System MergeList


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library MergeList
//      MergeList
//  MergeList is an efficient method to order your instances
//  depending on a number each one has assigned.

//  API:
        method insert takes nothing value returns nothing
//      -This method allocates your instance in the struct, you must initialize it's
//      "sort" value before calling Sort
        method delete takes nothing returns nothing
//      -Removes the allocated instance from the list, this completly scrambles
//      the sorting
        method Sort takes nothing returns nothing
//      -Sorts all the instances according to their value, you have to call this
//      manually because it's faster than calling it everytime an instance is
//      allocated
//      -Use this to reffer to instance number <i> on the list of instances.
//      Ex: head<i>.unit
//      -Returns the position of that instance in the list

//  How to use:
//      -Implement ML at the top of you struct

//      -You must have this method somewhere in your struct, it determines wether
//      it orders the instance by the highest number or the lowest
        private static method compare takes thistype v1,thistype v2 returns boolean
            return v1.yourVariable&lt;v2.yourVariable
//      -Use &lt; for lowest and &gt; for highest

    private constant integer ARRAY_SIZE=100
    module ML
        private thistype array node[ARRAY_SIZE]
        private integer size=0
        private thistype head
        readonly integer position
        private method Merge takes integer start,integer split,integer max returns nothing
            local integer k=start
            local integer i=start
            local integer j=split+1
            local thistype array t
                exitwhen (i&gt;split) or (j&gt;max)
                if compare(.node<i>,.node[j]) then
                    set t[k]=.node<i>
                    set i=i+1
                    set t[k]=.node[j]
                    set j=j+1
                set k=k+1
                exitwhen (i&gt;split)
                set t[k]=.node<i>
                set i=i+1
                set k=k+1
                exitwhen (j&gt;max)
                set t[k]=.node[j]
                set j=j+1
                set k=k+1
                exitwhen (k==start)
                set k=k-1
                set thistype(t[k]).position=k
                set .node[k]=t[k]
        method Sort takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer i=1
            local integer j=1
            local integer n=0
                exitwhen (i&gt;.size)
                    set i=i*2
                        exitwhen (n*i&gt;.size)
                        set n=n+1
                        if n*i&lt;=.size then
                            call .Merge(j,(n*i+j)/2,n*i)
                            call .Merge(j,(n*i+j)/2,.size)
                        set j=n*i+1
                    set j=1
                    set n=0
        method delete takes integer whichOne returns nothing
            set .head.node[whichOne]=.head.node[.size]
            set .head.size=.head.size-1
            call .destroy()
        method insert takes nothing returns thistype
            local thistype i=.size+1
            local thistype a=thistype.allocate()
            set a.head=this
            set .size=i
            set .node<i>=a
            return a
        method operator[] takes integer i returns thistype
            return .node<i>
scope TEST
    struct someStruct
        private integer value
        private static method compare takes thistype v1,thistype v2 returns boolean
            return v1.value&lt;v2.value
        implement ML
        private static method AfterWait takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer i=1
            local thistype array head
            local thistype array d
            set head[1]=thistype.create()
            set d[1]=head[1].insert()
            set d[1].value=982
            set d[2]=head[1].insert()
            set d[2].value=594
            set d[3]=head[1].insert()
            set d[3].value=114
            set d[4]=head[1].insert()
            set d[4].value=435
            set d[5]=head[1].insert()
            set d[5].value=84
            set d[6]=head[1].insert()
            set d[6].value=13
            set head[2]=thistype.create()
            set d[1]=head[2].insert()
            set d[1].value=1409
            set d[2]=head[2].insert()
            set d[2].value=7655
            set d[3]=head[2].insert()
            set d[3].value=2450
            set d[4]=head[2].insert()
            set d[4].value=2309
            set d[5]=head[2].insert()
            set d[5].value=1943
            call head[1].Sort()
            call head[2].Sort()
                exitwhen i&gt;6
                call BJDebugMsg(I2S(head[1]<i>.value))
                set i=i+1
            set i=1
                exitwhen i&gt;5
                call BJDebugMsg(I2S(head[2]<i>.value))
                set i=i+1
            //13 - 84 - 114 - 435 - 594 - 982 - 1409 - 1943 - 2309 - 2450 - 7655
        //i add this so the debug mesages show up on the message log
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            call TimerStart(CreateTimer(),0,false,function thistype.AfterWait)

