Script Errors

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Script Errors.

I keep getting script errors through my rpg map =/
the map i originally got the regular jass scripts dosnt even work for me. do i have to patch up my game first?


Thou shall be helped by...The Black Adder!
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The best thing to do is show us some scripts which you consider suspicious, so that we would help you more.


New Member
Reaction score
It has custom destructables and imported images but thats pretty much it. On original map it dosnt work. SO here are most of what the map contains.

fs_cache Type:Game Cache No Initial Value


// script : FSGUI (FullScreen Graphic User Interface)
// version : 2.01
// date : 06.08.2005
// made by : DimonT aka ZibadaMX
// mail : [email protected]
// icq : 937160
// www :
// Module API :
// Initialization:
// fs_SetTrackableGroup(integer tid, integer g)
// fs_BuildGroupIDs()
// Variable Handling:
// 1. Globals (configuration):
// setcfg(string key, string val)
// cfg(string key)
// cfgi(string key)
// cfgr(string key)
// 2. Object Specific:
// set_object_iparam(handle h, string key, integer val)
// set_object_rparam(handle h, string key, real val)
// get_object_iparam(handle h, string key)
// get_object_rparam(handle h, string key)
// 3. Session (per-player):
// fs_GetPlayerID()
// set_session_param(string key, string val)
// set_session_iparam(string key, integer val)
// set_session_rparam(string key, real val)
// get_session_param(string key)
// get_session_iparam(string key)
// get_session_rparam(string key)
// Trackable grid mapping:
// fs_Coords2Id(integer x, integer y)
// fs_GetTrackableGroup(integer tid)
// fs_GetTrackableGroupID(integer tid)
// fs_GetTriggeringTrackableID()
// fs_GetTrackableX(integer tid)
// fs_GetTrackableY(integer tid)
// Text Tags:
// fs_AddNamedTextTag(string name, real x, real y, string msg, real size)
// fs_SetNamedTextTagText(string name, string msg, real size)
// Effects:
// fs_AddBackgroundEffectXY(string model, real x, real y, boolean useskin)
// fs_AddBackgroundEffect(string model, integer tid, boolean useskin)
// fs_AddNamedEffectXY(string name, string model, real x, real y, boolean useskin)
// fs_AddNamedEffect(string name, string model, integer tid, boolean useskin)
// Callback Functions:
// fs_[modname]_Init()
// fs_[modname]_ClickHandler()
// fs_[modname]_HoverHandler()
// fs_[modname]_Exit()
// In Game API:
// fs_LoadModule(int playerID, string modname)
// fs_Shutdown(int playerID)

constant function fs_H2I takes handle h returns integer
return h
return 0

constant function fs_I2U takes integer i returns unit
return i
return null

constant function fs_I2T takes integer i returns trigger
return i
return null

constant function fs_I2TT takes integer i returns texttag
return i
return null

constant function fs_I2It takes integer i returns item
return i
return null

constant function fs_I2D takes integer i returns destructable
return i
return null

constant function fs_I2FM takes integer i returns fogmodifier
return i
return null

function setcfg takes string key, string val returns nothing
call StoreString(udg_fs_cache, "config", key, val)

function cfg takes string key returns string
return GetStoredString(udg_fs_cache, "config", key)

function cfgr takes string key returns real
return S2R(cfg(key))

function cfgi takes string key returns integer
return S2I(cfg(key))

function fs_echo takes integer playerID, string msg returns nothing
if playerID == -1 then
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,5.00, msg)
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(Player(playerID),0,0,5.00, msg)


function get_object_iparam takes handle h, string key returns integer
return GetStoredInteger(udg_fs_cache, I2S(fs_H2I(h)), key)

function set_object_iparam takes handle h, string key, integer val returns nothing
call StoreInteger(udg_fs_cache, I2S(fs_H2I(h)), key, val)

function get_object_rparam takes handle h, string key returns real
return GetStoredReal(udg_fs_cache, I2S(fs_H2I(h)), key)

function set_object_rparam takes handle h, string key, real val returns nothing
call StoreReal(udg_fs_cache, I2S(fs_H2I(h)), key, val)

function flush_object takes handle h returns nothing
call FlushStoredMission(udg_fs_cache, I2S(fs_H2I(h)))


function get_session_iparam takes string key returns integer
return GetStoredInteger(udg_fs_cache, "session" + cfg("player"), key)

function set_session_iparam takes string key, integer val returns nothing
call StoreInteger(udg_fs_cache, "session" + cfg("player"), key, val)

function get_session_rparam takes string key returns real
return GetStoredReal(udg_fs_cache, "session" + cfg("player"), key)

function set_session_rparam takes string key, real val returns nothing
call StoreReal(udg_fs_cache, "session" + cfg("player"), key, val)

function get_session_param takes string key returns string
return GetStoredString(udg_fs_cache, "session" + cfg("player"), key)

function set_session_param takes string key, string val returns nothing
call StoreString(udg_fs_cache, "session" + cfg("player"), key, val)

function fs_chr takes integer i returns string
local string abc = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
local string digits = "0123456789"
if i >= 65 and i <= 90 then
return SubString(ABC, i-65,i-64)
elseif i >= 97 and i <= 122 then
return SubString(abc, i-97,i-96)
elseif i >= 48 and i <= 57 then
return SubString(digits, i-48,i-47)
return ""

function fs_iif takes boolean cond, string s1, string s2 returns string
if cond then
return s1
return s2

constant function fs_Coords2Id takes integer x, integer y returns integer
return y * 20 + x

function fs_BuildGroupIDs takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local integer g
local integer array count
exitwhen i >= 200
set g = get_session_iparam("tk_group" + I2S(i))
if g != -1 then
call set_session_iparam("tk_groupid" + I2S(i), count[g])
set count[g] = count[g] + 1
call set_session_iparam("tk_groupid" + I2S(i), -1)
set i = i + 1

function fs_SetTrackableGroup takes integer tid, integer g returns nothing
call set_session_iparam("tk_group" + I2S(tid), g)

function fs_GetTrackableGroup takes integer tid returns integer
return get_session_iparam("tk_group" + I2S(tid))

function fs_GetTrackableGroupID takes integer tid returns integer
return get_session_iparam("tk_groupid" + I2S(tid))

function fs_GetTriggeringTrackableID takes nothing returns integer
return get_session_iparam("fs_trigger_tid")

function fs_GetPlayerID takes nothing returns integer
return cfgi("player")

function fs_GetTrackableX takes integer tid returns real
return cfgr("tk_" + I2S(tid) + "_x" + I2S(fs_GetPlayerID()))
return get_session_rparam("tk_x" + I2S(tid))

function fs_GetTrackableY takes integer tid returns real
return cfgr("tk_" + I2S(tid) + "_y" + I2S(fs_GetPlayerID()))
return get_session_rparam("tk_y" + I2S(tid))

function fs_AddNamedTextTag takes string name, real x, real y, string msg, real size returns nothing
local texttag tt
local integer id = get_session_iparam("fs_texttags")

call DestroyTextTag(fs_I2TT(get_session_iparam("fs_texttag_" + name)))

if msg == "" then
call set_session_iparam("fs_texttag_" + name, 0)
if size == 0 then
set size = cfgr("fs_texttag_size")

set tt = CreateTextTag()
call SetTextTagPos(tt, get_session_rparam("fs_base_x") + x, get_session_rparam("fs_base_y") + y, 0)
call SetTextTagColor(tt, 255, 255, 255, 255)
call SetTextTagVelocity(tt, 0, 0)
call SetTextTagVisibility(tt, true)
call SetTextTagText(tt, msg, size)
call SetTextTagPermanent(tt, true)

call set_session_iparam("fs_texttag_" + name, fs_H2I(tt))
call set_session_iparam("fs_texttag" + I2S(id), fs_H2I(tt))
call set_session_iparam("fs_texttags", id + 1)
// call debugMsg("fs_AddNamedTextTag: name = " + name + " x = " + R2SW(x, 0, 0) + ", y = " + R2SW(y, 0, 0) + ", msg = " + msg)

function fs_SetNamedTextTagText takes string name, string msg, real size returns nothing
local texttag tt = fs_I2TT(get_session_iparam("fs_texttag_" + name))
if size == 0 then
set size = cfgr("fs_texttag_size")
call SetTextTagText(tt, msg, size)

function fs_PlaySound takes string soundfile returns nothing
if cfgi("fs_sound") == 0 then
if Player(fs_GetPlayerID()) == GetLocalPlayer() then
call PlaySound(soundfile)

function fs_RegisterEffect takes integer id, string name returns nothing
call StoreInteger(udg_fs_cache, "FX", name, id)

function fs_AddBackgroundEffectXY takes string modelfile, real x, real y, boolean useskin returns destructable
local destructable d
local integer id = get_session_iparam("fs_effects")

if useskin then
set modelfile = modelfile + get_session_param("fs_skin")
set d = CreateDestructable(GetStoredInteger(udg_fs_cache, "FX", modelfile), get_session_rparam("fs_base_x") + x, get_session_rparam("fs_base_y") + y, 0, 1.0, 1)

call set_session_iparam("fs_effect" + I2S(id), fs_H2I(d))
call set_session_iparam("fs_effects", id + 1)
return d

function fs_AddBackgroundEffect takes string modelfile, integer tid, boolean useskin returns destructable
return fs_AddBackgroundEffectXY(modelfile, fs_GetTrackableX(tid), fs_GetTrackableY(tid), useskin)

function fs_AddNamedEffectXY takes string name, string modelfile, real x, real y, boolean useskin returns nothing
call RemoveDestructable(fs_I2D(get_session_iparam("fs_effect_" + name)))
if modelfile != "" then
call set_session_iparam("fs_effect_" + name, fs_H2I(fs_AddBackgroundEffectXY(modelfile, x, y, useskin)))
call set_session_iparam("fs_effect_" + name, 0)

function fs_AddNamedEffect takes string name, string modelfile, integer tid, boolean useskin returns nothing
call fs_AddNamedEffectXY(name, fs_iif(tid >= 0, modelfile, ""), fs_GetTrackableX(tid), fs_GetTrackableY(tid), useskin)

function fs_ClickHandler takes nothing returns nothing
local integer tid = get_object_iparam(GetTriggeringTrackable(), "id")
local integer p = get_object_iparam(GetTriggeringTrackable(), "p")

