System GTrigger Event System


Good Idea™
Reaction score
Version 1.05​

- Jass NewGen

If you want to see the code, see below. If you want to understand the premise of what this does, go here instead.
//~~ GT ~~ GTrigger ~~ By Jesus4Lyf ~~ Version 1.05 ~~
//  What is GTrigger?
//		 - GTrigger is an event system that replaces the cumbersome WC3
//		   event system.
//		 - GTrigger only launches the necessary threads instead of x threads,
//		   where x is the number of times the event type occurs in the map.
//	=Pros=
//		 - Instead of having 16 events (for "16" players) per use of an,
//		   event type, you have 0 per use and 16 total for that event type.
//		 - If you have 100 events of one type in your map, instead of firing
//		   100 triggers each time any spell is cast, you fire only what's needed.
//		 - GTrigger is faster to code with, more efficient to execute, and just
//		   better programming practises and nicer code all round.
//	=Cons=
//		 - If a trigger with a GTrigger event is destroyed, it must have its
//		   event unregistered first or it will leak an event (slows firing down).
//		 - Shouldn't use "wait" actions anywhere in the triggers.
//	Functions:
//		   // General
//		 - GT_UnregisterTriggeringEvent()
//		   // Ability events
//		 - GT_RegisterStartsEffectEvent(trigger, abilityid)       (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_RegisterBeginsChanellingEvent(trigger, abilityid)   (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_RegisterBeginsCastingEvent(trigger, abilityid)      (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_RegisterStopsCastingEvent(trigger, abilityid)       (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_RegisterFinishesCastingEvent(trigger, abilityid)    (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_RegisterLearnsAbilityEvent(trigger, abilityid)       (returns the trigger passed in)
//		   // Order events // (can use String2OrderIdBJ("OrderString") for orderid
//		 - GT_RegisterTargetOrderEvent(trigger, orderid)          (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_RegisterPointOrderEvent(trigger, orderid)           (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_RegisterNoTargetOrderEvent(trigger, orderid)        (returns the trigger passed in)
//		   // Item events
//		 - GT_RegisterItemUsedEvent(trigger, itemtypeid)          (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_RegisterItemAcquiredEvent(trigger, itemtypeid)      (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_RegisterItemDroppedEvent(trigger, itemtypeid)       (returns the trigger passed in)
//		   // Unit events
//		 - GT_RegisterUnitDiesEvent(trigger, unittypeid)          (returns the trigger passed in)
//		   // Ability Events
//		 - GT_UnregisterSpellEffectEvent(trigger, abilityid)      (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_UnregisterBeginsChanellingEvent(trigger, abilityid) (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_UnregisterBeginsCastingEvent(trigger, abilityid)    (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_UnregisterStopsCastingEvent(trigger, abilityid)     (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_UnregisterFinishesCastingEvent(trigger, abilityid)  (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_UnregisterLearnsAbilityEvent(trigger, abilityid)     (returns the trigger passed in)
//		   // Order events // (can use String2OrderIdBJ("OrderString") for orderid
//		 - GT_UnregisterTargetOrderEvent(trigger, orderid)        (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_UnregisterPointOrderEvent(trigger, orderid)         (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_UnregisterNoTargetOrderEvent(trigger, orderid)      (returns the trigger passed in)
//		   // Item events
//		 - GT_UnregisterItemUsedEvent(trigger, itemtypeid)        (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_UnregisterItemAcquiredEvent(trigger, itemtypeid)    (returns the trigger passed in)
//		 - GT_UnregisterItemDroppedEvent(trigger, itemtypeid)     (returns the trigger passed in)
//		   // Unit events
//		 - GT_UnregisterUnitDiesEvent(trigger, unittypeid)        (returns the trigger passed in)
//	Alternative interface (not recommended):
//		If you aren't familiar with how this works, you shouldn't use it.
//		All funcs must return false. (That is the only reason it isn't recommended.)
//		   // General
//		 - GT_RemoveTriggeringAction() // Use this to remove actions.
//		   // Ability Events
//		 - GT_AddStartsEffectAction(func, abilityid)
//		 - GT_AddBeginsChanellingActon(func, abilityid)
//		 - GT_AddBeginsCastingAction(func, abilityid)
//		 - GT_AddStopsCastingAction(func, abilityid)
//		 - GT_AddFinishesCastingAction(func, abilityid)
//		 - GT_AddLearnsAbilityAction(func, abilityid)
//		   // Order events // (can use String2OrderIdBJ("OrderString") for orderid
//		 - GT_AddTargetOrderAction(func, orderid)
//		 - GT_AddPointOrderAction(func, orderid)
//		 - GT_AddNoTargetOrderAction(func, orderid)
//		   // Item events
//		 - GT_AddItemUsedAction(func, itemtypeid)
//		 - GT_AddItemAcquiredAction(func, itemtypeid)
//		 - GT_AddItemDroppedAction(func, itemtypeid)
//		   // Unit events
//		 - GT_AddUnitDiesAction(func, unittypeid)
//  Details:
//		 - Due to the storage method, only 8191 GTrigger events are possible at any one time.
//  Thanks:
//		 - Daxtreme: For voluntarily testing this system and the UnitDies event idea.
//		 - kenny!: For the Order and Learns Ability event ideas.
//  How to import:
//		 - Create a trigger named GT.
//		 - Convert it to custom text and replace the whole trigger text with this.
library GT initializer Init
    // Pointers //
    // Assigned to abilities, and point to trigger grouping linked lists.
    // Use:
    //  GetPointer --> int (pointer)
    //  FreePointer(int (pointer))
    //  set PointerTarget[int (pointer)]=int (list link)
    //  PointerTarget[int (pointer)] --> int (list link)
        // Pointer
        private integer array PointerTarget
        private integer PointerMax=0
        // Spare Pointer Stack
        private integer array NextPointer
        private integer NextPointerMaxPlusOne=1
