Eternal Demise TD

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Well, I started a TD, with a little help from my clanmate, Lunarios. The basis is that the Undead turned against the other races, and have decided to get revenge for a long past war. So the undead try to get to destroy the city. You must defend it. Here are some screenies:





The current version is v0.21. In this version there are 30 levels, 29 towers, and about 45 recipies. If you wish to test future versions, please say so, and my account name is KnightsOfTables on Azeroth(USEast)

What I need from you:
-Ideas for Towers
-Ideas for Creeps
-Plain out Ideas.


Man are tower defenses the new cool thing to make? Look at me still stuck in Rpgs. :)

First off some tower ideas, well 2 tower idea and upgrades.

Level 1 - Peasent
Level 2 - Town Guard
Level 3 - Footman
Level 4 - Captain
Level 5 - Knight
Level 6 - Paladin
Level 7 - King
Level 8 - Saint
Level 9 - Angel
Level 10 - True Light

Level 1 - Thief
Level 2 - Rouge
Level 3 - Assasin
Level 4 - Merchinary
Level 5 - Death Knight
Level 6 - Dread Lord
Level 7 - Tyrant
Level 8 - Destroyer
Level 9 - Demon
Level 10 - Pure Evil

The are pretty much the same except opposites : ) you may just replace thief on the second one to peasent and have the peasent be able to go both ways.

Creeps you could just go through all the Undead units normaly, since it is based off warcraft 3's undead. Here are some ideas not warcraft 3 based.

Level 1 - Murderer
Level 2 - Living Dead
Level 3 - (HEAVY ARMOR) Possesed Warrior
Level 4 - (HERO) Werewolf
Level 5 - (AIR) Hawk Tamer
Level 6 - Zombie
Level 2 - Ghost
Level 8 - (HEAVY ARMOR) Armored Zombie
Level 9 - (HERO) Vampire
Level 10 - (AIR) Bat Lord

Sorry I couldn't think of more im kinda watching T.V and it's throwing me off.

I could test for you, but only how fun it is. (Not the greatest on balancing myself) :D

Sorry dude I read it, but some how that slipped by me. :(


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I already have 15 levels. You didn't even read the post. =( I gues I could still use those for higher levels. How about tower ideas? Theres Humans, Gnolls, Night Elves, and Orcs.


Death is Not the End
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I think that you should make your TD have at least 2-2.5 times as many waves otherwise it won't be as great as it should be. Perhaps 25-35 levels will hook a person on playing it. Then when you make more versions, create more waves and monsters to make gameplay longer. For example: Circle Defense has 100 waves. Most TDs have around 40 at the minimum and 100 waves at the maximum. Try spending more time on the waves a bit more. If you need any, here are some:

EDIT: Man, I keep forgeting to read all the way!!!

Wave #. Unit Type

1. Rotten Child
2. Deformed Villager
3. Undead Peasant
4. Undead Militia
5. Unholy Footman
6. Shadow Swordsman
7. Dark Elite Footman
8. Dark Elite Swordsman
9. Possesed Rifleman
10. Possesed Elite Rifleman
11. Corrupted Gauss Rifleman
12. Infested Elite Guass Rifleman
13. Unholy Apprentice Priest
14. Unholy Priest
15. Unholy Bishop
16. Unholy Archbishop
17. Scourge Sorceress Apprentice
18. Scourge Sorcerer Apprentice
19. Scourge Sorceress
20. Scourge Sorcerer
21. Possesed Wizard
22. Dark Spell Breaker
23. Dark Elite Spell Breaker
24. Rotten Mortar Team
25. Unholy Demolitions Team
26. Cursed Nuclear Specialists Team
27. Scourge Flying Prototype
28. Scourge Flying Prototype X
29 Scourge Flying Prototype Y
30. Scourge Flying Prototype Z
31. Scourge Flying Machine
32. Scourge Gyrocoper
33. Scourge Gyrocoper Type X
34. Scourge Gyrocoper Type Y
35. Scourge Gyrocoper Type Z
36. Scourge Stormbringer
37. Scourge Twister
38. Scourge Typhoon
39. Scourge Tank
40. Scourge Steam Tank
41. Scourge Steam Engine
42. Scourge Siege Tank
43. Scourge Siege Engine
44. Scourge Destroyer
45. Alpha Weapon
46. Beta Weapon
47. Gamma Weapon
48. Delta Weapon
49. Omega Weapon
50. Ultima Weapon
51. Dark Knight
52. Cursed Royal Knight
53. Possesed Elite Knight
54. Demonic Dragonhawk
55. Cursed Elite Dragonhawk
56. Infested Dragonhawk Rider
57. Infected Elite Dragonhawk Rider
58. Possesed Gryphon Rider
59. Cursed Elite Gryphon Rider
60. Corrupted Stormbringer Gryphon Rider
61. Cursed Jaina
62. Reanimated Muradin
63. Possesed Arthas
64. Reanimated Garithos
65. Reanimated Uther