call setcfg("player", I2S(p))
if get_session_iparam("fs_enabled") == 0 then

call set_session_iparam("fs_trigger_tid", tid)

call ExecuteFunc(get_session_param("fs_module") + "_ClickHandler")

function fs_HoverHandler takes nothing returns nothing
local integer tid = get_object_iparam(GetTriggeringTrackable(), "id")
local integer p = get_object_iparam(GetTriggeringTrackable(), "p")

call setcfg("player", I2S(p))
if get_session_iparam("fs_enabled") == 0 then

call set_session_iparam("fs_trigger_tid", tid)

call ExecuteFunc(get_session_param("fs_module") + "_HoverHandler")

constant function fs_GetRaceID takes integer p returns string
local race r = GetPlayerRace(Player(p))
if r == RACE_NIGHTELF then
return "4"
elseif r == RACE_UNDEAD then
return "2"
elseif r == RACE_ORC then
return "3"
return "1"

function fs_Shutdown takes integer p returns nothing
local integer i
local destructable d
local texttag tt

local real x
local real y

call setcfg("player", I2S(p))

if get_session_iparam("fs_enabled") == 0 then

// ############ reset camera and visibility ############
if Player(p) == GetLocalPlayer() then
call SetCameraBoundsToRect(bj_mapInitialCameraBounds)
call ResetToGameCamera(0)
call SetCameraPosition(get_session_rparam("fs_cam_x"), get_session_rparam("fs_cam_y"))

set x = get_session_rparam("fs_base_x")
set y = get_session_rparam("fs_base_y")

call DestroyFogModifier(fs_I2FM(get_session_iparam("fs_fogmodifier")))
call SetFogStateRect(Player(p), FOG_OF_WAR_MASKED, Rect(x + 100 , y + 100, x + 2100, y + 1100), false)

// ##### exec module shutdown func #####

call ExecuteFunc(get_session_param("fs_module") + "_Exit")

// ########## do some cleanup ###########

set i = get_session_iparam("fs_effects") - 1
exitwhen i < 0
set d = fs_I2D(get_session_iparam("fs_effect" + I2S(i)))
call RemoveDestructable(d)
set i = i - 1

set i = get_session_iparam("fs_texttags") - 1
exitwhen i < 0
set tt = fs_I2TT(get_session_iparam("fs_texttag" + I2S(i)))
call DestroyTextTag(tt)
set i = i - 1

call set_session_iparam("fs_enabled", 0)

function fs_LoadModule takes integer p, string modname returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local real x
local real y
local fogmodifier fm

if p >= cfgi("max_players") then
call fs_echo(p, "|c00ff0000ERROR:|r cannot access fullscreen interface")
call fs_echo(p, "(try increasing max_players setting in map configuration)")

call setcfg("player", I2S(p))

if get_session_iparam("fs_enabled") == 1 then
call fs_Shutdown(p)

call FlushStoredMission(udg_fs_cache, "session" + I2S(p))

set x = cfgr("fs_base_x" + I2S(p))
set y = cfgr("fs_base_y" + I2S(p))
call set_session_rparam("fs_base_x", x)
call set_session_rparam("fs_base_y", y)

set fm = CreateFogModifierRect(Player(p), FOG_OF_WAR_VISIBLE, Rect(x + 100 , y + 100, x + 2100, y + 1100), false, false)
call set_session_iparam("fs_fogmodifier", fs_H2I(fm))
call FogModifierStart(fm)

set x = x + 1024
set y = y + 512

// ############# set camera #############

call set_session_param("fs_module", modname)
call set_session_rparam("fs_cam_x", GetCameraTargetPositionX())
call set_session_rparam("fs_cam_y", GetCameraTargetPositionY())

if Player(p) == GetLocalPlayer() then
call SetCameraPosition(x,y)
call SetCameraBounds(x,y,x,y,x,y,x,y)

// ############## init vars #############

call set_session_iparam("fs_enabled", 1)
call set_session_iparam("fs_effect_count", 0)

if cfgi("fs_skin") == 0 then
call set_session_param("fs_skin", fs_GetRaceID(p))
call set_session_param("fs_skin", cfg("fs_skin"))

exitwhen i >= 200
call set_session_iparam("tk_group" + I2S(i), -1)
set i = i + 1

// ##### exec module init functions #####

call ExecuteFunc(modname + "_Init")
call fs_BuildGroupIDs()

function fs_InitPlayer takes nothing returns nothing
local timer tm = GetExpiredTimer()
local integer p = cfgi("player")
local integer i = 0
local integer j
local trackable tk
local trigger t
local real x
local real y

if p >= cfgi("max_players") then
call DestroyTimer(tm)

set x = cfgr("base_x")
set y = cfgr("base_y") + p * 1200

if y + 1100 > GetRectMaxY(GetWorldBounds()) then
call fs_echo(-1, "|c00ff0000WARNING:|r FSGUI Init: not enough map space for players " + I2S(p + 1) + "+")
call fs_echo(-1, "(try increasing your map height)")
call setcfg("max_players", I2S(p))
call DestroyTimer(tm)

call setcfg("fs_base_x" + I2S(p), R2S(x))
call setcfg("fs_base_y" + I2S(p), R2S(y))

set i = 0
exitwhen i >= 10
set j = 0
exitwhen j >= 20
set tk = CreateTrackable("square.mdx", x + 74 + 100 * j, y + 962 - 100 * i, 0)
set t = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterTrackableHitEvent(t, tk)
call TriggerAddAction(t, function fs_ClickHandler)
set t = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterTrackableTrackEvent(t, tk)
call TriggerAddAction(t, function fs_HoverHandler)
call set_object_iparam(tk, "p", p)
call set_object_iparam(tk, "id", i * 20 + j)

call setcfg("tk_" + I2S(i * 20 + j) + "_x" + I2S(p), R2S(74 + (100*j)))
call setcfg("tk_" + I2S(i * 20 + j) + "_y" + I2S(p), R2S(1024 - 62 - (100*i)))
set j = j + 1

// ### dummy left & right border trackables
call CreateTrackable("square.mdx", x + 74 + 2000, y + 962 - 100 * i, 0)
call CreateTrackable("square.mdx", x + 74 - 100 , y + 962 - 100 * i, 0)

set i = i + 1

// ### dummy top & bottom border trackables

set i = -1
exitwhen i > 20
call CreateTrackable("square.mdx", x + 74 + 100 * i, y + 1062 , 0)
call CreateTrackable("square.mdx", x + 74 + 100 * i, y - 38, 0)

set i = i + 1

call setcfg("player", I2S(p + 1))


function fs_Initialize takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local integer p = 0
local integer j
local trigger t
local timer tm
local real x
local real y

// ############### set up workspace ##############
call setcfg("base_x", R2S(GetRectMinX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea) + 100.00))
call setcfg("base_y", R2S(GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea) + 100.00))

set bj_mapInitialPlayableArea = Rect(cfgr("base_x") + 2300, GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea), GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea), GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea))

// ############### set up path blocker line ##############
set x = cfgr("base_x") + 2200
set y = GetRectMinY(GetWorldBounds())

exitwhen y > GetRectMaxY(GetWorldBounds())
call CreateDestructable('BX00', x, y, 0, 1.28, 0)
set y = y + 128

// ############### auto detect max players if necessary ##############
if cfgi("max_players") <= 0 then
exitwhen i >= 12
if GetPlayerSlotState(Player(i)) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then
call setcfg("max_players", I2S(i + 1))
set i = i + 1

set tm = CreateTimer()
call TimerStart(tm, 0.00, true, function fs_InitPlayer)

function fs_ForceCameraAction takes nothing returns nothing
if GetStoredInteger(udg_fs_cache, "session" + I2S(GetPlayerId(GetLocalPlayer())), "fs_enabled") != 1 then
call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK, 269.00, 0 )
call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION, 90.00, 0 )
call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_FARZ, 5000.00, 0 )
call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE, 3100.00, 0 )
call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_FIELD_OF_VIEW, 44.00, 0 )

function InitTrig_FSGUI_main_script takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t

set t = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic(t, 0.05)
call TriggerAddAction(t, function fs_ForceCameraAction)

set gg_trg_FSGUI_main_script = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerAddAction(gg_trg_FSGUI_main_script, function fs_Initialize)

set udg_fs_cache = InitGameCache("FSGUI.w3v")
call FlushGameCache(udg_fs_cache)
call SaveGameCache(udg_fs_cache)
set udg_fs_cache = InitGameCache("FSGUI.w3v")


function InitTrig_configuration takes nothing returns nothing

// ### Note: ALL settings in this section are strings, so they must be enclosed in quotes
// ### Most of these settings could be changed at any point of game via setcfg function

// #############################################
// ####### FSGUI basic settings #######
// #############################################

// number of players allowed to access the fullscreen panel
// value of 0 enables auto-detection, i.e. it will be set to max player id used in the game
// note that each player requires about extra 10 cells of dead-zone height
call setcfg("max_players", "0")

// default text labels size
call setcfg("fs_texttag_size", "0.0204")

// style used in interface:
// 0 - Auto (depends on player race)
// 1 - Human
// 2 - Undead
// 3 - Orc
// 4 - Night Elf
call setcfg("fs_skin", "0")

// enables or disables sound effects
// !!!WARNING!!! it seems to be multiplayer incompatible, that's why it's disabled by default
// set to 1 in single player maps ONLY!
call setcfg("fs_sound", "0")

// #############################################
// ####### Fullscreen Inventory settings #######
// #############################################

// inventory ability id
// replace 'A000' below with the actual id of "inventory screen" ability
// (press Ctrl+D in Object Editor to view codes)
call setcfg("inv100_ability", I2S('A000'))

// enables / disables selling items directly from backpack:
// 0 - always off
// 1 - only if standing at most sell_range away from closest shop
// 2 - always on
call setcfg("inv100_sell_mode" , "1")
call setcfg("inv100_sell_range", "400")

// part of actual cost paid when selling (1.00 = 100%)
call setcfg("inv100_sell_rate", "0.50")

// enables / disables using or dropping items directly from backpack: 0 - off, 1 - on
call setcfg("inv100_allow_use", "1")
call setcfg("inv100_allow_drop", "1")