    private function GetPointer takes nothing returns integer
        if NextPointerMaxPlusOne==1 then
            set PointerMax=PointerMax+1
            return PointerMax
        set NextPointerMaxPlusOne=NextPointerMaxPlusOne-1
        return NextPointer[NextPointerMaxPlusOne]
    private function FreePointer takes integer pointer returns nothing
        set PointerTarget[pointer]=0
        set NextPointer[NextPointerMaxPlusOne]=pointer
        set NextPointerMaxPlusOne=NextPointerMaxPlusOne+1
    // Trigger Grouping Linked Lists //
    // Contains a chain of triggers to be executed together.
    // Use:
    //  GetMem() --> int (mem)
    //  FreeMem(int (mem))
    //  Link(int (pointer), int (mem))
    //  Unlink(int (pointer), int (mem))
        // Spare Link Stack
        private integer array NextMem
        private integer NextMemMaxPlusOne=1
        // Linked list
        private trigger array Trig
        private integer array Next
        private integer array Prev
        private integer TrigMax=0
    private function GetMem takes nothing returns integer
        if NextMemMaxPlusOne==1 then
            set TrigMax=TrigMax+1
            return TrigMax
        set NextMemMaxPlusOne=NextMemMaxPlusOne-1
        return NextMem[NextMemMaxPlusOne]
    private function FreeMem takes integer i returns nothing
        set Trig<i>=null
        set NextMem[NextMemMaxPlusOne]=i
        set NextMemMaxPlusOne=NextMemMaxPlusOne+1
    // Linked list functionality
    // NOTE: This means &quot;Next&quot; must be loaded BEFORE executing the trigger, which could delete the current link.
    private function Link takes integer pointer, integer new returns nothing
        set Prev[new]=0
        set Next[new]=PointerTarget[pointer]
        set Prev[PointerTarget[pointer]]=new
        set PointerTarget[pointer]=new
    private function Unlink takes integer pointer, integer rem returns nothing
        if Prev[rem]==0 then
            set PointerTarget[pointer]=Next[rem]
            set Prev[Next[rem]]=0
        set Next[Prev[rem]]=Next[rem]
        set Prev[Next[rem]]=Prev[rem]
    // GTrigger General //
    // Only contains the UnregisterTriggeringEvent action for public use.
        boolean UnregisterLastEvent=false
    public function UnregisterTriggeringEvent takes nothing returns nothing
        set UnregisterLastEvent=true
    // GTrigger Ability Implementation //
    // The nasty textmacro implementation of special &quot;All Players&quot; events.
    //! textmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent takes NAME, EVENT, GETSPECIAL
            private trigger $NAME$Trigger=CreateTrigger()
            // Extendable arrays
            private integer array $NAME$AbilityIdA
            private integer array $NAME$ListPointerA
            private integer array $NAME$AbilityIdB
            private integer array $NAME$ListPointerB
            private integer array $NAME$AbilityIdC
            private integer array $NAME$ListPointerC
            private integer array $NAME$AbilityIdD
            private integer array $NAME$ListPointerD
            private integer array $NAME$AbilityIdE
            private integer array $NAME$ListPointerE
            private integer GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed
        private function GetOrCreate$NAME$ListPointer takes integer abil returns integer
            set GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed=abil-(abil/8191)*8191
            if $NAME$AbilityIdA[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
                return $NAME$ListPointerA[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
            elseif $NAME$AbilityIdA[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]&lt;1 then // Empty
                set $NAME$AbilityIdA[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=abil
                set $NAME$ListPointerA[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=GetPointer()
                return $NAME$ListPointerA[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
            if $NAME$AbilityIdB[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
                return $NAME$ListPointerB[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
            elseif $NAME$AbilityIdB[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]&lt;1 then // Empty
                set $NAME$AbilityIdB[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=abil
                set $NAME$ListPointerB[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=GetPointer()
                return $NAME$ListPointerB[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
            if $NAME$AbilityIdC[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
                return $NAME$ListPointerC[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
            elseif $NAME$AbilityIdC[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]&lt;1 then // Empty
                set $NAME$AbilityIdC[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=abil
                set $NAME$ListPointerC[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=GetPointer()
                return $NAME$ListPointerC[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
            if $NAME$AbilityIdD[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
                return $NAME$ListPointerD[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
            elseif $NAME$AbilityIdD[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]&lt;1 then // Empty
                set $NAME$AbilityIdD[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=abil
                set $NAME$ListPointerD[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=GetPointer()
                return $NAME$ListPointerD[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
            if $NAME$AbilityIdE[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
                return $NAME$ListPointerE[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
            elseif $NAME$AbilityIdE[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]&lt;1 then // Empty
                set $NAME$AbilityIdE[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=abil
