System Item Ability System


is Skeleton Pirate.
Reaction score
Ability System

Version: 2.1​

This system has been revamped! Now it's using structs instead.
Check the readme for more info. The old version will still be available.


  • MUI/MPI;
  • Supports: Ability Requirements, Attribute/Level Requirements, Level Factor and Instant Use;
  • Capable of adding spells into spell books, but also the regular way;
  • Units are able to unlearn specific spells, but also all of them. (note: the spells must have been added by the system for this to work)

Purpose: Making a cool way of adding spells to units! Adds spells to units depending on items.

// Ability System v 2.1 - by Tukki
//* Example of use:
//*     local spellData d = spellData.create('I000', 'A000', 3) - add the spell with 
//*                                                               3 levels.
//*         set d.instant = true                                - make it instantly 
//*                                                               try to give the unit 
//*                                                               this spell.
//*         call d.addStatReq(0, 0, 0, 2, 1)                    - make it require 
//*                                                               2*ABILITY_LEVEL in level 
//*                                                               to learn the spell.
//*         set d.addSpellBook = 'A001'                         - add the spell into a
//*                                                               spell book when learned.
//*                                                               'A001' is the rawcode of 
//*                                                               the dummy spell book.
//* Now when a unit picks up a item of 'I000' type it will check if he meets
//* the requirements. In this case it requires that he is in level 2/4/6 +.
//* Stuff you may read, but not set:
//* itemId    - the rawcode of the item                 (integer)
//* maxLevel  - the max level of the spell              (integer)
//* spellId   - the rawcode of the ability              (integer)
//* spellBook - rawcode of the dummy spell book         (integer)
//* agiReq    - agility requirement                     (integer)
//* strReq    - strength requirement                    (integer)
//* intReq    - intelligence requirement                (integer)
//* lvlReq    - the hero-level requirement              (integer)
//* factor    - level factor of the requirements        (real)
//* useReq    - whether it has requirements or not      (boolean)
//* spellReq  - the rawcode of the required spell       (integer)
//* spellLvl  - the required level of above spell       (integer)
//* Stuff you may read and set:
//* instant   - if the spell will be instantly learned  (boolean)
library AbilitySystem initializer InitTrig requires Table

        //                        START OF CONFIGURATION
        private constant integer MAXIMUM_ABILITIES = 5    // Max abilities a unit may learn.
        private constant integer MAXIMUM_INSTANCES = 8100 // MAXIMUM_INSTANCES/MAXIMUM_ABILITIES is the maximum number of units who can use this system.
        // NOTE: Only if RETAIN_ON_FAIL and the user fails to learn the spell he will get his
        // resources back.
        private constant integer GOLD_COST         = 0    // The gold cost of the item.
        private constant integer LUMBER_COST       = 0    // The lumber cost of the item.
        private constant boolean RETAIN_ON_FAIL    = false // Give a new item to a failing unit.
        private constant boolean COUNT_BONUSES     = false // Count attribute bonuses (in green)
        private constant boolean INSTANT_LEARN     = false // Instantly learn the item's spell.
        private constant boolean USE_CHARGES       = false // Do you use charged items?