// default backpack dimensions - min 1, max 10
// you can explicitly set backpack dimensions of any unit using inv100_SetInventorySize function
// (see "init" trigger for an example)
call setcfg("inv100_default_rows", "10")
call setcfg("inv100_default_cols", "10")

// if you had camera locked on a unit before entering the inventory screen, this lock will be lost
// setting this option to "1" will force camera re-locking to the unit using the inventory
call setcfg("inv100_lock_cam", "0")

// allow exiting the inventory by pressing ESC key
call setcfg("inv100_allow_escape", "1")

// enables / disables fade filter effect when entering / exiting inventory
call setcfg("inv100_fadefilter", "1")

// #############################################
// ####### background effects database ########
// #############################################

// do not change unless you know what you're doing

call fs_RegisterEffect('BX00', "square")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX01', "borderD1")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX02', "borderD2")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX03', "borderD3")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX04', "borderD4")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX05', "borderL1")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX06', "borderL2")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX07', "borderL3")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX08', "borderL4")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX09', "borderR1")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX10', "borderR2")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX11', "borderR3")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX12', "borderR4")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX13', "borderU1")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX14', "borderU2")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX15', "borderU3")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX16', "borderU4")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX17', "central1")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX18', "central2")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX19', "central3")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX20', "central4")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX21', "cornerDL1")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX22', "cornerDL2")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX23', "cornerDL3")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX24', "cornerDL4")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX25', "cornerDR1")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX26', "cornerDR2")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX27', "cornerDR3")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX28', "cornerDR4")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX29', "cornerUL1")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX30', "cornerUL2")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX31', "cornerUL3")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX32', "cornerUL4")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX33', "cornerUR1")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX34', "cornerUR2")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX35', "cornerUR3")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX36', "cornerUR4")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX37', "cost")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX38', "description1")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX39', "description2")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX40', "description3")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX41', "description4")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX42', "empinv1")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX43', "empinv2")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX44', "empinv3")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX45', "empinv4")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX46', "selecter1")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX47', "selecter2")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX48', "selecter3")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX49', "selecter4")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX50', "selector")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX51', "number")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX52', "BTNAutoPickup")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX53', "BTNDrop")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX54', "BTNExit")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX55', "BTNSell")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX56', "BTNUse")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX57', "DISBTNDrop")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX58', "DISBTNSell")
call fs_RegisterEffect('BX59', "DISBTNUse")



New Member
Reaction score
The other two triggers couldnt fit the first post so heres the last two triggers...

TRIGGER THREE: Inventory Module
// script : FSGUI module - 100-slot inventory
// version : 2.01
// date : 06.08.2005
// made by : DimonT | Illisor
// mail : [email protected] | [email protected]
// icq : 937160 | 221013519
// www :

function inv100_ItemID2String takes integer itemid returns string
return fs_chr(itemid/256/256/256) + fs_chr(ModuloInteger(itemid/256/256, 256)) + fs_chr(ModuloInteger(itemid/256, 256)) + fs_chr(ModuloInteger(itemid, 256))

function inv100_GetItemName takes integer itemId returns string
local integer i = 0
if HaveStoredString(udg_fs_cache, I2S(itemId), "name") then
return GetStoredString(udg_fs_cache, I2S(itemId), "name")
return "Unknown Item (" + inv100_ItemID2String(itemId) + ")"

function inv100_GetItemDesc takes integer itemId returns string
local integer i = 0
if HaveStoredString(udg_fs_cache, I2S(itemId), "desc") then
return GetStoredString(udg_fs_cache, I2S(itemId), "desc")
return "read how to add your own custom items in the \"init item settings\" trigger of the map"

function inv100_GetItemFX takes integer itemId returns string
if itemId == 0 then
return "empinv" + get_session_param("fs_skin")
if not HaveStoredInteger(udg_fs_cache, "FX", "inv100_item" + I2S(itemId)) then
set itemId = 'sclp'
return "inv100_item" + I2S(itemId)

function inv100_GetItemCost takes integer itemId returns integer
if HaveStoredInteger(udg_fs_cache, I2S(itemId), "cost") then
return R2I(GetStoredInteger(udg_fs_cache, I2S(itemId), "cost") * cfgr("inv100_sell_rate"))
return 0

function inv100_IsMainInventoryFull takes unit u returns boolean
local integer i = 0
exitwhen i >= 6
if UnitItemInSlot(u, i) == null then
return false
set i = i + 1
return true

function inv100_IsEnabled takes player p returns boolean
call setcfg("player", I2S(GetPlayerId(p)))
return get_session_iparam("fs_enabled") == 1 and get_session_param("fs_module") == "inv100"

function inv100_UnitItemInSlot takes unit u, integer slot returns item
return fs_I2It(get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_item" + I2S(slot)))

function UnitAddItemToSlotMy takes unit u, item it, integer slot returns nothing
local integer i = 0

// ### following simple order method doesn't seem to work w/ paused units... :/
// call UnitAddItem(u, it)
// call IssueTargetOrderById(u, 852002 + slot, it)
// return

call UnitRemoveItem(u, it)
exitwhen i >= 6 or i > slot
if i < slot then
if UnitItemInSlot(u, i) == null then
call UnitAddItemById(u, 'phlt')
elseif i == slot then
call UnitAddItem(u, it)
set i = i + 1
set i = 0
exitwhen i >= 6 or i >= slot
if GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(u, i)) == 'phlt' then
call RemoveItem(UnitItemInSlot(u,i ))
set i = i + 1

function inv100_UnitAddItemToSlot takes unit u, item it, integer slot returns nothing
if GetItemTypeId(inv100_UnitItemInSlot(u, slot)) != 0 or IsItemPowerup(it) then
call UnitRemoveItem(u, it)
call set_object_iparam(u, "inv100_item" + I2S(slot), fs_H2I(it))
call SetItemVisible(it, false)
call SetItemPosition(it, get_session_rparam("fs_base_x") - 100, get_session_rparam("fs_base_y") - 100 + slot * 10)

function inv100_UnitDropItemSlot takes unit u, integer slot returns nothing
local item it = fs_I2It(get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_item" + I2S(slot)))
call SetItemVisible(it, true)
call SetItemPosition(it, GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u))
call set_object_iparam(u, "inv100_item" + I2S(slot), 0)

function inv100_UnitHasItem takes unit u, item it returns boolean
local integer i = 0
local integer slots = get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_rows") * get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_cols")

exitwhen i >= slots
if inv100_UnitItemInSlot(u, i) == it then
return true
set i = i + 1
return false

function inv100_UnitHasItemOfType takes unit u, integer it returns boolean
local integer i = 0
local integer slots = get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_rows") * get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_cols")

exitwhen i >= slots
if GetItemTypeId(inv100_UnitItemInSlot(u, i)) == it then
return true
set i = i + 1
return false

function inv100_SetInventorySize takes unit u, integer rows, integer cols returns nothing
if rows < 1 then
set rows = 1
elseif rows > 10 then
set rows = 10
if cols < 1 then
set cols = 1
elseif cols > 10 then
set cols = 10
call set_object_iparam(u, "inv100_rows", rows)
call set_object_iparam(u, "inv100_cols", cols)

function inv100_DrawItem takes integer tid, item it returns nothing
call fs_AddNamedEffect("item" + I2S(tid) , inv100_GetItemFX(GetItemTypeId(it)), tid, false)
if GetItemCharges(it) > 0 then
call fs_AddNamedEffectXY("charges" + I2S(tid), "number", fs_GetTrackableX(tid) + 20, fs_GetTrackableY(tid) - 25, false)
call fs_AddNamedTextTag("charges" + I2S(tid), fs_GetTrackableX(tid) + 1.65 * ModuloInteger(tid, 20) + 2, fs_GetTrackableY(tid) - 30 - 1.8 * I2R(R2I(tid / 20)), I2S(GetItemCharges(it)), 0.015)
call fs_AddNamedEffectXY("charges" + I2S(tid), "", 0, 0, false)
call fs_AddNamedTextTag("charges" + I2S(tid), 0, 0, "", 0)

function inv100_UseItem takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local unit u = fs_I2U(get_object_iparam(t, "unit"))
local integer charges = get_object_iparam(t, "charges")
local integer tid = get_object_iparam(t, "tid")
local integer g = fs_GetTrackableGroup(tid)
local integer slot = fs_GetTrackableGroupID(tid)
local item it = UnitItemInSlot(u, 0)

call setcfg("player", I2S(get_object_iparam(t, "player")))

if GetItemCharges(it) > 0 then
if g == 0 then
call UnitAddItemToSlotMy(u, it, slot)
call inv100_UnitAddItemToSlot(u, it, slot)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_name", " ", 0)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_desc", " ", 0)
call fs_AddNamedEffectXY("cost", "", 0, 0, false)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_cost", " ", 0)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_hint", " ", 0)

if GetItemCharges(it) != charges then
call inv100_DrawItem(tid, it)
call fs_PlaySound("Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\AIam\\Tomes.wav")
call set_session_iparam("selected_item", 0)
call set_session_iparam("selected_cell", -1)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_hint", " ", 0)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("button_label", " ", 0)
call fs_AddNamedEffect("item_select", "", 0, false)

call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_sell", "DISBTNSell", get_session_iparam("button_sell_pos"), false)
call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_drop", "DISBTNDrop", get_session_iparam("button_drop_pos"), false)
call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_use" , "DISBTNUse" , get_session_iparam("button_use_pos") , false)
call fs_PlaySound("Sound\\Interface\\Error.wav")
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_hint", "|c00ff0000Cannot use this item.|r", 0)

call UnitAddItemToSlotMy(u, inv100_UnitItemInSlot(u, -1), 0)
call set_object_iparam(u, "inv100_item-1", 0)

call PauseUnit(u, true)

call DestroyTimer(t)
call flush_object(t)

function inv100_ClickHandler takes nothing returns nothing
local integer tid = fs_GetTriggeringTrackableID()
local integer g = fs_GetTrackableGroup(tid)
local integer slot = fs_GetTrackableGroupID(tid)
local integer p = fs_GetPlayerID()
local unit u = fs_I2U(get_session_iparam("unit"))

local integer tid2 = get_session_iparam("selected_cell")
local integer g2 = fs_GetTrackableGroup(tid2)
local integer slot2 = fs_GetTrackableGroupID(tid2)
local integer charges

local string str
local item it
local item it2 = fs_I2It(get_session_iparam("selected_item"))

local timer t

if g == -1 then

if g == 2 then
call fs_Shutdown(fs_GetPlayerID())

