Member Awards '07

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Poor Demi666 :p
Rep Addict. Thats a bad reward xD (I've won it once ¬_¬)

I'll edit this post later. I'm Tired.. Can't think

i won best potentiol to from andrewgosu <3:rolleyes:

Who said I cannot invent my own list, with some extra commentaries?

  • Best Avatar - Jindo
    Jindo's little flash avatar/animations are always funny to look at.
  • Best Quotes - AceHart
    I remember a thread where a 1-post rookie posted a gigantic, and I mean enormous, script telling "it does not work", and AceHart replying to it "And so?" or something along these lines. That was brilliant.
  • Best Artist - Narwain
    I absolutely love his work, he amazes me every time. Wish I could photowizard like he does.
  • Best Talent Waster - Cohadar
    You are so talented in scripting/programming, why not put some effort into social skills (read: not telling everyone to piss off(*)) and really bloom like a beautiful little flower?
  • Nicest Member - Rheias
    I remember giving you your first rep and you replying back saying thanks. Doesn't happen to me very often. And here you are now, slapping villains with your moderator reputation bar. The Rheias way.
  • Workhorse of the Year - Ghan_04
    It still amazes me what a person can do in a year - you becoming an administrator from a rookie. Keep up the good work, chap.
  • Biggest Potential - Demi666
    I know you can redeem your past sins if you only tried.
  • Technowizard of the Site - enouwee
    We should be thankful for a guy like enouwee sticking around here. He knows everything.

Of course, there are members, who should get a reward too, though I am unable to give it to them because I suffer from a severe form of lazyness.

Happy New Year!

Btw, plus rep me!!!1111++1sdf

(*)I know there are more idiots than there are people, but still, it does not mean you have to be rude to them. :)

>[*]Biggest Potential - Demi666
I know you can redeem your past sins if you only tried.

woaw didnt see that one comming :p

  1. Best Name - acehart
  2. Best Avatar - purgeandfire (the past one)
  3. Best Quotes -
  4. Best Artist -
  5. Best Writer
  6. Best Lurkerv - how the hell should we know this lol?
  7. Best Abuse of the Location Field: purgeandfire
  8. Best Chance for Next Mod/Admin: armedcitizen
  9. Most Evil Member - demi666
  10. Most Likely to Stay - thehelper
  11. Most Knowledgeable -
  12. Most Helpful Member -
  13. Most Responsible Member -
  14. Biggest Spammer -
  15. Biggest Rep Addict - drunkengod
  16. Nicest Member - r@i_no_wyrm
  17. Funniest Member - 2-P
  18. Wisest Member

Staff Awards​

  1. Most Assertive - emjlr3
  2. Most Respected Mod - acehart
  3. Most Helpful - ghan_04
  4. Most Under Appreciated
  5. Nicest - thehelper

so many empty spaces :<

why am i evil :(? you dont know me:( im nice:(
Reaction score
1. Best Name-Pineapple;)
2. Best Avatar- ~Gals~
3. Best Quotes-enjoyed Seth's many times
4. Best Artist- N/A
5. Best Writer- N/A (dunno I don't read that one)
6. Best Lurker- N/A (???)
7. Best Abuse of the Location Field- Any member who joined after June 2007 and just wanted one thing
8. Best Chance for Next Mod/Admin-Andrewgosu
9. Most Evil Member-Seth (who else?)
10. Most Likely to Stay- Any of the staff and Undeadorcjerk
11. Most Knowledgeable- Andrewgosu/Acehart
12. Most Helpful Member-Acehart/Andrewgosu
13. Most Responsible Member- Acehart
14. Biggest Spammer- 2-P
15. Biggest Rep Addict-Me (check it like 3-4 times per day! :cool:)
16. Nicest Member-Acehart
17. Funniest Member- Acehart
18. Wisest Member-Wiseman_2 (pun intended)

Staff Awards

1. Most Assertive-Seth
2. Most Respected Mod-Acehart
3. Most Helpful-Most of em
4. Most Under Appreciated-most are pretty under appreciated @ the tech support, but all are appreciated by me :D
5. Nicest-Thehelper

Nicest Memeber - AceHart
Nicest Staff Member - TheHelper



New Member
Reaction score
> Wisest Member = AceHart (Knowledgeable = Wisest?)

