Snippet More String Functions


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Here are some more string functions I whipped up. I wrote them as separate libraries because it was easier, and now I'm too lazy to repackage it as one library..
Before I add more or repackage this in a better way, I need to see if people are at all interested in these things (who uses strings anyways?).

Here they are (a couple require others):

library Int2HexString initializer init
    // converts an integer into a hex string (255 -> "FF")

    private string array Hex_Values

// see any decimal -> hex conversion guide online to see what's done here
function Int2HexString takes integer i returns string
    local string hex = ""
    local integer r = 0
    local string neg = ""
    if (i<0) then
        set neg = "-"
        set i = -i
        set r = ModuloInteger(i,16)
        set i = i/16
        set hex = Hex_Values[r] + hex
        exitwhen (i==0)
    return neg+hex

private function init takes nothing returns nothing
    // hex values
    set Hex_Values[0] = "0"
    set Hex_Values[1] = "1"
    set Hex_Values[2] = "2"
    set Hex_Values[3] = "3"
    set Hex_Values[4] = "4"
    set Hex_Values[5] = "5"
    set Hex_Values[6] = "6"
    set Hex_Values[7] = "7"
    set Hex_Values[8] = "8"
    set Hex_Values[9] = "9"
    set Hex_Values[10] = "A"
    set Hex_Values[11] = "B"
    set Hex_Values[12] = "C"
    set Hex_Values[13] = "D"
    set Hex_Values[14] = "E"
    set Hex_Values[15] = "F"


library Int2WordString initializer init
    // Converts any integer to word form (163 -> "One Hundred and Sixty-Three")
//! textmacro Int2WordString_Config
    public string SPACE = " "
    public string HYPHEN = "-"
    public string NEGATIVE = "Negative"
    public string COMMA = ","
//! endtextmacro
    //! runtextmacro Int2WordString_Config()
    private string array OnesTeens
    private string array Tens
    private string array Denom

 // converts numbers less than a thousand to words
private function Int2WordString_helper takes integer i returns string
    local integer hundreds = i/100
    local integer tens = ModuloInteger(i, 100)
    local integer ones = 0
    local string r = null
    if (hundreds>0) then
        set r = OnesTeens[hundreds] + SPACE + Denom[0]+SPACE
    if (tens>0) then
        if (tens<20) then
            if (r==null) then
                set r = OnesTeens[tens]
                set r = r+SPACE+OnesTeens[tens]
            set ones = ModuloInteger(tens, 10)
            set tens = tens/10
            if (r==null) then
                set r = Tens[tens-2]
                set r = r+Tens[tens-2]
            if (ones>0) then
                set r = r+HYPHEN+OnesTeens[ones]
    return r    

 // works by reading right-to-left
 // each step in the loop converts the number into the next biggest denomination
 // then, converting that to a number (which can only be as high as 999) to words, and appending the appropriate denomination
function Int2WordString takes integer i returns string
    local string r = ""
    local string temp = ""
    local string neg = ""
    local integer denom = 0
    local integer n = 0
    if (i<0) then
        set i = -i
        set neg = NEGATIVE+SPACE
    if (i<20) then
        return OnesTeens<i>
        set n = ModuloInteger(i, 1000)
        set i = i/1000
        set temp = Int2WordString_helper(n)
        if (temp!=null) then
            if (denom&gt;0) then
                set r = Denom[denom]+COMMA+SPACE+r
            set r = temp+SPACE+r
        set denom = denom+1
        exitwhen (i&lt;=0)
    return neg+r