        private constant string DIALOG_MENU        = "Choose ability to unlearn" // Menu text.
        // Error message when a unit tries to learn/unlearn spells.
        private constant string ERROR_DIALOG       = "No abilities to unlearn!" // no abilities?
        private constant string ERROR_MAX_LEARNED  = "Maximum amount of spells learned!" // maximum spells learned!!
        private constant string ERROR_MAX_LEVELD   = "You have mastered this spell!" // When the unit has maxed the spell.
        // Error messages for different requirements, should be rather clear.
        private constant string ERROR_COLOR        = "|CFFFFCC00" // Color of the error text.
        private constant string ERROR_FAIL_REQ     = "You must have following in order to learn the spell:"
        // Different Strength/Agility/Intelligence/Level and ability requirements fail-texts.
        private constant string ERROR_STRENGTH     = "Strength: " 
        private constant string ERROR_AGILITY      = "Agility: "  
        private constant string ERROR_INTELLIGENCE = "Intelligence" 
        private constant string ERROR_LEVEL        = "Hero level: "
        private constant string ERROR_ABILITY_REQ  = "The spell: "
        private constant string EFFECT_PATH        = ""       // The effect path.
        private constant string ATTACHMENT_POS     = "origin" // Attachment point on the unit.
        //                          END OF CONFIGURATION
        private HandleTable unitTable
        private Table       itemTable
        private HandleTable dialogTable
    struct spellData
        readonly integer itemId = 0
        readonly integer maxLevel = 1
        readonly integer spellId
        readonly integer spellBook = 0
        readonly integer agiReq = 0
        readonly integer strReq = 0
        readonly integer intReq = 0
        readonly integer lvlReq = 0
        readonly real    factor = 0
        readonly boolean useReq = false
        readonly integer spellReq = 0
        readonly integer spellLvl = 0
        boolean instant
        static method create takes integer iid, integer sid, integer max returns spellData
         local spellData this = spellData.allocate()
            set .spellId = sid
            set .maxLevel = max
            set .itemId = iid
            set .instant = INSTANT_LEARN
            set itemTable[iid] = this
            return this
        method operator addSpellBook= takes integer sbid returns nothing
         local integer i = 0
            set .spellBook = sbid    
                exitwhen i > 11
                call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Player(i), sbid, false)
                set i = i + 1
        method addStatReq takes integer str, integer agi, integer int, integer lvl, real f returns nothing
            set .strReq = str
            set .agiReq = agi
            set .intReq = int
            set .lvlReq = lvl
            set .factor = f
            set .useReq = true
        method addAbilReq takes integer reqId, integer reqLevel returns nothing
            set .spellReq = reqId
            set .spellLvl = reqLevel
        private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
            call itemTable.flush(.itemId)
    private struct unitData[MAXIMUM_INSTANCES]
        unit u
        integer array spells[MAXIMUM_ABILITIES]
        integer counter = 0
        method add takes integer id returns nothing
            call UnitAddAbility(.u, id)
            set .spells[.counter] = id
            set .counter = .counter + 1
        private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
            call unitTable.flush(.u)
    private struct dialogData
        unit u
        dialog d
        integer array buttonId[32]
        button array buttons[32]
        integer counter = 0
        private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
            call dialogTable.flush(.d)
    private function ErrorMessage takes player p, string message returns boolean
        call DisplayTextToPlayer(p, 0, 0, message)
        return false
    private function ReturnItem takes spellData d, unit to returns nothing
       if (RETAIN_ON_FAIL) then
           if (d.instant) then
                call CreateItem(d.itemId, GetUnitX(to), GetUnitY(to))
            call UnitAddItemById(to, d.itemId)
            call SetPlayerState(GetOwningPlayer(to), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD, GetPlayerState(GetOwningPlayer(to), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)+GOLD_COST)
            call SetPlayerState(GetOwningPlayer(to), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER, GetPlayerState(GetOwningPlayer(to), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER)+GOLD_COST)
    private function CheckStats takes spellData d, unit u returns boolean
     local real f      = 1
     local integer agi = d.agiReq
     local integer str = d.strReq
     local integer int = d.intReq
     local integer lvl = d.lvlReq
     local string s = ERROR_COLOR + ERROR_FAIL_REQ
     local integer i = 0
        if (d.factor > 0) then
            set f = d.factor * (GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, d.spellId)+1)
            set agi = R2I(agi * f)
            set str = R2I(str * f)
            set int = R2I(int * f)
            set lvl = R2I(lvl * f)
        if (GetHeroAgi(u, COUNT_BONUSES) < agi) then
            set s = s + "\n"+ERROR_COLOR + ERROR_AGILITY + "|CFFFF0000" + I2S(agi) + "|r"
            set i = 1
        if (GetHeroStr(u, COUNT_BONUSES) < str) then
            set s = s + "\n"+ERROR_COLOR + ERROR_STRENGTH + "|CFFFF0000" + I2S(str) + "|r"
            set i = 1
        if (GetHeroInt(u, COUNT_BONUSES) < int) then
            set s = s + "\n"+ERROR_COLOR + ERROR_INTELLIGENCE + "|CFFFF0000" + I2S(int) + "|r"
            set i = 1
        if (GetHeroLevel(u) < lvl) then
            set s = s + "\n"+ERROR_COLOR + ERROR_LEVEL + "|CFFFF0000" + I2S(lvl) + "|r"
            set i = 1
        if (i == 1) then
            return ErrorMessage(GetOwningPlayer(u), s)
        return true
    private function CheckSpell takes spellData d, unit u returns boolean
     local string s = ERROR_COLOR + ERROR_FAIL_REQ
        if not (GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, d.spellReq) >= d.spellLvl) then
            set s = s + "\n"+ERROR_COLOR + ERROR_ABILITY_REQ + GetObjectName(d.spellReq) + ERROR_COLOR + " at level " + "|CFFFF0000" + I2S(d.spellLvl) + "|r"
            return ErrorMessage(GetOwningPlayer(u), s)
        return true
    // MAIN - checks requirements and adds the spell to the unit if he passes
    private function AddAbilityMain takes unit to, spellData d returns boolean
     local unitData a = unitTable[to]
     local integer c = d.spellId
        if (GetUnitAbilityLevel(to, c) >= d.maxLevel) then
            call ReturnItem(d, to)
            return ErrorMessage(GetOwningPlayer(to), ERROR_MAX_LEVELD)