Being wise is somewhat different :) For instance, one could always know what to do, even if one has absolutely zero knowledge related to the subject. His decisions are based on different things (Don't ask me what...!)

...Agreed, and although that's not particularly conclusive one may extrapolate upon your point as to what it is you've endeavored to illustrate. At least someone has articulated a distinction. Wisdom, in any case, is somewhat ineffable; meaning that it cannot be put into words. In my opinion wisdom is known only to its beholder. Put another way, the Bible says of Wisdom: "She is known only by her daughters." So in one sense Wisdom begets Wisdom, or bears witness to.

I’ll put a challenge out there, and he who answers me correctly will have earned my vote for wisest member in 07, and maybe some plus rep if they manage to nail it head on: Why is Wisdom often referred to as a mother, a daughter, or mostly female in origin? This is most often the case in the Old Testament, but also throughout the Bible and in other literature as well.

Please if you have an answer place it in spoiler tags as I do not wish to segway this thread off topic, thank you.

Without further a duo, here are my nominees:
2007 Member Awards '07​
1. Best Name: ArmedCitizen
2. Best Avatar: Darkchaoself – probably not the best, but makes me laugh every time.
3. Best Quotes: Ace - from what I can tell.
4. Best Artist: Vicboy - you guys have to check out his gallery, it was created by a 5th grader and it rocks.
5. Best Writer: Ninva – Apparently Seth must be good, but I have yet to read any of his material.
6. Best Lurker: Show yourself! – Maybe Ninva, I heard he was in hiding once. I just think that means however that he was not yet logged in.
7. Best Abuse of the Location Field: TheDamien – I thought his was clever, I think it’s suppose to be a map of streets in his neighborhood.
8. Best Chance for Next Mod/Admin: N/A
9. Most Evil Member: Demi666 or Seth – Demi666 based only on name. I think that Seth’s pics in the post an introduction/pics thread were pretty dark, though I don’t think him any more or less evil then the rest, including myself.
10. Most Likely to Stay: well, no one…eventually, we all must part.
11. Most Knowledgeable: Enouwee – knowledge meaning most things known.
12. Most Helpful Member: Enouwee – I don’t ask for help often, but enouwee has always been there.
13. Most Responsible Member: Rheias
14. Biggest Spammer: Not sure.
15. Biggest Rep Addict: Myself; Father_Yetti – not really but who knows. How can you tell; only if someone admits it or is asking for rep all the time?
16. Nicest Member: SilverHawk
17. Funniest Member: TheDamien
18. Wisest Member: TBA

Staff Awards
1. Most Assertive: Seth
2. Most Respected Mod: The Helper
3. Most Helpful: The Helper
4. Most Under Appreciated: Sprage
5. Nicest: Ghan_04

Lastly, I would ask that if anyone is going to take the time to quote someone then please include only the portion of their post you find relevant to your response. Listing all 23 of their nominations again is a little redundant and waste everyone’s time, thank you.

P.S. I am graciously humbled; thanks Ghan_04 and Wiseman_2 for the nominations.


Reaction score
4. Best Artist newbwc3; i am talking hand drawn art
Yay I got one!

Now most of these I don't know cause I don't hang around here in the forum much, but do come for awhile each day.

Best concept of name/avatar/location: Insane! [I like the whole insane thing]
Best Avatar: me
Best Quotes: dunno probably Seth
Best Graphic Artist: I'd say w/e and Whitesock
Best Writer : Seth
Best Lurker : PurgeandFire :p
Best Abuse of the Location Field : PurgeandFire
Best Chance for Next Mod/Admin: me! lol joking.
Most Evil Member: No one is evil here at other sites yes.
Most Likely to Stay: The Helper
Most Knowledgeable: The guys in the Tech forums.
Most Helpful Member: The Helper
Most Responsible Member: The Helper
Biggest Spammer: Uh, Demi666
Biggest Rep Addict : Many
Nicest Member: All are nice
Funniest Member: N/A
Wisest Member: N/A
Member who edits their posts the most: Me right after always because of errors.

