Tutorial Hero Craft: Function, Role, Synergy and Balance


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Hero Craft
> Function, Role, Synergy and Balance <


The purpose of this tutorial is to guide new and experienced developers in the right path when designing heroes for their maps. I find the problem with heroes is that, no matter how polished and efficient the map's code, no matter how great the terrain and models look, most mapmakers lack the gaming experience to design a hero that works.

This guide will teach developers how to design a hero that has a particular role in the game, how to create abilities that work together both with the hero's own strategy as well as the strategy of the team, and how to balance abilities with each other so that all of them get picked, and not just the "imba" ones.

The only knowledge required to follow this tutorial is:

  • Knowledge of simple Warcraft 3 mechanics (heroes, spells, gametypes, etc.) This does not mean just melee, it basically means you have to know how a hero works.

Table of Contents:

1.0: Function of a Hero
1.1: Synergy and the Hero's Role
1.2: Balance - What is "OP"?

NOTE: This tutorial is meant to be read all the way through from the beginning. If you are reading this guide; you need to read it all, because just one section is not going to help you.


1.0: Function of a Hero

One of the most commonly overlooked aspects of a hero is its function in the game. Most people decide, for example, that they want to make a troll hero, and thus they make a troll hero, and stack a bunch of random "trollish" sounding abilities onto their hero and they're done. That is NOT a good idea. A hero's abilities should be designed based on the type of game the hero is going to be playing.

For example, if you are making a hero defense, you are going to want a hero with abilities that work well for killing creeps or making it easier for your team to kill creeps; i.e. damage spells, damage buff spells, armor debuff spells, healing spells, and lots and lots of AoE.

If you are making an AoS, hero arena, capture the flag, or other team-based, competitive game, you're going to want your hero to have spells that work well for killing other heroes; things such as damage spells and heals are good and all, but you need to keep the gameplay strategies in mind. What if a hero tries to get away? Disables are always nice. If your game is a team game, you should design it like a team game. Games like this are not about running in by yourself and taking out a hero one-on-one; they are about catching a lone hero while he kills creeps in the woods and beating the shit out of him before he can get away.

Contrastingly, if you are making a solo competitive map, your hero should have one-on-one abilities, or even one-on-two abilities; escape mechanisms are also necessary. Nobody wants to play a game where you run into the crossfire, shoot a few people, die, and repeat. We have a name for that kind of game; it's called Halo, and it's a bad example.

With that said, let's talk a little bit about synergy.

1.1: Synergy and the Hero's Role

Most people's idea of hero synergy is when its spells work together. For the most part, that's right, but it doesn't stop there. Making a spell that gives a little debuff and making another spell that does extra damage if the enemy has the debuff on them is not good synergy. If you want that kind of synergy, you may as well throw your chances of ever making a successful map out the window.

A hero's abilities should not necessarily synergize with themselves, but the hero's strategic role. For example, if you want a beefy strength hero whose purpose is to be the focus in a team battle, you are going to need several things:

  • Defenses. This hero is going to be taking a LOT of damage, so you'd better make sure he can do that without getting instagib'd.
  • Threat. Why would anyone want to smack the tank if the tank isn't gonna kill them? The best thing for a tank is raw damage. High attack damage, high attack speed, high movement speed, high everything. Just because he does 50% more damage than the other heroes doesn't make him imbalanced. Keep that in mind for when we talk about carries.
  • Punishment. So you smack the tank, he'll die eventually, yay. But no, what if the tank had spikes coming out of his ass, so that whenever you smack him, you get a fistful of shit-covered spikes. All crude analogies aside, you're going to want some kind of negative effect to happen to your enemies every time they hurt you.
Now the next example: A support caster. These guys are really nasty because you can never seem to kill them, because every time you try, you get beaten senseless by the tank. A support caster is meant to keep the enemies in one place while the other heroes beat on them. So, naturally, the support caster needs several things:

