Error; For something that doesnt exists.


New Member
Reaction score
I get an error when i saving my map, when i just installed EGUI.
It says Function Redeclared: GetUnitId, which collides with AIDS.

But the real problem is This Errors with GetLastOrder library( By Rising_Dusk ).
And I havent get that Trigger. :p

Does anyone know the sulution to this?



I'm still looking for my Tangent
Reaction score
Why do you want to use EGUI?
I know I said (somewhere) that EGUI shouldn't be used until it's updated ._.


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
Back to the problem...
The problem is that that library exists in the (I think) EGUI Core trigger, or whatever it's called :S

I'd simply suggest you either use EGUI and code in GUI (And also remove or just disable AIDS) or you learn v/JASS and remove EGUI and code with AIDS as the Unit-Indexer ;)

That's the only solution I can see XD


Good Idea™
Reaction score
Gone are the days where people care to investigate the problem...

EGUI uses the deprecated system UnitIndexingUtils. To use EGUI with AIDS with no penalty (as far as I know), install AIDS into your map as per usual, and then in the Knockback "trigger" in the EGUI folder, replace the whole thing with this:
//*                                                                            *
//*                             K N O C K B A C K                              *
//*                                Actual Code                                 *
//*                                   v1.06                                    *
//*                                                                            *
//*                              By: Rising_Dusk                               *
//*                                                                            *

library Knockback initializer Init needs TerrainPathability, GroupUtils, UnitIndexingUtils, LastOrder
    //* These are the configuration constants for the system
    //* EFFECT_ATTACH_POINT:  Where on the unit the effect attaches
    //* EFFECT_PATH_WATER:    What special effect to attach over water
    //* EFFECT_PATH_GROUND:   What special effect to attach over ground
    //* DEST_RADIUS:          Radius around which destructs die
    //* DEST_RADIUS_SQUARED:  Radius squared around which destructs die
    //* ADJACENT_RADIUS:      Radius for knocking back adjacent units
    //* ADJACENT_FACTOR:      Factor for collision speed transfers
    //* TIMER_INTERVAL:       The interval for the timer that gets run
    //* ISSUE_LAST_ORDER:     A boolean to issue last orders or not
    private constant string         EFFECT_ATTACH_POINT = "origin"
    private constant string         EFFECT_PATH_WATER   = "MDX\\KnockbackWater.mdx"
    private constant string         EFFECT_PATH_GROUND  = "MDX\\KnockbackDust.mdx"
    private constant real           DEST_RADIUS         = 180.
    private constant real           DEST_RADIUS_SQUARED = DEST_RADIUS*DEST_RADIUS
    private constant real           ADJACENT_RADIUS     = 180.
    private constant real           ADJACENT_FACTOR     = 0.75
    private constant real           TIMER_INTERVAL      = 0.05
    private constant boolean        ISSUE_LAST_ORDER    = true
    //* These are static constants used by the system and shouldn't be changed
    //* Timer:                The timer that runs all of the effects for the spell
    //* Counter:              The counter for how many KB instances exist
    //* HitIndex:             Indexes for a given unit's knockback
    //* Knockers:             The array of all struct instances that exist
    //* Entries:              Counters for specific unit instances in system
    //* ToClear:              How many instances to remove on next run
    //* DesBoolexpr:          The check used for finding destructables
    //* AdjBoolexpr:          The check for picking adjacent units to knockback
    //* DestRect:             The rect used to check for destructables
    private          timer          Timer               = CreateTimer()
    private          integer        Counter             = 0
    private          integer  array HitIndex
    private          integer  array Knockers
    private          integer  array Entries
    private          integer  array ToClear
    private          boolexpr       DesBoolexpr         = null
    private          boolexpr       AdjBoolexpr         = null
    private          rect           DestRect            = Rect(0,0,1,1)
    //* Temporary variables used by the system
    private          real           TempX               = 0.
    private          real           TempY               = 0.
    private          unit           TempUnit1           = null
    private          unit           TempUnit2           = null