        if (d.useReq) then
            if not (CheckStats(d, to)) then
                call ReturnItem(d, to)
                return false

        if (d.spellReq != 0) then
            if not (CheckSpell(d, to)) then
                call ReturnItem(d, to)
                return false

        if (a.counter >= MAXIMUM_ABILITIES) then
            if (GetUnitAbilityLevel(to, c) <= 0) then
                call ReturnItem(d, to)
                return ErrorMessage(GetOwningPlayer(to), ERROR_MAX_LEARNED)

        if (GetUnitAbilityLevel(to, c) <= 0) then
            if (d.spellBook != 0) then
                set c = d.spellBook
            call a.add(c)
            call IncUnitAbilityLevel(to, c)
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(EFFECT_PATH, to, ATTACHMENT_POS))
        return true
    private function RemoveAbilities takes nothing returns nothing
     local dialog di = GetClickedDialog()
     local dialogData d = dialogTable[di]
     local button clicked = GetClickedButton()
     local integer i = d.counter-2
     local unitData a = unitTable[d.u]
        if (clicked == d.buttons[d.counter-1]) then
            set i = a.counter-1
                exitwhen i < 0
                call UnitRemoveAbility(a.u, a.spells<i>)
                set a.spells<i> = 0
                set i = i - 1
            call a.destroy()