  • Disables. Stuns, slows, ensnares, everything. AoE if possible. The disables allow everyone else to safely beat on your enemies while you sit in the shadows laughing your ass off as your gold and experience increases.
  • Escape mechanism. So, disables don't last forever, when the pissed-off motherfucker who you just hit with a storm bolt puts his brain back together, he's gonna come for you! Since you're a slow, squishy support caster, you're going to want a way to escape. Wind walk, movespeed buffs, and blink are good examples of these. Even disables can be used to escape.
The final basic example is the carry, or the DPSer. This is the little devil that haunts the nightmares of all public gamers and makes the noobs cry OP more than any other hero. Why? Because this is the guy who gets all the kills; the guy who gets the great score, all the nice items, and gets to be 10 levels higher than everyone else. The carry has one real purpose: to make it as painful as possible for any sorry scrub who gets close to them. Thus, a carry needs these qualities:

  • Some way of doing a LOT of damage. A high attack damage, high attack speed, and things like critical strike are very popular. What most people don't realize is that damage spells that can be fired off in rapid succession are almost as good, if not better.
  • Survival mechanism. This is not like the tank's high HP and armor, this is more like Lifesteal or Lifesteal or Lifesteal or Lifesteal or maybe something like bash, divine shield or temporary spell immunity (avatar). Anything that will make sure that the other team has no hope of damaging the carry. If you didn't get it before, lifesteal is overused. Try something else.
  • Chasing mechanism. The carry is the one who is supposed to stay in the fight for the longest because he does the most damage. The other team is supposed to keep him alive. Naturally, if he is the last one alive, he is going to want some way to chase down the remaining enemies. Movement speed buffs and blink-strike type things are always great, but people tend to prefer slows. Possibly the most original chasing mechanisms I have seen are Rupture and Mana Leak (most well-known from the infamous DotA) that don't exactly hinder the enemies' movement, but if you keep moving, bad things happen.
These three hero roles are enough to make a decent competitive team, although they are not all that makes up a team. Most hero roles are hybrids of the above three. Keep it in mind, however, that there are other possibilities, and the categories can get narrowed down a bit; for example a close-range melee carry with lifesteal or a long-range sniper-like carry.

1.2: Balance - What is "OP"?

When developing a map, you have to look at the big picture. If your map focuses on lower-level gameplay, people will play it for a few days and drop it. You will get a lot of popularity for a while until everyone gets sick of it, and then they will go play something else (Examples: Warlock, Green TD, Most tag maps, Most TD maps, Most hero defense maps). If your map focuses on upper-level gameplay, if you're lucky, you might get a small, lasting player base, but chances are, you won't get anyone at all because nobody understands how to play the game (Examples: RP maps, Desert of Exile, Age of Myths, Advent of the Zenith).

With that said, you're going to want to look for something in between, catering to the newbies who will then discover an entirely different way to play the game that prioritizes teamwork a lot higher than individual skill. DotA achieved this by installing easy mode, a way for new players to get familiar with the game, and then they could start playing normal mode more competitively. Element TD achieved this simply by making countless strategies that work better on different difficulty modes; for example the interest strategy on very hard and the mass AoE towers on normal mode. Sheep Tag achieved this by creating a main strategy (mass farms) that is pretty idiot-proof, but when you start playing with people who aren't idiots, you're going to calculate things a little more.

A great way for you to achieve this that is actually relevant to the theme of this tutorial is via hero strategies. It is rather simple; try to make your heroes' abilities as versatile as possible so that they can be used for their basic purpose as well as more advanced purposes. Before I give some examples, I'm going to tell you that the best way to do this is to go simple. The strategy should be what is complicated, not the abilities themselves.

Blink is an example of a nice, simple, versatile spell. It can be used to jump into battle and initiate with a disable, it can be used to escape battle, it can be used to dodge enemy spells, it can be used to bait enemies, it can even be used to increase the damage of spells (for example DotA's Impetus).

