per player multiboard issue


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i searched for quite a awhile for an answer, but most of it deals with GUI. i understand how to keep it to the local player, but for some reason it is not even showing up. i have another script that changes the title, but it doesn't even display in the first place. i'm definitely missing something. :/

here is my script:

        multiboard array board[9]
        local integer p = 0
            exitwhen p == 9
            set board[p] = CreateMultiboard()
            call MultiboardDisplay(board[p],false)
            if GetLocalPlayer() == Player(p) then
                call MultiboardDisplay(board[p],true)
            set p = p + 1

also, what would be a good way to set the integer to the number of people currently playing? i think i can convert GUI to jass to find out, but maybe there is an easier JASS way?


Staff Member and irregular helper
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I've never used one multiboard per player but I think I've read that you have to hide/display it again every time you make a change to it.
Other than that, it seems to be very little setup code there, does it show if you remove the localization?


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I've never used one multiboard per player but I think I've read that you have to hide/display it again every time you make a change to it.
Other than that, it seems to be very little setup code there, does it show if you remove the localization?

you mean like this?

            exitwhen p == 9
            set board[p] = CreateMultiboard()
            call MultiboardDisplay(board[p],true)
            set p = p + 1

if so, that didn't work.


Your Friendly Neighborhood Admin
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Creating it is one thing.
The next step would be to add some rows / columns and a title.
Then try to display it.

And, don't do this at map init...


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Creating it is one thing.
The next step would be to add some rows / columns and a title.
Then try to display it.

And, don't do this at map init...

scope Startup initializer Events
        dialog gamemode = DialogCreate()
        button array gmode[1]
        dialog timemode = DialogCreate()
        button array tmode[2]
        multiboard array board[9]
    private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing 
        local integer p = 0
        call DialogClear(gamemode)        
        call DialogSetMessage(gamemode,"Select game mode:")
        set gmode[0] = DialogAddButton(gamemode,"Timed",'t')
        set gmode[1] = DialogAddButton(gamemode,"Sandbox",'s')
        call DialogClear(timemode)
        call DialogSetMessage(timemode,"Select time mode:")
        set tmode[0] = DialogAddButton(timemode,"Default (20s Days)",'d')
        set tmode[1] = DialogAddButton(timemode,"Long (40s Days)",'l')
        set tmode[2] = DialogAddButton(timemode,"Epic (60s Days)",'e')
        call DialogDisplay(Player(0),gamemode,true)
            exitwhen p == 9
            set board[p] = CreateMultiboard()
            call MultiboardSetRowCount(board[p],1)
            call MultiboardSetColumnCount(board[p],1)
            call MultiboardSetTitleText(board[p],"test")
            call MultiboardDisplay(board[p],false)
            if GetLocalPlayer() == Player(p) then
                call MultiboardDisplay(board[p],true)
            set p = p + 1

    public function Events takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterTimerEventSingle(t,0.00)
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function Actions)

this doesn't work, either.


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            call MultiboardDisplay(board[p],false)
            if GetLocalPlayer() == Player(p) then
                call MultiboardDisplay(board[p],true)


            call MultiboardDisplay(board[p],GetLocalPlayer() == Player(p))

i know this doesnt solve the problem, but thought i would mention it...

for the problem: perhaps there are conflicts with the dialog... try not displaying the dialog... or change the order (first multiboard, then dialog)

in my maps sometimes the multiboard disappeared when a dialog was used (i make the multiboard visible everytime a dialog is hidden now)