//* Functions for the destructable destruction
private function KillDests_Check takes nothing returns boolean
    local real x = GetDestructableX(GetFilterDestructable())
    local real y = GetDestructableY(GetFilterDestructable())
    return (TempX-x)*(TempX-x) + (TempY-y)*(TempY-y) <= DEST_RADIUS_SQUARED

private function KillDests takes nothing returns nothing
    call KillDestructable(GetEnumDestructable())

//* Functions for knocking back adjacent units
private function KnockAdj_Check takes nothing returns boolean
    return TempUnit2 != GetFilterUnit() and IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(TempUnit1)) and IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_GROUND) and not IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_MECHANICAL) and GetWidgetLife(GetFilterUnit()) > 0.405 and GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetFilterUnit(), 'Avul') <= 0

//* Some additional functions that can be used
function KnockbackStop takes unit targ returns boolean
    local integer id = GetUnitId(targ)
    set ToClear[id] = Entries[id]
    return ToClear[id] > 0
function IsKnockedBack takes unit targ returns boolean
    return Entries[GetUnitId(targ)] > 0

//* Struct for the system, I recommend leaving it alone
private struct knocker
    unit Source      = null
    unit Target      = null
    group HitGroup   = null
    effect KBEffect  = null
    integer FXMode   = 0
    boolean KillDest = false
    boolean KnockAdj = false
    boolean ChainAdj = false
    real Decrement   = 0.
    real Displace    = 0.
    real CosA        = 0.
    real SinA        = 0.
    public method checkterrain takes knocker n returns integer
        local real x = GetUnitX(n.Target)
        local real y = GetUnitY(n.Target)
        if IsTerrainPathingType(x, y, TERRAIN_PATHING_LAND) then
            return 1
        if IsTerrainPathingType(x, y, TERRAIN_PATHING_SHALLOW) then
            return 2
        return 0
    static method create takes unit source, unit targ, real angle, real disp, real dec, boolean killDestructables, boolean knockAdjacent, boolean chainAdjacent returns knocker
        local knocker n = knocker.allocate()
        set n.Target    = targ
        set n.Source    = source
        set n.FXMode    = n.checkterrain(n)
        set n.HitGroup  = NewGroup()
        set n.KillDest  = killDestructables
        set n.KnockAdj  = knockAdjacent
        set n.ChainAdj  = chainAdjacent
        set n.Decrement = dec
        set n.Displace  = disp
        set n.CosA      = Cos(angle)
        set n.SinA      = Sin(angle)
        if n.FXMode == 1 then
            set n.KBEffect = AddSpecialEffectTarget(EFFECT_PATH_GROUND, n.Target, EFFECT_ATTACH_POINT)
        elseif n.FXMode == 2 then
            set n.KBEffect = AddSpecialEffectTarget(EFFECT_PATH_WATER, n.Target, EFFECT_ATTACH_POINT)
        debug else
            debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+" Error (On Create): Unknown Terrain Type")
        return n
    private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer id = GetUnitId(this.Target)
        set Entries[id] = Entries[id] - 1
        if GetWidgetLife(this.Target) > 0.405 and Entries[id] <= 0 and ISSUE_LAST_ORDER then
            call IssueLastOrder(this.Target)
        call DestroyEffect(this.KBEffect)
        call ReleaseGroup(this.HitGroup)