Gnoll Towers:

Rock Slinger Tower
Boulder Tower
Watch Tower
Guard Tower
Underground Bunker
Crossbow Tower
Storm Tower
Trap Tower
Spike Bunker
Razorspine Tower
Gnoll's Avatar


Guard Tower
Arcane Tower
Cannon Tower
Tesla Coil Tower
Arclite Cannon
Machine Gun Tower
Sniper Tower
Holy Tower
Missle Turret
Nuclear Missle Turret


Watch Tower
Armored Bunker
Razorspine Bunker
Impaling Tower
Fortified Watch Tower
Voodoo Tower
Adamantine Bunker
Shamanistic Tower
Omega Tower


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VERY nice ideas. Next version, I will create a bunch more waves, and use some of your ideas, and of course, you will get credit. ;)


Death is Not the End
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Thank you Knights, I appreciate that. Here are some additional ones after the 65th wave: Modified units are hero leveled. They are ZERG!!!!

Starcraft Waves

66. Drone
67. Zerg Zergling
68. Zerg Hydralisk
69. Zerg Devouring One (Modified Zergling)
70. Zerg Hunter Killer (Modified Hydralisk)
71. Zerg Mutalisk
72. Zerg Kukulza (Modified Mutalisk)
73. Zerg Devourer
74. Zerg Guardian
75. Zerg Kukulza II (Modified Guardian)
76. Zerg Kukulza III (Modified Devourer)
77. Infested Terran Marine
78. Zerg Queen
79. Zerg Matriarch (Modified Queen)
80. Zerg Overlord
81. Zerg Yggdrasill (Modified Overlord)
82. Zerg Defiler
83. Zerg Unclean One (Modified Defiler)
84. Zerg Lurker
85. Zerg Scourge
86. Zerg Ultralisk
87. Torrasque (Modified Ultralisk)
88. Stalker (Modified Lurker) <- Custom :p
89. Infested Duran
90. Infested Kerrigan


i got idea for tower (for Humans): hammer tower, throws hammers that have chance to stunt target and deal high damage, have slow attack speed. :p


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Okay, I have a new concept for towers, which I came up with from help from my friend, Lunarios. The idea is that, there is another marked off area of the map, where you have a unit with an inventory. Items are on the ground, and you must search to find them. Certain ones will be difficult to get. Then, with the items, you can build towers, like:

Rock + GunPowder + Wood = Cannon Tower
Wood + Wood = Wood Slice
Rock + Flint = Arrowhead
Arrowhead + Wood = Arrow
Arrow + Wood Slice = Arrow Tower

Etc like that. This way, it will be a lot more difficult to aquire certain towers and whatnot.


Death is Not the End
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How about these:

Tesla Coil:
Data Fragment + Energy Sphere + Robotic Support

Tesla Coil Tower:
Tesla Coil + Tower Base
Machine Gun:
Gunpowder + Machine Gun Base + Autofire

Machine Gun Tower:
Machine Gun + Tower Base
Light Base + Robotic Support

Thunder Base + Arc + Robotic Support

Arclite Cannon:
Storm Base + Acrlite + Energy Sphere + Data Fragment + Robotic Support
Magic Base + Energy Support

Arcane Tower:
Arcane + Robotic Support
Missle Cap + Nuclear Powder + Nuclear Case

Turret Base:
Turret Fragment + Robotic Support

Missle Turret Base:
Turret Base + Data Fragment + Energy Sphere

Nuclear Missle:
Nuclear + Missle Base + Missle Case + Nuclear Case + Nuclear Powder + Lock-On Chip

Nuclear Missle Turret:
Nuclear Missle + Robotic Support + Omega Fragment + Missle Turret Base

Too lazy to put more......I will be back later.


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Very nice, I like the tower base idea, I will use a bunch of those. Now, for the credits, how would you like your name? Thanatos?