            exitwhen i &lt; 0
            if (clicked == d.buttons<i>) then
                call UnitRemoveAbility(a.u, a.spells<i>)
                set a.spells<i> = 0
                set a.counter = a.counter - 1
                if (a.counter &lt; 0) then
                    set a.counter = 0
                    set a.spells<i> = a.spells[a.counter]
            set i = i - 1
        call d.destroy()
        call DialogClear(di)
        call DialogDestroy(di)
        call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
        set di = null
    private function BeginUnlearn takes unit who returns nothing
     local dialog di = DialogCreate()
     local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
     local integer i = 0
     local dialogData d = dialogData.create()
     local unitData a = unitTable[who]
        set dialogTable[di] = d
        set d.u = who
        set d.d = di
        call DialogSetMessage(di, DIALOG_MENU)
            exitwhen i &gt;= a.counter
            set d.buttons<i> = DialogAddButton(di, GetObjectName(a.spells<i>), 0)
            set d.buttonId<i> = a.spells<i>
            set i = i + 1
        set d.buttons<i> = DialogAddButton(di, &quot;Unlearn All&quot;, 0)
        set d.buttons[i+1] = DialogAddButton(di, &quot;Cancel&quot;, 0)
        set d.counter = i+1
        call TriggerRegisterDialogEvent(t, di)
        call TriggerAddAction(t, function RemoveAbilities)
        call DialogDisplay(GetOwningPlayer(who), di, true)
        set di = null
        set t = null
    public function Unlearn takes unit who returns boolean
        if (who != null and unitTable[who] != 0) then
            if (unitData(unitTable[who]).counter != 0) then
                call BeginUnlearn(who)
                return ErrorMessage(GetOwningPlayer(who), ERROR_DIALOG)
        return true
    private function remove takes item i returns nothing
        call TriggerSleepAction(0)
        if (GetWidgetLife(i)&gt;0) then
            if (USE_CHARGES) then
                call SetItemCharges(i, GetItemCharges(i)-1)
                if (GetItemCharges(i) &lt;= 0) then
                    call RemoveItem(i)
            call RemoveItem(i)
    // CORE - checks and makes the appropriate calls
    private function Core takes nothing returns boolean
     local integer id = GetItemTypeId(GetManipulatedItem())
     local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
     local spellData d = itemTable[id]
     local unitData a = unitTable<u>
     local eventid e = GetTriggerEventId()
        if (d!=0) then
            if (a == 0) then
                set a = unitData.create()
                set a.u = GetTriggerUnit()
                set unitTable<u> = a
            if (e == EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM) then
                if (d.instant) then
                    call AddAbilityMain(GetManipulatingUnit(), d)
                    call RemoveItem(GetManipulatedItem())
                call AddAbilityMain(GetManipulatingUnit(), d)
                call remove.execute(GetManipulatedItem())
        set u = null
        set e = null
        return false
    // DEATH RECYCLER - destroys struct on dying non-hero units (as heroes are revivable)
    private function death takes nothing returns boolean
     local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
        if (unitData(unitTable<u>) != 0 and IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) == false) then
            call unitData(unitTable<u>).destroy()
        set u = null
        return false
    // INITIALIZER - sets the stone rollin&#039;
    private function InitTrig takes nothing returns nothing
     local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
     local integer i = 0

        set unitTable = HandleTable.create()
        set itemTable = Table.create()
        set dialogTable = HandleTable.create()
        call unitTable.reset()
        call itemTable.reset()
        call dialogTable.reset()
            exitwhen i == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(i),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_USE_ITEM, null)
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(i),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM, null)
            set i = i + 1
        call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function Core))
        set t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH)
        call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function death))


Methods for different ways of registering spells with items.
static method create takes integer iid, integer sid, integer max returns spellData

Arguments: iid - the ItemID, sid - the SpellID, max - the maximum level

If you want to add a spell into a spellbook use;
method operator addSpellBook= takes integer sbid returns nothing

Argument: sbid - SpellBookID

*         ITEM ABILITY LEARN SYSTEM - v 2.1             *
*                  by: Tukki                            *
*            Give credits when used!                    *
*                                                       *
*   CONTENTS:                                           *        
*                                                       *
*   1 - Implementation/Misc                             *
*   2 - Available Functions                             *
*   3 - Argument Explanations                           *
*                                                       *

[1] &#039;Implementation/Misc&#039;


    * JASS New Gen Pack 1.5b or newer
    * A dummy ability which your items use (Makes them usable) - not really required

1. Click on the Map System folder and press [Ctrl] + C (hotkey for &quot;Copy&quot;)
2. Go to your map and press [Ctrl] + V (hotkey for &quot;Paste&quot;)
3. Save. If it works, congratulations! Else maybe you already have an existing trigger
   with the same name as one of my triggers. If that is the problem then do following
   1. left-click on the name of one of my triggers (the one who is the problem) and change
   the name to something completely different.
   2. Save and if there are no problems then thumbs-up!
   3. Report the problem following the next steps.