                set $NAME$ListPointerE[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=GetPointer()
                return $NAME$ListPointerE[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;GTrigger Error: Ran out of storage locations for pointers on object &quot;+GetObjectName(abil)+&quot;!&quot;)
            set PointerTarget[0]=0
            return 0
            private integer GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed
        private function Get$NAME$ListPointer takes integer abil returns integer
            set GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed=abil-(abil/8191)*8191
            if $NAME$AbilityIdA[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
                return $NAME$ListPointerA[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
            elseif $NAME$AbilityIdA[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]&lt;1 then // Empty
                set PointerTarget[0]=0 // Make sure.
                return 0
            if $NAME$AbilityIdB[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
                return $NAME$ListPointerB[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
            elseif $NAME$AbilityIdB[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]&lt;1 then // Empty
                set PointerTarget[0]=0 // Make sure.
                return 0
            if $NAME$AbilityIdC[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
                return $NAME$ListPointerC[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
            elseif $NAME$AbilityIdC[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]&lt;1 then // Empty
                set PointerTarget[0]=0 // Make sure.
                return 0
            if $NAME$AbilityIdD[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
                return $NAME$ListPointerD[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
            elseif $NAME$AbilityIdD[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]&lt;1 then // Empty
                set PointerTarget[0]=0 // Make sure.
                return 0
            if $NAME$AbilityIdE[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
                return $NAME$ListPointerE[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
            elseif $NAME$AbilityIdE[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]&lt;1 then // Empty
                set PointerTarget[0]=0 // Make sure.
                return 0
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;GTrigger Error: Ran out of storage locations for pointers at ability &quot;+GetObjectName(abil)+&quot;!&quot;)
            set PointerTarget[0]=0
            return 0
            private integer Register$NAME$Mem
        public function Register$NAME$Event takes trigger t, integer abil returns trigger
            set Register$NAME$Mem=GetMem()
            set Trig[Register$NAME$Mem]=t
            call Link(GetOrCreate$NAME$ListPointer(abil),Register$NAME$Mem)
            return t
            private integer Unregister$NAME$Pointer
            private integer Unregister$NAME$Mem
        public function Unregister$NAME$Event takes trigger t, integer abil returns trigger
            set Unregister$NAME$Pointer=Get$NAME$ListPointer(abil)
            set Unregister$NAME$Mem=PointerTarget[Unregister$NAME$Pointer]
                exitwhen Trig[Unregister$NAME$Mem]==t
                if Unregister$NAME$Mem==0 then
                    return t // Not found.
                set Unregister$NAME$Mem=Next[Unregister$NAME$Mem]
            call Unlink(Unregister$NAME$Pointer,Unregister$NAME$Mem)
            call FreeMem(Unregister$NAME$Mem)
            return t
        private function Trigger$NAME$Event takes nothing returns boolean
            local integer Trigger$NAME$Pointer=Get$NAME$ListPointer($GETSPECIAL$)
            local integer Trigger$NAME$Mem=PointerTarget[Trigger$NAME$Pointer]
            local integer Trigger$NAME$NextMem
            set UnregisterLastEvent=false
                exitwhen Trigger$NAME$Mem&lt;1
                set Trigger$NAME$NextMem=Next[Trigger$NAME$Mem]
                if TriggerEvaluate(Trig[Trigger$NAME$Mem]) then
                    call TriggerExecute(Trig[Trigger$NAME$Mem])
                if UnregisterLastEvent then
                    set UnregisterLastEvent=false
                    call Unlink(Trigger$NAME$Pointer,Trigger$NAME$Mem)
                    call FreeMem(Trigger$NAME$Mem)
                set Trigger$NAME$Mem=Trigger$NAME$NextMem
            return false
        private function Init$NAME$ takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer i=bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
            call TriggerAddCondition($NAME$Trigger,Condition(function Trigger$NAME$Event))
                set i=i-1
                call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent($NAME$Trigger,Player(i),EVENT_PLAYER_$EVENT$,null)
                exitwhen i==0
    //! endtextmacro
    //! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent(&quot;StartsEffect&quot;,     &quot;UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT&quot;,        &quot;GetSpellAbilityId()&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent(&quot;BeginsChanelling&quot;, &quot;UNIT_SPELL_CHANNEL&quot;,       &quot;GetSpellAbilityId()&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent(&quot;BeginsCasting&quot;,    &quot;UNIT_SPELL_CAST&quot;,          &quot;GetSpellAbilityId()&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent(&quot;StopsCasting&quot;,     &quot;UNIT_SPELL_ENDCAST&quot;,       &quot;GetSpellAbilityId()&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent(&quot;FinishesCasting&quot;,  &quot;UNIT_SPELL_FINISH&quot;,        &quot;GetSpellAbilityId()&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent(&quot;TargetOrder&quot;,      &quot;UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER&quot;, &quot;GetIssuedOrderId()&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent(&quot;PointOrder&quot;,       &quot;UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER&quot;,  &quot;GetIssuedOrderId()&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent(&quot;NoTargetOrder&quot;,    &quot;UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER&quot;,        &quot;GetIssuedOrderId()&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent(&quot;ItemUsed&quot;,         &quot;UNIT_USE_ITEM&quot;,            &quot;GetItemTypeId(GetManipulatedItem())&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent(&quot;ItemAcquired&quot;,     &quot;UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM&quot;,         &quot;GetItemTypeId(GetManipulatedItem())&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent(&quot;ItemDropped&quot;,      &quot;UNIT_DROP_ITEM&quot;,           &quot;GetItemTypeId(GetManipulatedItem())&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent(&quot;UnitDies&quot;,         &quot;UNIT_DEATH&quot;,               &quot;GetUnitTypeId(GetTriggerUnit())&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent(&quot;LearnsAbility&quot;,    &quot;HERO_SKILL&quot;,               &quot;GetLearnedSkill()&quot;)
    // Note to self: Remember to update the Init function.
    // GTrigger All Players Implementation //
    // The textmacro implementation of other &quot;All Players&quot; events.
    //! textmacro SetupAllPlayersEvent takes NAME, EVENT
            private trigger $NAME$Trigger=CreateTrigger()
            private integer $NAME$ListPointer=0
            private integer Register$NAME$Mem
        public function Register$NAME$Event takes trigger t returns trigger
            set Register$NAME$Mem=GetMem()
            set Trig[Register$NAME$Mem]=t
            call Link($NAME$ListPointer,Register$NAME$Mem)
            return t
            private integer Unregister$NAME$Pointer
            private integer Unregister$NAME$Mem
        public function Unregister$NAME$Event takes trigger t returns trigger
            set Unregister$NAME$Mem=PointerTarget[$NAME$ListPointer]
                exitwhen Trig[Unregister$NAME$Mem]==t
                if Unregister$NAME$Mem==0 then
                    return t // Not found.
                set Unregister$NAME$Mem=Next[Unregister$NAME$Mem]
            call Unlink($NAME$ListPointer,Unregister$NAME$Mem)
            call FreeMem(Unregister$NAME$Mem)
            return t
        private function Trigger$NAME$Event takes nothing returns boolean
            local integer Trigger$NAME$Mem=PointerTarget[$NAME$ListPointer]
            local integer Trigger$NAME$NextMem
            set UnregisterLastEvent=false
                exitwhen Trigger$NAME$Mem&lt;1
                set Trigger$NAME$NextMem=Next[Trigger$NAME$Mem]
                if TriggerEvaluate(Trig[Trigger$NAME$Mem]) then
                    call TriggerExecute(Trig[Trigger$NAME$Mem])
                if UnregisterLastEvent then
                    set UnregisterLastEvent=false
                    call Unlink($NAME$ListPointer,Trigger$NAME$Mem)
                    call FreeMem(Trigger$NAME$Mem)
                set Trigger$NAME$Mem=Trigger$NAME$NextMem
            return false
        private function Init$NAME$ takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer i=bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
            call TriggerAddCondition($NAME$Trigger,Condition(function Trigger$NAME$Event))
                set i=i-1
                call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent($NAME$Trigger,Player(i),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_$EVENT$,null)
                exitwhen i==0
            // Initialise the pointer.
            set $NAME$ListPointer=GetPointer()
    //! endtextmacro
    // Old: //! runtextmacro SetupAllPlayersEvent(&quot;AnyUnitDies&quot;, &quot;DEATH&quot;)
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        // Ability events
        call InitStartsEffect()
        call InitBeginsChanelling()
        call InitBeginsCasting()
        call InitStopsCasting()
        call InitFinishesCasting()
        call InitLearnsAbility()
        // Order events
        call InitTargetOrder()
        call InitPointOrder()
        call InitNoTargetOrder()
        // Item events
        call InitItemUsed()
        call InitItemAcquired()
        call InitItemDropped()
        // Unit events
        call InitUnitDies()
    // Wrappers //
    // Wraps it up, for those who really want this interface.
    // General
    public function RemoveTriggeringAction takes nothing returns nothing
        call UnregisterTriggeringEvent()
        call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
    // Special All Player Events
    //! textmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper takes EVENT
        public function Add$EVENT$Action takes code func, integer special returns nothing
            call TriggerAddCondition(Register$EVENT$Event(CreateTrigger(),special),Condition(func))
    //! endtextmacro
    //! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper(&quot;StartsEffect&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper(&quot;BeginsChanelling&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper(&quot;BeginsCasting&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper(&quot;StopsCasting&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper(&quot;FinishesCasting&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper(&quot;TargetOrder&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper(&quot;PointOrder&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper(&quot;NoTargetOrder&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper(&quot;ItemUsed&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper(&quot;ItemAcquired&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper(&quot;ItemDropped&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper(&quot;UnitDies&quot;)
    //! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper(&quot;LearnsAbility&quot;)
    // Note to self: Remember to update the Init function.
    // All Player Events
    //! textmacro AddAllPlayersWrapper takes EVENT
        public function Add$EVENT$Action takes code func returns nothing
            call TriggerAddCondition(Register$EVENT$Event(CreateTrigger()),Condition(func))
    //! endtextmacro
    // Old: //! runtextmacro AddAllPlayersWrapper(&quot;AnyUnitDies&quot;)

