Inventory System - JASS Interface


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Got tired of changing the thread topic for the other one, and it's was originally about LUA, and the practicalities of it.

I'm wondering now, what sort of JASS features need to be available to an inventory system? The structure is this:

Every unit with an inventory has pockets in the normal items area. There can be any number of pockets, which are declared in the script. In each pocket, a unit may hold up to 10 different itemtypes, and any number of each item type. So they can hold 10 items unless they stack. Demo. And to clarify, each ItemType has a fixed pocket it goes to.

So then. What JASS functions are required? Inevitably, the user will want to know if the unit has an item of a certain type. Since this system allows attaching to individual items and stacking of items, there is a slight issue - if one item is "enchanted" or has certain stats, and the user then picks up one which is not, the order of the items becomes important. Dropping an item will always drop the latest one picked up. The real issue is, the user will wish to retrieve all items of type x from a unit. So to get an actual item, syntax is something like:
Inventory[unit].getItemList(MyItemType)[1] // the last is the item number, in order of pick up.

Seems to make sense to me. Anyone have other ideas?

What about getting all items for a pocket? Will people need that? Or the number of items in a pocket?
Inventory[unit].getPocket(MyPocket) // returns a list of ItemTypes that the unit has.

Hm. It kind of makes sense to me. What will the list object be like? Will it be an iterator? Does it need to destroy itself automatically? Should I just add a .forAllItemsInList(some method) kinda thing? Hm!

Need interface ideas...


Vastly intelligent whale-like being from the stars
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make a struct called ItemGroup or something, that simulates a unit group except with items?


Good Idea™
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And that will either have O(n) complexity retrieval for myGroup[x], or O(n) complexity removal for dropping items...

Alternatively, perhaps this is a job for BTrees. Makes lots of sense because it removes hashtable use from the process, makes searching O(log(n)) and removing O(1).

Edit: Alternatively, maybe myGroup[x] is not necessary, and I say you can get myGroup.first, myGroup.last, or call myGroup.forEach(method). That makes lots of sense...


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this almost looks like a case to use a dictionary... :p (I've added a forEach I just haven't updated the resource yet). Constant time for all the ops that matter, retrieval, removal, addition.

As I was a big writer of systems like this back in the day.

As for things that really need to be done on the item side is scripting events and giving good hooks back to the user. There should be events on ItemUse, ,Drop, Equip etc.

If you can bother digging it up my DT4a I think was pretty extensive from a scriptability stand point for its time.

I would think its better to think of items to have classifications rather then pocket forcing of types, that way I can say this pocket right hand can use items with class [Heavy weapons], and class [light weapons], and make pocket left hand use items with class [light weapons] and class [shields] or something.


Vastly intelligent whale-like being from the stars
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ooh, something that would be cool, would be that you can specify an item's weight, so that way people could make a system that the more items you carry the slower you get (no more packrats!)


Good Idea™
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That will all be easy to accomplish with this system, not within this system. :thup:

ItemTypes are declared in a structy thing, as per here. It will be like:
//! runtextmacro ItemType("Sword")
    //! runtextmacro SetItemName("Really Big Sword")
    //! runtextmacro SetItemDescription("No really, this sword is huge.")
    //! runtextmacro SetItemHotkey("X")
    //! runtextmacro SetItemIcon("ReplaceableTextures\\\\CommandButtons\\\\BTNDaggerOfEscape.blp")
//! runtextmacro ItemStruct()
    method onCreate takes nothing returns nothing
    method onUse takes nothing returns nothing
    method onAcquire takes nothing returns nothing
    method onDrop takes nothing returns nothing
//! runtextmacro EndItem()

I was going to add equipping items, but actually that can all be triggered through onUse, and makes more sense to have a system build it on top. Think: [LJASS]implement Weapon[/LJASS].

As for the dictionary suggestion, it is not O(1) for maintaining an infinitely sized array which shifts itself when removing an item from the middle to leave no gaps - nothing is. That's why I think maybe using .last, .first and .forEach(...) makes more sense (the index isn't meaningful). :thup:

Edit: Once again, dictionaries aren't useful here because you can't get all dictionaries an item is a value in, to remove it. :p


New Member
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Well then a Hashset, so that atleast you can ask fast contains (do I have sword of awesome+=3?), and getFirstEntry, (I don't see a need to expose both first and last entry). And you can certainly attach back pointers for the node you are storing, but thats super duper annoying.

And Jesus4lyf making the equipping all handles in onItemUse can be quiet daunting.


Good Idea™
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And Jesus4lyf making the equipping all handles in onItemUse can be quiet daunting.
That's why I'll release an "equipment types" library shortly after, which will extend that [LJASS]implement Weapon[/LJASS] syntax afterwards (or something like that). The point is it is neither core to this system nor necessary to integrate directly.

Edit: Alright, so far:
library MYSYS requires AIDS
//! externalblock extension=lua ObjectMerger $FILENAME$
    //! runtextmacro MYSYS__StartConfig()