Now I'm going to try to think of a typical, complex spell that just doesn't work too well. Oh, here we go, let's call it "Dark Helix of Q'othq'or"; it is a spell that shoots out a helical pattern of different-colored orbs, and each orb has a different effect. Red orbs damage enemies, green orbs do damage over time, and blue orbs stun them. Well, let's look at how this spell can be used... you can use it to damage enemies, stun them, and do damage over time... all at once. And that's it. Pretty straightforward; fire your laz0r. You may as well just go with Storm Bolt and give it a nice custom model.


Hopefully I have managed to give you a more fine-tuned understanding of hero mechanics, synergy, balance and the mechanics of a team-based competitive game while providing you with a healthy dose of entertainment. I might add more content later.

I apologize to all those who disapprove of DotA; I only made so many DotA analogies because it is what I have played the most and thus have the most experience with.
maybe u should make a hero so that u can show us how its done

like a carry, tank and a support, but nonetheless, this is an awesome tutorial
Seems good but you should include starting agi, intel, armour, str gains and initial hp, hp regen etc, that might be a good part for the next tutorial.
Seems good but you should include starting agi, intel, armour, str gains and initial hp, hp regen etc, that might be a good part for the next tutorial.

Well this tutorial is (at least so far) about the advanced conceptual mechanics, all that stuff is pretty basic.

I may as well do that anyways, I could write a part 2.
Sounds interesting, it sounds handy to keep in mind, a thought of making an AoS passes, but I never would because no one would play it :D

Or I'm still not that great at syenergizing combos lol.

Just a Q: What is Age of Myths? I heard of it, bu when I google it, it comes up with Microsoft version or something. I wanna find out about it.

I checked the basic hero stats and stat gain and some of them had higher stuffs.

Age of Myth is advanced game but with confusing tooltip, it is made by vile and continued by fulla.
Sounds interesting, it sounds handy to keep in mind, a thought of making an AoS passes, but I never would because no one would play it :D

Or I'm still not that great at syenergizing combos lol.

Just a Q: What is Age of Myths? I heard of it, bu when I google it, it comes up with Microsoft version or something. I wanna find out about it.

Age of Mythology?
Age of Myths is an old AoS that used to be a lot more popular than it is now. It's another one of those "I'm gonna make DotA but I'm gonna make it better" projects that never really get popular, but this one was a little bit better than the rest. AotZ is a lot better than the rest, and DoE is the only one I would call a "really good map", although it is far from perfect, and I must say it is not "marketed" very well at all.
DoE has cool spells and effects but no one hosts it. They need to advertise more. Almost no one even knows about it.
I've got a few issues with this...

1) Quite short, not sure if anything can be done about that

they want to make a troll hero, and thus they make a troll hero, and stack a bunch of random "trollish" sounding abilities onto their hero and they're done
I think that needs to be rephrased - some might get the impression that a troll hero with no troll-ish abilities is a good thing, but that takes away from the hero itself. A hero's abilities should fit that particular hero's theme (you don't see Water Elemental heroes shooting fireballs all over the place, do you? :p) otherwise it doesn't make much sense.

For example, if you are making a hero defense, you are going to want a hero with abilities that work well for killing creeps or making it easier for your team to kill creeps; i.e. damage spells, damage buff spells, armor debuff spells, healing spells, and lots and lots of AoE.
Two things here that I don't particularly like...
(a) You've mentioned a large variety of types of spells. Heroes have a limited amount of spells, so they won't be capable of taking all

(b) The bolded part - while AoE is obviously good, advising to have lots of it can make things a tad too easy*, and make teamwork less viable - why share your kills with anyone else when you can blast your targets 3 or 4 times over, then have a 2sec pause before letting loose on them again?

*Granted, mobs can be balanced in accordance to the heroes' spells, but too much AoE would result in more careless casting - if people have fewer abilities with which to take down groups of mobs, they may be more inclined to pick their moment to maximize damage

The best thing for a tank is raw damage. High attack damage, high attack speed, high movement speed, high everything
Some way of doing a LOT of damage. A high attack damage, high attack speed, and things like critical strike are very popular
Sounds like the tank is supposed to be nothing more than a DPS who can hold out longer...