hook DoNothing MakeGUIUsersCrash
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I made a multiboard that showed for different players.. So here's the code:
I hope that this code will help you.
library Multiboard initializer InitMultiboard
// How to assign gold:
// The gold type is a multidimensional array you can access the values by typing gold[<Player Number>][<The type of gold>] So Player(0)'s normal gold would be gold[1][1]
//  They are declared as:
//  gold[0][1] = Normal gold
//  gold[0][2] = Gold from wells
//  gold[0][3] = Gold from fountains
//  gold[0][4] = Total gold
//InitMulti initializer InitTrig
    private MultiboardCore array MBC                // The main core.
    Gold gold                                       // The gold that's saved. 
                                                    //Change this and the multiboard is updated next time the update trigger runs, you can also update it by yourself with: call UpdateMultiboard()
    private constant real COLL1WIDTH = 0.08         // The width of collumn 1
    private constant real COLL2WITDH = 0.048        // The width of collumn 2
    private constant string ONSTRING = "-multi on"  // The string WC3 uses to detect when you want to activate your multiboard
    private constant string OFFSTRING ="-multi off" // The string WC3 uses to detect when you want to deactivate your multiboard
    private constant string EVENT = "-multi"        // The substring WC3 detects when you want to create one
    boolean FMMODE = false                          // Is it FM mode?
    private constant string GoldMinesColor = "|cffFFF68F"
    private constant string FountainsColor = "|cffFFC469"
    private constant string WellsColor = "|cffFFD700"
    private constant string TotalColor = "|cff99CC32"

// The gold type.
type EachPlayer extends integer array[12] 
type Gold extends EachPlayer array[4] 
//  Update functions
function UpdateMultiboard takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i = 1
    local integer i2 = 1
        exitwhen i == 12
        set gold<i>[4] = gold<i>[1]+gold<i>[2]+gold<i>[3]
        call MultiboardSetItemValue(MBC<i>.row[1].coll[2], GoldMinesColor+I2S(gold<i>[1]))
        call MultiboardSetItemValue(MBC<i>.row[2].coll[2], FountainsColor+I2S(gold<i>[2]))
        call MultiboardSetItemValue(MBC<i>.row[3].coll[2], WellsColor+I2S(gold<i>[3]))
        call MultiboardSetItemValue(MBC<i>.row[4].coll[2], TotalColor+I2S(gold<i>[4]))
        set i = i+1

// TheCore
struct MultiboardCore
    multiboard main
    MultiboardCoreChild array row[6]
    // The init trig, 
    static method MainCreate takes nothing returns MultiboardCore
        local MultiboardCore CreateTemp = MultiboardCore.allocate() // Create the main variable
        local integer i = 1 // The iterator.
        // Init all important values so they don&#039;t point to something strange.
        set CreateTemp.main = CreateMultiboard() 
        call MultiboardSetTitleText(CreateTemp.main, &quot;|cFFFFD700Gold income&quot;)
        call MultiboardSetColumnCount(CreateTemp.main, 2)
        call MultiboardSetRowCount(CreateTemp.main, 4)
        set CreateTemp.row[1] = MultiboardCoreChild.AltCreate()
        set CreateTemp.row[2] = MultiboardCoreChild.AltCreate()
        set CreateTemp.row[3] = MultiboardCoreChild.AltCreate()
        set CreateTemp.row[1] = MultiboardCoreChild.AltCreate()
            exitwhen i == 5
            set CreateTemp.row<i>.coll[1] = MultiboardGetItem(CreateTemp.main, i-1, 0)
            set CreateTemp.row<i>.coll[2] = MultiboardGetItem(CreateTemp.main, i-1, 1)
            set i=i+1
        // Init so all icons are gone and size is good.
        set i = 1
            exitwhen i == 5
            call MultiboardSetItemStyle(CreateTemp.row<i>.coll[1], true, false)
            call MultiboardSetItemStyle(CreateTemp.row<i>.coll[2], true, false)
            call MultiboardSetItemWidth(CreateTemp.row<i>.coll[1], COLL1WIDTH)
            call MultiboardSetItemWidth(CreateTemp.row<i>.coll[2], COLL2WITDH)
            set i = i+1
        call MultiboardSetItemValue(CreateTemp.row[1].coll[1], &quot;|cffFFF68FGold mines&quot;)
        call MultiboardSetItemValue(CreateTemp.row[2].coll[1], &quot;|cffFFC469Gold Wells&quot;)
        call MultiboardSetItemValue(CreateTemp.row[3].coll[1], &quot;|cffFFD700Gold Fountians&quot;)
        call MultiboardSetItemValue(CreateTemp.row[4].coll[1], &quot;|cff99CC32Total Income&quot;)
        call UpdateMultiboard()
        return CreateTemp
// The child stuct so I can use a matrix like syntax
struct MultiboardCoreChild
    multiboarditem array coll[3]
    static method AltCreate takes nothing returns MultiboardCoreChild
        local MultiboardCoreChild TempChild = MultiboardCoreChild.allocate()
        return TempChild