This changes things like:
function Trig_Untitled_Trigger_002_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    if ( not ( GetSpellAbilityId() == &#039;A000&#039; ) ) then
        return false
    return true

function Trig_Untitled_Trigger_002_Actions takes nothing returns nothing

function InitTrig_Untitled_Trigger_002 takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_Untitled_Trigger_002 = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( gg_trg_Untitled_Trigger_002, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
    call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_Untitled_Trigger_002, Condition( function Trig_Untitled_Trigger_002_Conditions ) )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Untitled_Trigger_002, function Trig_Untitled_Trigger_002_Actions )

function Trig_Untitled_Trigger_002_Actions takes nothing returns nothing

function InitTrig_Untitled_Trigger_002 takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_Untitled_Trigger_002 = CreateTrigger(  )
    call GT_RegisterStartsEffectEvent(gg_trg_Untitled_Trigger_001,&#039;A000&#039;)
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Untitled_Trigger_002, function Trig_Untitled_Trigger_002_Actions )

or even
function Trig_Untitled_Trigger_002_Actions takes nothing returns nothing

function InitTrig_Untitled_Trigger_002 takes nothing returns nothing
    call TriggerAddAction(GT_RegisterStartsEffectEvent(CreateTrigger(),&#039;A000&#039;), function Trig_Untitled_Trigger_002_Actions )