// ####### validity checks #######

if g == 3 and not IsItemSellable(it2) then

if g == 4 and (GetItemCharges(it2) == 0 or GetItemTypeId(inv100_UnitItemInSlot(u, -1)) != 0) then

if g == 5 and GetItemTypeId(it2) == 0 then

// ####### auto-pickup button #######

if g == 6 then
if get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_auto_pickup") == 0 then
if inv100_IsMainInventoryFull(u) then
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("button_label", "|cffffcc00Free at least one slot in your main inventory.|r", 0)
call fs_PlaySound("Sound\\Interface\\Error.wav")

call set_object_iparam(u, "inv100_auto_pickup", 1)
call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_pickup_selected", "selector", get_session_iparam("button_pickup_pos"), false)
call set_object_iparam(u, "inv100_auto_pickup", 0)
call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_pickup_selected", "", 0, false)
set str = "Pickup to Extended Inventory: |cffffcc00" + fs_iif(get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_auto_pickup") == 1, "ON", "OFF") + "|r"
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("button_label", str, 0)
call fs_PlaySound("Sound\\Interface\\AutoCastButtonClick1.wav")

// ####### use button #######

if g == 4 then
if g2 == 0 then
call UnitRemoveItem(u, it2)
call inv100_UnitDropItemSlot(u, slot2)

call inv100_UnitAddItemToSlot(u, UnitItemInSlot(u, 0), -1)

call UnitAddItemToSlotMy(u, it2, 0)

set t = CreateTimer()
call TimerStart(t, 0.02, false, function inv100_UseItem)
call set_object_iparam(t, "unit", fs_H2I(u))
call set_object_iparam(t, "player", p)
call set_object_iparam(t, "charges", GetItemCharges(it2))
call set_object_iparam(t, "tid", tid2)

call PauseUnit(u, false)
call UnitUseItem(u, it2)

// ####### deselect current item #######

if tid2 != -1 then
call set_session_iparam("selected_item", 0)
call set_session_iparam("selected_cell", -1)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_hint", " ", 0)
call fs_AddNamedEffect("item_select", "", 0, false)

call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_sell", "DISBTNSell", get_session_iparam("button_sell_pos"), false)
call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_drop", "DISBTNDrop", get_session_iparam("button_drop_pos"), false)
call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_use" , "DISBTNUse" , get_session_iparam("button_use_pos") , false)

// ####### sell button #######

if g == 3 then
call SetPlayerState(Player(p), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD, GetPlayerState(Player(p), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD) + inv100_GetItemCost(GetItemTypeId(it2)))
if g2 == 1 then
call set_object_iparam(u, "inv100_item" + I2S(slot2), 0)
call RemoveItem(it2)
call inv100_DrawItem(tid2, null)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_name", " ", 0)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_desc", " ", 0)
call fs_AddNamedEffectXY("cost", "", 0, 0, false)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_cost", " ", 0)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_hint", " ", 0)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("button_label", " ", 0)
call fs_PlaySound("Sound\\Interface\\ReceiveGold.wav")

// ####### drop button #######

if g == 5 then
if g2 == 0 then
call UnitRemoveItem(u, it2)
call inv100_UnitDropItemSlot(u, slot2)
call inv100_DrawItem(tid2, null)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_name", " ", 0)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_desc", " ", 0)
call fs_AddNamedEffectXY("cost", "", 0, 0, false)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_cost", " ", 0)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_hint", " ", 0)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("button_label", " ", 0)
call fs_PlaySound("Sound\\Interface\\BigButtonClick.wav")

// ####### item zones #######

if g != 0 and g != 1 then

if g == 0 then
set it = UnitItemInSlot(u, slot)
set it = inv100_UnitItemInSlot(u, slot)

// ####### select / deselect if clicked on item #######

if GetItemTypeId(it) != 0 then
call fs_PlaySound("Sound\\Interface\\MouseClick1.wav")
if tid == tid2 then

call set_session_iparam("selected_item", fs_H2I(it))
call set_session_iparam("selected_cell", tid)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_hint", "|c00999999Click on empty slot to move this item.|r", 0)
call fs_AddNamedEffect("item_select", "selecter", tid, true)

if IsItemSellable(it) then
call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_sell", "BTNSell", get_session_iparam("button_sell_pos"), false)
if GetItemTypeId(it) != 0 then
call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_drop", "BTNDrop", get_session_iparam("button_drop_pos"), false)
if GetItemCharges(it) > 0 then
call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_use" , "BTNUse" , get_session_iparam("button_use_pos") , false)

// ####### clicked on empty slot and no item selected #######

if GetItemTypeId(it2) == 0 then

// ####### move item #######

if g2 == 0 then
call UnitRemoveItem(u, it2)
call inv100_UnitDropItemSlot(u, slot2)

if g == 0 then
call UnitAddItemToSlotMy(u, it2, slot)
call inv100_UnitAddItemToSlot(u, it2, slot)

call inv100_DrawItem(tid2, null)
call inv100_DrawItem(tid , it2)
call fs_PlaySound("Sound\\Interface\\BigButtonClick.wav")

if inv100_IsMainInventoryFull(u) then
call set_object_iparam(u, "inv100_auto_pickup", 0)
call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_pickup_selected", "", 0, false)


function inv100_HoverHandler takes nothing returns nothing
local integer tid = fs_GetTriggeringTrackableID()
local integer g = fs_GetTrackableGroup(tid)
local integer slot = fs_GetTrackableGroupID(tid)

local integer p = fs_GetPlayerID()
local unit u = fs_I2U(get_session_iparam("unit"))
local string str
local item it

if get_session_iparam("selected_cell") != -1 then
set it = fs_I2It(get_session_iparam("selected_item"))
elseif g == 0 then
set it = UnitItemInSlot(u, slot)
elseif g == 1 then
set it = inv100_UnitItemInSlot(u, slot)
set it = null

if g == 6 then
set str = "Pickup to Extended Inventory: |cffffcc00" + fs_iif(get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_auto_pickup") == 1, "ON", "OFF") + "|r"
elseif g == 2 then
set str = "Return to Game (|cffffcc00ESC|r)"
elseif g == 3 then
set str = fs_iif(get_session_iparam("selected_cell") != -1 and IsItemSellable(it), "Sell Item", " ")
elseif g == 4 then
set str = fs_iif(get_session_iparam("selected_cell") != -1 and GetItemCharges(it) > 0, "Use Item", " ")
elseif g == 5 then
set str = fs_iif(get_session_iparam("selected_cell") != -1, "Drop Item", " ")
set str = " "
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("button_label", str, 0)

if GetItemTypeId(it) != 0 then
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_name", inv100_GetItemName(GetItemTypeId(it)), 0)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_desc", inv100_GetItemDesc(GetItemTypeId(it)), 0)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_name", " ", 0)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_desc", " ", 0)

if IsItemSellable(it) then
call fs_AddNamedEffectXY("cost", "cost", 185, 885, false)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_cost", "|cffffcc00" + I2S(inv100_GetItemCost(GetItemTypeId(it))) + "|r", 0)
call fs_AddNamedEffectXY("cost", "", 0, 0, false)
call fs_SetNamedTextTagText("item_cost", " ", 0)


function inv100_PlayCineFilter takes nothing returns nothing
if cfgi("inv100_fadefilter") == 0 then
if Player(fs_GetPlayerID()) != GetLocalPlayer() then
call SetCineFilterTexture("ReplaceableTextures\\CameraMasks\\Black_mask.blp")
call SetCineFilterStartColor(0, 0, 0, 255)
call SetCineFilterEndColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
call SetCineFilterDuration(1.00)
call DisplayCineFilter(true)

function inv100_DetectShop takes nothing returns nothing
if GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetEnumUnit(), 'Apit') >= 1 then
call set_session_iparam("allow_sell", 1)

function inv100_Init takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i
local integer tid
local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
local integer rows
local integer cols
local integer x = 0
local integer y = 0
local item it
local group gr

call set_session_iparam("unit", fs_H2I(u))
call set_session_iparam("selected_cell", -1)
call set_session_iparam("selected_item", 0)

call PauseUnit(u, true)

// ####### validate dimensions #######

set rows = get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_rows")
set cols = get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_cols")
if rows == 0 or cols == 0 then
set rows = cfgi("inv100_default_rows")
set cols = cfgi("inv100_default_cols")
call inv100_SetInventorySize(u, rows, cols)
set rows = get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_rows")
set cols = get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_cols")

// ####### detect nearby shop to allow sell mode #######

call set_session_iparam("allow_sell", 0)

if cfgi("inv100_sell_mode") == 1 then
set gr = CreateGroup()
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(gr, GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u), cfgr("inv100_sell_range"), null)
call ForGroup(gr, function inv100_DetectShop)
call DestroyGroup(gr)
elseif cfgi("inv100_sell_mode") == 2 then
call set_session_iparam("allow_sell", 1)

// ####### attach auto-pickup trigger #######

if get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_enabled") == 0 then
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( fs_I2T(cfgi("inv100_exit_trigger")), u, EVENT_UNIT_DEATH )
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( fs_I2T(cfgi("inv100_pickup_trigger")), u, EVENT_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM )
call set_object_iparam(u, "inv100_enabled", 1)