private function Update takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u       = null
    local unit s       = null
    local rect r       = null
    local knocker n    = 0
    local knocker m    = 0
    local integer i    = Counter - 1
    local integer j    = 0
    local integer mode = 0
    local integer id   = 0
    local real xi      = 0.
    local real yi      = 0.
    local real xf      = 0.
    local real yf      = 0.
        exitwhen i < 0
        set n    = Knockers<i>
        set u    = n.Target
        set mode = n.FXMode
        set id   = GetUnitId(u)
        set xi   = GetUnitX(u)
        set yi   = GetUnitY(u)
        if n.Displace &lt;= 0 or ToClear[id] &gt; 0 then
            //* Clean up the knockback when it is over
            if ToClear[id] &gt; 0 then
                set ToClear[id] = ToClear[id] - 1
            call n.destroy()
            set Counter = Counter - 1
            if Counter &lt; 0 then
                call PauseTimer(Timer)
                set Counter = 0
                set Knockers<i> = Knockers[Counter]
            //* Propagate the knockback in space and time
            set xf = xi + n.Displace*n.CosA
            set yf = yi + n.Displace*n.SinA
            call SetUnitPosition(u, xf, yf)
            set n.FXMode = n.checkterrain(n)
            //* Modify the special effect if necessary
            if n.FXMode == 1 and mode == 2 then
                call DestroyEffect(n.KBEffect)
                set n.KBEffect = AddSpecialEffectTarget(EFFECT_PATH_GROUND, n.Target, EFFECT_ATTACH_POINT)
            elseif n.FXMode == 2 and mode == 1 then
                call DestroyEffect(n.KBEffect)
                set n.KBEffect = AddSpecialEffectTarget(EFFECT_PATH_WATER, n.Target, EFFECT_ATTACH_POINT)
            debug elseif n.FXMode == 0 then
                debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+&quot; Error (In Update): Unknown Terrain Type&quot;)
            set n.Displace = n.Displace - n.Decrement
            //* Destroy destructables if desired
            if n.KillDest then
                set TempX = GetUnitX(u)
                set TempY = GetUnitY(u)
                call MoveRectTo(DestRect, TempX, TempY)
                call EnumDestructablesInRect(DestRect, DesBoolexpr, function KillDests)
            //* Knockback nearby units if desired
            if n.KnockAdj then
                set xi         = GetUnitX(u)
                set yi         = GetUnitY(u)
                set TempUnit1  = n.Source
                set TempUnit2  = u
                call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(ENUM_GROUP, xi, yi, ADJACENT_RADIUS, AdjBoolexpr)
                    set s = FirstOfGroup(ENUM_GROUP)
                    exitwhen s == null
                    if not IsUnitInGroup(s, n.HitGroup) then
                        set xf = GetUnitX(s)
                        set yf = GetUnitY(s)
                        call GroupAddUnit(n.HitGroup, s)
                        set m = knocker.create(n.Source, s, Atan2(yf-yi, xf-xi), n.Displace*ADJACENT_FACTOR, n.Decrement, n.KillDest, n.ChainAdj, n.ChainAdj)
                        call GroupAddUnit(m.HitGroup, u)
                        set Knockers[Counter] = m
                        set Counter           = Counter + 1
                    call GroupRemoveUnit(ENUM_GROUP, s)
        set i = i - 1
    set u = null
    set s = null

//* How to knockback a unit
function KnockbackTarget takes unit source, unit targ, real angle, real startspeed, real decrement, boolean killDestructables, boolean knockAdjacent, boolean chainAdjacent returns boolean
    local knocker n  = 0
    local integer id = GetUnitId(targ)
    //* Protect users from themselves
    if decrement &lt;= 0. or startspeed &lt;= 0. or targ == null then
        debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+&quot; Error (On Call): Invalid Starting Conditions&quot;)
        return false
    //* Can&#039;t chain if you don&#039;t knockback adjacent units
    if not knockAdjacent and chainAdjacent then
        set chainAdjacent = false
    set n = knocker.create(source, targ, angle*bj_DEGTORAD, startspeed*TIMER_INTERVAL, decrement*TIMER_INTERVAL*TIMER_INTERVAL, killDestructables, knockAdjacent, chainAdjacent)
    if Counter == 0 then
        call TimerStart(Timer, TIMER_INTERVAL, true, function Update)
    set Entries[id]       = Entries[id] + 1
    set HitIndex[id]      = Counter + 1
    set Knockers[Counter] = n
    set Counter           = Counter + 1
    return true

