Offense Bullet Hell Project


In need of sleep
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the name is subject to change, thats for sure

Story: None, if anyone wants to write one, thats up to you

Terrain: As usual, none, but if anyone wants to make pretty stars that would be nice (if you are, make them as units so i can place them around the map) As usual the tileset is invisible, meaning that its black.

Gameplay: Your ship will combat a series of bosses before you are able to fight Big Boss, the bosses are either red <dark> or blue <light> and will take damage depending on what shot hits them, there are currently only 2 types of bosses, this will change.

Systems :
Particle system - this system is what the bullets run off of
Polarity system - Dark and light polarities, if you are hit by your polar bullet, then you will gain mana, if not then you will take damage. For the bosses, you will deal 1/2 to them if you hit their polarity with the same polar bullet.
Mouse based movement - No useage of arrowkeys untill i find out a way to kill the lagg time between press and depress
Difficulty - Increses over time, higher difficulties lead to fast boss attack rates and faster boss bullets.
Boss difficulty - Each boss killed will increse the hp of the next boss, make them durable so itll take more hits to kill them, but this allows for more points to be earned at the end.

A -shoots a fast bullet upwards
C -Changes your polarity from dark to light or light to dark, if you are hit by a bullet that is of the same polarity as you, you will receive 10 mana as a reward.
D -Homeing bullets, by converting your mana at a rate of 1 to 10 lazers, you will spawn homeing lazers that will home onto the boss, these lasers still has a chance of missing


Things i need you guys to test

LAgg, dose it lagg on
Change Log
v1.00 -> v2.00
-Redid core detection system
-Added Boss movement system
-Removed Falling stars
-Redid the bullet movement system
-Redid homeing missle's launch positons
-redid homeing missle's code
-Added a fireing effect for the bullets
-Removed the cooldown for your fire skill
-Changed the homeing lazer icon to be a "button" rather then a "passive"

Change Log 2.0 --> 2.1
-Added Loading and Minimap imamges (provided by DiDdY)
-Redid Missle Angles
-Redid Lazer Attack Patterns and effects
-Added Targeting for bosses
-Added a Auto Laser for the bosses as a constant attack
-Added Bullet Bomb to your ship - Clears the screen of bullets for .8 seconds
-Added Score Counter
-Removed Wall Animation
-Decresed boss counter to 7 (final included)
-Decresed Final Bosse's mp regen for performance
-Added new system for boss attacks (implimented but not noticeable)

ChangeLog 2.1 --> 2.2
-Added New bosses
-Added Creeps
-Reprogramed final boss
-Incresed rest tiem from 5 to 7 seconds
-Added Hero revival at the end of each boss, they revive with 100 hp
-Changed "Change Polarity" hotkey from C to S
-Reprogramed lightning (once again) to target creeps

ChangeLog 2.2 -> 2.3
-Added New Bosses
-Added Combo skill to ship
-Added more feedback to players from game
-Added and changed alot of the specal effects
-Creep Death effect is now an explosion of their corrisponding color
-Red laser hits now blow up in red instead of blue (not on bosses)
-added music

Current Progress
-Finalizeing UI for combo system [FINISHED]
-Updateing all skills to support Mimic System [FINISHED]
-Connecting Combo to Mmic system [FINISHED]
-Makeing timers for combos [FINISHED]
-Polish, i know how much you guys love my specal effects (99.98% of the models used are from wc3)
-Floating Text Feedback <Points Earned, Combo count, Lives counter <people in my school apparently cant see the bar ontop, so im giveing them a number to show how many hits is needed before you die>, Combo timer display, Next difficulty level timer display>
-Boss Death Effects [FINISHED]

Systems that where conveyed but are now trashed
- Lives System - You have X ammount of lives
Reason for removel : Techinally ive given you 50 lives, +10 for every boss kill. That in itself is a lives system. I dont need another one that gives the player even more lives
-Player Homeing System - Replaced by lighting system, looks alot flshyer and never misses

VIDEO SPECAL of v2.05 (never released)
[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="349"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="349"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]


  • BulletHell2.3 optimized.w3x
    674.3 KB · Views: 742


In need of sleep
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alright i found hella crap on my comp and i just cleaned it out, currently defragging... hopefully this will stop my lagg problems

Added something new to the beam paths, they now rotate (either clockwise or counterclockwise, havent decided yet) so they will now come out in a spiral (yes, gurren lagann is still in my system XD) This will also help is makeing a bullet hell like situation XD (i might put these as specal beams, so there will be a mix of stright and curved )

seeing how there are no posts exept for this bump in one day, i doubt anyone is intrested in this project........ (also not to mention the 12 views...)