Version 0.02
-Allows multiple lists for the same struct
-No longer requires the struct to extend array
Bad, just use a compare method >.>

Should just have a sort that's a non static method, nothing else.

Should also expect next and prev pointers.
next and prev pointers are as easy as typing
i can add them to the system if needed, and maybe i will.

Don't know what you mean with "non static method sort". You wan't this system to support multiple Lists at the time? maybe later.

The compare method is right there

I just found a huge flaw in the system however, and since i made this based on some merge sort tutorials i found, it's hard to fix it. Here's the flaw:
Since the Merge method combines 2 number sequences A[] and B[] into 1 sequence C[] depending on the order, there's a gap in my method.
Merge A and B by the lowest
1<2 then C[1]=1
3>2 then C[2]=2
3<4 then C[3]=3
5>4 then C[4]=4
5<6 then C[5]=5
7>6 then C[6]=6
7<8 then C[7]=7
8 is left so C[8]=8
That worked out well. Ok what happens if i sort the following array?
1 -- 4 -- 2 -- 6 -- 5 -- 3 -- 7 -- 8
first i split it into 2
1 -- 4 -- 2 -- 6
5 -- 3 -- 7 -- 8
and into 2 again until the array size is 1
1 -- 4
2 -- 6
5 -- 3
7 -- 8
Ok now i proceed to Merge those arrays in the following order
A1[] with A2[] turns into the new A1[]
A3[] with A4[] turns into the new A2[]
A5[] with A6[] turns into the new A3[]
A7[] with A8[] turns into the new A4[]
1 -- 4
2 -- 6
3 -- 5 <== this is the only one that changed because 3 is lower than 5
7 -- 8
Ok merge again in the following order
A1[] with A2[] turns into the new A1[]
A3[] with A4[] turns into the new A2[]
1 -- 2 -- 4 -- 6
3 -- 5 -- 7 -- 8
Finally merge the 2 last arrays and we get
1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 -- 7 -- 8

the issue starts here
If the initial array size is 6 there is an array that remains isolated, and i don't know how to fix it
2 -- 5 -- 4 -- 3 -- 1 -- 6
2 -- 5 -- 4 -- 3
1 -- 6 <== isolated array
2 -- 5
4 -- 3
1 -- 6
Merge once
2 -- 5
3 -- 4
1 -- 6
Merge again
2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5
1 -- 6 <== isolated array
The new A[] is
2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 1 -- 6
If Split it turns into
2 -- 3 -- 4
5 -- 1 -- 6
then merge those 2
2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 1 -- 6
Reason? A2[]'s first number can't be bigger than the second, see how 5 is higher than 1, breaks the whole thing
You 100% didn't seem to get my suggestion : p.

Get rid of your 2 modules and only have 1 that uses a compare method. See my Binary Heap stuff to see what I mean.

The linked list needs to be multi instantiable and there should only be a sort method. It should depend on list module with next/prev pointers that allow writes.

And I shouldn't need to point this out (since you should be removing allocate/deallocate), but your allocation and deallocation suck. You are using an indexed array, which will end up breaking the pointers... if someone points to a node, their pointer can become corrupt (pointing to a different piece of data).

Otherwise nice attempt at merge sort.
If you mean that the compare method is the one that sets the type (real or integer) that can't be done, plus your Binary Heap snippet works only with integers.

My allocation and deallocation sucks because i made impossible for the user to modify nodes (made them private), the only way to access them is through the operator [], if deleted the instance is recycled but the list must be sorted again.

