol
and i would just call this function before the actual damage call right?
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