Just a rare WE question topic...


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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1: Have any of you modded your WE yourself?

-Personal Answer: I have... I've optimized most GUI functions and even modded the core functions to make converting to custom text look more Jass friendly, and even added in alot of JASS fucntions in GUI form.

-Your responses:
Samael88: I am not that good at that,and actually never thought of doing so either. I just don't see the point when JASS is available.Not with modding the GUI atleast. ;
Dannyboydude: No i personaly dont intend to , i find it just as efficent as it is. ;
Esb: Haven't modded my WE at all, since I haven't found the need to. ;
Doom-Angel: What do mean by modded? Oh, Then no. <--- Lol'd at this.
Flare: Same reason as esb, I've never had a reason to modify it. (and never will) ;
ReVolver: Yes I've modded WE, I contributed to EGUI by making (EGUI - Recipe) ; <-- Nice.
PureOwnage: No but I've tried to. I use EGUI though... ;
BloodCount: Nope, I am still learning JASS. An attemp like this will end with a BOOM! ;
MCR-ELSKER: Yes, but stopped quite quick because there weren't any need of it. JASS is fine to me. ;

2: Do you find trouble in using JASS? OR even more rare, do you find trouble in using GUI?

-Personal Answer: I find no trouble in using both... Yet, Gui for me is a but confusing, and at times JASS coding gets a bit boring...

-Your responses:
Samael88: I have never had much trouble with neither of them. The only thing if there is any is that I find it harder to make triggers MUI with GUI than it is when using JASS. ;
Omg me learning jass. Well ive learning a tiny bit about it. I made my own jass spell, but I find jass realy hard to learn. It's so complicated for me, but I've never used any other programming languages. ;
Esb: I haven't found the need to use JASS. I do use however the systems out there (Such as Vexorian's Hero Selection, AceHart's Save/Load, and a few others here and there) and can edit them with somewhat ease. No, I haven't done custom abilities so that might be why I don't need/use JASS. Another reason would be that I'm 'lazy' to learn jass at times xD. ;
Doom-Angel: Sometimes yes but it's kinda challenging, so i like it. While using GUI can get quite boring and annoying especially after u get used to Jass. ;
Flare: No, and no - I haven't used GUI for anything significant in a while, but I remember most of it.
ReVolver: No, GUI was simple for me since the start, JASS was troublesome for a while until someone explained it to me on MSN. ;
PureOwnage: GUI is pretty easy. Just can't do any MUI stuff. Jass is a no. The only thing I know how to do is destroying variables. Example: call DestroyGroup (udg_grouphere) ;
BloodCount: This will sound stupid, but I don't know how to use variables very good, and I don't know when a trigger needs another trigger. ;
MCR-ELSKER: No, and no. Never had problems with anything. I always learn from tutorials the first time I read them, so I had no need to read them again. I probably learned so fast, because I also can code in HTML. ;

3: Do any of you own UMSWE, NewGen, WEU, or something or other?

-Personal Answer: I actually own all of these... I even have Vexorians Local Handle Vars add-in.

-Your responses:
TechAichSee: I use newgen, if that counts for anything. ;
Samael88: I think that newgen is a great program that deserves credits for what it has brought to wc3. But I never used it, can't really see the point of using structs and scopes and so on.. ;
Danndyboydude: I start by modding the tilesets in WEU, and then start a bit of mapping in NewGen. Because i occasionaly just create a trigger, I just write down what i know about jass. (Not sure if I made this in perfect english...) ;
Esb: I use the default World Editor. <--- He was blunt, yes? ;
Doom-Angel: I have them all, but i like using the original WE. I rarely use them only in case of need ;
Flare: NewGen. ;
ReVolver: I use NewGen WE. ;
PureOwnage: NewGen FTW! ;
BloodCount: Nope, I am happy with the standard WE. ;
MCR-ELSKER: NewGen. JASS would be pointless without. ;

4: Have you ever made/edited/improved a map?

-Personal Answer: I've Derigged and improved Angel Arena Eclipse. I did version v1.06 through v1.27. Shortly after Chef-nightmare, the original creator, worked off my version, so this made me happy.

-Your Responses:
PureOwnage: You should know Ren, we're working on Opposition TD. Failures: FPS Remix ;
Flare: Haven't made, edited, or improved a map, based on what I interpret those terms to mean, but I have contributed to a few. ;
Doom-Angel: When i started at the very begginning i remember i edited a "Run kitty run" map and I had turned it into "Run Spider run" .
I've had some projects I worked on, but most of them i need finished due to certain reasons. ;
Bloodcount: Ones who ROCK: Lost temple: Carrnige Edition ; Mur'gul oassis-Taktical edition ; Turtle Rock:The war between Faust and Mephisto ; (those are melee maps That I modified. I added new heroes, items bosses or creeps)
Ones who s*ck: Footman-Naga edition ; Blue Rose ; Dreadlord Bash Wars ; Ghoul Wars:Flag of Doom <(this really S*cked) ;

User-Submitted Questions:

Doom-Angel: Q: (This is a hypothetical question)

Would you have learned Jass before GUI if you could've?

