Fruitseller (Cool) may change his race in GSL #2


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MyNameIsAlex said:

this is what pros say.

CheckPrime (2nd best zerg in the world) is considering changing too.

Do they need to L2P too?

Yeh, this is a quote, that has a link, that has some depressing info.

Not that I didn't expect it eventually though.

Still, I can't blame them... things are........ that bad.
Regardless, this is my broodwar race... as much as I want to at times, I can't leave the swarm, not now, not ever...

So yeah, all hail me, pretty soon I will be the only zerg on the european servers that doesn't go just for 6-8 pool or ling-mutha-bling.
Make that two.

Ah yes... memories from aeons long ago:
Brood War got released in 1998. Us UP Zerg had to wait until 2004 for JulyZerg to show up and bring his race to the top and finally, finally break the complete and total dominance of Terran and Protoss.

Given nowadays things runs faster... well, in ~3 years we'll have a Zerg GSL winner. (Currently, there's a grand total of one Zerg to make it to GSL Ro8 (which isn't all that bad considering there was only 16 of them to start with in Ro64))
who is the player ?

And.. 2 is a very stable number... considering that most of the comunity wants easy wins ^_^
I did not make myself clear on that one, sorry, what I was trying to get as an info is:
"Currently, there's a grand total of one Zerg to make it to GSL Ro8 "

who is the last zerg player in the GSL?

my bad :eek::eek:
Well... he used to play as "Cool". Nowadays, he goes as... wait for it... here it comes... trara... "a fruit dealer" :D
Well, his 10% win ratio has clearly gone up lately (he's also about $5500 richer by now).
We'll see.

There will always be the next great Zerg.
Well, that win ratio is against his practice partners which probably is guys like Tester, Ensnare and other oGs people.
Well, I didn't read all 77 :)eek:!!!) pages of that thread, but I caught that on the last page, someone was claiming that it had come to light that Cool was trolling. So, take everything with the requisite grain of salt.
Even more so as that one lone Zerg is now in the last 4! Way beyond any expectations.
Thanks for spoiling. ~.~

Live stream died (like always...) at the beginning of his first match.
Hm... works just fine here (like always...). Best 20 bucks I invested this month :p
Damn, that was a massacre just now.

Fruit also said that he's staying with Zerg btw.

in ~3 years we'll have a Zerg GSL winner.

You still think so? :p
" that was a massacre just now "

Perfect unit control vs a-move... :p

" You still think so? "

Doesn't mean it can't already happen now.
Just being in the finals is already sensational (and no Protoss in the last 4).

Just have a look around here, the only people believing in Zerg are ... hm, yeah, Bloodcount it seems... and myself.
All others are on the "Blizzard sucks" bandwagon, and explain it with "because it's obvious".
Unfortunately, that's not going to change, even if he wins.

Anyway, game 1 was seriously amazing. If nothing else, go watch that one.
And eat more apples, it helps your gameplay :D
>no Protoss in the last 4


Wouldn't it be ironic if a zerg were to win the GSL ?

Btw, since I don't watch the GSL (got no info what-so-ever about it) I am intrigued to know weather Cool has fought MMM, hellion->banshee harass, maruder/thor drop and the simple mass marine push ?
" I am intrigued to know weather "

Cloudy, with a hint of rain. About 15C.

" whether Cool has fought ... "

Ro64 match 11 vs EternalPrime (Team Prime) (P)

Game 1 Scrap Station, about 9:30

Pylon, Gateway, Cybernetics Core, just outside base to block entrance to both base and expansion.
FE, Hatchery first. The usual Pool + Gas + Speed.

Couple early Stalkers, fought off with Queen and Zerglings.
Mostly Zealots and Stalkers, few Sentries vs Speedlings and 3 Roaches.
Barely survived... Queen down. Had even Drones fighting.
Proxy Pylon finally killed.
"Large" Zergling force counter... gg

Artosis: " If you don't play perfect, Cool is gonna kill you "

Game 2 Kulas Ravine (rarely played map, "known" bad for Zerg), about 8:30

Pylon, Gateway and Cybernetics Core to block entrance.
Spawning Pool, Speed, Hatchery at gold.