private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    set DesBoolexpr = Condition(function KillDests_Check)
    set AdjBoolexpr = Condition(function KnockAdj_Check)

library LastOrder initializer Init needs UnitIndexingUtils
//* BY: Rising_Dusk
//* This library has a lot of usefulness for when you want to interface with the
//* last order a unit was given. This can be useful for simulating spell errors
//* and where you&#039;d want to give them back the order they had prior to the spell
//* cast (whereas without this library, they&#039;d just forget their orders).
//* There are some handy interfacing options for your use here --
//*     function GetLastOrderId takes unit u returns integer
//*     function GetLastOrderString takes unit u returns string
//*     function GetLastOrderType takes unit u returns integer
//*     function GetLastOrderX takes unit u returns real
//*     function GetLastOrderY takes unit u returns real
//*     function GetLastOrderTarget takes unit u returns widget
//*     function AbortOrder takes unit u returns boolean
//* There are also some order commands that can be useful --
//*     function IssueLastOrder takes unit u returns boolean
//*     function IssueSecondLastOrder takes unit u returns boolean
//*     function IsLastOrderFinished takes unit u returns boolean
//* You can access any information you&#039;d like about the orders for your own
//* order handling needs.
    //* Storage for last order
    private          integer array Order
    private          integer array Type
    private          widget  array Targ
    private          boolean array Flag
    private          real    array X
    private          real    array Y
    //* Storage for second last order
    private          integer array P_Order
    private          integer array P_Type
    private          widget  array P_Targ
    private          boolean array P_Flag
    private          real    array P_X
    private          real    array P_Y
    //* Order type variables
            constant integer       ORDER_TYPE_TARGET    = 1
            constant integer       ORDER_TYPE_POINT     = 2
            constant integer       ORDER_TYPE_IMMEDIATE = 3
    //* Trigger for the order catching
    private          trigger       OrderTrg             = CreateTrigger()

function GetUnitId takes handle h returns integer
    return GetHandleId(h)

function GetLastOrderId takes unit u returns integer
    return Order[GetUnitId(u)]
function GetLastOrderString takes unit u returns string
    return OrderId2String(Order[GetUnitId(u)])
function GetLastOrderType takes unit u returns integer
    return Type[GetUnitId(u)]
function GetLastOrderX takes unit u returns real
    return X[GetUnitId(u)]
function GetLastOrderY takes unit u returns real
    return Y[GetUnitId(u)]
function GetLastOrderTarget takes unit u returns widget
    return Targ[GetUnitId(u)]
private function OrderExclusions takes unit u, integer id returns boolean
    //* Excludes specific orders or unit types from registering with the system
    //* 851972: stop
    //*         Stop is excluded from the system, but you can change it by
    //*         adding a check for it below. id == 851972
    //* 851971: smart
    //* 851986: move
    //* 851983: attack
    //* 851984: attackground
    //* 851990: patrol
    //* 851993: holdposition
    //*         These are the UI orders that are passed to the system.
    //* &gt;= 852055, &lt;= 852762
    //*         These are all spell IDs from defend to incineratearrowoff with
    //*         a bit of leeway at the ends for orders with no strings.
    return id == 851971 or id == 851986 or id == 851983 or id == 851984 or id == 851990 or id == 851993 or (id &gt;= 852055 and id &lt;= 852762)
private function LastOrderFilter takes unit u returns boolean
    //* Some criteria for whether or not a unit&#039;s last order should be given
    //* INSTANT type orders are excluded because generally, reissuing an instant
    //* order doesn&#039;t make sense. You can remove that check below if you&#039;d like,
    //* though.
    //* The Type check is really just to ensure that no spell recursion can
    //* occur with IssueLastOrder. The problem with intercepting the spell cast
    //* event is that it happens after the order is &#039;caught&#039; and registered to
    //* this system. Therefore, to just IssueLastOrder tells it to recast the
    //* spell! That&#039;s a problem, so we need a method to eliminate it.
    local integer id = GetUnitId(u)
    return u != null and GetWidgetLife(u) &gt; 0.405 and Type[id] != ORDER_TYPE_IMMEDIATE
private function SecondLastOrderFilter takes unit u returns boolean
    //* Same as above but with regard to the second last order issued
    local integer id = GetUnitId(u)
    return u != null and GetWidgetLife(u) &gt; 0.405 and P_Type[id] != ORDER_TYPE_IMMEDIATE and P_Order[id] != Order[id]