private function DisplayToPlayer takes player p, MultiboardCore TMBCS, boolean show returns nothing
    if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
        call MultiboardDisplay(TMBCS.main, show)
        call UpdateMultiboard()

private function WhatCommand takes nothing returns nothing
    local player p = GetTriggerPlayer()
    local string chat = GetEventPlayerChatString()
    if chat == ONSTRING then
        call DisplayToPlayer(p, MBC[(GetPlayerId(p))+1], true)
    elseif chat == OFFSTRING then
        call DisplayToPlayer(p, MBC[(GetPlayerId(p))+1], false)
    set p = null
    set chat = &quot;&quot;

private function MainInit takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i = 1
    set gold = Gold.create()
        exitwhen i == 11
        set MBC<i> = MultiboardCore.MainCreate()
        set gold<i>[1] = 0
        set gold<i>[2] = 0
        set gold<i>[3] = 0
        set gold<i>[4] = 0
        set i = i+1

private function InitMultiboard takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger Trig = CreateTrigger()
    local integer i = 0
    set Trig = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(Trig, 0.01, false)
    call TriggerAddAction(Trig, function MainInit)
        exitwhen i == 11
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(Trig, Player(i), EVENT, false)
        set i = i+1
    call TriggerAddAction(Trig, function WhatCommand)
    set Trig = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(Trig, 10, true)
    call TriggerAddAction(Trig, function UpdateMultiboard)

If you see some different events and stuff in this it's because I active it with a chat command. I don't know how optimized this is but it works.


New Member
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for the problem: perhaps there are conflicts with the dialog... try not displaying the dialog... or change the order (first multiboard, then dialog)

in my maps sometimes the multiboard disappeared when a dialog was used (i make the multiboard visible everytime a dialog is hidden now)
i rem'ed all the code pertaining to the dialog, but the multiboard still doesn't show.

Gwypaas said:
I made a multiboard that showed for different players.. So here's the code:
I hope that this code will help you.
thanks. i'll look it over.

Acehart said:
> dialog gamemode = DialogCreate()

Tried moving the create call inside the function instead of the globals?
i just did and warcraft crashed. you mean like this, correct?
set gamemode = DialogCreate()
set timemode = DialogCreate()


New Member
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Crashed? Where did you put that?

here is all of the code as of now:

scope Startup initializer Events
        dialog gamemode 
        button array gmode[1]
        dialog timemode
        button array tmode[2]
        multiboard array board[9]
    private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing 
        local integer p = 0