Why? Three reasons.
  • Instead of having 16 events (for "16" players) per event used, you have 0 per event and 16 total (for each event type).
  • If you have 100 uses of an event in your map, instead of firing 100 triggers each time it fires, you fire only what needs to be fired.
  • This is faster to code with, runs more efficiently, and I'd say it's just better programming practises.

Downsides as per cons in documentation.

Version 1.05 - Added LearnsAbility event type.
Version 1.04 - Attached demo map. Added heaps and heaps of event types. Sorry to those who are already using the system within the first week of it's release, you'll need to switch the order of the parameters and such. I found it more intuitive to have them the other way around, and felt I needed to change them early so I don't regret it forever instead. If you get errors, just look up the new command syntax. :)
Version 1.03 - Added alternative interface.
Version 1.02 - Official Release. Removed all previous constraints by adding hashing and linked lists.
Version 1.00 - Unofficial Release.

Check out the demo map for more code demonstrations (released with version 1.04).


  • GTrigger.w3x
    43.4 KB · Views: 758
  • One event registration per spell max. (Restriction can be removed through linked lists.)
  • Only 'A000' style spell IDs can be registered. ie not 'AHhb' for Holy Light. In other words, only custom spells (and don't pick some special id). I haven't calculated how many, max, yet. :) (Restriction can be removed through hashing.)

Will update this system in the near future, hopefully. :)
Why not implement it then? Maximum must be 'zzzz', minimum logical must be '0000', so I suspect something like this may work:
function Id2I takes integer id returns integer
    set id = id-&#039;0000&#039;
    return id-(id/(8192))*(8192)
I guess Im gonna use this. Looks nice.

What about making some textmacro for different casting events?

EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CHANNEL is sometimes useful, because it triggers before casting time.
EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_ENDCAST is needed for channeling spells.
Why not implement it then? Maximum must be 'zzzz', minimum logical must be '0000', so I suspect something like this may work:
function Id2I takes integer id returns integer
    set id = id-&#039;0000&#039;
    return id-(id/(8192))*(8192)

Don't worry, I'm on it... I just had uni today, and I wanted to get this new thread up in the morning before I left, so yeah. :)

By the way... Actually...

function Id2I takes integer id returns integer
    return id-(id/8191)*8191

And I'd inline it explicitly instead. :)

>What about making some textmacro for different casting events?
Don't worry, I'll implement those too. I'll make sure it's nice and stable and feature rich but simple to use. :p

I also intend to imeplement UnregisterAbilityEvent(trigger, ability) for temporary triggers and such. Because otherwise the event will leak. Of course, I don't expect people to actually create a temporary trigger to fire on an ability being cast, but this way they can. :p

Might even implement UnregisterTriggeringEvent(). :D

Anyway, stay tuned. :)

Version 1.02 released. I've been working on it pretty much since this post was first created until now. :p
why does this take a trigger?

why not just a function or string?
Because it's an events system. People are meant to think of it as one.

Besides, there's no advantage in making it take a function, for example. How would you remove events if you did that? And there's no efficiency gain. Internally this would have to attach it to a trigger as a condition anyway. :D

There's all kinds of limitations added by making it take a function or string. For example, this way you could remove the event and add another one, so you can hot-swap the effects of spells at runtime.

PS. Seems you caught me half way through releasing the latest version. Maybe the new version will help explain. o_O
This looks pretty good.

Have you ran any benchmarking to see how much more efficient per cast it is to use this compared to regular registering?