// ####### small inventory #######

call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("cornerUL", fs_Coords2Id(1, 6), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("cornerUR", fs_Coords2Id(2, 6), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderL" , fs_Coords2Id(1, 7), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderR" , fs_Coords2Id(2, 7), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("cornerDL", fs_Coords2Id(1, 8), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("cornerDR", fs_Coords2Id(2, 8), true)

set i = 0
exitwhen i >= 6
set x = ModuloInteger(i, 2) + 1
set y = i / 2 + 6
set tid = fs_Coords2Id(x, y)

call fs_SetTrackableGroup(tid, 0)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("central", tid, true)
call inv100_DrawItem(tid, UnitItemInSlot(u, i))

set i = i + 1

// ####### large inventory #######

call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("cornerUL", fs_Coords2Id(9, 0), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("cornerUR", fs_Coords2Id(8 + cols, 0), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("cornerDL", fs_Coords2Id(9, rows - 1), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("cornerDR", fs_Coords2Id(8 + cols, rows - 1), true)

set y = 0
exitwhen y >= rows
set x = 0
exitwhen x >= cols
set tid = fs_Coords2Id(x + 9, y)
call fs_SetTrackableGroup(tid, 1)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("central", tid, true)

set it = inv100_UnitItemInSlot(u, y * cols + x)

if GetItemTypeId(it) == 0 or IsItemOwned(it) or RectContainsItem(it, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea) then
call set_object_iparam(u, "inv100_item" + I2S(y * cols + x), 0)
set it = null

call inv100_DrawItem(tid, it)

set x = x + 1
set y = y + 1
call set_object_iparam(u, "inv100_item-1", 0)

set y = 1
exitwhen y >= rows - 1
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderL" , fs_Coords2Id(9, y), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderR" , fs_Coords2Id(8 + cols, y), true)
set y = y + 1

set x = 1
exitwhen x >= cols - 1
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderU" , fs_Coords2Id(x + 9, 0), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderD" , fs_Coords2Id(x + 9, rows - 1), true)
set x = x + 1

// ####### description box #######

call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("description", fs_Coords2Id(4, 1), true)

call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("cornerUL", fs_Coords2Id(1, 0), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderL" , fs_Coords2Id(1, 1), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("cornerDL", fs_Coords2Id(1, 2), true)

call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("cornerUR", fs_Coords2Id(6, 0), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderR" , fs_Coords2Id(6, 1), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("cornerDR", fs_Coords2Id(6, 2), true)

call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderU" , fs_Coords2Id(2, 0), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderU" , fs_Coords2Id(3, 0), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderU" , fs_Coords2Id(4, 0), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderU" , fs_Coords2Id(5, 0), true)

call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderD" , fs_Coords2Id(2, 2), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderD" , fs_Coords2Id(3, 2), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderD" , fs_Coords2Id(4, 2), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderD" , fs_Coords2Id(5, 2), true)

// ####### buttons #######

set x = 1
set y = 4

call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("cornerUL", fs_Coords2Id(x, y), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("cornerDL", fs_Coords2Id(x, y), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("central" , fs_Coords2Id(x, y), true)
call fs_SetTrackableGroup(fs_Coords2Id(x, y), 2)
call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_exit", "BTNExit", fs_Coords2Id(x, y), false)

set x = x + 1

if get_session_iparam("allow_sell") == 1 then
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderU" , fs_Coords2Id(x, y), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderD" , fs_Coords2Id(x, y), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("central" , fs_Coords2Id(x, y), true)
call fs_SetTrackableGroup(fs_Coords2Id(x, y), 3)
call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_sell", "DISBTNSell", fs_Coords2Id(x, y), false)
call set_session_iparam("button_sell_pos", fs_Coords2Id(x, y))
set x = x + 1
call set_session_iparam("button_sell_pos", -1)

if cfgi("inv100_allow_use") == 1 then
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderU" , fs_Coords2Id(x, y), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderD" , fs_Coords2Id(x, y), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("central" , fs_Coords2Id(x, y), true)
call fs_SetTrackableGroup(fs_Coords2Id(x, y), 4)
call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_use" , "DISBTNUse" , fs_Coords2Id(x, y), false)
call set_session_iparam("button_use_pos", fs_Coords2Id(x, y))
set x = x + 1
call set_session_iparam("button_use_pos", -1)

if cfgi("inv100_allow_drop") == 1 then
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderU" , fs_Coords2Id(x, y), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("borderD" , fs_Coords2Id(x, y), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("central" , fs_Coords2Id(x, y), true)
call fs_SetTrackableGroup(fs_Coords2Id(x, y), 5)
call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_drop" , "DISBTNDrop" , fs_Coords2Id(x, y), false)
call set_session_iparam("button_drop_pos", fs_Coords2Id(x, y))
set x = x + 1
call set_session_iparam("button_drop_pos", -1)

call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("cornerUR", fs_Coords2Id(x, y), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("cornerDR", fs_Coords2Id(x, y), true)
call fs_AddBackgroundEffect("central" , fs_Coords2Id(x, y), true)
call fs_SetTrackableGroup(fs_Coords2Id(x, y), 6)
call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_pickup", "BTNAutoPickup", fs_Coords2Id(x, y), false)
call set_session_iparam("button_pickup_pos", fs_Coords2Id(x, y))
if get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_auto_pickup") == 1 then
call fs_AddNamedEffect("button_pickup_selected", "selector", fs_Coords2Id(x, y), false)

call fs_AddNamedTextTag("button_label", 380, 400 , " ", 0)

call fs_AddNamedTextTag("item_hint", 150, 720, " ", 0)
call fs_AddNamedTextTag("item_desc", 150, 774, " ", 0)
call fs_AddNamedTextTag("item_cost", 185, 874, " ", 0)
call fs_AddNamedTextTag("item_name", 150, 924, " ", 0)

call fs_PlaySound("Sound\\Interface\\RightGlueScreenPopDown.wav")
call inv100_PlayCineFilter()
// call dbg("player " + cfg("player") + " entered inventory")

function inv100_Exit takes nothing returns nothing
call inv100_PlayCineFilter()
call fs_PlaySound("Sound\\Interface\\RightGlueScreenPopUp.wav")
call PauseUnit(fs_I2U(get_session_iparam("unit")), false)
if cfgi("inv100_lock_cam") == 1 then
call SetCameraTargetControllerNoZForPlayer(Player(fs_GetPlayerID()), fs_I2U(get_session_iparam("unit")), 0, 0, false)
// call dbg("player " + cfg("player") + " exited inventory")

function inv100_SaveToCache takes gamecache cache, string missionkey, string label, unit u returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local integer rows = get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_rows")
local integer cols = get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_cols")
call StoreBoolean(cache, missionkey, label + "_inventory", true)
call StoreInteger(cache, missionkey, label + "_rows", rows)
call StoreInteger(cache, missionkey, label + "_cols", cols)
call StoreInteger(cache, missionkey, label + "_auto_pickup", get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_auto_pickup"))
exitwhen i >= rows * cols
call StoreInteger(cache, missionkey, label + "_item" + I2S(i), GetItemTypeId(inv100_UnitItemInSlot(u, i)))
call StoreInteger(cache, missionkey, label + "_charges" + I2S(i), GetItemCharges(inv100_UnitItemInSlot(u, i)))
set i = i + 1
// call dbg("saved label '" + label + "'...")

function inv100_LoadFromCache takes gamecache cache, string missionkey, string label, unit u returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local integer rows = GetStoredInteger(cache, missionkey, label + "_rows")
local integer cols = GetStoredInteger(cache, missionkey, label + "_cols")
local item it
if not HaveStoredBoolean(cache, missionkey, label + "_inventory") then
call inv100_SetInventorySize(u, rows, cols)
set rows = get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_rows")
set cols = get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_cols")
call set_object_iparam(u, "inv100_auto_pickup", GetStoredInteger(cache, missionkey, label + "_auto_pickup"))
exitwhen i >= rows * cols
call RemoveItem(inv100_UnitItemInSlot(u, i))
if GetStoredInteger(cache, missionkey, label + "_item" + I2S(i)) != 0 then
set it = CreateItem(GetStoredInteger(cache, missionkey, label + "_item" + I2S(i)), 0, 0)
call SetItemCharges(it, GetStoredInteger(cache, missionkey, label + "_charges" + I2S(i)))
call inv100_UnitAddItemToSlot(u, it, i)
set i = i + 1
if get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_enabled") == 0 then
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent( fs_I2T(cfgi("inv100_pickup_trigger")), u, EVENT_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM )
call set_object_iparam(u, "inv100_enabled", 1)
// call dbg("loaded label '" + label + "'...")

function inv100_AutoPickupAction takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
local integer p = GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(u))
local integer slots = get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_rows") * get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_cols")

call setcfg("player", I2S(GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(u))))

if IsItemPowerup(GetManipulatedItem()) or get_session_iparam("fs_enabled") == 1 or get_object_iparam(u, "inv100_auto_pickup") == 0 then

exitwhen i >= slots
if GetItemTypeId(inv100_UnitItemInSlot(u, i)) == 0 then
call inv100_UnitAddItemToSlot(u, GetManipulatedItem(), i)
set i = i + 1

function inv100_ExitEscapeAction takes nothing returns nothing
if cfgi("inv100_allow_escape") == 1 then
call fs_Shutdown(GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer()))

function inv100_ExitOnDeathAction takes nothing returns nothing
local integer p = GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetDyingUnit()))
call setcfg("player", I2S(p))
if get_session_iparam("unit") == fs_H2I(GetDyingUnit()) then
call fs_Shutdown(p)

function inv100_EnterAction takes nothing returns nothing
if GetSpellAbilityId() != cfgi("inv100_ability") then

call IssueImmediateOrderBJ( GetTriggerUnit(), "stop" )
call TriggerSleepAction( 0.00 )
call fs_LoadModule(GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit())), "inv100")

function InitTrig_inventory_module takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t
local integer i = 0

set t = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerAddAction(t, function inv100_AutoPickupAction)
call setcfg("inv100_pickup_trigger", I2S(fs_H2I(t)))

set t = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerAddAction(t, function inv100_ExitOnDeathAction)
call setcfg("inv100_exit_trigger", I2S(fs_H2I(t)))

set t = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerAddAction(t, function inv100_ExitEscapeAction)
exitwhen i >= 12
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEventEndCinematic(t, Player(i))
set i = i + 1

set t = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerAddAction(t, function inv100_EnterAction)
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CHANNEL)


New Member
Reaction score
Last trigger...