private function init takes nothing returns nothing
    set OnesTeens[0] = &quot;Zero&quot;
    set OnesTeens[1] = &quot;One&quot;
    set OnesTeens[2] = &quot;Two&quot;
    set OnesTeens[3] = &quot;Three&quot;
    set OnesTeens[4] = &quot;Four&quot;
    set OnesTeens[5] = &quot;Five&quot;
    set OnesTeens[6] = &quot;Six&quot;
    set OnesTeens[7] = &quot;Seven&quot;
    set OnesTeens[8] = &quot;Eight&quot;
    set OnesTeens[9] = &quot;Nine&quot;
    set OnesTeens[10] = &quot;Ten&quot;
    set OnesTeens[11] = &quot;Eleven&quot;
    set OnesTeens[12] = &quot;Twelve&quot;
    set OnesTeens[13] = &quot;Thirteen&quot;
    set OnesTeens[14] = &quot;Fourteen&quot;
    set OnesTeens[15] = &quot;Fifteen&quot;
    set OnesTeens[16] = &quot;Sixteen&quot;
    set OnesTeens[17] = &quot;Seventeen&quot;
    set OnesTeens[18] = &quot;Eighteen&quot;
    set OnesTeens[19] = &quot;Nineteen&quot;
    set Tens[0] = &quot;Twenty&quot;
    set Tens[1] = &quot;Thirty&quot;
    set Tens[2] = &quot;Forty&quot;
    set Tens[3] = &quot;Fifty&quot;
    set Tens[4] = &quot;Sixty&quot;
    set Tens[5] = &quot;Seventy&quot;
    set Tens[6] = &quot;Eighty&quot;
    set Tens[7] = &quot;Ninety&quot;
    set Denom[0] = &quot;Hundred&quot;
    set Denom[1] = &quot;Thousand&quot;
    set Denom[2] = &quot;Million&quot;
    set Denom[3] = &quot;Billion&quot;


library Int2FormattedString
    // converts an integer into a formatted string (163192161 -&gt; &quot;163,192,161&quot;)

//! textmacro Int2FormattedString_Config
    public string DELIMITER = &quot;,&quot;
    public integer DELIMIT_PLACES = 3
//! endtextmacro

    //! runtextmacro Int2FormattedString_Config()

function Int2FormattedString takes integer i returns string
    local string s = I2S(IAbsBJ(i))
    local string ret = &quot;&quot;
    local integer len = StringLength(s)
    local integer max = len/DELIMIT_PLACES         // how many delimiters we&#039;ll need
    local integer extra = len-(max)*DELIMIT_PLACES // mod(len,3), to find how many digits will be left
    local integer n = 0
    local string neg = &quot;&quot;
    if (i&gt;-1000 and i&lt;1000) then
        return I2S(i)
    if (i&lt;0) then
        set neg=&quot;-&quot;
        set ret = SubString(s, len-DELIMIT_PLACES, len)+ret
        set len = len-DELIMIT_PLACES
        set n = n+1
        exitwhen (n==max)
        set ret = DELIMITER+ret
    if (extra&gt;0) then
        return neg+SubString(s, 0, extra)+DELIMITER+ret
    return neg+ret


library Real2FormattedString requires Int2FormattedString, StringFind, StringReverse
    // converts a real into a formatted string (163192.161 -&gt; &quot;163,192.161&quot;)
    // will trim trailing zeroes, unless you do a &quot;set Real2FormattedString_TRIM_ZEROES = false&quot; before the call
    // just remember to set it back <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite7" alt=":p" title="Stick Out Tongue    :p" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":p" /> (if you like...)

//! textmacro Real2FormattedString_Config
    public string DELIMITER = &quot;,&quot;
    public string DECIMAL = &quot;.&quot;
    public boolean TRIM_ZEROES = true // will trim trailing zeroes
//! endtextmacro

    //! runtextmacro Real2FormattedString_Config()

function Real2FormattedString takes real r returns string
    local string sr = R2S(r)
    local integer pos = StringFind(sr, &quot;.&quot;)
    local string dec = DECIMAL+SubString(sr, pos+1, StringLength(sr))
    local integer i = R2I(r)
    local string s = I2S(IAbsBJ(i))
    local string ret = &quot;&quot;
    local integer len = StringLength(s)
    local integer max = len/3         // how many delimiters we&#039;ll need
    local integer extra = len-(max)*3 // mod(len,3), to find how many digits will be left
    local integer n = 0
    local string neg = &quot;&quot;
    if (i&gt;-1000 and i&lt;1000) then
        return I2S(i)
    if (i&lt;0) then
        set neg=&quot;-&quot;
        set ret = SubString(s, len-3, len)+ret
        set len = len-3
        set n = n+1
        exitwhen (n==max)
        set ret = DELIMITER+ret
    if (extra&gt;0) then
        set ret = neg+SubString(s, 0, extra)+DELIMITER+ret
        set ret = neg+ret
    if (TRIM_ZEROES==true) then
        set dec = StringReverse(dec)
            exitwhen (SubString(dec, 0, 1)!=&quot;0&quot;)
            set dec = SubString(dec, 1, StringLength(dec))
        set dec = StringReverse(dec)+&quot;0&quot;
    return ret+dec