It'd also be interesting to see how the spell cast time scales the more spell cast triggers you register in a map. How many spells would you have to register to see it become a problem?
just figured it would be easier for ppl not to have to create triggers and actions and whatever - since this is really supposed to do all that for you - you should just be able to code your Actions functions, then call this do have your Actions function ran on some trigger event
TriggerExecute is slow, so if you want it fast, use only Condition and only TriggerEvaluate. I use only Condition anyways, so this not a problem for me.

emjlr3 do you mean something like: RegisterSpellEvent( function Action ) ?
yes, something like

call RegisterOnEffect(function Blarg)


call RegisterOnEndCast( function EEk)

or even

call RegisterOnEffect(&#039;XXXX&#039;, function Blarg)
call TriggerAddAction(GT_RegisterStartsEffectEvent(CreateTrigger(),&#039;A000&#039;), function ActionsFunc )

call TriggerAddCondition(GT_RegisterStartsEffectEvent(CreateTrigger(),&#039;A000&#039;), Condition(function ActionsFuncReturningFalse))


It already supports that style of coding. That's why it returns the trigger passed in. And if the trigger is temporary, have it call GT_UnregisterTriggeringEven() and DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger()) when appropriate.

I suppose I'll write AttachActionToSpellEffectEvent('A000', function ActionsFuncReturningFalse) and DetachTriggeringAction() wrappers next version.

>Have you ran any benchmarking to see how much more efficient per cast it is to use this compared to regular registering?
No, actually, but I might soon. I didn't consider it too important anyway because... well... it doesn't lag either way. It's not like a timer system that is firing constantly in the background, up to hundreds of times in a moment. But when I next get a moment, I'll check it out, perhaps.

>It'd also be interesting to see how the spell cast time scales the more spell cast triggers you register in a map. How many spells would you have to register to see it become a problem?
Yeah. Well this system makes it so that will never be a problem, too. I may also bench this and see what it looks like, anyway. :)

Thanks for all the feedback so far. ^_^
>Have you ran any benchmarking to see how much more efficient per cast it is to use this compared to regular registering?
No, actually, but I might soon. I didn't consider it too important anyway because... well... it doesn't lag either way. It's not like a timer system that is firing constantly in the background, up to hundreds of times in a moment. But when I next get a moment, I'll check it out, perhaps.

>It'd also be interesting to see how the spell cast time scales the more spell cast triggers you register in a map. How many spells would you have to register to see it become a problem?
Yeah. Well this system makes it so that will never be a problem, too. I may also bench this and see what it looks like, anyway. :)

Thanks for all the feedback so far. ^_^

Yeah, that's what makes me not bother benchmarking it as well. It doesn't lag either way as you say. No need to benchmark unless you become too curious. ;) This is obviously more efficient for maps with a large quantity of ability triggers.
>This is obviously more efficient for maps with a large quantity of ability triggers.

Yeah. And of course, that is the only situation where efficiency would matter anyway.

Of course, I am fairly curious, and will endeavor to provide a reasonable estimate as to how many triggers you need before this system is more efficient, supported by benchmarks. Maybe tonight. Can't right this minute, though.


This is very funny.

Ready for this?

call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trigger, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
~470 nanosec (~30 margin of error).
call GT_RegisterStartsEffectEvent(trigger, 'A000')
~4 nanosec (~0.7 margin of error).

Making this GT over 100 times faster for the initial event registration. So go shave a couple of hundred nanoseconds per spell off your map init (who cares). But if you actually do have to add/remove these events mid game, geez it's fast.
I'm not actually that suprised that it's a lot faster, but I didn't expect it to be THAT much faster. Turns out that register native that BJ calls internally 16 times must be slow.

So it takes less than 1% as long to call GTrigger's add function.

And now... for the bit that really matters...


We all expected GT to inevitably gain efficiency based on how many different spells are triggered off.

That indeed is a massive number of spells, where "massive" means 2.

My tests have shown that GTrigger's fire speed is more or less exactly in between the fire speed of having 1 spell and 2 spells, around a 15 nanosec difference either way.

So if you trigger off 2 or more spells being cast in your map, your map will gain efficiency from using GTrigger, and probably has no reason not to.

So basically, every map should use GTrigger for ability events.

I'm intending to expand the domain of GTrigger to register different kinds of events, too.

I'd upload my tests here, but I don't want to run out of storage space on TheHelper, which is what would happen if I uploaded all my tests by habit. But I'm happy to if people really want. I'm also happy for people to do their own tests.