-Personal Answer: Umm.. This is exactly what I did... I didn't even know GUI existed till a friend showed me it... Kinda funny...

-Asker's Response: I guess I would do that, but on the other hand, I still find GUI useful for testing things and other stuff. I know only GUI which helps me work with Jass sometimes. (unlike Jass GUI has description for it's functions)
So I guess I would stay with Gui being first.

-Your responses:
TechAichSee: Definitely. Jass is so hard for me to learn right now. The fact that I read that jass is like 20x easier to learn if you didnt know gui, just makes me mad. The fact that I spent a month learning gui without any knowledge of jass just aggrivates me. WHERE WAS ANY1 TO TELL ME THIS!? >=\ <--Left the rant intact. XD
I dont know jass at all but from what i read.... ;
Septimus: Yes, cause JASS owns GUI in every aspect. ;
Martix: You either start with GUI when you begin playing with the editor. or you already know JASS. <(sort of) - It's a simple enough language, nothing all too specific. So if you have previous knowledge the jump won't be big. JASS ain't the best language to start learning the stuff. <(There are others out there that will get you off the ground easier.)

More will be coming.. Please reply!


┻━┻ ︵ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ︵ ┻━┻
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i use newgen, if that counts for anything


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Hm... NewGen is pretty popular, but I've seen many who can't use it. XD


Evil always finds a way
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Hm... NewGen is pretty popular, but I've seen many who can't use it. XD

I think that newgen is a great program that diserves credits for what it has brought to wc3. But I never used it, can't really see the point of using structs and scopes and so on..

I manage to get by using normal WE with the help of Jasscraft.
I got newgen tho, and plan to start using it when I have learned more about JASS:)

And to the second question. I have never had much trouble with neither of them. The only thing if there is any is that I find it harder to make triggers MUI with GUI than it is when using JASS:)

And to the first question. I am not that good at that and actually never thought of doing so either. I just don't see the point when JASS is available:) Not with modding the GUI atleast:p


Ultra Cool Member
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1: Have any of you modded your WE yourself?

No i personaly dont intend to , i find it just as efficent as it is

2: Do you find trouble in using JASS? OR even more rare, do you find trouble in using GUI?

Omg me learning jass , well ive learning a tiny bit about it , made my own jass spell but , i find jass realy hard learning , its so complicated for me but ive never used any other programming languages

3: Do any of you own UMSWE, NewGen, WEU, or something or other?

NewGen and WEU i start by modding the tilesets in WEU and then start a bit of mapping in NewGen because i occasionaly just create a trigger , just write down what i know about jass


Because none of us are as cruel as all of us.
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Haven't modded my WE at all, haven't found the need to.

I haven't found the need to use JASS. I do use however the systems out there (Such as Vexorian's Hero Selection, AceHart's Save/Load, and a few others here and there) and can edit them with somewhat ease. No, I haven't done custom abilities so that might be why I don't need/use JASS. Another reason would be that I'm 'lazy' to learn jass at times xD.

I use the default World Editor.


Jass User (Just started using NewGen)
Reaction score
u need to make those question bolded and big sized

1) what do mean by modded?

2) sometimes yes but it's kinda challenging so i like it while using GUI could get quite boring and annoying especially after u get used to Jass

3) i have them all but i like using the original WE and i rarely use them only in case of need


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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I mean modded by adding in new functions, removing limits, and the such...


Stops copies me!
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1) Same reason as esb, I've never had a reason to modify it (and never will)

2) No, and no - haven't used GUI for anything significant in a while, but I remember most of it

3) NewGen

Slightly puzzled as to why this thread exists, but meh

Yet, Gui for me is a but confusing, and at times JASS coding gets a bit boring...
If you're capable of using JASS, why should GUI be confusing? There's no good reason to use GUI after going to JASS :\


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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I'm making this thread because I wanted to see the situations of people, and to have others know what's going on around them.


Mega Super Ultra Cool Member
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1. Yes I've modded WE, I contributed to EGUI by making (EGUI - Recipe)

2. No, GUI was simple for me since the start, JASS was troublesome for a while until someone explained it to me on MSN.

3. I use NewGen WE


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
Reaction score
I've seen one common thing in this, NewGen. People seem to like it alot. Well I'm adding a new question, so please look for it.


Minecraft Server OP, Inactive.
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1: Have any of you modded your WE yourself?

-Personal Answer: I have... I've optimized most GUI functions and even modded the core functions to make converting to custom text look more Jass friendly, and even added in alot of JASS fucntions in GUI form.