function IsLastOrderFinished takes unit u returns boolean
    return (GetUnitCurrentOrder(u) == 0 and Order[GetUnitId(u)] != 851972) or Flag[GetUnitId(u)]

function IssueLastOrder takes unit u returns boolean
    local integer id = GetUnitId(u)
    if LastOrderFilter(u) and Order[id] != 0 and not Flag[id] then
        if Type[id] == ORDER_TYPE_TARGET then
            return IssueTargetOrderById(u, Order[id], Targ[id])
        if Type[id] == ORDER_TYPE_POINT then
            return IssuePointOrderById(u, Order[id], X[id], Y[id])
        if Type[id] == ORDER_TYPE_IMMEDIATE then
            return IssueImmediateOrderById(u, Order[id])
    return false

function IssueSecondLastOrder takes unit u returns boolean
    //* This function has to exist because of spell recursion
    local integer id = GetUnitId(u)
    if SecondLastOrderFilter(u) and P_Order[id] != 0 and not P_Flag[id] then
        if P_Type[id] == ORDER_TYPE_TARGET then
            return IssueTargetOrderById(u, P_Order[id], P_Targ[id])
        if P_Type[id] == ORDER_TYPE_POINT then
            return IssuePointOrderById(u, P_Order[id], P_X[id], P_Y[id])
        if P_Type[id] == ORDER_TYPE_IMMEDIATE then
            return IssueImmediateOrderById(u, P_Order[id])
    return false

function AbortOrder takes unit u returns boolean
    if IsUnitPaused(u) then
        return false
    if not IsUnitPaused(u) then
        call PauseUnit(u, true)
        call IssueImmediateOrder(u, &quot;stop&quot;)
        call PauseUnit(u, false)
    return true

private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return OrderExclusions(GetTriggerUnit(), GetIssuedOrderId())

private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit    u  = GetTriggerUnit()
    local integer id = GetUnitId(u)
    //* Store second to last order to eliminate spell recursion
    set P_Order[id]  = Order[id]
    set P_Targ[id]   = Targ[id]
    set P_Type[id]   = Type[id]
    set P_Flag[id]   = Flag[id]
    set P_X[id]      = X[id]
    set P_Y[id]      = Y[id]
    set Flag[id]     = false
    set Order[id]    = GetIssuedOrderId()
    if GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER then
        set Targ[id] = GetOrderTarget()
        set Type[id] = ORDER_TYPE_TARGET
        set X[id]    = GetWidgetX(GetOrderTarget())
        set Y[id]    = GetWidgetY(GetOrderTarget())
    elseif GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER then
        set Targ[id] = null
        set Type[id] = ORDER_TYPE_POINT
        set X[id]    = GetOrderPointX()
        set Y[id]    = GetOrderPointY()
    elseif GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER then
        set Targ[id] = null
        set Type[id] = ORDER_TYPE_IMMEDIATE
        set X[id]    = GetUnitX(u)
        set Y[id]    = GetUnitY(u)
    debug else
        debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+&quot; Error: Order Doesn&#039;t Exist&quot;)
    set u = null

private function SpellActions takes nothing returns nothing
    set Flag[GetUnitId(GetTriggerUnit())] = true