=BUGG REPORTS=========================================================================
If you experiance that something is wrong, or see in the code that something is leaking
/missing, please post it in the thread located at from which you downloaded 
this map.

[2] &#039;Available Functions&#039;

=FUNCTION LIST========================================================================
call spellData.create(integer itemId, integer spellId, integer maxLevel)
call &lt;spellData-variable&gt;.addStatReq(integer str, integer agi, integer int, integer lvl, real factor)
call &lt;spellData-variable&gt;.addAbilReq(integer spellId, integer requiredLevel)

set  &lt;spellData-variable&gt;.addSpellBook = integer spellBookId
set  &lt;spellData-variable&gt;.instant = boolean isInstant

call AbilitySystem_Unlearn(unit whichUnit)                                                                                         

call &lt;spellData-variable&gt;.destroy()

The &lt;spellData-variable&gt; is the spellData variable you stored the struct in when you created it
using spellData.create(...). 
local spellData d = spellData.create(....)

The function names are rather self-explaining. But I will give a short description of 
each of them.

create takes integer itemId, integer spellId, integer maxLevel
Syntax: call spellData.create(...) OR set &quot;someVariable&quot; = spellData.create(...)

The basic function. It gives you the spellId ability when you use/pick up the itemId 
item. Store the returned struct in order to use the functions below.

addStatReq takes integer str, integer agi, integer int, integer lvl, real factor
Syntax: call &quot;someVariable&quot;.spellStatReq(......)

Adds stat requirements to the spell. If factor &gt; 0 then all stat requirements will
increase with &quot;stat*factor&quot; per level. The hero must have higher or equal stats in order
to learn the spell.

addAbilReq takes integer spellId, integer requiredLevel
Syntax: call &quot;someVariable&quot;.spellAbilReq(....)

Adds an ability requirement, the hero must have the spell at same or higher level than 
the requiredLevel argument.

addSpellBook takes integer spellbookId
Syntax: set &quot;someVariable&quot;.addSpellBook = &#039;A000&#039;, where &#039;A000&#039; is the spell book id.

Adds the spell directly into a spellbook on the hero instead of onto the usual command

instant takes boolean isInstant
Syntax: set &quot;someVariable&quot;.instant = true/false

Makes the unit who picks up the item instantly learn the spell or not.
Note: This will initially be set to the INSTANT_LEARN boolean.

Unlearn takes unit whichUnit
Syntax: call AbilitySystem_Unlearn(...)

Pops up a dialog with spells the hero may unlearn.

Syntax: &quot;someVariable&quot;.destroy()

Removes the registered spell from the system.

[3] - &#039;Argument Explanations&#039;

=ARGUMENTS USED=======================================================================
boolean isInstant - boolean which may be true or false
unit whichUnit    - the unit who will learn/unlearn things
real factor       - factor for the stat-requirements. [STAT] * [FACTOR*ABILITY_LEVEL]
integer str/agi/int/lvl - different stat names, pretty obvious
&quot;someVariable&quot;    - the spellData variable I store the struct in.
integer ..Id      - the .. rawcode. I.e: The rawcode of the item

                                    END OF README

  • 2.0 - System revamped.
  • 2.1 - A small update, struct 'recycler' added.

Readme and examples of usage are included in the demo map provided.

Screenshots: -

If you have any questions regarding the system post them here, the same applies to bugg reports and improvements. I'm open to your suggestions.