    // System Object Editor IDs.
    //! runtextmacro MYSYS__BeginSysIds()
        // Uses:
        //  - 'Ixx&' for item type.
        //  - 'Axx&' for use ability.
        //  - 'Sxx&' for hider spellbook.
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0a")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0b")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0c")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0d")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0e")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0f")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0g")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0h")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0i")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0j")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0k")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0l")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0m")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0n")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0o")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0p")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0q")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0r")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0s")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0t")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0u")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0v")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0w")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0x")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0y")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0z")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0A")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0B")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0C")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0D")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0E")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0F")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0G")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0H")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0I")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0J")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0K")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0L")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0M")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0N")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0O")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0P")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0Q")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0R")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0S")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0T")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0U")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0V")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0W")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0X")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0Y")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0Z")
    //! runtextmacro MYSYS__EndSysIds()
    // System Object Editor Orders.
    //! runtextmacro MYSYS__BeginSysOrders()
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysOrder("earthquake")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysOrder("chainlightning")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysOrder("thunderclap")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysOrder("stormbolt")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysOrder("mirrorimage")
    //! runtextmacro MYSYS__EndSysOrders()
    // Pockets
    //! runtextmacro MYSYS__BeginPockets()
        // Something special that relates to pockets.
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__BeginLastOpenedIcon()
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconHotkey("Y")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconX("2")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconY("1")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconIcon("ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNChestOfGold.blp")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconTooltip("Open Inventor|cffffcc00y|r Pocket")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconUbertip("Opens up the last pocket you accessed in your inventory.")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__EndLastOpenedIcon()
        // Pockets.
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Pocket("Pocket1")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__EndPocket()
    //! runtextmacro MYSYS__EndPockets()
    //! runtextmacro MYSYS__EndConfig()
    // SYSTEM AREA (don't touch)
    //! textmacro MYSYS__StartConfig
        // For IdBase struct members.
        //private keyword ...
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__EndConfig
    //! endtextmacro
    // Id Declaration
    //! textmacro MYSYS__BeginSysIds
        private module IdBaseInitModule
            private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
                //! i sysIds={}
                //! i maxSysIds=0
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__EndSysIds
        //! i sysIdsUsed=0
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId takes SYSID
        set thistype.idMax=thistype.idMax+1
        //! i maxSysIds=maxSysIds+1
        set thistype(thistype.idMax).ItemStruct__itemType='I$SYSID$&'
        set thistype(thistype.idMax).ItemStruct__spellbookType='S$SYSID$&'
        set thistype(thistype.idMax).ItemStruct__abilityType='A$SYSID$&'
        //! i sysIds[maxSysIds]={itemType="I$SYSID$&", spellbookType="S$SYSID$&", abilityType="A$SYSID$&"}
    //! endtextmacro
    // Order Declaration
    //! textmacro MYSYS__BeginSysOrders
            private integer array SysOrders
            private integer MaxSysOrders=0
        private module OrdersInitModule
            private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
                //! i sysOrders={}
                //! i maxSysOrders=0
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__EndSysOrders
            private integer SysOrdersUsed=0
        //! i sysOrdersUsed=0
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__AllowSysOrder takes SYSORDER
        set MaxSysOrders=MaxSysOrders+1
        set SysOrders[MaxSysOrders]=OrderId("$SYSORDER$")
        //! i maxSysOrders=maxSysOrders+1
        //! i sysOrders[maxSysOrders]="$SYSORDER$"
    //! endtextmacro
    // Pocket Declaration
    //! textmacro MYSYS__BeginPockets
        private function PocketInit takes nothing returns nothing
            local Pocket this
            //! i setobjecttype("abilities")
            // Dummy ability for pockets.
            // Get id from first pocket's ability id (unused).
            //! i dummyItemAbility=sysIds[sysIdsUsed+1].abilityType
            //! i createobject("AItb",dummyItemAbility)
            //! i makechange(current,"acat","")
            //! i makechange(current,"anam","Dummy Item Ability")
            //! i makechange(current,"ansf","(ItemStruct)")
            //! i makechange(current,"Det1",1,0)
            //! i makechange(current,"aare",1,0)
            //! i makechange(current,"abuf",1,"")
            //! i makechange(current,"acdn",1,0)
            //! i makechange(current,"ahdu",1,0)
            //! i makechange(current,"adur",1,0)
            //! i makechange(current,"atar",1,"")
            // Init
            //! i maxPockets=0
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__EndPockets
        //! i setobjecttype("abilities")
        //! i createobject("AInv","AInv")
        //! i if maxPockets>=6 then
            //! i makechange(current,"inv1",1,6)
        //! else
            //! i makechange(current,"inv1",1,maxPockets)
        //! i end
        // Pocket-orders duplication
        //! i pocketOrders={}
        //! i for tempPocketNum=0,maxPockets do
            //! i pocketOrders[tempPocketNum]=sysOrdersUsed
        //! i end
        private module PocketInitModule
            private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
                call PocketInit()
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__BeginLastOpenedIcon
        //! i setobjecttype("abilities")
        //! i lastOpenedPocketAbility=sysIds[sysIdsUsed+1].spellbookType
        //! i createobject("Aspb",dummyItemAbility)
        //! i makechange(current,"aite",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"anam","Open Inventory Pocket")
        //! i makechange(current,"ansf","(ItemStruct)")
        //! i makechange(current,"spb4",1,11)
        //! i makechange(current,"spb3",1,0)
        //! i makechange(current,"spb2",1,0)
        // Default spell list.
        //! i makechange(current,"spb1",1,"")
        // Order Issues.
            private integer LAST_OPENED_OID
        set SysOrdersUsed=SysOrdersUsed+1
        set LAST_OPENED_OID=SysOrders[SysOrdersUsed]
        //! i sysOrdersUsed=sysOrdersUsed+1
        //! i LAST_OPENED_ORDER=sysOrders[sysOrdersUsed]
        //! i makechange(current,"aord",LAST_OPENED_ORDER)
        //! i makechange(current,"spb5",1,LAST_OPENED_ORDER)
        // Defaults.
            private string LAST_OPENED_HOTKEY="Y"
        //! i makechange(current,"ahky","Y")
        //! i makechange(current,"abpx",2)
        //! i makechange(current,"abpy",1)
        //! i makechange(current,"aart","ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNChestOfGold.blp")
        //! i makechange(current,"atp1",1,"Open Inventor|cffffcc00y|r Pocket")
        //! i makechange(current,"aub1",1,"Opens up the last pocket you accessed in your inventory.")
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconHotkey takes VAL
        set LAST_OPENED_HOTKEY="$VAL$"
        //! i makechange(current,"ahky","$VAL$")
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconX takes VAL
        //! i makechange(current,"abpx",$VAL$)
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconY takes VAL
        //! i makechange(current,"abpy",$VAL$)
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconIcon takes VAL
        //! i makechange(current,"aart","$VAL$")
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconTooltip takes VAL
        //! i makechange(current,"atp1",1,"$VAL$")
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconUbertip takes VAL
        //! i makechange(current,"aub1",1,"$VAL$")
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__EndLastOpenedIcon
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__Pocket takes IDENTIFIER
            Pocket $IDENTIFIER$
        set $IDENTIFIER$=Pocket.create()
        set this=$IDENTIFIER$
        //! i sysIdsUsed=sysIdsUsed+1
        //! i maxPockets=maxPockets+1
        //! i $IDENTIFIER$=maxPockets
        //! i pocketIdentifier="$IDENTIFIER$"
        // Defaults.
        //! i pocketName=""
        //! i pocketDescription=""
        //! i pocketIcon=""