Stalkers with Blink vs Roaches and a few Zerglings.
The expected high-ground abuse...
Plenty Force Fields.

Pushes in with Roaches through the rocks at expansion site... largely micro-battle.
Ends up in the Probe line... gg

Tasteless: " Winning with an unorthodox style on a map he's not supposed to win on "

Ro32 match 5 vs NEXTaeJa (Team NEX) (T)

Game 1 Lost Temple, about 15:00

Hatchery first, Pool, Gas. Scouting Drone goes for gas steal.
Barracks -> Factory -> Hellion, followed by Reaper.
Some Drone kills at expansion.
Reaper hops around between main and exp.
Speedlings end that.

Tank + 4 Marines drop at high-ground near natural.
Too late though as Mutalisks are out.
Enter the Muta-harass... vs Turrets and Marines.
Free Tank.
3rd to gold.
Banelings (with Speed and Burrow).
Unfortunately, those 500APM Korean cyborgs are all psychic and scan just perfectly.

Terran moves out with Tanks, Marines, Marauders and Medivacs.
Baneling speed not done yet...

Has enough Banelings though, once the Mutalisks remove the Tanks.

Terran keeps attacking after every production round (Marines, Marauders).
Loaded Medivac sniped.
Muta-harass continues.

Terran prepares to take the gold. Zerg spots it. Attacks with everything... Zerglings, Banelings, Mutalisks.
Pressure seems to be slightly too high... gg

Game 2 Metalopolis, about 10:30

(Note to Tasteless: No, horses do not sleep standing...)

Hatchery first, even though it's close spawns. Pool, Gas, Roaches.
"Scouts" with 4 slow Zerglings :p (met 4 Hellions).
Roaches (4) straight to base. Taken out by Marines and Hellions.
Helped somewhat to slow down the Terran.
First Marauders coming, stim on the way.
Baneling Nest on the way.

Larger push with Hellions, Marauders, Marines.
Serious damage but holds.
Counter with Speedlings and Roaches.
Counter-counter (takes out Mengsk statue on the way (plenty player actually do that)).

Typical case of "Well, it didn't work the first time. Neither the second. So it must work now".
Plenty Zerglings go on SCV hunt in main (and only) base. Taken out of course, but serious damage still.
Drop with 2 Medivacs.
Zerg, by now, has way too many Roaches / Banelings / Zerglings... gg

Ro16 match 3 vs oGsTOP (Team oGs) (T)

Game 1 Scrap Station, about 18:00

Hatchery first... you know the rest.
Terran opens with very early gas, Factory, add-on swap, Hellions.
Kills 5-6 Drones.
Banshee coming.
More Hellions.
Roaches to base! Calls the Banshee back.

Terran tries to island-expand. Unfortunately, there's an Overlord there, dropping creep :D
Banshee dies to 3 Queens.
Island goes up.
Thor is here.
Spire... 3rd base.

Basic Muta-harass. Difficult with Thors around.
Baneling Nest coming.
Island, by now, impossible to take out without Brood Lords (PF + Turrets).

Marines, Medivacs, Tanks and a couple Thors.
Plenty Banelings, Zerglings, Roaches. Some Mutalisks.

Baneling drop on island!
Gets a couple SCVs and a Turret.

Hatchery at gold taken out by Marine drop.
Another drop in main.
Gets the Spire!
Failed drop in main.
Drop at expansion. Easily stopped.


Large Tank / Marine / Thors force moving out.
Meanwhile, Zerg breaks thorugh rocks, kills whatever was waiting there (some Thor for example).

What follows can only be described as epic (though that means there's no "even better than" left anymore, running out of words here)

Terran moves in!
Fungal Growth. Baneling drops on Tanks. Pretty much simultaneously.
Sudden drop in Zerg minerals by several thousand at once: 15 Ultralisks in production in one go!!!
All Zerg forces gone.