Testing the add function was easy, obviously. In case you're wondering how I tested the firing, there's a spell that fires IMMEDIATELY on unit death (as in, if you call KillUnit, the triggers for that spell will fire before the next line of code is run), and that's Phoenix morph. So I simply registered 50 abilities on that spell effect, then started a stop watch, killed a phoenix, and clocked the stop watch. Each test repeated this 50 times, and I repeated each test about 5 times. I then reduced that 50 to 20, still being slower I reduced it to 5, then 2, then 1 failing trigger and 1 working trigger (both attaching using conditions only). Quite a reliable, appropriate test. :)
Just to clarify that, all triggers in my bench test attached with a single condition only.
Remember to do benchmarking also by using only conditions, because it should be faster than using actions. Also TriggerExecute should be slower than TriggerEvaluate.
function TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ takes trigger trig, playerunitevent whichEvent returns nothing
    local integer index

    set index = 0
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(trig, Player(index), whichEvent, null)

        set index = index + 1
        exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS

        public function Register$NAME$Event takes trigger t, integer abil returns trigger
            set Register$NAME$Mem=GetMem()
            set Trig[Register$NAME$Mem]=t
            call Link(GetOrCreate$NAME$ListPointer(abil),Register$NAME$Mem)
            return t
Are you really suprised that your registration is faster? Maybe cut blizzard some slack and do a proper benchmark?
Remember to do benchmarking also by using only conditions, because it should be faster than using actions. Also TriggerExecute should be slower than TriggerEvaluate.
I did.
Are you really suprised that your registration is faster? Maybe cut blizzard some slack and do a proper benchmark?
As said, no I'm not. And my benchmark is plenty proper.

Don't randomly say it's not proper, please. I just spent the last couple of hours carefully setting up and executing decent tests. :D
Mate, your testing your system against a bj. I can't even comprehend why it didn't occur to you that thát is simply stupid? How can you call that proper benchmarking?

In my honest opinion you'll have to test the best native alternative against your system for a proper benchmarking.
>I can't even comprehend why it didn't occur to you that thát is simply stupid?
Maybe it's not.

You do realise that the alternative is inlining that BJ?

You need to add the event for all 16 players. I don't know of any alternative, this is always the way I believe it's been done. This is how spells are triggered (unless, like in an AoS, perhaps it is registered on hero selection for only the one player, which would still be apparently slower than GTrigger anyway). This is how spells have always been triggered, to the best of my knowledge.

Furthermore, why do you care? That's the irrelevant test. Ok, GTrigger is clearly faster, but the relevant test is the firing speed, not the event registration speed.

If you want to take this up further, tell me another native way to register on any unit casting a spell, and I'll be happy to bench it against that too.
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    Happy Thursday!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Added new Crab Bisque Soup recipe - which is badass by the way - Crab Bisque -
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I feel like we need to all meet up somewhere sometime. Maybe like in Vegas :)
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Would love to go to Vegas I have never been and it would be an adventure! Who is in?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    at least the full on bot attack has stopped it was getting ridiculous there for a while and we use cloudflare and everything
  • jonas jonas:
    I'm sure my wife would not be happy if I went to Vegas, but don't let that stop you guys - would be hard for me to attend anyways
  • jonas jonas:
    Do you know why the bot attack stopped?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    maybe they finally got everything lol
  • Ghan Ghan:
    There's lots of good food in Vegas.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Everything tends to be pretty expensive though so bring your wallet.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I have to wait longer if I am going for food because my teeth are still messed up from the work and I still cannot eat right. Going to be a couple more months before that gets better
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I would immediately hitting the dispensary though :)
  • Varine Varine:
    My Xbox account got hijacked, and apparently I have a different one from like 10 years ago that Microsoft keeps telling me is the right one
  • Varine Varine:
    Like NO, I mean for some reason that one is attached to my email, but it's not the right one
  • Varine Varine:
    I have a different one, and that one has my credit card attached to it and I would like that credit card to not be attached to it if I can't get it back
  • Varine Varine:
    Anyway Microsoft is not very helpful with this, they just keep telling me to fill out the Account Recovery form, but that just redirects me to the other account
  • The Helper The Helper:
    They should not allow you to put a credit card on a account that does not have human customer service you can call
  • Varine Varine:
    That's the only thing that got hijacked at least. I don't totally know how these integrate together, but it seems like I should be able to do this via the gamertag. Like my email is still mine, but they changed the email to that account I'm guessing.
  • Blackveiled Blackveiled:
    I went to Vegas a few weeks ago to visit my mom. I had never been either, lol! But I'm working in Salt Lake City at the moment so it's not a far trip.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I have never been to Vegas and it is on the bucket list so...
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    Recently getting addicted to Shapez.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I've heard Shapez 2 is good.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Also Satisfactory 1.0 released on the 10th and that has been excellent as well.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Happy Saturday! Hope everyone has a fantastic day!

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