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetPocketName takes NAME
        set this.ItemStruct__name="$NAME$"
        //! i pocketName="$NAME$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetPocketDescription takes DESCRIPTION
        set this.ItemStruct__description="$DESCRIPTION$"
        //! i pocketDescription="$DESCRIPTION$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetPocketIcon takes ICON
        //! i pocketIcon="$ICON$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__EndPocket
        // Make object data.
        //! i setobjecttype("items")
        //! i createobject("ssil",sysIds[sysIdsUsed].itemType)
        //! i makechange(current,"iabi",dummyItemAbility)
        //! i makechange(current,"idro",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"isel",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"icla","Miscellaneous")
        //! i makechange(current,"igol",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"iicd",1)
        //! i makechange(current,"iprn",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"ilev",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"ipri",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"isto",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"istr",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"ides","")
        //! i makechange(current,"uhot","")
        //! i makechange(current,"utip","")
        //! i makechange(current,"iabi",pocketIcon)
        //! i makechange(current,"unam",pocketName)
        //! i makechange(current,"utub",pocketDescription)
    //! endtextmacro
    // Item Declaration
    //! textmacro ItemType takes IDENTIFIER
            ItemType $IDENTIFIER$=0
        struct ItemStruct__$IDENTIFIER$ extends Item
            private static ItemType itemType=0
            //! i itemIdentifier="$IDENTIFIER$"
            private static method ItemStruct__init takes nothing returns nothing
                local integer i=bj_MAX_PLAYERS
                set thistype.itemType=ItemType.create(thistype.ItemStruct__create)
                //! i sysIdsUsed=sysIdsUsed+1
                set $IDENTIFIER$=thistype.itemType
                // Hide spellbook
                    set i=i-1
                    call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Player(i),thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__spellbookType,false)
                    exitwhen i==0
                // Attach ItemType to item rawcode.
                call ItemStruct__RegisterItemType(thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__itemType,thistype.itemType)
                // Defaults.
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__name="$IDENTIFIER$"
                //! i itemName="$IDENTIFIER$"
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__model="Objects\\InventoryItems\\TreasureChest\\treasurechest.mdl"
                //! i itemModel="Objects\\InventoryItems\\TreasureChest\\treasurechest.mdl"
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__redTint=255
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__greenTint=255
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__blueTint=255
                //! i itemTint={red=255,green=255,blue=255}
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__scale=1.0
                //! i itemScale=1.0
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__goldCost=0
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__lumberCost=0
                //! i itemCost={gold=0,lumber=0}
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__stockMax=0
                //! i itemStockMax=0
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__stockReplenishInterval=0
                //! i itemStockReplenishInterval=0
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__stockStartDelay=0
                //! i itemStockStartDelay=0
                //! i itemPocket=0
                //! i itemIcon=""
                //! i itemHotkey=""
                //! i itemDescription=""
                //! i itemBaseAbility="ANcl"
                //! i itemAbilityData={}
                //! i itemAbilityLevelData={}
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro ItemStruct
            implement ItemStruct
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro EndItem
            private static method ItemStruct__create takes nothing returns thistype
                local thistype this=thistype.create()
                // means the ItemType, not item rawcode, in this case.
                set this.ItemStruct__itemType=thistype.itemType
                call this.onCreate()
                return this
        // Make object data.
        // Dummy item.
        //! i setobjecttype("items")
        //! i createobject("rspd",sysIds[sysIdsUsed].itemType)
        //! i makechange(current,"iabi",dummyItemAbility)
        //! i makechange(current,"iico",itemIcon)
        //! i makechange(current,"ifil",itemModel)
        //! i makechange(current,"iclr",
        //! i makechange(current,"iclg",
        //! i makechange(current,"iclb",
        //! i makechange(current,"isel",1)
        //! i makechange(current,"igol",
        //! i makechange(current,"ilum",itemCost.lumber)
        //! i makechange(current,"iicd",1)
        //! i makechange(current,"isto",itemStockMax)
        //! i makechange(current,"istr",itemStockReplenishInterval)
        //! i makechange(current,"isst",itemStockStartDelay)
        //! i makechange(current,"ides",itemDescription)
        //! i makechange(current,"uhot",itemHotkey)
        //! i makechange(current,"utip","[|cffffcc00"..itemHotkey.."|r] Purchase "..itemName)
        //! i makechange(current,"utub",itemDescription)
        // Use ability.
        //! i setobjecttype("abilities")
        //! i createobject(itemBaseAbility,sysIds[sysIdsUsed].abilityType)
        //! i makechange(current,"aart",itemIcon)
        //! i makechange(current,"aher",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"aite",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"alev",1)
        //! i makechange(current,"ahky",itemHotkey)
        //! i makechange(current,"anam",itemName)
        //! i if itemBaseAbility=="ANcl" then
            //! i pocketOrders[itemPocket]=pocketOrders[itemPocket]+1
            //! i makechange(current,"aord",sysOrders[pocketOrders[itemPocket]])
            //! i makechange(current,"Ncl6",1,sysOrders[pocketOrders[itemPocket]])
            //! i makechange(current,"Ncl5",1,0)
            //! i makechange(current,"Ncl1",1,0)
            //! i makechange(current,"Ncl3",1,1)
        //! i end
        //! i makechange(current,"atp1",1,"[|cffffcc00"..itemHotkey.."|r] "..itemName)
        //! i makechange(current,"aub1",1,itemDescription)
        // TODO: Broken.
        //! for key,value in pairs(itemAbilityData) do
            //! i makechange(current,key,value)
        //! end
        //! for key,value in pairs(itemAbilityLevelData) do
            //! i makechange(current,key,1,value)
        //! end
        // Spellbook
        //! i setobjecttype("abilities")
        //! i createobject("Aspb",sysIds[sysIdsUsed].spellbookType)
        //! i makechange(current,"aart","")
        //! i makechange(current,"aite",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"anam",itemName)
        //! i makechange(current,"ansf","(ItemStruct Spellbook)")
        //! i makechange(current,"aord",LAST_OPENED_ORDER)
        //! i makechange(current,"spb5",1,LAST_OPENED_ORDER)
        //! i makechange(current,"spb4",1,11)
        //! i makechange(current,"spb3",1,0)
        //! i makechange(current,"spb2",1,0)
        //! i makechange(current,"spb1",1,sysIds[sysIdsUsed].abilityType)
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemName takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__name="$VAL$"
        //! i itemName="$VAL$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemPocket takes POCKET
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__pocket=$POCKET$
        //! i itemPocket=$POCKET$
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemIcon takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__icon="$VAL$"
        //! i itemIcon="$VAL$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemHotkey takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__hotkey="$VAL$"
        //! i itemHotkey="$VAL$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemDescription takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__description="$VAL$"
        //! i itemDescription="$VAL$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemModel takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__model="$VAL$"
        //! i itemModel="$VAL$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemTint takes RED, GREEN, BLUE
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__redTint=$RED$
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__greenTint=$GREEN$
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__blueTint=$BLUE$
        //! i itemTint={red=$RED$,green=$GREEN$,blue=$BLUE$}
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemScale takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__scale=$VAL$
        //! i itemScale="$VAL$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemCost takes GOLD, LUMBER
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__goldCost=$GOLD$
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__lumberCost=$LUMBER$
        //! i itemCost={gold=$GOLD$,lumber=$LUMBER$}
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemStockMax takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__stockMax=$VAL$
        //! i itemStockMax=$VAL$
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemStockReplenishInterval takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__stockReplenishInterval=$VAL$
        //! i itemStockReplenishInterval=$VAL$
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemStockStartDelay takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__stockStartDelay=$VAL$
        //! i itemStockStartDelay=$VAL$
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemBaseAbility takes VAL
        //! i itemBaseAbility="$VAL$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemAbilityData takes ATTRIBUTE, VALUE
        //! i itemAbilityData["$ATTRIBUTE$"]="$VALUE$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemAbilityLevelData takes ATTRIBUTE, VALUE
        //! i itemAbilityData["$ATTRIBUTE$"]="$VALUE$"
    //! endtextmacro
    // JASS System
        private hashtable Store=InitHashtable() // stores:
        // item rawcode, 0 --> ItemType
    function ItemStruct__RegisterItemType takes integer rawCode, ItemType itemType returns nothing
        call SaveInteger(Store,rawCode,0,itemType)
    function GetItemItemType takes item i returns ItemType
        return ItemType(GetItemUserData(i))
    // Pockets and ItemTypes
    //private function interface CreateItemTypeXY takes real x, real y returns integer
    //private function interface CreateItemUnit takes unit u
    private struct IdBase