library StringFind
    // finds a string (&#039;needle&#039;) within a string (&#039;haystack&#039;) and returns it&#039;s position
    // returns -1 if not found
function StringFind takes string haystack, string needle returns integer
    local integer i = StringLength(haystack)
    local integer j = StringLength(needle)
    local integer n = 0
        exitwhen (n&gt;i-j)
        if (SubString(haystack, n, n+j)==needle) then
            return n
        set n = n+1
    return -1


library StringReplace
    // attempts to find any and all instances of &#039;toreplace&#039; in &#039;s&#039; and replaces with &#039;replacer&#039;
function StringReplaceAll takes string s, string toreplace, string replacer returns string
    local integer i = StringLength(s)
    local integer j = StringLength(toreplace)
    local integer n = 0
    if (toreplace==replacer) then
        return s
        exitwhen (n&gt;i-j)
        if (SubString(s, n, n+j)==toreplace) then
            set s = SubString(s, 0, n)+replacer+SubString(s, n+j, i)
            set i = StringLength(s)
            set n = n+1
    return s

    // same as above, but will only replace the first instance
function StringReplace takes string s, string toreplace, string replacer returns string
    local integer i = StringLength(s)
    local integer j = StringLength(toreplace)
    local integer n = 0
    if (toreplace==replacer) then
        return s
        exitwhen (n&gt;i-j)
        if (SubString(s, n, n+j)==toreplace) then
            set s = SubString(s, 0, n)+replacer+SubString(s, n+j, i)
            exitwhen (true)
            set n = n+1
    return s


library StringStrip
    // attemps to find any and all instances of &#039;tostrip&#039; inside &#039;s&#039;
    // if found, they will be removed
function StringStripAll takes string s, string tostrip returns string
    local integer i = StringLength(s)
    local integer j = StringLength(tostrip)
    local integer n = 0
        exitwhen (n&gt;i-j)
        if (SubString(s, n, n+j)==tostrip) then
            set s = SubString(s, 0, n)+SubString(s, n+j, i)
            set i = StringLength(s)
            set n = n+1
    return s

    // same as above, but will only remove the first instance
function StringStrip takes string s, string tostrip returns string
    local integer i = StringLength(s)
    local integer j = StringLength(tostrip)
    local integer n = 0
        exitwhen (n&gt;i-j)
        if (SubString(s, n, n+j)==tostrip) then
            set s = SubString(s, 0, n)+SubString(s, n+j, i)
            exitwhen (true)
            set n = n+1
    return s

library StringSwap requires StringFind, StringReplace
    // attempts to swap occurrances of string &#039;swap1&#039; with &#039;swap2&#039; within a string (&#039;s&#039;)
function StringSwap takes string s, string swap1, string swap2 returns string
    local string token1 = &quot;~!*^%@&quot;
    local string token2 = &quot;^$&amp;#~*&quot;
        exitwhen (StringFind(s, swap1)==-1 or StringFind(s, swap2)==-1)
        set s = StringReplace(s, swap1, token1)
        set s = StringReplace(s, swap2, token2)
    set s = StringReplaceAll(s, token1, swap2)
    set s = StringReplaceAll(s, token2, swap1)
    return s


library StringReverse
    // reverses a string
function StringReverse takes string s returns string
    local integer i = StringLength(s)
    local string s2 = &quot;&quot;
        exitwhen (i==0)
        set s2 = s2 + SubString(s, i-1, i)
        set i = i-1
    return s2


library StringReverseColorSafe requires StringReverse, StringReplace, StringFind
    // reverses a string as normal, but preservers color codes
    // all color codes must be in the proper format &quot;|cff00ff00&quot; with a closing tag &quot;|r&quot;
function StringReverseColorSafe takes string s returns string
    local integer i = 0
    local integer j = 0
    local string ccode = &quot;&quot;
        set i = StringFind(s, &quot;|c&quot;)
        set j = StringFind(s, &quot;|r&quot;)
        exitwhen (i==-1 or j==-1)
        set ccode=SubString(s, i, i+10)
        set s = StringReplace(s, ccode, &quot;r|&quot;)
        set s = StringReplace(s, &quot;|r&quot;, StringReverse(ccode))
    return StringReverse(s)

Note: The reason why the config globals are in textmacros was that I planned on having the config at the top of the inclusive library, while the globals were free to be located at the top of their respective functions.