Cleanup, move to main, ... unbelievable but he holds.
More Ultras, Zerglings... GG

Easily one of the best games of the tournament.

Tasteless: " The best play from Zerg I've seen so far "

Game 2 Lost Temple, about 8:00

Standard build: Pool / Gas.

Single base Lair.
Reaper harass. Not doing much yet (it's only one).

Nydus going up.

Worm infiltration with Zerglings.
Hellion micro (blue flame) saves the day.
Sends some more Zerglings... Worm down.

It's now a slow, one base Mutalisks build.
Thor out soon.

Hellions roast some Drones... gg - Nydus gamble didn't pay off.

Game 3 Kulas Ravine, about 18:00

FE, classic by now.
Barracks, Factory... sounds like Hellions (again).

Hellions. As expected they kill some Drones. Then some more... and around... and here... about 6 Drones gone.
Banshee coming.

Banshee kills even more Drones. And lives to tell the tale.
No Lair yet.

Evolution Chamber. No upgrades. One Spore Crawler.
Thor is here.

Zerg takes gold.
Terran double expands on natural and second natural (through the rocks).

Banshee still around. 9 kills by now.

Spire and Banelings coming.
Terran takes gold, Zerg expands one more time.

Calm before the storm.

Zergling / Roaches drop, from 7 Overlords.
Damage to supply, then quickly leaves when Thors show up.

More drops. To gold. Hellions... bunch of Banelings.

8 Thors.

More drops. Hits SCVs.

10 Ultralisks coming!

16(?) Thors moving out.

Ultras ready.
Gets a flank / surround off! Thors gone.

Ultralisk drop at expansion. Serious damage.

And it continues like that.
More drops, more damage, more Thors die, ... Terran basically just watches as he gets a new one.
Baneling drop, Ultras... well, the entire thing takes a bit of time, but, as expected: gg

Not the most interesting ending, but still solid gameplay, working his way back up from a bad start, to out-macro his opponent, and, finally, break him with superior tech.

Ro8 match 2 vs oGsInCa (Team oGs) (P)

Game 1 Kulas Ravine, about 5:00

6pool. WTH! 6pool? On Kulas? vs Protoss? What?
Constant stream of reinforcements, along with crazy micro manages to pull it off.
Protoss never got into the game (Pylon gone, down to 4 Probes). And it's not like he wasn't trying. It simply wasn't enough.

Game 2 Lost Temple, about 13:00

14 Hatchery.
Chrono-boosted Zealot.

Probes vs Zealot...
10 Zerglings vs 3 Zealots...

Baneling Nest. (Good choice vs mostly Zealots, Cyber core barely started)

Protoss about to wall off.

What follows is some very patient Baneling micro and (ab)use.
Slowly dealing damage with Zerglings (note: ramp is now blocked by structures).

Banelings vs Probes. Always fun to watch :p
Would be better with speed, but we take what we get here. We're watching the last Zerg standing. No complaining from me.

Takes several runs, plenty Banelings, plenty Zerglings, plenty micro, plenty patience.

Stalkers out. Protoss holds (great play there).

Protoss goes with an all-in 4gate.
Zerg expands. Roaches coming. In large numbers. With speed.

" Nice Force Fields "! (Damn, do I hate those things. Even more when "nice"...)

24+ Roaches... qq.

Artosis: " He just sold a banana to a guy that sells bananas "

Semi final match 1 vs NEXLiveForever (Team NEX) (T)

Game 1 Metalopolis, about 20:00

Hatchery first.
Barracks, gas, supply, tech lab. Reaper.

Heavy Bunker push in base and at expansion.
Queen got the SCV.
Replacement SCV comes, but Roaches are out. Zerg holds.

4 Reapers in the main... Some Drones gone.
Roaches win the day, but now seriously behind in economy (Drones lost, Hatchery lost, ...).
Starport coming.
Roach "push" repelled by Marauders.
Cloak on the way.
Roaches aren't all that great vs Marauders.
Annoying Hellion vs slow Zerglings.
Lair not even half done at this point.
Banshee out, cloak ready by the time it arrives.
Takes forever to morph an Overseer.
7 Drones killed before Queens can see it.