        static integer idMax=0
        implement IdBaseInitModule
        implement OrdersInitModule
        // Autofilled.
        integer ItemStruct__itemType
        integer ItemStruct__spellbookType
        integer ItemStruct__abilityType
        // Filled on init.
        string ItemStruct__name
        string ItemStruct__description
        string ItemStruct__icon
        string ItemStruct__model
    //! textmacro MYSYS__Expose takes TYPE, MEMBER
        method operator $MEMBER$ takes nothing returns $TYPE$
            return this.ItemStruct__$MEMBER$
    //! endtextmacro
    struct Pocket extends IdBase
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("string","name")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("string","description")
        readonly thistype nextPocket=0
        readonly static integer maxPockets=0
        private static thistype lastPocket=0
        static method create takes nothing returns thistype
            set thistype.maxPockets=thistype.maxPockets+1
            set thistype.lastPocket.nextPocket=thistype.allocate()
            set thistype.lastPocket=thistype.lastPocket.nextPocket
            return thistype.lastPocket
        implement PocketInitModule
    private function interface Method takes integer this returns nothing
    private function interface ItemAllocator takes nothing returns Item
    private keyword allocator
    private keyword generateInstance
    struct ItemType extends IdBase
        /*libprivate*/ ItemAllocator allocator
        /*libprivate*/ static method create takes ItemAllocator allocator returns thistype
            local thistype this=thistype.allocate()
            set this.allocator=allocator
            return this
        /*libprivate*/ method generateInstance takes nothing returns Item
            return this.allocator.evaluate()
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("string","name")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("string","description")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","itemType")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","abilityType")
        string ItemStruct__hotkey
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("string","hotkey")
        Pocket ItemStruct__pocket
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("Pocket","pocket")
        integer ItemStruct__redTint=255
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","redTint")
        integer ItemStruct__greenTint=255
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","greenTint")
        integer ItemStruct__blueTint=255
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","blueTint")
        real ItemStruct__scale=1.0
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("real","scale")
        integer ItemStruct__goldCost=0
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","goldCost")
        integer ItemStruct__lumberCost=0
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","lumberCost")
        integer ItemStruct__stockMax=0
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","stockMax")
        integer ItemStruct__stockReplenishInterval=0
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","stockReplenishInterval")
        integer ItemStruct__stockStartDelay=0
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","stockStartDelay")
    /*libprivate*/ module ItemStruct // implemented in all items.
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            call thistype.ItemStruct__init() // default values and stuff
    // ItemStruct
    private keyword itemListNext
    private keyword itemListPrev
    private interface DEFAULTS
        method onCreate takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing // always on x/y.
        method onAcquire takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing
        method onUse takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing
        method onDrop takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing
        /*libprivate*/ DEFAULTS itemListNext // thistype does not compile.
        /*libprivate*/ DEFAULTS itemListPrev // thistype does not compile.
    struct Item extends DEFAULTS
        static method operator [] takes item i returns thistype
            return thistype(GetItemUserData(i))
        Inventory holder=Inventory(0)
        delegate ItemType ItemStruct__itemType
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("ItemType","itemType")
    private function interface ItemFunction takes Item i returns nothing
    struct ItemList extends DEFAULTS // will always exist for each pocket for each unit.
        /*libprivate*/ readonly ItemType itemType
        readonly integer count
        //DEFAULTS itemListNext // thistype does not compile.
        //DEFAULTS itemListPrev // thistype does not compile.
        // links together ItemInstanceLists, items bunched by ItemTypes,
        // forming a PocketList, the ItemTypes that are in a Pocket for a unit.
        /*libprivate*/ readonly thistype next
        /*libprivate*/ readonly thistype prev
        /*libprivate*/ static method createPocketList takes nothing returns thistype
            local thistype this=thistype.allocate()
            set this.prev=this
            return this
        /*libprivate*/ method createItemInstanceList takes Item firstNode returns thistype
            local thistype new=thistype.allocate()
            set new.itemType=firstNode.itemType
            set new.count=1
            // attach to PocketList this.
            set new.prev=this.prev
            set this.prev=new
            // circularly link with item.
            set new.itemListNext=firstNode
            set new.itemListPrev=firstNode
            set firstNode.itemListNext=new
            set firstNode.itemListPrev=new
            return new
        method forEach takes ItemFunction func returns nothing
            local Item curr=Item(this.itemListNext)
                exitwhen curr==this
                call func.evaluate(curr)
                set curr=Item(curr.itemListNext)
        method operator first takes nothing returns Item
            // empty should never exist
            return Item(this.itemListNext)
        method operator last takes nothing returns Item
            // empty should never exist
            return Item(this.itemListPrev)
        /*libprivate*/ method operator append= takes Item whichItem returns nothing
            set this.itemListPrev.itemListNext=whichItem
            set whichItem.itemListPrev=this.itemListPrev
            set this.itemListPrev=whichItem
            set whichItem.itemListNext=this
            set this.count=this.count+1
        /*libprivate*/ method operator remove= takes Item whichItem returns nothing
            set whichItem.itemListPrev.itemListNext=whichItem.itemListNext
            set whichItem.itemListNext.itemListPrev=whichItem.itemListPrev
            set this.count=this.count-1
        /*libprivate*/ method destroyItemInstanceList takes nothing returns nothing
            // assumes the list is empty.
            call this.deallocate()
    struct Inventory extends array
        private static hashtable itemListHash=InitHashtable()
        method getItemList takes ItemType itemType returns ItemList
            return ItemList(LoadInteger(thistype.itemListHash,this,itemType))
        private method setItemList takes ItemType itemType, ItemList itemInstanceList returns nothing
            call SaveInteger(thistype.itemListHash,this,itemType,itemInstanceList)
        private method removeItemList takes ItemType itemType returns nothing
            call RemoveSavedInteger(thistype.itemListHash,this,itemType)
        private static ItemList array pocketListArray // look at my leet hashtable.
        private method getPocketList takes Pocket pocket returns ItemList
            return pocketListArray[this*Pocket.maxPockets+pocket]
        private method setPocketList takes Pocket pocket, ItemList pocketList returns nothing
            set pocketListArray[this*Pocket.maxPockets+pocket]=pocketList
        private static method AIDS_filter takes unit u returns boolean
            return GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,'inv1')>0
        private method AIDS_onCreate takes nothing returns nothing
            local Pocket pocket=Pocket(0)
                set pocket=pocket.nextPocket
                exitwhen pocket==0
                call this.setPocketList(pocket,ItemList.createPocketList())
                call UnitAddItemById(this.unit,pocket.ItemStruct__itemType)
        private method AIDS_onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        //! runtextmacro AIDS()
        /*libprivate*/ method addItem takes Item whichItem returns nothing
            // does not affect the Item's existance, just attaches.
            // assumes the item is in no inventory.
            local ItemList itemInstanceList=this.getItemList(whichItem.itemType)
            if itemInstanceList==0 then
                set itemInstanceList=this.getPocketList(whichItem.itemType.pocket).createItemInstanceList(whichItem)
                call this.setItemList(whichItem.itemType,itemInstanceList)
                set itemInstanceList.append=whichItem
            set whichItem.holder=this
        /*libprivate*/ method removeItem takes Item whichItem returns nothing
            // does not affect the Item's existance, just detaches.
            // assumes the item is in this inventory.
            local ItemList itemInstanceList=this.getItemList(whichItem.itemType)
            set itemInstanceList.remove=whichItem
            if itemInstanceList.count==0 then
                call this.removeItemList(whichItem.itemType)
                call itemInstanceList.destroyItemInstanceList()
            set whichItem.holder=Inventory(0)
    // Event Responses
        private item TriggeringItem
    private function OnAcquire takes nothing returns boolean
        set TriggeringItem=GetManipulatedItem()
        call Inventory[GetManipulatingUnit()].addItem(Item[TriggeringItem])
        call SetWidgetLife(TriggeringItem,0) // safety
        call RemoveItem(TriggeringItem)
        return false
    private function OnSell takes nothing returns boolean
        set TriggeringItem=GetManipulatedItem()
        call SetItemUserData(TriggeringItem,GetItemItemType(TriggeringItem).generateInstance())
        return false
    // Init
    private module InitModule
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            local trigger t
            //! textmacro MYSYS__InitTrigger takes EVENT, FUNCTION
                set t=CreateTrigger()
                call TriggerAddCondition(t,Filter(function $FUNCTION$))
                call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_$EVENT$)
            //! endtextmacro
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__InitTrigger("PICKUP_ITEM","OnAcquire")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__InitTrigger("SELL_ITEM","OnSell")
    struct InitModuleStruct extends array
        implement InitModule