            exitwhen p == 9
            set board[p] = CreateMultiboard()
            call MultiboardSetRowCount(board[p],1)
            call MultiboardSetColumnCount(board[p],1)
            call MultiboardSetTitleText(board[p],&quot;test&quot;)
            call MultiboardDisplay(board[p],GetLocalPlayer() == Player(p))
            set p = p + 1
        set gamemode = DialogCreate()
        set timemode = DialogCreate()
        call DialogClear(gamemode)        
        call DialogSetMessage(gamemode,&quot;Select game mode:&quot;)
        set gmode[0] = DialogAddButton(gamemode,&quot;Timed&quot;,&#039;t&#039;)
        set gmode[1] = DialogAddButton(gamemode,&quot;Sandbox&quot;,&#039;s&#039;)
        call DialogClear(timemode)
        call DialogSetMessage(timemode,&quot;Select time mode:&quot;)
        set tmode[0] = DialogAddButton(timemode,&quot;Default (20s Days)&quot;,&#039;d&#039;)
        set tmode[1] = DialogAddButton(timemode,&quot;Long (40s Days)&quot;,&#039;l&#039;)
        set tmode[2] = DialogAddButton(timemode,&quot;Epic (60s Days)&quot;,&#039;e&#039;)
        call DialogDisplay(Player(0),gamemode,true)

    public function Events takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterTimerEventSingle(t,0.00)
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function Actions)

scope GameMode
        boolean array gmodeis[1]
    private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing        
        if GetClickedButton() == gmode[0] then
            call DialogDisplay(Player(0),timemode,true)
            set gmodeis[0] = true
        elseif GetClickedButton() == gmode[1] then
            call DialogDisplay(Player(0),timemode,true)
            set gmodeis[1] = true

    public function InitTrig takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterDialogEvent(t,gamemode)
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function Actions)

scope TimeMode
    private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
        if GetClickedButton() == tmode[0] and gmodeis[0] == true then
            call SetTimeOfDayScale(1)
        elseif GetClickedButton() == tmode[0] and gmodeis[1] == true then
            call SetTimeOfDayScale(1)
        elseif GetClickedButton() == tmode[1] and gmodeis[0] == true then 
            call SetTimeOfDayScale(0.5)
        elseif GetClickedButton() == tmode[1] and gmodeis[1] == true then
            call SetTimeOfDayScale(0.5)
        elseif GetClickedButton() == tmode[2] and gmodeis[0] == true then
            call SetTimeOfDayScale(0.33)
        elseif GetClickedButton() == tmode[2] and gmodeis[1] == true then
            call SetTimeOfDayScale(0.33)                             
    public function InitTrig takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterDialogEventBJ(t,timemode)
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function Actions)

scope DateTime
        string secondstr
        string minutestr
        string hourstr
    private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer seconds = 0
        local integer minutes = 0
        local integer hours = 6
        local integer days = 1
        local integer p = 0
            set seconds = seconds + 1
            if seconds == 60 then
                set seconds = 0
                set minutes = minutes + 1
                if minutes == 60 then 
                    set minutes = 0
                    set hours = hours + 1
                    if hours == 24 then
                        set hours = 0
                        set days = days + 1
            if seconds &lt; 10 then
                set secondstr = &quot;0&quot;+I2S(seconds)
                set secondstr = I2S(seconds)
            if minutes &lt; 10 then 
                set minutestr = &quot;0&quot;+I2S(minutes)
                set minutestr = I2S(minutes)
            if hours &lt; 10 then
                set hourstr = &quot;0&quot;+I2S(hours)
                set hourstr = I2S(hours)
                exitwhen p &gt; 9
                call MultiboardSetTitleText(board[p],&quot;Z-Day+&quot;+I2S(days)+&quot;, &quot;+hourstr+&quot;:&quot;+minutestr+&quot;:&quot;+secondstr)
                set p = p + 1

    public function InitDateTime takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic(t,1.00)
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function Actions)


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i tried taking away the array so that it is a regular board, but that doesn't seem to work, either. am i missing something big? or are my other triggers causing the problems?


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i can't wrap my head around how to fix this. did posting the triggers help in any way?


Your Friendly Neighborhood Admin
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Some random wild guessing maybe:
> call TriggerRegisterDialogEvent(t,gamemode)

Does this work if gamemode has not been initialized yet?

Either way, I would suggest keeping all the init stuff, especially if they depend on some order, in one place only.
If nothing else, at least you actually know what the order is.
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    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
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    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though

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