  • IAL_DemoMap.w3x
    52 KB · Views: 539
  • IAL_2.1.w3x
    52.9 KB · Views: 531


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
Reaction score
Considering that this completely rapes (I'll admit it) my Ability From Item system, bravo.
Now, would you like to show how one actually calls the system to add an ability?


is Skeleton Pirate.
Reaction score
Updated Readme.
Considering that this completely rapes (I'll admit it) my Ability From Item system, bravo.
kc102: Just found your system, and I really don't understand the raping. Mine will only be used when you require ability requirements/abilities added into spellbooks and is approx 600 lines long. Yours are much shorter and works perfectly for its purpose, so really, it's just a matter of what the user may need.

Now, would you like to show how one actually calls the system to add an ability?


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
Reaction score
kc102: Just found your system, and I really don't understand the raping. Mine will only be used when you require ability requirements/abilities added into spellbooks and is approx 600 lines long. Yours are much shorter and works perfectly for it's purpose, so really, it's just a matter of what the user may need.

Mine doesn't do spell book, yet. ;)
But mine doesn't require an integer to pass the ability along. You should look at my code for that.
I also hate mucking through a ton of code. lol
+rep for an awesome system.


is Skeleton Pirate.
Reaction score
But mine doesn't require an integer to pass the ability along. You should look at my code for that.

You mean those CoreActions and AddAbility functions? In that case I suppose I could merge them together, but it would decrease the easiness(?) of editing the code as it is at the moment.

+rep for an awesome system.
Thanks. :D


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
Reaction score
You mean those CoreActions and AddAbility functions? In that case I suppose I could merge them together, but it would decrease the easiness(?) of editing the code as it is at the moment.

Wait, my bad.
I thought this system had a limitation when it actually did not.


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
Reaction score
Make it poop out food from your CD drive?

I seriously can't think of anything, really.


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
Reaction score
Oh! Heres an idea.
Make it so each item can be instant or not.


is Skeleton Pirate.
Reaction score
Make it so each item can be instant or not.
Already implemented. Change the 'INSTANT' variable in the config. menu if you want all of your items instant/non-instant or use:
call IAL_InstantUse(integer IID, boolean instant)

for those items you want to be instant/non-instant.

But thanks for idea anyways :p


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
Reaction score
Ah. That works. I've yet to see a mod comment. >.>
Maybe add the ability to do all the function calls in one?
Also, allow for it to depend on an ability of a certain level.
Just a few more.


is Skeleton Pirate.
Reaction score
Maybe add the ability to do all the function calls in one?
You mean an extended call? There's an AddAbilityEx that does all things except for the required ability step.

Also, allow for it to depend on an ability of a certain level.
Check the demo map :p

But thanks for the interest! :)


Throwing science at the wall to see what sticks
Reaction score
private constant function GetEffect takes nothing returns string
    return &quot;Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\UndeadDissipate\\UndeadDissipate.mdl&quot; 
    // change effect-path to your desired effect. 
    //Remember to use &quot;\\&quot; where there&#039;s one &quot;\&quot;.

Why is that a function, and not simply a global?

private constant string EFFECT = &quot;Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\UndeadDissipate\\UndeadDissipate.mdl&quot;


is Skeleton Pirate.
Reaction score
No idea ^^.
Will fix when I'm home later today, but thx for noticing me!


is Skeleton Pirate.
Reaction score

[] Fixed some bugs with the UnlearnAll function. (Where it didn't remove abilities)
[] Added constant for the effect.
[] Updated test map, now it contains example of Unlearn/UnlearnAll functions.
[] Code optimized.


is Skeleton Pirate.
Reaction score

  • Struct use!
  • Table is in use as well! No internal gamecache!
  • Error report revamped!
  • No I2U!
  • More optimized!
  • Supports resource give-back!

Newest version: 2.0


is Skeleton Pirate.
Reaction score

  • Struct recycler added. Now it destroys structs on dead non-hero units.

Newest version: 2.1
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