TRIGGER FOUR: inventory init item settings

function inv100_RegisterItem takes integer i, integer did, string name, string desc, integer cost returns nothing
call StoreString(udg_fs_cache, I2S(i), "name", name)
call StoreString(udg_fs_cache, I2S(i), "desc", desc)
call StoreInteger(udg_fs_cache,I2S(i), "cost", cost)
call fs_RegisterEffect(did, "inv100_item" + I2S(i))

function InitTrig_inventory_init_item_settings takes nothing returns nothing
// To add your custom items, do the following:
// 1. Go to Destructibles tab in Object Editor, open "Custom Destructibles" section
// 2. Copy and paste any of the "inv100_IconXXX" objects, then change the
// "Art - Replaceable Texture File" field to the path to your item icon
// (make sure you've imported icon itself :))
// 3. Copy and uncomment the example line below this comment block
// replace:
// 'I000' with code of your item (press Ctrl+D in Object Editor to view codes)
// 'B000' with code of destructible you created on step 2
// "Name" and "Description" with those of your item
// 100 with gold cost of your item
// 4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each custom item you have.
// data for custom items

// call inv100_RegisterItem('I000', 'B000', "Name", "Description", 100)

// data for standard items
// based on ItemStrings.txt, ItemFunc.txt & ItemData.slk v1.18 (274 items total)