From the depths, I come.
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Base Items:
Tower Base
Turret Base
Spire Base
Magic Base
Energy Base
Fire Base
Water Base
Earth Base
Air Base
Death Base
Light Base

Robotic Support
Arcane Support
Material Support
Magnetic Support
Data Support
Foil Support
Dark Support
Heavy Support

Material Items:

Combined Items:
Tin + Copper + Fire Base = Bronze
Iron + Earth Base + Energy Base = Steel
Steel + Air Base + Magic Base = Mithril
Mithril + Magic Base + Arcane Base = Arcanite
Wood + (Any Material) = (Any Material) Arrow
Fire Base + Earth Base + Energy Base = Gunpowder
Foil Support + Energy Base + Copper = Electrofoil
Magic Base + Dark Support = Necrotic Energy
Magic Base + Arcane Support = Arcane Energy
Magic Base + Heavy Support = Gravitic Energy
Magic Base + Material Support = Void Energy
Necrotic Energy + Arcane Energy + Gravitic Energy + Void Energy = Chaos Energy
Death Base + Metal = Dark Support
Light Base + Metal = Foil Support
Energy Base + Data Support + Electrofoil = Tesla Coil
Tower Base + Gunpowder + Heavy Support + Metal = Cannon Base

Tower Base + Stone + Wood = Spear Tower
Tower Base + Metal + Wood = Arrow Tower
Turret Base + Gunpowder + Metal = Machine Gun Turret
Turret Base + Energy Base + Energy Base + Magnetic Support = Shock Turret
Spire Base + Light Base + Robotic Support + Metal = Arc
Spire Base + Light Base + Heavy Support + Electrofoil + Metal = Arclite
Cannon Base + Robotic Support + Data Support + Electrofoil + Metal = Arclite Cannon
Tower Base + Necrotic Energy + Arcanite = Necrotic Tower
Tower Base + Arcane Energy + Arcanite = Arcane Tower
Tower Base + Gravitic Energy + Arcanite = Gravitic Tower
Tower Base + Void Energy + Arcanite = Void Tower
Turret Base + Chaos Energy = Chaos Turret
Spire Base + Tesla Coil + Tesla Coil + Tesla Coil = Tesla Spire

Note: Copper, Bronze, Iron, Steel, Mithril, and Arcanite are metals. Stronger metals add damage to the completed tower. Base Items would be items you can buy at a certain shop. Support Items would need some special, and hard, way to get. Materials should drop off of creeps.


Death is Not the End
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Knights, just Thanatos_820 and here are some boosters for towers when they have an inventory: (You can also make these buyable from machine or electronic shops). Another interesting is making units who can load into towers to increase stats after the Bunker Upgrade.

+45% Attack Speed
+10 Damage

Dual Machineguns:
+90% Attack Speed
+20 Damage
+5% to deal 2.5x

Tesla Coil:
+50 Damage
-15% Attack Speed

One Use Only!
Deals 5000 damage in an area of 1500. Can be targeted anywhere.

Dragon's Breath:
+100 Range
+65 Damage
+5 second Burn

Deals 250 damage over 5 seconds.

+500 Range
-35% Attack Speed
+10% to deal 225 bonus damage (Headshot)

-100 Range
-5% Attack Speed
+3 Targets
+100 Damage

Weapon Booster:
Used on a target weapon in an slot.
+5% Attack Speed
+5 Damage
+5 Range
No upgrade limit.

Tower Booster:
Used on a tower
+5% Attack Speed
+1 Damage Dice
+25 Range
Upgrade Limit: 10

Bunker Upgrade:
Allows 4 units to enter a tower and a 2 bonus for bunkers. Allows the production of their main worker: Peasants for the Humans, Wisps for the Night Elves, Gnolls for the Gnolls, and Peons for the Orcs.
Each worker inside a tower gives:
+25 Range
+5 Damage
+5% Attack Speed

Contructive Items:
Workers can have an inventory to hold tower buildings so they can place a blueprint of a tower.

Arcanium Locker: Arclite + Arclite + Energy Booster + Robotic Support + Heavy Duty Locker + C135 Data

C135 Arclite Cannon: C135 Data + Robotic Support + Arclite + Energy Sphere + Storm Eruptor

Storm Eruptor: Energy Sphere + Arc + Arclite

Energy Booster: Arc + Arclite + Robotic Support

Well, these might be worth it. And Agent Paper,................I noticed you got some of my item combinations.