Still more Banshee harassment. Zerg has stabilized now.
Terran expansion about to go up.
Same for Zerg.

Mutalisks out now.
Terran moves out with Marines / Marauders.
Expansion lost to MM.

On way back, attack with Zerglings and Mutalisks.
Gets most of them.
Queen out in the middle of the map, healing a Mutalisk! (<- read that again)

Thor is here. With Marines. Lots.
Zerg gets Banelings, and another expansion, along with Infestors.
Zerglings doing a totally great job. Take out the two Thors!
High-level unit control.

Marine drop at latest expansion. "Just in time" saved by Zerglings / Mutalisks.

Zerg has established map-control.

Hatchery falls to the second drop.
Drop at main, lots of Drones...

Hive up. Ultralisk Cavern!

About to face a rather impressive MMMTT.
200/200 armies on both sides.

Confrontation imminent.

Infestors preparing... Terran inching forward... scan... Ultras out.
Fungal Growth, Banelings, Ultralisks, ... damn. EPIC!
It's over in seconds really. Meatgrinder, twice :p

Marine drop for the lulz.
Nydus in main. Cleanup in progress. Mission accomplished... gg

Artosis: " Superb play "

In theory, you're supposed to lose when your FE gets killed.
Well... who cares for theory. When was the last time you saw a Queen heal a Mutalisk in the middle of the map? :D

Game 2 Scrap Station, about 17:00

SCV prevents FE with an Engineering Bay (cheap but high hitpoints). Eventually it goes up though.
Hellions about to face Roaches.

Roaches walk right past the Hellions, on to base!
Hellions are obviously faster, but it still keeps the Hellions at home.

Btw, the "Automaton 2000" got renamed to "Utility Bot"???

Anyway, Roaches at the front door. Annoying some repairing SCVs.
3 Hellions vs a Queen. Some Drones lost.
Vikings out, Overlord hunt.
Lots of damage from Hellions.

Tanks out. Command Center ready to float over to expansion.
Suiciding some Roaches for intel...
Mutalisks out. Got scanned. But Thor is here anyway already.

Some harass at expansion. Doesn't kill much, but it's still mining time lost for Terran.
Generally, Zerg income is higher.
Banelings, 2 more Hatcheries. Burrowed Banelings.
Scanned, of course.
Terran breaking through the rock path.
Zerg splits army in two.
Half down, other half up to Terran expansion and on to main.
Forces Terran back.

Drop repelled by Infestors (there's 7 of them).

Second rocks... Zerg splits forces again.
Zerg Hatchery at gold will go down to drop.
Saved with 10+ hitpoints... though the nearby Viking landed...

Terran about to move in.
Zerg attacks main.
Terran retreats. Zerg crushes Terran army from two sides.
You know how it went already, Fungal Growth, Banelings, Ultralisks ... move on to main... gg
Amazing army control.

Game 3 Kulas Ravine, about 10:00

Uneventful opening with gas, pool and supply, Barracks, gas, the usual Hellions vs Roaches.
The interesting part is that the Roaches are pretty much all over the map, in small groups of 3-5, Hellions run around wildly, but don't really make it to the base.

No expansion yet from Zerg. One-base Mutalisks?

Expansion Drone nearly caught by Hellion.
Hatchery goes up anyway.

Mutalisks having a look at the Terran base.

Terran counters by moving out with Marines / Marauders.
Base swap?
Roaches / Zerglings / couple Mutalisks hacking at the Terran structures, while Marines / Marauders with stim take out Zerg base.

Lair gone.
Command center takes off.
Mutalisks back at home to clean up!
Zerg doesn't have much left, but he expanded earlier on.

Mutalisks hunt down the last Terran structures... gg

3 - 0. Flawless.

Good luck for the finals.
And, let's not forget his Terran opponent doesn't have that many Zerg to practice against, whereas he has no trouble finding a Terran opponent :D

To be continued...
Thank you for taiking your time and writing this post. You rock.

Cool is just fucking awsome.
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