private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger trg = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerAddAction(OrderTrg, function Actions)
    call TriggerAddCondition(OrderTrg, Condition(function Conditions))
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(OrderTrg, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER)
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(OrderTrg, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER)
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(OrderTrg, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER)
    call TriggerAddAction(trg, function SpellActions)
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trg, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
    set trg = null

library UnitIndexingUtils uses AIDS

library TerrainPathability initializer Initialization
//* BY: Rising_Dusk
//* This can be used to detect the type of pathing a specific point of terrain
//* is, whether land, shallow water, or deep water. This type of detection
//* should have been easy to do using natives, but the IsTerrainPathable(...)
//* native is very counterintuitive and does not permit easy detection in one
//* call. For that reason, this library was developed.
//* The system requires a dummy unit of some sort. There are no real
//* requirements upon the dummy unit, but it needs a non-zero movement speed.
//* More importantly than the dummy unit, though, it needs a custom windwalk
//* based unit ability with a 0.00 duration and no fade time. Both of those
//* raw id&#039;s (for the unit and windwalk dummy) need to be configured below.
//* There is an objectmerger call available for those of you too lazy to build 
//* your own windwalk based ability. Simply uncomment it below and save once,
//* then close and reopen your map and recomment the line.
    constant integer TERRAIN_PATHING_DEEP                           = 1
    constant integer TERRAIN_PATHING_SHALLOW                        = 2
    constant integer TERRAIN_PATHING_LAND                           = 3
    constant integer TERRAIN_PATHING_WALKABLE                       = 4
    private unit Dummy                                              = null
    private constant integer DUMMY_UNIT_ID                          = &#039;hfoo&#039;
    private constant integer DUMMY_WINDWALK_ID                      = &#039;win&amp;&#039;
    private constant player OWNING_PLAYER                           = Player(15)
    //* These variables shouldn&#039;t be adjusted
    private real WorldMinX                                          = 0.
    private real WorldMinY                                          = 0.

////! external ObjectMerger w3a ANwk win&amp; anam &quot;Collision Ability&quot; ansf &quot;&quot; Owk3 1 0.0 Owk4 1 0 Owk2 1 0.0 Owk1 1 0.0 acdn 1 0.0 ahdu 1 0.0 adur 1 0. aher 0 amcs 1 0

function IsTerrainPathingType takes real x, real y, integer terrainPathingType returns boolean
    local boolean b = false
    if terrainPathingType == TERRAIN_PATHING_DEEP then
        return not IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_FLOATABILITY) and IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY)
    if terrainPathingType == TERRAIN_PATHING_SHALLOW then
        return not IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_FLOATABILITY) and not IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY)
    if terrainPathingType == TERRAIN_PATHING_LAND then
        return IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_FLOATABILITY)
    if terrainPathingType == TERRAIN_PATHING_WALKABLE then
        call SetUnitPosition(Dummy, x, y)
        set b = GetUnitX(Dummy) == x and GetUnitY(Dummy) == y and not (not IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_FLOATABILITY) and IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY))
        call SetUnitX(Dummy, WorldMinX)
        call SetUnitY(Dummy, WorldMinY)
    return b

private function Initialization takes nothing returns nothing
    local rect r = GetWorldBounds()
    set WorldMinX = GetRectMinX(r)
    set WorldMinY = GetRectMinY(r)
    set Dummy = CreateUnit(OWNING_PLAYER, DUMMY_UNIT_ID, 0., 0., 0.)
    call UnitAddAbility(Dummy, DUMMY_WINDWALK_ID)
    call UnitAddAbility(Dummy, &#039;Avul&#039;)
    call IssueImmediateOrderById(Dummy, 852129)
    call SetUnitX(Dummy, WorldMinX)
    call SetUnitY(Dummy, WorldMinY)
    call RemoveRect(r)
    set r = null