I've used dynamically sized array of circularly linked lists of circularly linked lists of Items. The circularly linked lists of Items are hash-attached to (Inventory, ItemType) as well. The lists of them are to display what's in a pocket. Looks like I'm over the hill. :thup:


Good Idea™
Reaction score
Ok. New issue. People are obviously going to want to write item systems, things like weapons and armor and stuff like that. That means using the onUse, onCreate, onAcquire and onDrop methods. Which means you could only implement one such system... :nuts:

So I came up with this idea:
struct MyItemData extends array
    implement ItemData
    private method onUse takes nothing returns boolean
        call this.item.destroy()
        return false // unusable item, will disappear instead of running the item's onUse method.
    private method onCreate takes nothing returns nothing // should this run before or after the item's onCreate? Theoretically, before, I think.
    endmethod // maybe have preCreate postCreate instead?

The only thing is making items extend an interface. As in, calling a method which is different for each item - can't be done easily. But that should be solvable with a module that stores the method in the struct implementing ItemData. I'll think about it. :thup:

Edit: This whole thing's starting to work: (mostly here for safekeeping, backing it up :p)
library MYSYS requires AIDS
//! externalblock extension=lua ObjectMerger $FILENAME$
    //! runtextmacro MYSYS__StartConfig()

    // System Object Editor IDs.
    //! runtextmacro MYSYS__BeginSysIds()
        // Uses:
        //  - 'Ixx&' for item type.
        //  - 'Axx&' for use ability.
        //  - 'Sxx&' for hider spellbook.
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0a")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0b")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0c")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0d")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0e")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0f")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0g")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0h")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0i")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0j")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0k")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0l")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0m")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0n")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0o")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0p")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0q")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0r")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0s")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0t")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0u")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0v")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0w")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0x")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0y")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0z")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0A")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0B")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0C")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0D")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0E")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0F")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0G")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0H")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0I")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0J")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0K")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0L")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0M")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0N")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0O")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0P")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0Q")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0R")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0S")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0T")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0U")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0V")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0W")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0X")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0Y")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId("0Z")
    //! runtextmacro MYSYS__EndSysIds()
    // System Object Editor Orders.
    //! runtextmacro MYSYS__BeginSysOrders()
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysOrder("earthquake")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysOrder("chainlightning")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysOrder("thunderclap")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysOrder("stormbolt")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__AllowSysOrder("mirrorimage")
    //! runtextmacro MYSYS__EndSysOrders()
    // Pockets
    //! runtextmacro MYSYS__BeginPockets()
        // Something special that relates to pockets.
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__BeginLastOpenedIcon()
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconHotkey("Y")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconX("2")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconY("1")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconIcon("ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNChestOfGold.blp")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconTooltip("Open Inventor|cffffcc00y|r Pocket")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconUbertip("Opens up the last pocket you accessed in your inventory.")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__EndLastOpenedIcon()
        // Pockets.
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Pocket("Pocket1")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__SetPocketName("MyFirstPocket")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__SetPocketDescription("It's a REAL pocket.")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__SetPocketIcon("ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNControlMagic.blp")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__EndPocket()
    //! runtextmacro MYSYS__EndPockets()
    //! runtextmacro MYSYS__EndConfig()
    // SYSTEM AREA (don't touch)
    //! textmacro MYSYS__StartConfig
        // For IdBase struct members.
        //private keyword ...
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__EndConfig
    //! endtextmacro
    // Id Declaration
    //! textmacro MYSYS__BeginSysIds
        private module IdBaseInitModule
            private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
                //! i sysIds={}
                //! i maxSysIds=0
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__EndSysIds
        //! i sysIdsUsed=0
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__AllowSysId takes SYSID
        set thistype.idMax=thistype.idMax+1
        //! i maxSysIds=maxSysIds+1
        set thistype(thistype.idMax).ItemStruct__itemType='I$SYSID$&'
        set thistype(thistype.idMax).ItemStruct__spellbookType='S$SYSID$&'
        set thistype(thistype.idMax).ItemStruct__abilityType='A$SYSID$&'
        //! i sysIds[maxSysIds]={itemType="I$SYSID$&", spellbookType="S$SYSID$&", abilityType="A$SYSID$&"}
    //! endtextmacro
    // Order Declaration
    //! textmacro MYSYS__BeginSysOrders
            private integer array SysOrders
            private integer MaxSysOrders=0
        private module OrdersInitModule
            private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
                //! i sysOrders={}
                //! i maxSysOrders=0
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__EndSysOrders
            private integer SysOrdersUsed=0
        //! i sysOrdersUsed=0
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__AllowSysOrder takes SYSORDER
        set MaxSysOrders=MaxSysOrders+1
        set SysOrders[MaxSysOrders]=OrderId("$SYSORDER$")
        //! i maxSysOrders=maxSysOrders+1
        //! i sysOrders[maxSysOrders]="$SYSORDER$"
    //! endtextmacro
    // Pocket Declaration
    //! textmacro MYSYS__BeginPockets
        // Moved here for accessibility.
        private keyword Store
        private function RegisterPocketType takes integer rawCode, Pocket pocket returns nothing
            call SaveInteger(Store,rawCode,0,pocket)
        private function GetItemPocketType takes integer rawCode returns Pocket
            return Pocket(LoadInteger(Store,rawCode,0))
        private function PocketInit takes nothing returns nothing
            local Pocket this
            //! i setobjecttype("abilities")
            // Dummy ability for pockets.
            // Get id from first pocket's ability id (unused).
            //! i dummyItemAbility=sysIds[sysIdsUsed+1].abilityType
            //! i createobject("AItb",dummyItemAbility)
            //! i makechange(current,"acat","")
            //! i makechange(current,"anam","Dummy Item Ability")
            //! i makechange(current,"ansf","(ItemStruct)")
            //! i makechange(current,"Det1",1,0)
            //! i makechange(current,"aare",1,0)
            //! i makechange(current,"abuf",1,"")
            //! i makechange(current,"acdn",1,0)
            //! i makechange(current,"ahdu",1,0)
            //! i makechange(current,"adur",1,0)
            //! i makechange(current,"atar",1,"")
            // Init
            //! i maxPockets=0
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__EndPockets
        //! i setobjecttype("abilities")
        ////! i createobject("AInv","AInv")
        //! i if maxPockets>=6 then
            //! i makechange("AInv","inv1",1,6)
        //! else
            //TODO: Make this actually work. maxPockets
            //! i makechange("AInv","inv1",1,2)
        //! i end
        // Pocket-orders duplication
        //! i pocketOrders={}
        //! i for tempPocketNum=0,maxPockets do
            //! i pocketOrders[tempPocketNum]=sysOrdersUsed
        //! i end
        private module PocketInitModule
            private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
                call PocketInit()
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__BeginLastOpenedIcon
            private integer LAST_OPENED_ABIL=0
        set LAST_OPENED_ABIL=Pocket(1).ItemStruct__spellbookType
        //! i setobjecttype("abilities")
        //! i lastOpenedPocketAbility=sysIds[sysIdsUsed+1].spellbookType
        //! i createobject("Aspb",lastOpenedPocketAbility)
        //! i makechange(current,"aite",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"anam","Open Inventory Pocket")
        //! i makechange(current,"ansf","(ItemStruct)")