call inv100_RegisterItem('amrc', 'BI00', "Amulet of Recall", "Can be used to teleport units to the user.", 250)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ankh', 'BI01', "Ankh of Reincarnation", "Allows reincarnation upon death.", 800)
call inv100_RegisterItem('belv', 'BI02', "Boots of Quel'Thalas +6", "Provides a bonus to Agility.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('bgst', 'BI03', "Belt of Giant Strength +6", "Provides a bonus to Strength.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('bspd', 'BI04', "Boots of Speed", "Increases movement rate.", 250)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ccmd', 'BI05', "Scepter of Mastery", "Allows mind control of non-Hero units.", 1000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ciri', 'BI06', "Robe of the Magi +6", "Provides a bonus to Intelligence.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ckng', 'BI07', "Crown of Kings +5", "Provides a +5 bonus to Agility, Strength, and Intelligence.", 1000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('clsd', 'BI08', "Cloak of Shadows", "Provides the Shadowmeld ability.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('crys', 'BI09', "Crystal Ball", "Permits the viewing of distant areas.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('desc', 'BI10', "Kelen's Dagger of Escape", "Teleports the Hero a short distance.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('flag', 'BI11', "Human Flag", "Can be captured in special scenarios.", 1000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('nflg', 'BI12', "Night Elf Flag", "Can be captured in special scenarios.", 1000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('oflg', 'BI13', "Orc Flag", "Can be captured in special scenarios.", 1000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('uflg', 'BI14', "Undead Flag", "Can be captured in special scenarios.", 1000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('gemt', 'BI15', "Gem of True Seeing", "Permits invisible units to be seen.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('gobm', 'BI16', "Goblin Land Mines", "Explosive mines.", 225)
call inv100_RegisterItem('gsou', 'BI17', "Soul Gem", "Allows the theft of a Hero's soul.", 1000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('guvi', 'BI18', "Glyph of Ultravision", "Improves night vision.", 125)
call inv100_RegisterItem('gfor', 'BI19', "Glyph of Fortification", "Improves building armor and hit points.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('soul', 'BI20', "Soul", "This is a trapped soul.", 1000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('mdpb', 'BI21', "Medusa Pebble", "Turns target unit to stone.", 0)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rag1', 'BI22', "Slippers of Agility +3", "Boosts Agility by 3.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rat3', 'BI23', "Claws of Attack +3", "Boosts attack damage by 3.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rin1', 'BI24', "Mantle of Intelligence +3", "Boosts Intelligence by 3.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rde1', 'BI25', "Ring of Protection +2", "Boosts armor by 2.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rde2', 'BI26', "Ring of Protection +3", "Boosts armor by 3.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rde3', 'BI27', "Ring of Protection +4", "Boosts armor by 4.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rhth', 'BI28', "Khadgar's Gem of Health", "Increases the hit points of the Hero.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rst1', 'BI29', "Gauntlets of Ogre Strength +3", "Boosts Strength by 3.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ofir', 'BI30', "Orb of Fire", "Attacks also do fire damage.", 275)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ofro', 'BI31', "Orb of Frost", "Attacks cause Frost Shock.", 800)
call inv100_RegisterItem('olig', 'BI32', "Orb of Lightning", "Attacks cause lightning damage.", 450)
call inv100_RegisterItem('oli2', 'BI33', "Orb of Lightning", "Attacks cause lightning damage.", 375)
call inv100_RegisterItem('oven', 'BI34', "Orb of Venom", "Attacks cause poison damage.", 325)
call inv100_RegisterItem('odef', 'BI35', "Orb of Darkness", "Attacks can create Dark Minions.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ocor', 'BI36', "Orb of Corruption", "Attacks reduce armor.", 375)
call inv100_RegisterItem('pdiv', 'BI37', "Potion of Divinity", "Turns Hero invulnerable.", 600)
call inv100_RegisterItem('phea', 'BI38', "Potion of Healing", "Restores lost hit points.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('pghe', 'BI39', "Potion of Greater Healing", "Restores lost hit points.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('pinv', 'BI40', "Potion of Invisibility", "Renders Hero temporarily invisible.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('pgin', 'BI41', "Potion of Greater Invisibility", "Renders Hero temporarily invisible.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('pman', 'BI42', "Potion of Mana", "Restores lost mana.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('pgma', 'BI43', "Potion of Greater Mana", "Restores lost mana.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('pnvu', 'BI44', "Potion of Invulnerability", "Renders Hero temporarily invulnerable.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('pnvl', 'BI45', "Potion of Lesser Invulnerability", "Renders Hero temporarily invulnerable.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('pres', 'BI46', "Potion of Restoration", "Restores lost hit points and mana.", 600)
call inv100_RegisterItem('pspd', 'BI47', "Potion of Speed", "Provides Hero with a temporary speed increase.", 75)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rlif', 'BI48', "Ring of Regeneration", "Provides regeneration.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rwiz', 'BI49', "Sobi Mask", "Increases mana regeneration rate.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sfog', 'BI50', "Horn of the Clouds", "Stops enemy towers from attacking.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rhe1', 'BI51', "Rune of Lesser Healing", "Restores hit points to nearby units.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rhe2', 'BI52', "Rune of Healing", "Restores hit points to nearby units.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rhe3', 'BI53', "Rune of Greater Healing", "Restores hit points to nearby units.", 300)
call inv100_RegisterItem('shea', 'BI54', "Scroll of Healing", "Restores hit points to nearby units.", 250)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sman', 'BI55', "Scroll of Mana", "Restores mana to nearby units.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rman', 'BI56', "Rune of Mana", "Restores mana to nearby units.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rma2', 'BI57', "Rune of Greater Mana", "Restores mana to nearby units.", 300)
call inv100_RegisterItem('spro', 'BI58', "Scroll of Protection", "Temporarily increases the armor of nearby units.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sres', 'BI59', "Scroll of Restoration", "Restores hit points and mana to nearby units.", 750)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rres', 'BI60', "Rune of Restoration", "Restores hit points and mana to nearby units.", 250)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ssil', 'BI61', "Staff of Silence", "Stops enemy spellcasting.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('stwp', 'BI62', "Scroll of Town Portal", "Transports troops to friendly town hall.", 350)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tels', 'BI63', "Goblin Night Scope", "Increases sight range at night.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tdex', 'BI64', "Tome of Agility", "Permanently increases Agility.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('texp', 'BI65', "Tome of Experience", "Gives bonus experience points.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tint', 'BI66', "Tome of Intelligence", "Permanently increases Intelligence.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tkno', 'BI67', "Tome of Power", "Gives the Hero an experience level.", 1250)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tstr', 'BI68', "Tome of Strength", "Permanently increases Strength.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ward', 'BI69', "Warsong Battle Drums", "Increases combat effectiveness of nearby units.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('will', 'BI70', "Wand of Illusion", "Creates a phantom double.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('wneg', 'BI71', "Wand of Negation", "Dispels magic in an area.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rdis', 'BI72', "Rune of Dispel Magic", "Dispels magic in the surrounding area.", 75)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rwat', 'BI73', "Rune of the Watcher", "Creates an invulnerable Sentry Ward here.", 75)
call inv100_RegisterItem('fgrd', 'BI74', "Red Drake Egg", "Summons a Red Drake.", 450)
call inv100_RegisterItem('fgrg', 'BI75', "Stone Token", "Summons a Rock Golem.", 450)
call inv100_RegisterItem('fgdg', 'BI76', "Demonic Figurine", "Summons a Doom Guard.", 750)
call inv100_RegisterItem('fgfh', 'BI77', "Spiked Collar", "Summons a Fel Stalker.", 450)
call inv100_RegisterItem('fgsk', 'BI78', "Book of the Dead", "Summons skeletons.", 450)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ktrm', 'BI79', "Urn of King Terenas", "This urn contains the remains of King Terenas.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sehr', 'BI80', "The Heart of Searinox", "The heart of the Dragon Searinox.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('azhr', 'BI81', "Heart of Aszune", "The magical amulet Heart of Aszune.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('bzbe', 'BI82', "Empty Vial", "This is an empty vial.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('bzbf', 'BI83', "Full Vial", "This vial is full of healing waters.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('cnhn', 'BI84', "Horn of Cenarius", "This is the Horn of Cenarius.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('glsk', 'BI85', "Skull of Gul'dan", "This is the Skull of Gul'dan.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('engs', 'BI86', "Enchanted Gemstone", "This is an enchanted gemstone.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('k3m1', 'BI87', "Mooncrystal", "This is one part of the Key of Three Moons.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('k3m2', 'BI88', "Partial Key of the Three Moons", "This is two parts of the Key of Three Moons.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('k3m3', 'BI89', "Key of Three Moons", "This is the complete Key of Three Moons.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('modt', 'BI90', "Mask of Death", "This mask causes the Hero's attacks to drain life.", 1000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sand', 'BI91', "Scroll of Animate Dead", "Animates the dead to fight for you.", 750)
call inv100_RegisterItem('srrc', 'BI92', "Scroll of Resurrection", "Resurrects your dead to fight again.", 750)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rre1', 'BI93', "Rune of Lesser Resurrection", "Resurrects your dead to fight again.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rre2', 'BI94', "Rune of Greater Resurrection", "Resurrects your dead to fight again.", 300)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rspl', 'BI95', "Rune of Spirit Link", "Links units together to distribute damage.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sror', 'BI96', "Scroll of the Beast", "Boosts friendly unit combat damage.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('infs', 'BI97', "Inferno Stone", "Brings down an Infernal Demon.", 750)
call inv100_RegisterItem('shar', 'BI98', "Ice Shard", "Summons an Ice Revenant.", 750)
call inv100_RegisterItem('wild', 'BI99', "Amulet of the Wild", "Summons a Furbolg.", 750)
call inv100_RegisterItem('wswd', 'BJ00', "Sentry Wards", "Conjures a Sentry Ward.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('whwd', 'BJ01', "Healing Wards", "Conjures a Healing Ward.", 600)
call inv100_RegisterItem('wlsd', 'BJ02', "Wand of Lightning Shield", "Casts Lightning Shield.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('wcyc', 'BJ03', "Wand of the Wind", "Casts Cyclone.", 450)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rnec', 'BJ04', "Rod of Necromancy", "Creates two Skeleton Warriors from a corpse.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('pams', 'BJ05', "Anti-magic Potion", "Renders Hero immune to magic.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('clfm', 'BJ06', "Cloak of Flames", "Surrounds the Hero with damaging flames.", 600)
call inv100_RegisterItem('evtl', 'BJ07', "Talisman of Evasion", "Makes the Hero harder to hit.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('nspi', 'BJ08', "Necklace of Spell Immunity", "Grants immunity to magic.", 1000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('lhst', 'BJ09', "The Lion Horn of Stormwind", "Generates a protective aura around the Hero.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('kpin', 'BJ10', "Khadgar's Pipe of Insight", "Nearby units regain mana more swiftly.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sbch', 'BJ11', "Scourge Bone Chimes", "Nearby units gain some life from damage they deal to enemy units.", 450)
call inv100_RegisterItem('afac', 'BJ12', "Alleria's Flute of Accuracy", "Nearby units' missile attacks do more damage.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ajen', 'BJ13', "Ancient Janggo of Endurance", "Nearby units move and attack more swiftly.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('lgdh', 'BJ14', "Legion Doom-Horn", "Nearby units heal and move more swiftly.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('hcun', 'BJ15', "Hood of Cunning", "Provides bonuses to Agility and Intelligence.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('mcou', 'BJ16', "Medallion of Courage", "Provides bonuses to Strength and Intelligence.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('hval', 'BJ17', "Helm of Valor", "Provides bonuses to Strength and Agility.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('cnob', 'BJ18', "Circlet of Nobility", "Provides a +2 bonus to Strength, Agility and Intelligence.", 175)
call inv100_RegisterItem('prvt', 'BJ19', "Periapt of Vitality", "Increases the hit points of the Hero.", 350)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tgxp', 'BJ20', "Tome of Greater Experience", "Gives bonus experience points.", 1000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('mnst', 'BJ21', "Mana Stone", "Provides faster mana regeneration, and can be consumed for mana.", 450)
call inv100_RegisterItem('hlst', 'BJ22', "Health Stone", "Provides faster regeneration, and can be consumed for hit points.", 450)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tpow', 'BJ23', "Tome of Knowledge", "Permanently increases Strength, Agility and Intelligence.", 300)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tst2', 'BJ24', "Tome of Strength +2", "Permanently increases Strength.", 300)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tin2', 'BJ25', "Tome of Intelligence +2", "Permanently increases Intelligence.", 300)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tdx2', 'BJ26', "Tome of Agility +2", "Permanently increases Agility.", 300)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rde0', 'BJ27', "Ring of Protection +1", "Boosts armor by 1.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rde4', 'BJ28', "Ring of Protection +5", "Boosts armor by 5.", 800)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rat6', 'BJ29', "Claws of Attack +6", "Boosts attack damage by 6.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rat9', 'BJ30', "Claws of Attack +9", "Boosts attack damage by 9.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ratc', 'BJ31', "Claws of Attack +12", "Boosts attack damage by 12.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ratf', 'BJ32', "Claws of Attack +15", "Boosts attack damage by 15.", 800)
call inv100_RegisterItem('manh', 'BJ33', "Manual of Health", "Permanent +50 hit points.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('pmna', 'BJ34', "Pendant of Mana", "Provides additional mana.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('penr', 'BJ35', "Pendant of Energy", "Provides additional mana.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('gcel', 'BJ36', "Gloves of Haste", "Increases attack speed.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ledg', 'BJ37', "Gerard's Lost Ledger", "A ledger.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('totw', 'BJ38', "Talisman of the Wild", "Summons Furbolgs.", 450)
call inv100_RegisterItem('kybl', 'BJ39', "Blood Key", "A bloody key.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('kygh', 'BJ40', "Ghost Key", "A ghostly key.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('kysn', 'BJ41', "Sun Key", "A glowing key.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('kymn', 'BJ42', "Moon Key", "A faintly glowing key.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('phlt', 'BJ43', "Phat Lewt", "The phattest lewt, definitely.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('gopr', 'BJ44', "Glyph of Purification", "A glyph.", 250)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ches', 'BJ45', "Cheese", "It's the Cheese!", 250)
call inv100_RegisterItem('mlst', 'BJ46', "Maul of Strength", "Boosts Strength by 1.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rnsp', 'BJ47', "Ring of Superiority", "Provides a +1 bonus to Strength, Agility and Intelligence.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('brag', 'BJ48', "Bracer of Agility", "Boosts Agility by 1.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sksh', 'BJ49', "Skull Shield", "Boosts Strength by 1.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('vddl', 'BJ50', "Voodoo Doll", "Boosts Intelligence by 1.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sprn', 'BJ51', "Spider Ring", "Boosts Agility by 1.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tmmt', 'BJ52', "Totem of Might", "Boosts Strength by 1.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('anfg', 'BJ53', "Ancient Figurine", "Boosts Intelligence by 1.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('lnrn', 'BJ54', "Lion's Ring", "Boosts Agility by 1.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('iwbr', 'BJ55', "Ironwood Branch", "Boosts Strength by 1.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('jdrn', 'BJ56', "Jade Ring", "Boosts Agility by 1.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('drph', 'BJ57', "Druid Pouch", "Boosts Intelligence by 1.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('hslv', 'BJ58', "Healing Salve", "Regenerates lost hit points over time.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('pclr', 'BJ59', "Clarity Potion", "Regenerates mana over time.", 160)
call inv100_RegisterItem('plcl', 'BJ60', "Lesser Clarity Potion", "Regenerates mana over time.", 70)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rej1', 'BJ61', "Minor Replenishment Potion", "Regenerates health and mana.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rej2', 'BJ62', "Lesser Replenishment Potion", "Regenerates health and mana.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rej3', 'BJ63', "Replenishment Potion", "Regenerates health and mana.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rej4', 'BJ64', "Greater Replenishment Potion", "Regenerates health and mana.", 450)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rej5', 'BJ65', "Lesser Scroll of Replenishment ", "Regenerates the health and mana of nearby units.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rej6', 'BJ66', "Greater Scroll of Replenishment ", "Regenerates the health and mana of nearby units.", 500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sreg', 'BJ67', "Scroll of Regeneration", "Regenerates the health of nearby units.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('gold', 'BJ68', "Gold Coins", "Gives gold to player.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('lmbr', 'BJ69', "Bundle of Lumber", "Gives lumber to player.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('fgun', 'BJ70', "Flare Gun", "Reveals an area on the map.", 125)
call inv100_RegisterItem('pomn', 'BJ71', "Potion of Omniscience", "Reveals the entire map.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('gomn', 'BJ72', "Glyph of Omniscience", "Reveals the entire map.", 300)
call inv100_RegisterItem('wneu', 'BJ73', "Wand of Neutralization", "Dispels magical effects in a chain.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('silk', 'BJ74', "Spider Silk Broach", "Webs a target air unit.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('lure', 'BJ75', "Monster Lure", "Draws nearby creeps to ward.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('skul', 'BJ76', "Sacrificial Skull", "Creates Blight at a target location.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('moon', 'BJ77', "Moonstone", "Makes it night time.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('brac', 'BJ78', "Runed Bracers", "Reduces Magic damage to Hero.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('vamp', 'BJ79', "Vampiric Potion", "Damage bonus and life-stealing attack.", 75)
call inv100_RegisterItem('woms', 'BJ80', "Wand of Mana Stealing", "Steals mana.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tcas', 'BJ81', "Tiny Castle", "Creates a Castle.", 800)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tgrh', 'BJ82', "Tiny Great Hall", "Creates a Great Hall.", 600)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tsct', 'BJ83', "Ivory Tower", "Creates a Scout Tower.", 30)
call inv100_RegisterItem('wshs', 'BJ84', "Wand of Shadowsight", "Grants vision of a target unit.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tret', 'BJ85', "Tome of Retraining", "Unlearns a Hero's skills.", 300)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sneg', 'BJ86', "Staff of Negation", "Dispels magic in an area.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('stel', 'BJ87', "Staff of Teleportation", "Teleports the Hero.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('spre', 'BJ88', "Staff of Preservation", "Teleports a target unit home.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('mcri', 'BJ89', "Mechanical Critter", "Creates a mechanical critter.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('spsh', 'BJ90', "Amulet of Spell Shield", "Blocks enemy spells.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rsps', 'BJ91', "Rune of Shielding", "Gives nearby units a shield that blocks an enemy spell.", 300)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sbok', 'BJ92', "Spell Book", "A book full of random spells.", 325)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ssan', 'BJ93', "Staff of Sanctuary", "Heals and teleports a unit.", 250)
call inv100_RegisterItem('shas', 'BJ94', "Scroll of Speed", "Increases movement speed of units.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rspd', 'BJ95', "Rune of Speed", "Increases movement speed of units.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('dust', 'BJ96', "Dust of Appearance", "Reveals invisible units.", 75)
call inv100_RegisterItem('oslo', 'BJ97', "Orb of Slow", "Attacks can slow enemies.", 550)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rreb', 'BJ98', "Rune of Rebirth", "Makes a monster yours.", 250)
call inv100_RegisterItem('dsum', 'BJ99', "Diamond of Summoning", "Summons your units to your Hero.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sor1', 'BK00', "Shadow Orb +1", "Gul'dan's Shadow Orb.", 50)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sor2', 'BK01', "Shadow Orb +2", "Gul'dan's Shadow Orb.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sor3', 'BK02', "Shadow Orb +3", "Gul'dan's Shadow Orb.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sor4', 'BK03', "Shadow Orb +4", "Gul'dan's Shadow Orb.", 300)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sor5', 'BK04', "Shadow Orb +5", "Gul'dan's Shadow Orb.", 350)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sor6', 'BK05', "Shadow Orb +6", "Gul'dan's Shadow Orb.", 400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sor7', 'BK06', "Shadow Orb +7", "Gul'dan's Shadow Orb.", 550)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sor8', 'BK07', "Shadow Orb +8", "Gul'dan's Shadow Orb.", 700)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sor9', 'BK08', "Shadow Orb +9", "Gul'dan's Shadow Orb.", 900)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sora', 'BK09', "Shadow Orb +10", "Gul'dan's Shadow Orb.", 1250)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sorf', 'BK10', "Shadow Orb Fragment", "A fragment of the Shadow Orb.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('fwss', 'BK11', "Frost Wyrm Skull Shield", "A powerful Undead artifact.", 750)
call inv100_RegisterItem('gmfr', 'BK12', "Gem Fragment", "A Gem Fragment from a powerful ring.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ram1', 'BK13', "Ring of the Archmagi", "A powerful artifact with a shattered gem.", 125)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ram2', 'BK14', "Ring of the Archmagi", "A powerful artifact with a fragmented gem.", 300)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ram3', 'BK15', "Ring of the Archmagi", "A powerful artifact with a nearly intact gem.", 550)
call inv100_RegisterItem('ram4', 'BK16', "Ring of the Archmagi", "A powerful artifact with a wondrous gem.", 750)
call inv100_RegisterItem('shtm', 'BK17', "Shamanic Totem", "A powerful Orcish artifact.", 600)
call inv100_RegisterItem('esaz', 'BK18', "Essence of Aszune", "A powerful Night Elf artifact.", 600)
call inv100_RegisterItem('jpnt', 'BK19', "Note to Jaina Proudmoore", "A note to Jaina Proudmoore.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('shwd', 'BK20', "Shimmerweed", "A shimmering plant.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('btst', 'BK21', "Battle Standard", "Thrall's Battle Standard.", 1000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('skrt', 'BK22', "Skeletal Artifact", "Soulfeast the Devourer.", 250)
call inv100_RegisterItem('thle', 'BK23', "Thunder Lizard Egg", "Massive Lizard Egg.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('sclp', 'BK24', "Secret Level Powerup", "Unlocks a secret level!", 75)
call inv100_RegisterItem('gldo', 'BK25', "Orb of Kil'jaeden", "Attacks also do fire damage.", 450)
call inv100_RegisterItem('wtlg', 'BK26', "Wirt's Leg", "The One Leg.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('wolg', 'BK27', "Wirt's Other Leg", "The One Other Leg.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tbsm', 'BK28', "Tiny Blacksmith", "Creates a Blacksmith.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tfar', 'BK29', "Tiny Farm", "Creates a Farm.", 75)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tlum', 'BK30', "Tiny Lumber Mill", "Creates a Lumber Mill.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tbar', 'BK31', "Tiny Barracks", "Creates a Barracks.", 160)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tbak', 'BK32', "Tiny Altar of Kings", "Creates a Altar of Kings.", 180)
call inv100_RegisterItem('mgtk', 'BK33', "Magic Key Chain", "A key chain.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('stre', 'BK34', "Staff of Reanimation", "Animates a corpse.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('horl', 'BK35', "Sacred Relic", "A sacred shaman artifact.", 950)
call inv100_RegisterItem('hbth', 'BK36', "Helm of Battlethirst", "|cff8b00ffUnique|r|nThis helm makes you crave combat.", 4200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('blba', 'BK37', "Bladebane Armor", "Increases armor.", 3500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rugt', 'BK38', "Runed Gauntlets", "Increases strength and armor.", 725)
call inv100_RegisterItem('frhg', 'BK39', "Firehand Gauntlets", "Fiery gauntlets that increase armor and attack rate.", 3500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('gvsm', 'BK40', "Gloves of Spell Mastery", "|cff8b00ffUnique|r|nThese gloves have a highly magical nature.", 1400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('crdt', 'BK41', "Crown of the Deathlord", "|cffff8c00Artifact|r|nA simple crown with the emblem of an unfamiliar Paladin order on it.", 6400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('arsc', 'BK42', "Arcane Scroll", "Restores hit points, mana and increases armor to nearby units.", 1000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('scul', 'BK43', "Scroll of the Unholy Legion", "Animates nearby corpses.", 950)
call inv100_RegisterItem('tmsc', 'BK44', "Tome of Sacrifices", "|cff8b00ffUnique|r|nAn evil looking tome with runes of necromancy etched into the binding.", 1250)
call inv100_RegisterItem('dtsb', 'BK45', "Drek'thar's Spellbook", "|cffff8c00Artifact|r|nA seemingly simple spellbook, handed down from a master Farseer, Drek'thar.", 3350)
call inv100_RegisterItem('grsl', 'BK46', "Grimoire of Souls", "|cff87ceebUnique Consumable|r|nPermanently increases hit points.", 1350)
call inv100_RegisterItem('arsh', 'BK47', "Arcanite Shield", "Increases armor and reduces damage from ranged attacks.", 3500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('shdt', 'BK48', "Shield of the Deathlord", "|cffff8c00Artifact|r|nA magical shield with the emblem of an unfamiliar Paladin order on it.", 9000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('shhn', 'BK49', "Shield of Honor", "|cff8b00ffUnique|r|nA Kul Tiras navy commander's shield.", 3350)
call inv100_RegisterItem('shen', 'BK50', "Enchanted Shield", "Increases armor and hit points.", 650)
call inv100_RegisterItem('thdm', 'BK51', "Thunderlizard Diamond", "|cff8b00ffUnique|r|nA massive diamond that crackles with electricity.", 1190)
call inv100_RegisterItem('stpg', 'BK52', "Clockwork Penguin", "A small clockwork penguin that squeaks.", 450)
call inv100_RegisterItem('shrs', 'BK53', "Shimmerglaze Roast", "Restores lost hit points.", 150)
call inv100_RegisterItem('bfhr', 'BK54', "Bloodfeather's Heart", "|cff8b00ffUnique|r|nThe heart of Bloodfeather.", 2500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('cosl', 'BK55', "Celestial Orb of Souls", "|cffff8c00Artifact|r|nA bright glowing orb that instills peace.", 10000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('shcw', 'BK56', "Shaman Claws", "|cff8b00ffUnique|r|nIncreases attack damage and dispels magic.", 950)
call inv100_RegisterItem('srbd', 'BK57', "Searing Blade", "Increases attack damage.", 1650)
call inv100_RegisterItem('frgd', 'BK58', "Frostguard", "Increases attack damage.", 1400)
call inv100_RegisterItem('envl', 'BK59', "Enchanted Vial", "Regenerates health and mana.", 450)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rump', 'BK60', "Rusty Mining Pick", "Increases attack damage and gives a chance to stun.", 100)
call inv100_RegisterItem('mort', 'BK61', "Mogrin's Report", "A letter for Thrall.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('srtl', 'BK62', "Serathil", "|cffff8c00Artifact|r|nThis massive axe is covered with notches and orcish runes.", 5500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('stwa', 'BK63', "Sturdy War Axe", "Increases attack damage.", 600)
call inv100_RegisterItem('klmm', 'BK64', "Killmaim", "|cffff8c00Artifact|r|nA slender crescent axe that smells of blood and salt.", 7500)
call inv100_RegisterItem('rots', 'BK65', "Scepter of the Sea", "|cff87ceebUnique Consumable|r|nSummons murlocs.", 1000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('axas', 'BK66', "Ancestral Staff", "|cffff8c00Artifact|r|nThis intricate staff has many names carved into it.", 3000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('mnsf', 'BK67', "Mindstaff", "Increases mana.", 1800)
call inv100_RegisterItem('schl', 'BK68', "Scepter of Healing", "A staff that heals others.", 4200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('asbl', 'BK69', "Assassin's Blade", "Increases attack damage.", 2000)
call inv100_RegisterItem('kgal', 'BK70', "Keg of Ale", "Increases hit point and mana regeneration.", 850)
call inv100_RegisterItem('dphe', 'BK71', "Thunder Phoenix Egg", "A rare egg of a Thunder Hawk.", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('dkfw', 'BK72', "Keg of Thunderwater", "A keg filled to the brim with the strongest drink available this side of Khaz Modan!", 200)
call inv100_RegisterItem('dthb', 'BK73', "Thunderbloom Bulb", "An exotic plant well known for its unstable and dangerous properties.", 200)