-Your responses:
Samael88: I am not that good at that,and actually never thought of doing so either. I just don't see the point when JASS is available.Not with modding the GUI atleast. ;
Dannyboydude: No i personaly dont intend to , i find it just as efficent as it is. ;
Esb: Haven't modded my WE at all, since I haven't found the need to. ;
Doom-Angel: What do mean by modded? Oh, Then no. <--- Lol'd at this.
Flare: Same reason as esb, I've never had a reason to modify it. (and never will) ;
ReVolver: Yes I've modded WE, I contributed to EGUI by making (EGUI - Recipe) ; <-- Nice.

2: Do you find trouble in using JASS? OR even more rare, do you find trouble in using GUI?

-Personal Answer: I find no trouble in using both... Yet, Gui for me is a but confusing, and at times JASS coding gets a bit boring...

-Your responses:
Samael88: I have never had much trouble with neither of them. The only thing if there is any is that I find it harder to make triggers MUI with GUI than it is when using JASS. ;
Omg me learning jass. Well ive learning a tiny bit about it. I made my own jass spell, but I find jass realy hard to learn. It's so complicated for me, but I've never used any other programming languages. ;
Esb: I haven't found the need to use JASS. I do use however the systems out there (Such as Vexorian's Hero Selection, AceHart's Save/Load, and a few others here and there) and can edit them with somewhat ease. No, I haven't done custom abilities so that might be why I don't need/use JASS. Another reason would be that I'm 'lazy' to learn jass at times xD. ;
Doom-Angel: Sometimes yes but it's kinda challenging, so i like it. While using GUI can get quite boring and annoying especially after u get used to Jass. ;
Flare: No, and no - I haven't used GUI for anything significant in a while, but I remember most of it.
ReVolver: No, GUI was simple for me since the start, JASS was troublesome for a while until someone explained it to me on MSN. ;

3: Do any of you own UMSWE, NewGen, WEU, or something or other?

-Personal Answer: I actually own all of these... I even have Vexorians Local Handle Vars add-in.

-Your responses:
TechAichSee: I use newgen, if that counts for anything. ;
Samael88: I think that newgen is a great program that deserves credits for what it has brought to wc3. But I never used it, can't really see the point of using structs and scopes and so on.. ;
Danndyboydude: I, start by modding the tilesets in WEU and then start a bit of mapping in NewGen. Because i occasionaly just create a trigger, I just write down what i know about jass. (Not sure if I made this in perfect english...) ;
Esb: I use the default World Editor. <--- He was blunt, yes? ;
Doom-Angel: I have them all, but i like using the original WE. I rarely use them only in case of need ;
Flare: NewGen. ;
ReVolver: I use NewGen WE.

4: Have you ever made/edited/improved a map?

-Personal Answer: I've Derigged and improved Angel Arena Eclipse. I did version v1.06 through v1.27. Shortly after Chef-nightmare, the original creator, worked off my version, so this made me happy.

-Your Responses: None yet, please reply.

More will be coming.. Please reply!
1. No but I've tried to. I use EGUI though...

2. GUI is pretty easy. Just can't do any MUI stuff. Jass is a no. The only thing I know how to do is destroying variables. Example: call DestroyGroup (udg_grouphere)

3. NewGen FTW!

4. You should know Ren, we're working on Opposition TD. Failures: FPS Remix


Ultra Cool Member
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i lol'd at this
3: Do any of you own UMSWE, NewGen, WEU, or something or other?

-Personal Answer: I actually own all of these... I even have Vexorians Local Handle Vars add-in.

-Your responses:
TechAichSee: I use newgen, if that counts for anything. ;
Samael88: I think that newgen is a great program that deserves credits for what it has brought to wc3. But I never used it, can't really see the point of using structs and scopes and so on.. ;
[B][U]Danndyboydude[/U][/B]<<<[U][B]lol Danndyboydude XD[/B][/U]: I, start by modding the tilesets in WEU and then start a bit of mapping in NewGen. Because i occasionaly just create a trigger, I just write down what i know about jass. (Not sure if I made this in perfect english...) ;
Esb: I use the default World Editor. <--- He was blunt, yes? ;
Doom-Angel: I have them all, but i like using the original WE. I rarely use them only in case of need ;
Flare: NewGen. ;
ReVolver: I use NewGen WE.


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Can you tell me what you meant in an attemp at near perfect english. :D

I guessed at what you meant...


Jass User (Just started using NewGen)
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4) when i started at the very begginning i remember i editted a "Run kitty run" map and turning it into "Run Spider run" :p
i had a some projects i worked on but most of them i need finished due to certain reasons


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
Reaction score
This topic is turning out well. :D

If you want to submit your own question, just tell me. XD


Jass User (Just started using NewGen)
Reaction score
i got one but it's only for jass users though:
Q: if you could have started learning Jass before GUI would you have done that?

im not quite sure i used a good grammar there so fix it if you think it needs fixing
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