        //! i makechange(current,"spb4",1,11)
        //! i makechange(current,"spb3",1,0)
        //! i makechange(current,"spb2",1,0)
        // Default spell list.
        //! i makechange(current,"spb1",1,"")
        // Order Issues.
            private integer LAST_OPENED_OID
        set SysOrdersUsed=SysOrdersUsed+1
        set LAST_OPENED_OID=SysOrders[SysOrdersUsed]
        //! i sysOrdersUsed=sysOrdersUsed+1
        //! i LAST_OPENED_ORDER=sysOrders[sysOrdersUsed]
        //! i makechange(current,"aord",LAST_OPENED_ORDER)
        //! i makechange(current,"spb5",1,LAST_OPENED_ORDER)
        // Defaults.
            private string LAST_OPENED_HOTKEY="Y"
        //! i makechange(current,"ahky","Y")
        //! i makechange(current,"abpx",2)
        //! i makechange(current,"abpy",1)
        //! i makechange(current,"aart","ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNChestOfGold.blp")
        //! i makechange(current,"atp1",1,"Open Inventor|cffffcc00y|r Pocket")
        //! i makechange(current,"aub1",1,"Opens up the last pocket you accessed in your inventory.")
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconHotkey takes VAL
        set LAST_OPENED_HOTKEY="$VAL$"
        //! i makechange(current,"ahky","$VAL$")
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconX takes VAL
        //! i makechange(current,"abpx",$VAL$)
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconY takes VAL
        //! i makechange(current,"abpy",$VAL$)
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconIcon takes VAL
        //! i makechange(current,"aart","$VAL$")
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconTooltip takes VAL
        //! i makechange(current,"atp1",1,"$VAL$")
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetLastOpenedIconUbertip takes VAL
        //! i makechange(current,"aub1",1,"$VAL$")
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__EndLastOpenedIcon
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__Pocket takes IDENTIFIER
            Pocket $IDENTIFIER$
        set $IDENTIFIER$=Pocket.create()
        set this=$IDENTIFIER$
        call RegisterPocketType(this.ItemStruct__itemType,this)
        //! i sysIdsUsed=sysIdsUsed+1
        //! i maxPockets=maxPockets+1
        //! i $IDENTIFIER$=maxPockets
        //! i pocketIdentifier="$IDENTIFIER$"
        // Defaults.
        //! i pocketName=""
        //! i pocketDescription=""
        //! i pocketIcon=""
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetPocketName takes NAME
        set this.ItemStruct__name="$NAME$"
        //! i pocketName="$NAME$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetPocketDescription takes DESCRIPTION
        set this.ItemStruct__description="$DESCRIPTION$"
        //! i pocketDescription="$DESCRIPTION$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__SetPocketIcon takes ICON
        //! i pocketIcon="$ICON$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro MYSYS__EndPocket
        // Make object data.
        //! i setobjecttype("items")
        //! i createobject("ssil",sysIds[sysIdsUsed].itemType)
        //! i makechange(current,"iabi",dummyItemAbility)
        //! i makechange(current,"idro",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"isel",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"icla","Miscellaneous")
        //! i makechange(current,"igol",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"iicd",1)
        //! i makechange(current,"iprn",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"ilev",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"ipri",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"isto",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"istr",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"ides","")
        //! i makechange(current,"uhot","")
        //! i makechange(current,"utip","")
        //! i makechange(current,"iico",pocketIcon)
        //! i makechange(current,"unam",pocketName)
        //! i makechange(current,"utub",pocketDescription)
    //! endtextmacro
    // Item Declaration
    //! textmacro ItemType takes IDENTIFIER
            ItemType $IDENTIFIER$=0
        struct ItemStruct__$IDENTIFIER$ extends Item
            private static ItemType itemType=0
            //! i itemIdentifier="$IDENTIFIER$"
            private static method ItemStruct__init takes nothing returns nothing
                local integer i=bj_MAX_PLAYERS
                set thistype.itemType=ItemType.create(thistype.ItemStruct__create)
                //! i sysIdsUsed=sysIdsUsed+1
                set $IDENTIFIER$=thistype.itemType
                // Hide spellbook
                    set i=i-1
                    call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Player(i),thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__spellbookType,false)
                    exitwhen i==0
                // Attach ItemType to item rawcode.
                call ItemStruct__RegisterItemType(thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__itemType,thistype.itemType)
                // Attach ItemType to item ability.
                call ItemStruct__RegisterItemType(thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__abilityType,thistype.itemType)
                // Defaults.
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__name="$IDENTIFIER$"
                //! i itemName="$IDENTIFIER$"
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__model="Objects\\InventoryItems\\TreasureChest\\treasurechest.mdl"
                //! i itemModel="Objects\\InventoryItems\\TreasureChest\\treasurechest.mdl"
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__redTint=255
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__greenTint=255
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__blueTint=255
                //! i itemTint={red=255,green=255,blue=255}
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__scale=1.0
                //! i itemScale=1.0
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__goldCost=0
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__lumberCost=0
                //! i itemCost={gold=0,lumber=0}
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__stockMax=0
                //! i itemStockMax=0
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__stockReplenishInterval=0
                //! i itemStockReplenishInterval=0
                set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__stockStartDelay=0
                //! i itemStockStartDelay=0
                //! i itemPocket=0
                //! i itemIcon=""
                //! i itemHotkey=""
                //! i itemDescription=""
                //! i itemBaseAbility="ANcl"
                //! i itemAbilityData={}
                //! i itemAbilityLevelData={}
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro ItemStruct
            implement ItemStruct
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro EndItem
            private static method ItemStruct__create takes item i returns thistype
                local thistype this=thistype.create()
                set this.item=i
                call SetItemUserData(i,this)
                // means the ItemType, not item rawcode, in this case.
                set this.ItemStruct__itemType=thistype.itemType
                call this.onCreate()
                return this
        // Make object data.
        // Dummy item.
        //! i setobjecttype("items")
        //! i createobject("rspd",sysIds[sysIdsUsed].itemType)
        //! i makechange(current,"iabi",dummyItemAbility)
        //! i makechange(current,"iico",itemIcon)
        //! i makechange(current,"ifil",itemModel)
        //! i makechange(current,"isca",itemScale)
        //! i makechange(current,"iclr",
        //! i makechange(current,"iclg",
        //! i makechange(current,"iclb",
        //! i makechange(current,"icid","AIav")
        //! i makechange(current,"igol",
        //! i makechange(current,"ilum",itemCost.lumber)
        //! i makechange(current,"iicd",1)
        //! i makechange(current,"iuse",1)
        //! i makechange(current,"isto",itemStockMax)
        //! i makechange(current,"istr",itemStockReplenishInterval)
        //! i makechange(current,"isst",itemStockStartDelay)
        //! i makechange(current,"ipow",1)
        //! i makechange(current,"ides",itemDescription)
        //! i makechange(current,"uhot",itemHotkey)
        //! i makechange(current,"inam",itemName)
        //! i makechange(current,"utip","[|cffffcc00"..itemHotkey.."|r] Purchase "..itemName)
        //! i makechange(current,"utub",itemDescription)
        //! i setobjecttype("items")
        //! i createobject("dust",sysIds[sysIdsUsed].itemType)
        //! i makechange(current,"iabi",dummyItemAbility)
        //! i makechange(current,"ubpx",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"iico",itemIcon)
        //! i makechange(current,"ifil",itemModel)
        //! i makechange(current,"iclr",
        //! i makechange(current,"iclg",
        //! i makechange(current,"iclb",
        //! i makechange(current,"isel",1)
        //! i makechange(current,"igol",
        //! i makechange(current,"ilum",itemCost.lumber)
        //! i makechange(current,"iicd",1)
        //! i makechange(current,"isto",itemStockMax)
        //! i makechange(current,"istr",itemStockReplenishInterval)
        //! i makechange(current,"isst",itemStockStartDelay)
        //! i makechange(current,"ides",itemDescription)
        //! i makechange(current,"uhot",itemHotkey)
        //! i makechange(current,"utip","[|cffffcc00"..itemHotkey.."|r] Purchase "..itemName)
        //! i makechange(current,"utub",itemDescription)
        // Use ability.
        //! i setobjecttype("abilities")
        //! i createobject(itemBaseAbility,sysIds[sysIdsUsed].abilityType)
        //! i makechange(current,"aart",itemIcon)
        //! i makechange(current,"aher",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"aite",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"alev",1)
        //! i makechange(current,"ahky",itemHotkey)
        //! i makechange(current,"anam",itemName)
        //! i if itemBaseAbility=="ANcl" then
            //! i pocketOrders[itemPocket]=pocketOrders[itemPocket]+1
            //! i makechange(current,"aord",sysOrders[pocketOrders[itemPocket]])
            //! i makechange(current,"Ncl6",1,sysOrders[pocketOrders[itemPocket]])
            //! i makechange(current,"Ncl5",1,0)
            //! i makechange(current,"Ncl1",1,0)
            //! i makechange(current,"Ncl3",1,1)
        //! i end
        //! i makechange(current,"atp1",1,"[|cffffcc00"..itemHotkey.."|r] "..itemName)
        //! i makechange(current,"aub1",1,itemDescription)
        // TODO: Broken.
        //! for key,value in pairs(itemAbilityData) do
            //! i makechange(current,key,value)
        //! end
        //! for key,value in pairs(itemAbilityLevelData) do
            //! i makechange(current,key,1,value)