The Silent Pandaren Helper
Reaction score
And you hope us to find the mistake without telling us where the error line is...Someone better be praying up there. Amen.

(I wonder whether AceHart got his Crystal Ball(tm) fixed.)


Forum Administrator
Staff member
Reaction score
Did you know how to add custom destructables and stuff? Modifying anything without sufficient knowledge leads to unwanted results :p
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  • Ghan Ghan:
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Still lurking
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am great and it is fantastic to see you my friend!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    If you are new to the site please check out the Recipe and Food Forum
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    How come you're so into recipes lately? Never saw this much interest in this topic in the old days of
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    Hmm, how do I change my signature?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    Signatures can be edit in your account profile. As for the old stuffs, I'm thinking it's because Blizzard is now under Microsoft, and because of Microsoft Xbox going the way it is, it's dreadful.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am not big on the recipes I am just promoting them - I use the site as a practice place promoting stuff
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    @tom_mai78101 I must be blind. If I go on my profile I don't see any area to edit the signature; If I go to account details (settings) I don't see any signature area either.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    You can get there if you click the bell icon (alerts) and choose preferences from the bottom, signature will be in the menu on the left there
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I think I need to split the Sci/Tech news forum into 2 one for Science and one for Tech but I am hating all the moving of posts I would have to do
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What is up Old Mountain Shadow?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Happy Thursday!
  • Varine Varine:
    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Heard Houston got hit pretty bad by storms last night. Hope all is well with TH.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Power back on finally - all is good here no damage
    Happy Friday!

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