In need of sleep
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screenies wont serve a game like this any good becuase this game runs on animations for its effects, you wont be seeing any explosions..... so far atleast

if you want i can post what i have so far... im just playing around with paterns and such... oh theres suppost to be more bullets but my comp cant handel it, so for testing purposes its at 2.5 instead of what i wanted at 1

the map is named "lagg" because it makes me lagg

please note, all i have in there is the core bullet creation and slide systems, the footman you get at the start is just for you to look around and to move a unit around (hes also there to test the bullet hit trigger, i will increse the radius so the units are easyer to hit)

this is just the start of the map, this is not the real game, think of it as a tech demo


In need of sleep
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haha messing around i made something funny, but i think it will prove usefull to my map

point click top down shooter system XD

if anyone wants to use it for their own top-down shooter wc3 games, you can use this

this is only the movement system

the stars are there so it looks pretty ^-^

I take that back the first version is compleat ^-^

For those of you who are confused...

bullet hell is unprotected and can be opend

bullet hell v1.0 is protected and cannot be opened

please notice the diffrence in file names

The map's Current state

There are starts that fly at you. you try to doge them
Every time your hero levels the stars will move a little bit faster
Every time you are hit by a star, your ship will take damage, if you get hit too many times, you will die
the edge of the map is presented by two blue parallel lines, your ship cannot pass those two lines
Every time you ship is hit, you ship will fly backwards a bit

good luck and have fun, please do not crash your ship on your way out


In need of sleep
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If anyone is still intrested in this project please post here so i know someone still cares (if not then delete this thread, ill remake this at hiveworkshop)

if anyone is still intrested heres the changelog for the update

Added countdown before game starts, so it dosent start right away
Added the polarity system (red hits deal damg to light armor, while absorbing red hits... same for ligh, only light dose it for light bullets)

ill post it after fixing a bug with nulled points


Formerly, Ban-Lord
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Well I never saw it before after the first time I posted on it =/

Also, I'll test it sometime later tonight.


In need of sleep
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oh just to tell you, because of my main comp problems, im makeing this on my bro's laptop, meaning i wont be able to work on this over the weekdays (for the most part) because i cant test it on my desktop (my personal comp) during the weekdays i will be working on my AoS project, dont worry ill make shure to include some of the units in here, if not all of the units

anyways, new version you shuld expect...... (1.1->1.2)

got pwned? well now you can wait for a rematch! (i might add a reconstuct mode for dead players, where they have to get their mana to a certain ammount before they can respawn)

You only think you have finished the game, the game restarts, and the bosses get much buffer!

Bosses now shoot a random element, request of my bro to make it harder

Adding two new attack patterns, Beam! and *still in thought*

Everything moves now, so it feels like your flying though space at super high speeds (cept for bosses)

not shure if this was in v1.1 but the hp bar now has a grey background (meaning after you shoot the boss to decrese it, the colored bars will be replaced by grey)

The charged beam changes into a spreader (costs more)

The heart is replaced by homeing lazers (costs less)

Form change is now free of charge

points earned is earned thogh how much damage you are dealing to the bosses

Fixed a multiplayer bug where when the difficulty increses, it displays it multiple times

Currently fixing memory leaks and rematch bugs
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Took a looksie at it, and hats off to you. :)

You always manage to make interesting games, and just because people don't take to it right away, shouldn't get you down. Just stick with it and who knows. :D

Anyways, as i said before this is a pretty interesting game. I haven't tried it out in multiplayer, but a fear it may not hold up well. It ran ok on my computer, with minor lag whenever the boss shot, but at about level 15+ when the missles were going pretty fast, it just started to have a constant delay. Other then that it was pretty decent, something to fill my time when i'm bored.

Just a suggestion on gameplay though, perhaps have a polarity shifting boss? or a boss that shoots both polarities (maybe not at the same time :p) instead of just the same one everytime. And maybe also try to randomise the time delay inbetween each attack from the boss?
Just suggestions, as when i played i found it easier just to stay the same polarity as the boss and shoot him since he wouldn't do damage to me but i would still do a little. Or is that a bug? Also it was pretty easy to predict when the boss was going to attack so you could use flame and switch back to electricity just before he shot, then change back after wards.

But all in all good effort, you always seem to have such pretty models xD.


In need of sleep
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thanks for the comments, but i wont be able to release the next version till next week cuz my bro and his laptop is going back to collage T.T so till next weekend i cant really give you anything.... (maby a bugged version at best, cant test on desktop, laggs at level 1 T.T)

hmm about the missle speeds, ive bin getting complaints about them too, maby for the levels ill just make them deal extra damage or something

funny, the last thing i thought of was giveing the last boss polarity shift (i dont want to give that to the mini bosses because i dont want players to feel like their fighting the same boss, dont worry more bosses willl come) in the version im working on ive alredy made it so the bosses will fire a random element. The random attack time thing sounds good, i like it, its going in ^-^. The easy to predict thing is gone because i made it so the boss will shoot a random element (added on my bros request after showing him the map, but dont worry youll get your place too XD)

Every model exept for the spaceship (which i ripped from project orbitos) and the ground (which i also ripped from project orbitos) are blizzards, thats how i keep the filesize of my maps so low, everything i use.. well just about everything are blizzards.

as for my depression, it was because noone even bothered looking at this <before i posted the request fourm> anyways, ill stick with this project over the weekends and ill do mini aos over the weekdays because of comp trubbles, till next week ^-^
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So i played it on multiplayer and it worked ok. But then again that was over lan...