I should remove the allocate and deallocate method? maybe, but that would cause you to manually set the value of that instance for later sorting. It would be impossible to add a safety mechanism to that.

I've never seen a struct that allows more than 1 linked list at the time, is that even necessary?

-Fixed the huge flaw the system had when ordering lists whose size wasn't a multiple of 4
My binary heap doesn't only work with integers... it works with any type and any type of comparison...

jeezes -.-, you really don't get it.

Just use the compare method. The integers are pointers to structs >.<, and those structs can have anything in them. They can also be used as direct integer values (like I did in demo).

Some comparisons are of multiple types.

So yes, compare method can easily set the type... that is easily done >.>. I did it in Binary Heap, so don't tell me it can't be done because I've already done it -.-.

I've never seen a struct that allows more than 1 linked list at the time, is that even necessary?

I use structs with multiple lists all the time... It's rarer for me to use a non instantiable list >.<.
Ok i get the whole "compare method" suggestion, the only problem is that it forces the user to create the compareable variable. As in
struct test
  implement ML
  real someReal
  private static method compare takes thistype v1, thistype v2 returns boolean
    return v1.someReal&gt;v2.someReal

But i guess that won't be a problem (for most people)
I'll start working on the multi instanceable list, but i think it would make almost impossible to use position in list to get to the instances. Ex
call BJDebugMsg(I2S(thistype[3].value)) // this wont be possible anymore, you would have to use or this.prev and i don&#039;t like the idea
I'll start working on the multi instanceable list, but i think it would make almost impossible to use position in list to get to the instances. Ex

That's how it should be, lol.

And that example you provided wouldn't matter because you break it with your indexed array stuff anyways, so using the indexes like that is bad..

And rather than using an index, you'd use a node pointer, so your complain is mute : P, that is unless you meant getting the third item in a list regardless of what it is. In that case, then yea, you'd need to go through the pointers =P.

On another note, I say to use a Linked List module because there are many different things you can have on lists and many different types of sorting... having a different linked list implementation for every type of sorting doesn't really make sense. It makes more sense to have a sort that just uses a list, so all sorts can use 1 list ; P. For that, you'd need a standardized list API.

My idea for that is-

readonly boolean head
readonly List next
readonly List prev

And then a few methods- swap, remove, add, allocate, deallocate

And for sorting, a compare method.

For non instantiable lists, 0 would be used.
In that case, then yea, you'd need to go through the pointers =P.
Yes, that's what i want.

I share this with you nes, this system is incomplete, but right now it's very useful. Merge Sort is really fast and this can be very helpful to people that need to sort instances like AIDS structs or anything that it comes to their head.

I intend to do as you ask, but needs time.
Version 0.02
-Allows multiple lists for the same struct
-No longer requires the struct to extend array
The only thing that bothers me is that the struct can't extend array now, it's because the linked lists are based off a random instance you set, not instance 0. If required i'll upload a module that allows you to implement this in array structs, but won't work with multiple lists.
They can still extend arrays >.>

Also, your algorithm is still bad. You can do this with 1 loop with 2 nested loops, that is your hint. Should also only be 1 method for sorting.

Until you only have 1 outer loop with 2 nested loops and 1 method for sorting, your algorithm will continue to be bad ; P
your algorithm will continue to be bad ; P

damn nestharus a little harsh man :p

if you feel the need to say things like that at least give it 2 ratings, an overall and a gradual improvement rating (if followed from the start) so he knows where hes at as far as the system
As a matter of fact i'm currently trying to learn C++ but i don't have a compiler neither for mac nor PC. It would be great help if you help me with that one
I was using this one in my classes a few months back. It really helped me in my understanding of JASS.
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    Easily done
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    Need to try something
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    Hopefully this won't cause problems.
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  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
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    See how we like that.
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    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
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    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
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    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
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    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example:
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