library GroupUtils
//* BY: Rising_Dusk
//* This library is a simple implementation of a stack for groups that need to
//* be in the user&#039;s control for greater than an instant of time. Additionally,
//* this library provides a single, global group variable for use with user-end
//* enumerations. It is important to note that users should not be calling
//* DestroyGroup() on the global group, since then it may not exist for when it
//* it is next needed.
//* The group stack removes the need for destroying groups and replaces it with
//* a recycling method.
//*     function NewGroup takes nothing returns group
//*     function ReleaseGroup takes group g returns boolean
//*     function GroupRefresh takes group g returns nothing
//* NewGroup grabs a currently unused group from the stack or creates one if the
//* stack is empty. You can use this group however you&#039;d like, but always
//* remember to call ReleaseGroup on it when you are done with it. If you don&#039;t
//* release it, it will &#039;leak&#039; and your stack may eventually overflow if you
//* keep doing that.
//* GroupRefresh cleans a group of any shadow references which may be clogging
//* its hash table. If you remove a unit from the game who is a member of a unit
//* group, it will &#039;effectively&#039; remove the unit from the group, but leave a
//* shadow in its place. Calling GroupRefresh on a group will clean up any
//* shadow references that may exist within it.
    //* Group for use with all instant enumerations
    group ENUM_GROUP = CreateGroup()
    //* Temporary references for GroupRefresh
    private boolean Flag                                              = false
    private group Refr                                                = null
    //* Assorted constants
    private constant integer MAX_HANDLE_COUNT                         = 408000
    private constant integer MIN_HANDLE_ID                            = 0x100000
    //* Arrays and counter for the group stack
    private group array Groups
    private integer array Status[MAX_HANDLE_COUNT]
    private integer Count                                             = 0

private function H2I takes handle h returns integer
    return GetHandleId(h)

private function AddEx takes nothing returns nothing
    if Flag then
        call GroupClear(Refr)
        set Flag = false
    call GroupAddUnit(Refr, GetEnumUnit())
function GroupRefresh takes group g returns nothing
    set Flag = true
    set Refr = g
    call ForGroup(Refr, function AddEx)
    if Flag then
        call GroupClear(g)

function NewGroup takes nothing returns group
    if Count == 0 then
        set Groups[0] = CreateGroup()
        set Count = Count - 1
    set Status[H2I(Groups[Count])-MIN_HANDLE_ID] = 1
    return Groups[Count]

function ReleaseGroup takes group g returns boolean
    local integer stat = Status[H2I(g)-MIN_HANDLE_ID]
    if g == null then
        debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+&quot; Error: Null groups cannot be released&quot;)
        return false
    if stat == 0 then
        debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+&quot; Error: Group not part of stack&quot;)
        return false
    if stat == 2 then
        debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+&quot; Error: Groups cannot be multiply released&quot;)
        return false
    if Count == 8191 then
        debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+&quot; Error: Max groups achieved, destroying group&quot;)
        call DestroyGroup(g)
        return false
    if Count != 8191 then
        call GroupClear(g)
        set Groups[Count]                = g
        set Count                        = Count + 1
        set Status[H2I(g)-MIN_HANDLE_ID] = 2
    return true

Problem solved. Happy mapping...

If you want to understand what I did, all I did was strip out the UnitIndexingUtils library and replace it with:
library UnitIndexingUtils uses AIDS

The function name happens to be precisely the same, so it's a cheap win. :)

Let me know how you fare. If it fails, for some reason, you may need to replace it manually. Let us know if that gives you any trouble. ;)


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Thanks J4L!! :thup:

EDIT: Or not :(
Error: On External Call : //! external UnitPropertiesGenerator.lua Doesnt Exist

I know the error; but not how to solve it. The file is in the EGUIfolder. And my map is in the Warcraft3/Maps/Downloads.


Hey Listen!!
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Just to remember you a thing ;x

Status modifier of EGUI is broken...

you can see that here :p
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