Staff Awards
Most Assertive : Seth
Most Respected Mod : TheHelper but thats the owner, so I dunno
Most Helpful: Ghan_04
Most Under Appreciated N/A
Nicest : N/A


I Hate Owls. period
Reaction score
Yay! my first time voting here, and i've got votes too :O


Best Name - Mm... Purge
Best Avatar - undeadorcjerk
Best Quotes - me :rolleyes: "Looks Like Vomit :p" and i got rep for it :p
Best Artist - w/e, nice works
Best Writer - ?
Best Lurker - ?
Best Abuse of the Location Field - ?
Best Chance for Next Mod/Admin - ?
Most Evil Member - Seth, he banned me :<
Most Likely to Stay - Rheias
Most Knowledgeable - Thehelper :p
Most Helpful Member - Purge o_O
Most Responsible Member - Rheias
Biggest Spammer - UBerplayer <3
Biggest Rep Addict - Demi666
Nicest Member - Jindo
Funniest Member - Pineapple
Wisest Member - AceHart

Staff Awards

Most Assertive - ?
Most Respected Mod - Seth <3
Most Helpful - err TheHelper, Duh?
Most Under Appreciated - dunno
Nicest - Rheias


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
>> Originally Posted by Mahucharn View Post
1. Best Name-Pineapple
2. Best Avatar- ~Gals~

Which avatar? xD


What is this i dont even
Reaction score
  1. Best Name - Pyrogasm
  2. Best Avatar - MercChris
  3. Best Quotes - AceHart
  4. Best Artist - WhiteSock
  5. Best Writer - Seth
  6. Best Lurker - Undecided
  7. Best Abuse of the Location Field - Undecided
  8. Best Chance for Next Mod/Admin - Mase
  9. Most Evil Member - Seth
  10. Most Likely to Stay - Hero(Lawl jk) The Helper
  11. Most Knowledgeable - Ghan
  12. Most Helpful Member - Ghan
  13. Most Responsible Member - SFilip
  14. Biggest Spammer - Demi
  15. Biggest Rep Addict - Purgeandfire
  16. Nicest Member - Jessi
  17. Funniest Member - Undecided
  18. Wisest Member - Ghan, and Ace

Will be with Admin/Mods awards l8er


Reaction score

Most Assertive - Seth
Most Respected Mod - TH
Most Helpful - Acehart
Most Under Appreciated - Daxtreme
Nicest - Dax and TH :D


Shh I didn't edit this, go away.
Reaction score
Best Name
(Me :p)
Best Avatar
Best Quotes
Best Artist
All those who make sigs in the graphics zone
Best Writer
Only 1 i know is
Best Lurker
Best Abuse of the Location Field
Hold on
Best Chance for Next Mod/Admin
(not me)
Most Evil Member
Most Likely to Stay
Insane! / The helper / 11 others
Most Knowledgeable
Tinki 3 (pending)
Most Helpful Member
(I dono)
Most Responsible Member
Orc Tamer (Pending)
Biggest Spammer
(most likely a new member)
Biggest Rep Addict
Nicest Member
Most of the staff
Funniest Member
Wisest Member


New Member
Reaction score
"4. Most Under Appreciated: Sprage"

This makes me want to give you the Best Quote nominee :D

Lol, I have not been here long enough to know why you say that. Please fill me in if you don't mind.


Forum Administrator
Staff member
Reaction score
> Most Under Appreciated - Daxtreme


> Best Name
>(Me )

Pffft :p


There are some who would use any excuse to ban me.
Reaction score
I lol'd at my two votes for "best name".

I'll try:
My Votes said:
Regular Awards
Best Name - undeadorcjerk
Best Avatar - Dtere, Rapmaster, and Chile (They're all the same)
Best Quotes - WastedSavior ("A day without sunshine is like, well, night.")
Best Artist - Narwain
Best Writer - [I don't visit the writing forum]
Best Lurker - [I don't respond to lurkers :p]
Best Abuse of the Location Field - Überplayer
Best Chance for Next Mod/Admin - cohadar (as if...)
Most Evil Member - Acehart deletes all my posts.
Most Likely to Stay - Ghan_04
Most Knowledgeable - enouwee
Most Helpful Member - enouwee
Most Responsible Member - Rheias
Biggest Spammer - Logical_1
Biggest Rep Addict - Demi666
Nicest Member - Jindo
Funniest Member - grim001 and cohadar (when they fight)
Wisest Member - enouwee
Staff Awards
Most Assertive - Seth Cross
Most Respected Mod - Ghan_04
Most Helpful - If I didn't say TheHelper then I'd get shot.
Most Under Appreciated - All the Tech Forum staff...
Nicest - Rheias
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