So, please give feedback :thup:


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Note: The reason why the config globals are in textmacros was that I planned on having the config at the top of the inclusive library, while the globals were free to be located at the top of their respective functions.

I do that too : D, I just put my config stuff in a sep trigger : P.

However, because you are doing these string functions, you should add in a base conversion utility =). Wouldn't be that hard, I've been meaning to do it myself, but you've already done so much o-o.

Just put hex in this ; P.
function convert takes string value, string base1, string base2 returns string

What could it be used for? I don't know, easy and fast save/load? Then people could just add in their own little securities and quirks, and use their own bases.

And then you should also do sequencing =). You apply a key to something and it sequences it with the key o-o.

function sequence takes string key, string value returns string
function disarray takes string key, string value returns string

Sequencing can be used for not only fun things, but useful things too ^^

More fun in the sun, do some keys for inserting values.

function scatter takes string key, string insertion, string value returns string
function retrieve takes string key, string value returns string

What can this do? Let's say you wanted to scatter checksums about a string, or other keys about it, or w/e : O. Let's say you wanted to save values into a key, who knows : ).

What else? A string calculator = D.

function add takes string base1, string base2, string value1, string value2 returns string


Oh well, +rep : D


Reaction score
Ok, so the base key for wc3 is 255, that is it uses 256 characters (0-255).

Thus, in your thing you might have a constant string that are these characters (string hash will probably do this, haven't really looked into it).

From here, users are able to apply any key (even of a dif size) and use that to change what their number or w/e looks like (translate it from one formatted base to another).

So, let's say you had this as a key-

If a user was to do
call convert("0123456789", "10")

it'd obviously return 10 : P.

If they did like-

call convert("abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz", "10")

It'd return j =)

if they did call convert("", "10")

it'd just return your base key, so it'd shoot back a 10. In essence, that'd just hash the string (probably ;p).

From here, let's say they wanted to sequence their strings, so you use your base key again as the original sequence, and then they pass in their own keys. Any derivation from that means you move something from one position to another.

So, let's say that this is standard sequence-

If they passed this in-

This would happen-
call sequence("9123456780", "hello cat")

it'd return-
"tello cah"

thus sequencing it : )

Disarray returns it back to the base key given the key used to change it

Now what about scatter?

call scatter("362362", "cccccc", "0123456789")

this would return


They are inserted at position 3, 6, 2, 3, 6, 2 =)

Obviously u'd probably want to do like 663322, but eh : P.

So what can this stuff be used for?

Convert allows easy save/load systems. They just use your conversion and put in their own bases, their own securities, etc =). Convert, done : D.

What can sequence be used for?

Sequence allows people to change how a string looks with a key. Let's say they want to make a save/load code harder to crack? Let's say they want to make a puzzle. Who knows? : o.

What can scatter be used for?

Scatter allows them to scatter values over a string. Let's say they wanted to scatter all their keys through out the string and then put the scatter key at the front. The keys would be array numbers probably, converted into some arbitrary constant base, probably their own default base =).

If you don't know how to do this stuff, it's really ok. I can do it, I've just been busy doing lots of other stuff ^^. I'll get around it... I already have sequencing and conversion done anyways : |... the code is somewhere o-o. I just saw you were working on string functions and I thought, hey cool, maybe they can make these 3 things too ^^, this way whenever someone comes along saying pwz make me an uber save/load system that'll save my thingies, everyone can just point them to ur string functions and say "go make ur own" =).


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Add ColorInString. It colors all letters of value inputted, and returns said string.
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  • Varine Varine:
    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Heard Houston got hit pretty bad by storms last night. Hope all is well with TH.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Power back on finally - all is good here no damage
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