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Neat ideas guys. There are about 15-16 recipies on v.19b, and I am working on more and a few bug fixes currently for v.2.

These are the items so far, try to make the towers within the range of these few items.

Starting items:
Rock, Wood, Flint, Gunpowder, Shrub
Advanced Items:
Magic Ball, Fire, Poison, Water
Combined Items:
Poisoned Water, Poisoned Shrub, Arrowhead, Arrow, Taser.

I can make more combined items, and maybe a FEW more advanced/starting items, but that is it. I do not want the game to be too comlicated for starters. ;)

Keep up the great ideas,


Death is Not the End
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All right, here are some items to put in:

New Supports:
Energy Support
Adamantine Support
Gold Support
Arcanium Support
Arcanite Support
Mithril Support
Nether Support
Space Support
Onyx Support
Virus Support
Ultima Support
Omega Support
Alpha Support
Beta Support
Gamma Support
Delta Support
Arclite Support
Guass Support
Kaiser Support
Canister Support
Psi Support
Warp Support
ASA Laser Support
AXA Laser Support
Hellfire Support
Halo Support
Fragment Support
Mineral Support
Vespene Support
Gazlow's Custom Support Static
Gazlow's Custom Support Blaze
Gazlow's Custom Support Holy
Gazlow's Custom Support Demon
Gazlow's Custom Support Unholy
Gazlow's Custom Support Glacier
Gazlow's Custom Support Poison
Gazlow's Custom Support Corruption

New Add-Ons:
ASA Laser
AXA Laser
Gazlow's Customs

Vespene Gas
Magizine Stacks
Nuclear Gunpowder
Mystic Energy
Nether Flow
Data Chip - Bytes
Data Chip - Kilobytes
Data Chip - Megabytes
Data Chip - Gigabytes
Power Cord
Rifle Case
Canister Case
Backpack - Holds 2 Items
Backpack - Holds 4 Items
Backpack - Holds 6 Items
Backpack - Holds 8 Items
Backpack - Holds 10 Items
Backpack - Holds 12 Items
Backpack - Holds 14 Items
Backpack - Holds 16 Items

Energy Mechanizer
Data Mechanizer
Electronic Mechanizer
Machine Mechanizer
Power Cord Mechanizer
Suit Mechanizer
Mangabooster Mechanizer
Nuclear Mechanizer
Destructive Mechanizer
Chaos Mechanizer
Space Mechanizer
Nether Mechanizer


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Hmm, I may put like TWO more items, but that is all. The more recipies with the fewer items the better. Please suggest ideas based on the items I wrote before.


Is a Banned Asshole
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Havent tried the map yet but I like the name :p

Will make a review once (if, I am pretty forgetfull) I play the map :)


After some play...

I've played the game...with you hosting Knights,and i gotta say, it's a little stressful trying to decide/discover what you can make.

i've got a few suggestions:
1) fire, water, poison, and magic ball don't repawn, so it is hard to know what are good towers until you've run out of reasources.
2) the quest guide really needs to have a complete tower it is, when i host people are constantly asking how to make stuff
3)i think you should be able to make a 2nd peasant for like 250$ which means you can't get him right off the bat, but he'll be there later...this would be rly handy so you can have 1 peasnat getting rocks, and flint, and shrubs, while one continually harvests lumber.
4)i think it should be a solo td so having one or 2 noobs on the map (because they're always there) doesn't ruin the whole thing.
5) if you don't want to make it solo, add -kick functions (i have good triggers if u want them) and make it so that if/once players are gone, their creeps stop spawning.
6) and a sell function would be nice to get rid of old towers for their materials

u were asking for suggestions on towers, and a towers that use the basic materials that respawn should still be essential towards the end of the map... a few towers i thought of (and tried while playing to see if they were there were)

1) machine-gun tower:rapid-fire, like 10 damage
6 gunpowder + 3 rocks + 1 lumber
2) super arrow tower: normal fire, long range like 12 damage (like the current arrow tower)
3 flint + 3 rock + 3 lumber (to get 3 arrows) + 3 lumber to get one tower.
3) fire tower: low range, splash, ground only, like 25 damage
3 rock + 3 fire + 3 wood

just a few's a rly original idea for a td, harvest ur own materials...finally a challenging td. i can't wait to see it after more refinement.
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