        //! end
        // Spellbook
        //! i setobjecttype("abilities")
        //! i createobject("Aspb",sysIds[sysIdsUsed].spellbookType)
        //! i makechange(current,"aart","")
        //! i makechange(current,"aite",0)
        //! i makechange(current,"anam",itemName)
        //! i makechange(current,"ansf","(ItemStruct Spellbook)")
        //! i makechange(current,"aord",LAST_OPENED_ORDER)
        //! i makechange(current,"spb5",1,LAST_OPENED_ORDER)
        //! i makechange(current,"spb4",1,11)
        //! i makechange(current,"spb3",1,0)
        //! i makechange(current,"spb2",1,0)
        //! i makechange(current,"spb1",1,sysIds[sysIdsUsed].abilityType)
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemName takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__name="$VAL$"
        //! i itemName="$VAL$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemPocket takes POCKET
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__pocket=$POCKET$
        //! i itemPocket=$POCKET$
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemIcon takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__icon="$VAL$"
        //! i itemIcon="$VAL$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemHotkey takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__hotkey="$VAL$"
        //! i itemHotkey="$VAL$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemDescription takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__description="$VAL$"
        //! i itemDescription="$VAL$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemModel takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__model="$VAL$"
        //! i itemModel="$VAL$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemTint takes RED, GREEN, BLUE
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__redTint=$RED$
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__greenTint=$GREEN$
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__blueTint=$BLUE$
        //! i itemTint={red=$RED$,green=$GREEN$,blue=$BLUE$}
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemScale takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__scale=$VAL$
        //! i itemScale="$VAL$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemCost takes GOLD, LUMBER
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__goldCost=$GOLD$
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__lumberCost=$LUMBER$
        //! i itemCost={gold=$GOLD$,lumber=$LUMBER$}
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemStockMax takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__stockMax=$VAL$
        //! i itemStockMax=$VAL$
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemStockReplenishInterval takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__stockReplenishInterval=$VAL$
        //! i itemStockReplenishInterval=$VAL$
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemStockStartDelay takes VAL
        set thistype.itemType.ItemStruct__stockStartDelay=$VAL$
        //! i itemStockStartDelay=$VAL$
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemBaseAbility takes VAL
        //! i itemBaseAbility="$VAL$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemAbilityData takes ATTRIBUTE, VALUE
        //! i itemAbilityData["$ATTRIBUTE$"]="$VALUE$"
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro SetItemAbilityLevelData takes ATTRIBUTE, VALUE
        //! i itemAbilityData["$ATTRIBUTE$"]="$VALUE$"
    //! endtextmacro
    // JASS System
        private hashtable Store=InitHashtable() // stores:
        // item rawcode, 0 --> ItemType
        // item rawcode, 0 --> Pocket
    function ItemStruct__RegisterItemType takes integer rawCode, ItemType itemType returns nothing
        call SaveInteger(Store,rawCode,0,itemType)
    private function GetItemItemType takes integer rawCode returns ItemType
        return ItemType(LoadInteger(Store,rawCode,0))
    // pocket funcs declared above.
    // Pockets and ItemTypes
    //private function interface CreateItemTypeXY takes real x, real y returns integer
    //private function interface CreateItemUnit takes unit u
    private struct IdBase
        static integer idMax=0
        implement IdBaseInitModule
        implement OrdersInitModule
        // Autofilled.
        integer ItemStruct__itemType
        integer ItemStruct__spellbookType
        integer ItemStruct__abilityType
        // Filled on init.
        string ItemStruct__name
        string ItemStruct__description
        string ItemStruct__icon
        string ItemStruct__model
    //! textmacro MYSYS__Expose takes TYPE, MEMBER
        method operator $MEMBER$ takes nothing returns $TYPE$
            return this.ItemStruct__$MEMBER$
    //! endtextmacro
    struct Pocket extends IdBase
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("string","name")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("string","description")
        private static hashtable hash
        readonly thistype nextPocket=0
        readonly static integer maxPockets=0
        private static thistype lastPocket=0
        static method create takes nothing returns thistype
            // increment maxPockets.
            set thistype.maxPockets=thistype.maxPockets+1
            // maintain pocket linked list.
            set thistype.lastPocket.nextPocket=thistype.allocate()
            set thistype.lastPocket=thistype.lastPocket.nextPocket
            // hash attach pocket to itemtype.
            return thistype.lastPocket
        implement PocketInitModule
    private function interface Method takes integer this returns nothing
    private function interface ItemAllocator takes item i returns Item
    private keyword allocator
    private keyword generateInstance
    struct ItemType extends IdBase
        /*libprivate*/ ItemAllocator allocator
        /*libprivate*/ static method create takes ItemAllocator allocator returns thistype
            local thistype this=thistype.allocate()
            set this.allocator=allocator
            return this
        /*libprivate*/ method generateInstance takes item i returns Item
            return this.allocator.evaluate(i)
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("string","name")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("string","description")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","itemType")
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","abilityType")
        string ItemStruct__hotkey
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("string","hotkey")
        Pocket ItemStruct__pocket
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("Pocket","pocket")
        integer ItemStruct__redTint=255
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","redTint")
        integer ItemStruct__greenTint=255
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","greenTint")
        integer ItemStruct__blueTint=255
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","blueTint")
        real ItemStruct__scale=1.0
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("real","scale")
        integer ItemStruct__goldCost=0
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","goldCost")
        integer ItemStruct__lumberCost=0
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","lumberCost")
        integer ItemStruct__stockMax=0
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","stockMax")
        integer ItemStruct__stockReplenishInterval=0
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","stockReplenishInterval")
        integer ItemStruct__stockStartDelay=0
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("integer","stockStartDelay")
    /*libprivate*/ module ItemStruct // implemented in all items.
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            call thistype.ItemStruct__init() // default values and stuff
    // ItemStruct
    private keyword itemListNext
    private keyword itemListPrev
    private interface DEFAULTS
        method onCreate takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing // always on x/y.
        method onAcquire takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing
        method onUse takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing
        method onDrop takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing
        /*libprivate*/ DEFAULTS itemListNext // thistype does not compile.
        /*libprivate*/ DEFAULTS itemListPrev // thistype does not compile.
    struct Item extends DEFAULTS
        static method operator [] takes item i returns thistype
            return thistype(GetItemUserData(i))
        Inventory holder=Inventory(0) // updated by Inventory only.
        delegate ItemType ItemStruct__itemType
        //! runtextmacro MYSYS__Expose("ItemType","itemType")
        /*libprivate*/ item item
        method setPosition takes real x, real y returns nothing
            if this.holder==0 then
                call SetItemPosition(this.item,x,y)
                call holder.removeItem(this)
                set this.item=CreateItem(this.itemType.ItemStruct__itemType,x,y)
                call SetItemUserData(this.item,this)
        method giveToUnit takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
            if this.holder==0 then
                call RemoveItem(this.item)
                set this.item=null
                call holder.removeItem(this)
            call Inventory[whichUnit].addItem(this)
    function CreateItemXY takes ItemType itemType, real x, real y returns Item
        return itemType.generateInstance(CreateItem(itemType.ItemStruct__itemType,x,y))
    function CreateItemUnit takes ItemType itemType, unit whichUnit returns Item
        local Item i=itemType.generateInstance(CreateItem(itemType.ItemStruct__itemType,GetUnitX(whichUnit),GetUnitY(whichUnit)))
        call UnitAddItem(whichUnit,i.item)
        return i
    private function interface ItemFunction takes Item i returns nothing
    struct ItemList extends DEFAULTS // will always exist for each pocket for each unit.
        /*libprivate*/ readonly ItemType itemType
        readonly integer count
        //DEFAULTS itemListNext // thistype does not compile.
        //DEFAULTS itemListPrev // thistype does not compile.
        // links together ItemInstanceLists, items bunched by ItemTypes,
        // forming a PocketList, the ItemTypes that are in a Pocket for a unit.
        private thistype next
        private thistype prev
        /*libprivate*/ method loadPocketList takes unit u returns nothing
            local thistype
                exitwhen curr==this
                call UnitAddAbility(u,curr.itemType.ItemStruct__spellbookType)
                call UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(u,true,curr.itemType.ItemStruct__spellbookType)
        /*libprivate*/ method unloadPocketList takes unit u returns nothing
            local thistype
                exitwhen curr==this
                call UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(u,false,curr.itemType.ItemStruct__spellbookType)