Given all the properties that you say a well-designed tank should, it seems to contradict the purpose you have given
whose purpose is to be the focus in a team battle
With your given properties, the tank is going to be somewhat monstrous in power. Why would anyone want to focus him when he can (1) take alot of damage, (2) deal alot of damage and (3) kick your ass when you deal damage. If you add those together, along with the fact that he would have allies nearby (in a team battle, that is), focusing a softer target would be much more sensible (since you can reduce overall damage taken, and get it done faster than you would if you went for the tank)

Overall, from reading through this, it sounds like a bunch of concepts taken from WoW (I don't know many other games/maps that use these group composition concepts) and tweaked to fit WC3, although they can't fit the way you want since the 2 games play differently
Sounds like the tank is supposed to be nothing more than a DPS who can hold out longer...

Tanks do DPS. That's the point. The carry does "more" DPS and from earlier on because it has spells to chase down the enemy heroes. Trust me, if you're getting ambushed, you're going to run away from the carry, not the tank.

Given all the properties that you say a well-designed tank should, it seems to contradict the purpose you have given

Not at all. We're talking about fighting players here, not a boss who will just smack the tank while everyone else does more damage.

With your given properties, the tank is going to be somewhat monstrous in power. Why would anyone want to focus him when he can (1) take alot of damage, (2) deal alot of damage and (3) kick your ass when you deal damage. If you add those together, along with the fact that he would have allies nearby (in a team battle, that is), focusing a softer target would be much more sensible (since you can reduce overall damage taken, and get it done faster than you would if you went for the tank)

People want to focus the tank because, if they don't, he will kill them. The point is that the softer targets escape if you focus them while the tank beats on you (hence escape mechanisms). It's meant to be a predicament; if the team is organized perfectly, they are fucked either way, so they have to think of another strategy. That's good.

Overall, from reading through this, it sounds like a bunch of concepts taken from WoW (I don't know many other games/maps that use these group composition concepts) and tweaked to fit WC3, although they can't fit the way you want since the 2 games play differently

I don't play WoW anymore so I can't confirm that. I took most of these concepts from AoS maps. The only time I every played WoW; everyone just kinda rushed at each other with no particular strategy, or they had some boss that they did strategize about, but that's a dumb boss that just hits the tank regardless of who is doing more damage because the tank, for some reason, poses as more of a "threat" simply because Blizzard says it does. This tutorial is meant to focus on player-versus-player games.
For me its more important that Hero feels good and looks cool and is not boring to play. ( Noone likes to play hero that can only support or heal )

Of course hero desinging depends on maps style greatly.

There are some really interesting AoS heroes such as Blood Mage ( Tides of Blood ), whose spells use health instead of mana. ( This concept is pretty has become pretty popular actually. ) There are also some pretty cool heroes in Advent of Zenith, for example that skeleton hero who allways has those skeleton buddies following him, and that that tree guy who has sick strength. ( Heroes with insane strength and weak other stats are also quite popular ). Desert of Exile also has some really cool hero concepts ( Dis, Sozen ) That map also has that cool condition system, which plays a big part in gameplay, so Heroes are designed to work with it, meaning that it has some cool stuff....

The greatest hero of all time is ofc Leto II ( Tides of Blood ), probably because Im a big fan of those Dune books and because that Hero is just so awesome.

But yea, my point was that you need to pay atention to the Heros style and overall coolness. For example, check Autumn Emissary from Tides of Blood v.O (link) That Kudzu spell actually fits for him, because its really made for that character with custom textures and all.
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    Easily done
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    Need to try something
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    See how we like that.
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    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
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    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
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    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
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    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
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    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
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    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
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    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example: https://www.rpnation.com/news/
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    What do you think Tom?
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    I will have to get used to this.
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    The latest news feed looks good

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