Just some other suggestions and things i noticed. When you get hit, you get pushed around even though you "absorb" the shot. I think you should change it so that you only get pushed around by the opposite polarity to you. Also, maybe you should have different patterns for each boss? or maybe each boss has the same set of patterns it shoots, but they just randomly shoot a pattern each time rather then shooting the same "split/shotgun" pattern. How about having the boss move side to side? It'd make it like a top down shooter, something akin to raiden/1942/demonstar etc etc. I think it'd make it more fun rather than having the boss just sit there. :p

Also something you should note is, I think that there are leaks somewhere. When i was playing it over lan and i died, I took a look at the resources it was taking it up, and it just kept going up...

Just a few notes for you =)


In need of sleep
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yea, i ran the map though a leak check today, all of them shuld be fixed by version 1.2

i actualy liked it when i got pushed back, cuz it gave a sense that you got hit. Think of it like this, you have a sheild, and your sheild gets hit by an artilary (asumeing that your sheild holds) your gona get pushed back, you might be unharmed, but your gona get pushed back

as for the creeps, i originaly inteded it so you had to kill an X ammount of creeps before the boss came... but i had trubble makeing the AI and the pathing maps for them (like they would swoop down, then fly up, then remove them) so instead they where replaced by the stars, and i was like, hey that was pretty fun dogeing stars XD so thats how you got this map.... haha dont worry, ill add some in ^-^

Boss attack patterns stay till i figure out better boss patterns, te same for their pathing map (like how they would fly) but, most bosses in topdowns dont really move, but thats only because they take up the entire screen

over the past hour ive bin adding functions to preload so there wont be as much lagg, on my laptop it runs at around 20fps at start, and once the boss and heros spawn it drops to about 19ish and it stays

currently de-bugging the reset system and remakeing the difficulty system

edit: thats odd i just tested it and your right, the memory useing keeps on going up... if leak checker says theres no leaks, and ive made shure to check everything, then whats going on? im going to ask the people here about this


In need of sleep
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new version is out, it was rushed due to my main comps lack of ability to test it, so some suggestions are left out.. includeing the credits (it laggs WE) so till next week i doubt i can do any more mapping, but leave your comments and suggestions


  • Bullet Hellv1.2(protected).w3x
    40.4 KB · Views: 284


In need of sleep
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update: for slower computers, i am makeing a "slim" version, the ammount of bullets are halved and the ammount of bullets you produce are halved, but each bullet will deal 2x normal damage (also increses the main attack cooldown drom .1 to .2)

Bullet count reduced to 50%
Walls are not animated
healing spray removed from bullet's models

so far, these changes has incresed my desktops fps from 0.4 to around 4.0, i will continue to remove effects untill it is playable on low end computers like mine

i will continue the list of changes untill the fps reaches a stable 20 in combat


Ueki Fan (Ueki is watching you)
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OMG you Quadruple-posted

I haven't played your map, I just dropped by to read something because I'm bored. Anyway, here's a comment. If you reduce the number of the Bullet, that'll make them easier to dodge and thus doubling the damage doesn't really "keeping the damage on the par"


In need of sleep
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yes, but all 4 of those posts where atleast one day appart

im increseing the timers so in turn i will dubble the hit circles (from .04 secs to .08 secs)]

and this one is inbetween a post ^-^
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Tried version 1.2 but it seemed laggier then before? you said you reduced the number of missles but it felt like there were more xD. Cool you added the random attack time and changing polarity made it feel harder ;) from what i played anyways.


In need of sleep
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actualy, slim was never released.... currently only v1.2 is out v1.2 slim is comming out soon

the reason for the lag is because of the wall units moveing along with the missles, im makeing a slim version for people like you whos comp cant take that many units


In need of sleep
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Computer Update:
I found the cause of my lagg/restarts, internal temperature going too high. I recently found two fans that are broken, untill i fix those i cannot map.

had my uncle come over, he found that the cpu's internal fan is also broken, so im getting that replaced now

Ideas update: PvP version of this map, bosses are gone and only the players are left, so what do they do? they decide to duke it out with each other! for lagg purposes, in this mode there will be no stray stars and the walls will not move, so its like your in stilled space, you also cannot move over the 1/2 way mark <for targetting purposes>
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