                call UnitRemoveAbility(u,curr.itemType.ItemStruct__spellbookType)
        /*libprivate*/ static method createPocketList takes nothing returns thistype
            local thistype this=thistype.allocate()
            set this.prev=this
            return this
        /*libprivate*/ method createItemInstanceList takes Item firstNode returns thistype
            local thistype new=thistype.allocate()
            set new.itemType=firstNode.itemType
            set new.count=1
            // attach to PocketList this.
            set new.prev=this.prev
            set this.prev=new
            // circularly link with item.
            set new.itemListNext=firstNode
            set new.itemListPrev=firstNode
            set firstNode.itemListNext=new
            set firstNode.itemListPrev=new
            return new
        method forEach takes ItemFunction func returns nothing
            local Item curr=Item(this.itemListNext)
                exitwhen curr==this
                call func.evaluate(curr)
                set curr=Item(curr.itemListNext)
        method operator first takes nothing returns Item
            // empty should never exist
            return Item(this.itemListNext)
        method operator last takes nothing returns Item
            // empty should never exist
            return Item(this.itemListPrev)
        /*libprivate*/ method operator append= takes Item whichItem returns nothing
            set this.itemListPrev.itemListNext=whichItem
            set whichItem.itemListPrev=this.itemListPrev
            set this.itemListPrev=whichItem
            set whichItem.itemListNext=this
            set this.count=this.count+1
        /*libprivate*/ method operator remove= takes Item whichItem returns nothing
            set whichItem.itemListPrev.itemListNext=whichItem.itemListNext
            set whichItem.itemListNext.itemListPrev=whichItem.itemListPrev
            set this.count=this.count-1
        /*libprivate*/ method destroyItemInstanceList takes nothing returns nothing
            // assumes the list is empty.
            call this.deallocate()
    struct Inventory extends array
        private static hashtable itemListHash=InitHashtable()
        method getItemList takes ItemType itemType returns ItemList
            return ItemList(LoadInteger(thistype.itemListHash,this,itemType))
        private method setItemList takes ItemType itemType, ItemList itemInstanceList returns nothing
            call SaveInteger(thistype.itemListHash,this,itemType,itemInstanceList)
        private method removeItemList takes ItemType itemType returns nothing
            call RemoveSavedInteger(thistype.itemListHash,this,itemType)
        private static ItemList array pocketListArray // look at my leet hashtable.
        private method getPocketList takes Pocket pocket returns ItemList
            return pocketListArray[this*Pocket.maxPockets+pocket]
        private method setPocketList takes Pocket pocket, ItemList pocketList returns nothing
            set pocketListArray[this*Pocket.maxPockets+pocket]=pocketList
        private static method AIDS_filter takes unit u returns boolean
            return GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,'AInv')>0
        private method AIDS_onCreate takes nothing returns nothing
            local Pocket pocket=Pocket(0).nextPocket
            // load first pocket as default.
            set this.currentPocket=pocket // assumes unit has no items, does not update list.
            // add dummy items and create PocketLists.
                exitwhen pocket==0
                call UnitAddItemById(this.unit,pocket.ItemStruct__itemType)
                call this.setPocketList(pocket,ItemList.createPocketList())
                set pocket=pocket.nextPocket
            // add last opened pocket ability.
            call UnitAddAbility(this.unit,LAST_OPENED_ABIL)
            call UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(this.unit,true,LAST_OPENED_ABIL)
        private method AIDS_onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        //! runtextmacro AIDS()
        private Pocket currentPocket
        /*libprivate*/ method setCurrentPocket takes Pocket pocket returns nothing
            call this.getPocketList(this.currentPocket).unloadPocketList(this.unit)
            set this.currentPocket=pocket
            call this.getPocketList(pocket).loadPocketList(this.unit)
        /*libprivate*/ method addItem takes Item whichItem returns nothing
            // does not affect the Item's existance, just attaches.
            // assumes the item is in no inventory.
            local ItemType itemType=whichItem.itemType
            local ItemList itemInstanceList=this.getItemList(itemType)
            if itemInstanceList==0 then
                set itemInstanceList=this.getPocketList(itemType.pocket).createItemInstanceList(whichItem)
                call this.setItemList(itemType,itemInstanceList)
                // If the instance list is created for the current pocket, update display list...
                if itemType.pocket==this.currentPocket then
                    call UnitAddAbility(this.unit,itemType.ItemStruct__spellbookType)
                    call UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(this.unit,true,itemType.ItemStruct__spellbookType)
                set itemInstanceList.append=whichItem
            set whichItem.holder=this
        /*libprivate*/ method removeItem takes Item whichItem returns nothing
            // does not affect the Item's existance, just detaches.
            // assumes the item is in this inventory.
            local ItemType itemType=whichItem.itemType
            local ItemList itemInstanceList=this.getItemList(whichItem.itemType)
            set itemInstanceList.remove=whichItem
            if itemInstanceList.count==0 then
                // If the instance list is destroyed for the current pocket, update display list...
                if itemType.pocket==this.currentPocket then
                    call UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(this.unit,false,itemType.ItemStruct__spellbookType)
                    call UnitRemoveAbility(this.unit,itemType.ItemStruct__spellbookType)
                call this.removeItemList(whichItem.itemType)
                call itemInstanceList.destroyItemInstanceList()
            set whichItem.holder=Inventory(0)
    // Event Responses
        private item TriggeringItem
        private Item TriggeringItemItem
        private Pocket TriggeringPocket
        private ItemType TriggeringItemType
    private function OnAcquire takes nothing returns boolean
        set TriggeringItem=GetManipulatedItem()
        set TriggeringItemItem=Item[TriggeringItem]
        if TriggeringItemItem!=0 then
            call Inventory[GetManipulatingUnit()].addItem(TriggeringItemItem)
            set TriggeringItemItem.item=null
            call TriggeringItemItem.onAcquire()
            call SetWidgetLife(TriggeringItem,0) // safety
            call RemoveItem(TriggeringItem)
        return false
    private function OnSell takes nothing returns boolean
        set TriggeringItem=GetSoldItem()
        // will set to 0 for invalid items.
        call GetItemItemType(GetItemTypeId(TriggeringItem)).generateInstance(TriggeringItem)
        return false
    private function OnUseItem takes nothing returns boolean
        set TriggeringPocket=GetItemPocketType(GetItemTypeId(GetManipulatedItem()))
        if TriggeringPocket!=0 then
            call Inventory[GetManipulatingUnit()].setCurrentPocket(TriggeringPocket)
        return false
    private function OnSpellEffect takes nothing returns boolean
        set TriggeringItemType=GetItemItemType(GetSpellAbilityId())
        if TriggeringItemType!=0 then
            call Inventory[GetTriggerUnit()].getItemList(TriggeringItemType).first.onUse()
        return false
    // Init
    private module InitModule
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            local trigger t
            //! textmacro MYSYS__InitTrigger takes EVENT, FUNCTION
                set t=CreateTrigger()
                call TriggerAddCondition(t,Filter(function $FUNCTION$))
                call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_$EVENT$)
            //! endtextmacro
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__InitTrigger("PICKUP_ITEM","OnAcquire")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__InitTrigger("SELL_ITEM","OnSell")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__InitTrigger("SPELL_EFFECT","OnSpellEffect")
            //! runtextmacro MYSYS__InitTrigger("USE_ITEM","OnUseItem")
    struct InitModuleStruct extends array
        implement InitModule
General chit-chat
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  • Ghan Ghan:
    Still lurking
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am great and it is fantastic to see you my friend!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    If you are new to the site please check out the Recipe and Food Forum
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    How come you're so into recipes lately? Never saw this much interest in this topic in the old days of
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    Hmm, how do I change my signature?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    Signatures can be edit in your account profile. As for the old stuffs, I'm thinking it's because Blizzard is now under Microsoft, and because of Microsoft Xbox going the way it is, it's dreadful.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am not big on the recipes I am just promoting them - I use the site as a practice place promoting stuff
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    @tom_mai78101 I must be blind. If I go on my profile I don't see any area to edit the signature; If I go to account details (settings) I don't see any signature area either.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    You can get there if you click the bell icon (alerts) and choose preferences from the bottom, signature will be in the menu on the left there
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I think I need to split the Sci/Tech news forum into 2 one for Science and one for Tech but I am hating all the moving of posts I would have to do
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What is up Old Mountain Shadow?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Happy Thursday!
  • Varine Varine:
    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Heard Houston got hit pretty bad by storms last night. Hope all is well with TH.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Power back on finally - all is good here no damage
    Happy Friday!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    New recipe is another summer dessert Berry and Peach Cheesecake -

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